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TweetLine Premium (Twitter) 1.5.1
Extra features for the Premium version :- Cards UI themes- Multi-account ability to switch between your Twitter accountseasily- Stream API- User lists- Saved search- Dashclock extension- Optional permanent notification which give you a quick access towrite a new tweet and open TweetLine at any moment from thenotification bar- Distinction of your mentions inside your timeline, to see themeasily- No restriction on the column manager, you can add as much columnsas you cant : unlimited- Add a user timeline as column- New tweets indicator- More options to retweet- Led notification management (can choose the color)- Integrated web browser to display tweets links- Tweetlonger integration to tweet with more than 140 caracters andto directly read longer tweets with TweetLineTweetline is a great Twitter client for your Android smartphonesand tablets.It brings you Twitter with all the new Android design guidelines,but compatible since Android 2.1. This is a very completeapplication with an awesome multi-columns UI which permits you topersonnalize your Twitter experience as much as you want.Thanks to the left sliding menu, you can see your profile at anytime and keep an eye on your mentions (for example) at the samemoment. And you can display even more informations on this menu :the profile of other users, your followers and followings, but alsoyour lists, global and local trends, your retweeted tweets, and youcan also make search (for tweets and users) inside it.But you don't just have a menu to make TweetLine your ownapplication : you can add anything you want as a column on itsmulti-columns interface ! You can add your favorites, but also asearch about a subject you want to survey like a TV show, afootball match with your favorite club, or even about a new devicethat you want to buy. Lists are also available as columns, so youcan really use them to select informations you want to read. And ofcourse all the other kinds of informations available onTwitter.The column manager give you the power to add, remove and reorderyour columns exactly as you want. Don't hesitate to get an eye onscreenshots to make your own opinion.Paid version : TweetLine Premium- Jelly Bean notifications for new messages, mentions andtweets- Pull-to-refresh for each column- Register the last tweet you read in the timeline to always findyour tweets as you had left them- Sharing pictures with TwitPic, Yfrog, Lockerz andpic.twitter- The colorbar which allows you to assign a color to a user, acolored bar will appear on his tweets in your timeline- Integration of a url shortener: bit.ly- Preview images in tweets as thumbnails, and can see the imagefull screen by clicking on it (with zoom support)- Configurable action on the support along a tweet- Use SSL to secure your tweets- Android 4.0 themes available : Dark, Light, Light &Dark- Change the text size and color of tweets- Autocompletion on friends name- Display the renewal hour of your API requests- Edition of your profile- Search tweets and users- Mute tweets based on hashtags, an expression or a person- Access to global and local trends- Tablet UI : multi-columns interface- Left sliding menu to display lots of informations : profiles,favorites, retweets, lists, trends, search, followers,followings- Column manager to add, remove, and reorder your columns as youlike it (restriction of the free version : no more than 5columns)- Export/Import your settings- New features that will come in future updates for the paidversion :--> possibility to upload images while you are writing privatemessages (like when you are writing a new tweet)--> planned tweets, to automatically send a tweet at a givenhour--> and many other things ...
CrazyWriters - Cadavre exquis 2.5.1
CrazyWriters est le nouveau jeu fun etmultijoueur qui arrive sur votre smartphone !Le principe est simple : plusieurs joueurs écrivent ensemble uneseule et même phrase. Chaque personne se voit attribuer un morceaude cette phrase et doit l'écrire, sans connaître les mots desautres joueurs. On réunit les mots de chacun des joueurs une foisque tout le monde a terminé et on obtient une phrase sans aucunsens mais toujours drôle !Le jeu est synchronisé avec Google PlayGames et permet de vousmesurer à vos amis dans un classement des meilleurs écrivains, maisaussi de reprendre toutes vos parties sur n'importe quel appareil !Alors devenez vite un CrazyWriter !CrazyWriters est déjà un jeu apprécié par de nombreux joueurs:Jeu coup de coeur de la semaine sur 01net !http://www.01net.com/editorial/627798/phone-apps-65-orange-radio-cuddlr-post-it-plus-crazywriters-video/"Dans CrazyWriters vous n’aurez qu’un seul objectif : fairenaître de votre esprit et de celui de vos compagnons de jeu, laphrase la plus absurde, tordue ou drôle qui soit. Ou les trois enmême temps d’ailleurs.""Le jeu est fun et très prenant sans pour autant être chronophage.[...] Ce genre de jeu est fait pour vous faire passer un excellentmoment plein d’humour et c’est exactement ce qu’il réussit àfaire.""CrazyWriters est une franche réussite [...] que vous devezabsolument tester."http://une-appli-par-jour.com/crazywriters/"Une application idéale pour vous détendre et vous amuser dansla journée, ou lors de vos soirées entre amis."http://www.android-logiciels.fr/crazywriters/"C’est une belle adaptation sur Android de ce célèbre jeu. Deplus, l’appli est belle et ergonomique""Un bon jeu à tester en soirée entre amis, on obtient souvent desphrases bien drôles !"http://applicationsandroidfrance.com/zoom-sur/crazywriters-cadavre-exquis-gratuit/"Doté d’un visuel simple, de menus clairs et d’une intégration àGoogle réussi, avec notamment la possibilité de partager sesmeilleures phrases, CrazyWriters sent l’œuvre pensée de bout enbout.""[CrazyWriters] offre un principe simple, connu, mais revisité àune sauce moderne, grâce à un pas à pas bien foutu."http://www.android-games.fr/test/crazywriters/Page Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/CrazyWritersFRCompte Twitter : @CrazyWritersAppCréditsLes icônes utilisés dans cette application proviennent dehttp://icons8.com/.CrazyWriters is the newfun game and multiplayer happens on your smartphone!The principle is simple: more players write together a singlesentence. Each person is given a piece of that sentence and mustwrite, without knowing the words of other players. The words arecombined for each player once everyone has finished and we get asentence without any sense but still funny!The game is synchronized with Google PlayGames and can measureup with friends in a ranking of the best writers, but also to takeall your games on any device! Then quickly become aCrazyWriter!CrazyWriters is already a game enjoyed by many players:Favorite game of the week on 01net!http://www.01net.com/editorial/627798/phone-apps-65-orange-radio-cuddlr-post-it-plus-crazywriters-video/"In CrazyWriters you only have one goal: to be born of your mindand that of your fellow players, the most absurd sentence that isbent or funny Or all three at the same time elsewhere..""The game is fun and addictive without being time consuming. [...]This kind of game is for you to spend some quality time humorousand that's exactly what he managed to do.""CrazyWriters is a great success [...] that you absolutely musttry."http://une-appli-par-jour.com/crazywriters/"An ideal application for you to relax and have fun during theday or during your evenings with friends."http://www.android-logiciels.fr/crazywriters/"It is a beautiful adaptation of this famous Android game. Inaddition, the app is beautiful and ergonomic""A good game to test in the evening with friends, we often obtainvery funny phrases!"http://applicationsandroidfrance.com/zoom-sur/crazywriters-cadavre-exquis-gratuit/"With a simple visual, clear menus and a successful integrationwith Google, including the ability to share its best phrases, thework feels CrazyWriters thought from beginning to end.""[CrazyWriters] offers a simple principle known, but revisited witha modern sauce through a step damn good."http://www.android-games.fr/test/crazywriters/Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/CrazyWritersFRTwitter account:CrazyWritersAppCreditsThe icons used in this application come fromhttp://icons8.com/.