FrokapeHung Apps

Calorie Counter-Healthy Eating 1.0
Calorie Counter - Healthy Eating is themosteasy to use for weight loss.Using the calories table you can define the energy value ofthemost popular food items and cooked foods.As well, you can learn and correct your daily eating.Generallist includes the information on energy, carbohydrates,proteinsand fats content in 100 grams of food. Energy value isexpressed inkilocalories (kcal).Data in table are maximally exact, but you shall remeberthatcooking peculiarities of some food influence the energy valueandcontent of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.Achieve your goals with Calorie Counter - Healthy Eating !
Daily Water Tracker 1.0
To majority of us, we only know that wedrink‘a lot of’ water or ‘a little’ water, we don’t know exactlyhowmuch water we drink, is that quantity suitable for us?This water tracker app reminds you to drink water every dayanddevelop good water drinking habits.We can help with charts and reminders (upgrade) to keepyougoing.Just enter your current weight, and Drinking Water will helpyouto determine how much water your fit body need everyday .Everytime you drank a cup of water, don’t forget to add a cup intheapp. Your next cup will be remained. It’s really yourhelpfulpersonal water nanny.While it is not to say that the more water your drink,thehealthier you will be, too much water will also hurt yourhealth,especially for those who suffer from heart disease,hypertension,nephrosis, edema and so on, drinking a healthy amountof water anddrink water in right time is vital to your water balance, drink, hydration, tracker, waterintake,logger, aqua, goals, liquid, reminder, daily, consumo