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The New Age 0.1.3
The New Age newspaper is a nationaldailynewspaper, owned and operated by TNA Media (Pty) Ltd,wasestablished in June 2010. The news website was launchedonSeptember 01, 2010, and the first printed publication was on6December 2010.The New Age covers news from all nine provinces, alongwithnational events, Op-Ed columns, politics, Africa andInternationalnews, sports, business, entertainment, lifestyle,science andtechnology. It is affordable (R3.50), relevant, easy toread and tothe point.The newspaper comes in 24-32 full colour pages printed intheInternational broadsheet format. The paper is printed inthreedifferent locations and distributed by South Africa’sleadingdistributor, reaching all corners of the country.Our goal is to focus on the positive side of news, and we aimforconstructive criticism of our leaders in our newspaper.