FJSoftwares Apps

Battery Left 1.4
The main function of BatteryLeft is to lettheuser know how much battery power time he has left ,and, ifthedevice is charging, how much time the device will take tocharge,the application estimation gets better every time it'salgorithmruns, because it is programmed to learn about the user'saverage ofpower used and after one or two charges/discharges, theestimationwill be almost perfect.The program also keeps the numeric battery percentage inthenotification bar.It also helps the user to manage the battery by telling howisthe health of the battery, voltage and temperature, so if youhaveany problem such as over volting or high temperature,BatteryLeftwill let you know.- Keeps numeric battery percentage under notification bar- Let the user know about the battery health- Let the user know about the battery voltage- Let the user know about the battery temperature- Let the user know how much time of battery power he hasleft- Let the user know how much time the battery will take tofullcharge- Uses dynamic algorithm- The estimations get better every time the program runsthealgorithm to calculate itKeywords: Power, Battery, Estimation, Manage, Juice,Time,Left
Is Site Down? 1.0
"Is Site Down" uses 2 servers indifferentlocations to tell you if a website is online or offline.Sometimes when you try to access a website, you receive anerroror a page saying that this website is offline, not reachableor atimeout, well, sometimes the problem is with your network andjustconnecting to another one would solve it.This app let you judge if a website is really offline or ifthevillain is your network.
Magicas com Cartas 1.3
O aplicativo Mágicas com Cartas ensinaousuário a realizar impressionantes mágicas utilizando apenas deumbaralho normal!Impressione seus amigos, família e namorada(o) comestesdivetidos truques de mágica!A cada atualização novas mágicas serão adicionadas.