Gordee Apps

Volunteer App 1.0
This Volunteer App allows volunteers withinthevoluntary youth sector to record and track their volunteeringunderthe following headings:· Organisations· Events· Goals· Achievements· Residentials or Camps· Courses and QualificationsThe App enables volunteers to easily view and generate reportsoftheir volunteering activities and experiences, which can thenbeemailed and printed. It also allows volunteers to keep trackoftheir voluntary hours.
Excuses Generator 1.0
Ever been late? Want to start your walkofshame early? Missed that important family event you 'forgot'about?or missed one of those deadlines?If any of the above has happened to you and you've beenleftstanding there as if someone has just pulled your pants downthennow there is a solution to get ahead.The excuses generator will get you out of everything!Excuses include:'I was tasting the rainbow''I won the lottery so I bought a unicorn''I'm not saying it was aliens... but it was aliens'Okay... we lied... it probably wont get you out of anything..butat least you'll have something to say and should stop youlookinglike an overgrown ferret who has just wet themselvesGood Luck!
The Sunbeam Path (Unreleased)
The Sunbeam Path is beautifully illustratedandfeatures original artwork by another Irish artist, MichaelMurray.This original story introduces the world of the faeries ina verydifferent, digital and delightful way:The Sunbeam Path is a story about a little girl called Nora whoisplaying with her Auntie Rosie when she sees a wisp of lightdancingon the edge of the forest. Nora discovers that these wispsare notthe faeries but a smaller second cousin, the shyer Demifay.Thestory introduces several of these quirky characters and theworldof Faery in a magical engaging way.This is Marion’s first foray into the world ofchildren’sliterature. Marion Rose is a Donegal artist with aparticular lovefor our Celtic heritage.