Fortigo Apps

Fortigo Mobile Fleet Driver 3.75
Fortigo Mobile Driver is the ultimate mobileapp for parcel or freight pickup and delivery. You can record itemlevel details at the point of pickup or delivery and captureshipper and recipient signature. In addition you can log freightcondition, send status updates, scan validate freight and muchmore.The app connects to the Fortigo Transportation Management System(Fortigo TMS) for seamless exchange of information and real timevisibility updates.Key features of Fortigo Mobile Driver include:1. Pickup and Delivery2. Real-time shipment status updates3. Item level visibility4. Signature capture5. Bar code scanning6. Pre and Post activity checklistsNote: To use Fortigo Mobile Driver you must be a user of FortigoTMS with the mobility module activated. To request a demo accountcontact us at [email protected]