How much is...? 1.1
"How much is...?" is a new app completelydedicated to children.With this app you can learn all times tables from 1 to 10 andtest your skill with maths questions which include all operation (+- × ÷)Questions are random and you can instantly see if you give thecorrect answer!So what are you waiting for?Let's learn math! :)Tags: mathematics, maths, math, for children, kid, child, kids,chidren, exercises, questions, ask, answer, real time, learn, timestables.
LoveScanner 1.0
Here it is a tool to calculate theaffinitybetween you and your partner! Just a place your finger onthe areaindicated and, once accepted, the footprint will becalculatedaffinity present!!During the tests, many couples are formed and destroyed manyyouare!Make love and not war!Warning: This application is intended for recreationalpurposesonly! The results do not always correspond to reality! Itis youwho formed the torque and keep stable! The technology isnotfoolproof!
Simply Torch 1.0
Simply a pocket torch :)Tags: torcia, tascabile, torch, light, luce, led,dark,darkness
Daily Phrase 1.1
Questa applicazione fornirà, ogni giorno,unafrase, una citazione di persone famose, che hanno fatto lastoria eche la stanno ancora facendo, persone che hanno lasciatounatraccia su questo mondo, dai tempi antichi fino ad oggi..Daily Phrase (la Frase del Giorno) permetterà ad ognunodiacculturarsi, di farsi un bagaglio di frasi e citazioni sucuipoter riflettere e da dire ai propri amici e familiari nellepiùsvariate situazioni che la vita ci pone davanti.Perciò scaricate questa applicazione culturale che permetteràatutti voi di vivere con più serenità, felicità e tranquillitàlagiornata!This applicationwillprovide, every day, a phrase, a quote from famous people whohavemade history and are still doing that, people who have lefttheirmark on this world, from ancient times until today ..Daily Phrase (Phrase of the Day) will allow everyone toacculturate,to be a wealth of phrases and quotations on which toreflect andtell their friends and family in various situationsthat lifepresents us.So downloaded this app cultural that will allow all of you tolivewith more serenity, happiness and peace of mind the day!
TipTap Game 1.0
Fantastic game of reflexes! Challengeyourfriends in a battle to the last fingerprint and prove you'rethebest!
Reactor Game 1.0
Reaction Game is a game based on your responsetime.In this game you have to be fast, very fast!.Have fun with your friend and prove who's the faster.There are three game mode:- 1 Player- 2 Players- 4 Players (Only for 10-inch tablet)HAVE FUN!Tags: reaction game, button, press first, multiplayer, riflessi,reaction time, reactor game
Padre Maronno 1.0
L'inimitabile Padre Maronno e le sue frasipiùepiche da oggi sul vostro smartphone! Scarica l'applicazionePadreMaronno e divertiti ascoltando più di 30 frasi della miglioreserietv targata Maccio Capatonda!Redimetevi e scaricatela!Un utilizzo continuo e prolungato può causare dannialdispositivo (come qualsiasi altra applicazione)! Inoltresuscita(come tutte le altre applicazioni) una forte dipendenza!The inimitableFatherMaronno and his most epic phrases from now on yoursmartphone!Download the application Maronno Father and enjoyedlistening tomore than 30 sentences of the best TV series licenseplate MacciusCapatonda!Redimetevi and download it!A continuous and prolonged use can cause damage to thedevice(like any other application)! Also raises (like allotherapplications) a strong dependence!