Good-factory Apps

RiseUp 4
Help our little mouse friend fly to themoonand collect as many cheese's as you can. The world is outofcheese!The only way to have more of this precious meal is to fly tothemoon and collect them!.
Monkeys love Bananas 8
Come and join to an amazing journey through the jungle! The jungleis not only for the strong ones. In the constant battle of gettingbananas the stronger monkeys have always prevailed until now. Nowis the time for the weak ones to finally have a chance. Help ourlittle friend reaching out his precious bananas from the top of thetrees with the help of his ingenious boomerang. You have to be wiseand attentive. Hear the call of the jungle and collect as many foodas you can, with only three shots. Play through different levels,discover new landscapes and so much more! Beware of other monkeys!They will try to prevent you to reach the bananas using hisdifferent techniques and traps. Get into the wild and show everymonkey out there that the bananas are a right and not a privilege!Now the jungle is for the bold and ingenious too! Game on!
The Old Cloud 3.0
Help "Rainbow" a white cloud to rescue "TheoldCloud" from the dark and malevolent clouds that made the worldascary place.Thanks to "The old Cloud" the world was still cheerful,colorfuland full of light. Dark clouds jealous because they cannotgenerate the rainbow and be the ones that brought the worlddarkand damp, abducted "The old Cloud" for the world outforthem.The brave white cloud "Rainbow" will go for "The old Cloud" whowasdefeated in his way.Help "Rainbow" to convert the world back to colorfulandcheerful.
Recursos Humanos Preu PDV 2.3
Mobile application for employees of Preuniversitario Pedro deValdivia
Compass Group 1.1
Compass Group, uno de los principalesasesoresde inversión independientes de América Latina permite a susclientea través de esta aplicación el acceso a información desusseminarios en Latinoamérica, informes de mercado e informacióndela compañía.Compass Group, aleadingindependent investment advisors in Latin America allowsitscustomers through this application access to informationseminarsin Latin America, market reports and companyinformation.
Wali 3.94
The best way to create and share list of movies and tv shows youwant to see
Copa Super Campeones en vivo 3.0
Real-time results and exclusive content on the Super Cup Champions!
Compass Group 3.4
La aplicación de Compass Group permite a sus clientes accederdeforma rápida y eficaz a los distintos informes demercado(comentarios de la mañana, informes diarios y mensuales),realizarun seguimiento mensual de los fondos mutuos y de inversiónqueofrece Compass Group y mantenerse informado de lasactividadesorganizadas por la empresa para sus clientes. Mayorinformación alalcance del cliente Mayor velocidad de despliegueNotificacionespush
Preu PDV 5.3.0
Preu PDV is a free application that provides information to theirstudents.