Frapomo Apps

Wake Up Alarm 3.1.8
Like us on FB to be notified about our free premiumgiveaways: Wake Up Alarm is anintuitivelydesigned alarm clock application to help you overcomethe struggleof waking up in the morning. Mini-games: In addition tothe usualway for waking the user up in the morning, the app offersa varietyof mini-games, which are designed to help the user to wakeup in acheerful and effective way. Wake up with smile: The listofmini-games offers a wide range of challenges fromclassicallyinspired retro games to solving puzzles like mathproblems andshaking your phone. All challenges are designed to helpyou wake upyour mind and body in a natural way. Not sure which taskto choose?Well, you can choose our random task option to solvedifferent taskevery morning. Prevent yourself from falling back tosleep: Disableor limit the snooze option in the Settings to forceyourself towake up with the first alarm. Combination of disabledsnooze and amini-game will make waking up as efficient as possible.Pick yourfavorite theme color: Personalize the app to match yourstyle bypicking any color you want and setting it up as the mainthemecolor. Start the day with your favorite tunes: You don’t needtoset up only predefined ringtones for your scheduled alarms.Chooseany of the songs from your music library or even a playlistandmake your favorite song be the first thing you hear after youwakeup. Lower the volume while playing: You can choose to lower ormutethe alarm volume after you pick up the phone so that you canenjoyor concentrate on playing the selected mini-game. Maybe youwant tolisten the song until the end? You can turn this option onor offin the Settings. Never forget to set up an alarm again:Thisapplication provides all the options you would expect from analarmclock: setting multiple alarms, repeating alarms every day oronlyon specified days of the week, predefined snooze time for afewadditional minutes of sleep, and much more.Additionalfunctionalities: Besides waking up, you may want to usethe Timerfunctionality which is perfect when cooking. Also,Stopwatch helpsyou measure the time of your runs, training, etc.Availablelanguages: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian,Czech,Slovak, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian