Funcheergame Apps

步步仙途 1.4.1
磨礪青鋒歌一曲,扶搖直上九天宮 縱然,枉費苦心經營一生,奈何不敵命運嬉笑不認命,持劍相對。新國風仙俠動作手游巨制,匠心打造國民級仙俠手游!遊戲以唯美國風、仙侶情緣、炫酷戰鬥、萌寵坐騎等玩法為核心,打造一個屬於玩家的仙俠夢。遊戲特色:【青雲飛仙,暢遊指尖】 全新引擎模式,打造出美輪美奐的場景以及超大無縫的地圖。【月下紅妝,神仙眷侶】與仙侶一同完成專屬任務,獲取稀有時裝、靈寵! 【千人千面,美而不同】遊戲為玩家準備了百餘套風格各異、美輪美奐的個性時裝
小小勇士:新世代冒險 1.3.1
【游戏世界观】 在阿斯加德新王交接仪式的那一天 作为新王的雷神因为狂妄和自大 遭到了父亲的驱逐坠入迷雾森林的雷神渐渐清醒过来战甲和神器都不知所终 甚至曾经引以为豪的健硕身躯都... ... ...“现在只有找回曾经的神力,才能摆脱这~~曼妙?的身躯”【游戏特色】 ▶ 复古像素:经典画风 再现经典RPG世界从角色建模到地图场景,经典画风,完美还原记忆中最纯真的像素世界! ▶轻松解谜:脑洞大开攻略趣味谜题沿途看到的物品,得记住顺序;找到木棍,靠钻木取火点燃机关……轻松休闲的地图解谜,为你刺激的冒险之旅增加别样的趣味!▶即时战斗:风骚走位打败史诗BOSS潜入、逃跑、偷袭、正面迎敌……利用小技巧打败BOSS结束战斗!谨记:单打独斗很危险,不要忘了还有小伙伴等待与你一同冒险~
Valheim Clash Mobile 1.6.6
Hordes of demons hover over the Arkadi continent, competing withthe Curia of Light to be the dominant power in the world. Thelatter, as the leader of the forces against Satan, seeminglyrepresenting goodness and integrity, but is actually motivated byits own ambition. The continuous wars among them plunge thecontinent into chaos, resulting in many thousands of refugees. Atthis moment, a new power appears to be emerging, struggling for thelast civilization and glory of the continent. Key features: Widevariety of heroes Collect rare blades and rings to upgrade andevolve your super heroes: Summoner, Warrior or Archer Equip yourheroes with unique Mounts, Swords, Gears, Weapons and WingsLarge-Scale PvP The invading demons, warring factions, and savagewildlife have turned the world into a dangerous place, but not allthreats are external. Amidst the chaos, guilds fiercely clash withone another over land and resources. Will you form alliances anduphold peace, or conquer in the name of eternal glory? Whatever youdecide, you are not alone! Create or join a guild, build GuildFortresses, and become a savior or a conqueror! Energetic world tobe explored The Arkadi continent is so immense that it will taketime to explore. You can visit NPCs to be blessed, challenge morepowerful bosses for hidden treasures, and embark on a brand newjourney by yourself or alongside your friends! And trustworthymounts to keep you company on your adventures. Built for mobileSpecial game engine built from the ground up to maximizeperformance on mobile. Unleash devastating skills and chain massivecombos with optimized Touch controls. Visit our official Facebookpages for the latest news and announcements Curse of Glory:League-zCurse of Glory:League-zz Curse of Glory:League-s Curse ofGlory:League-ss Curse of Glory:League-sss Curse of Glory:League-s