EvanTell Apps

Share Gospel 3.0
Why do so many believers hesitate to share thegospel with non-Christians? One of the most common reasons is thatthey don’t know how.The Share Gospel app, created by EvanTell®, equips you to sharethe gospel through your smart phone or tablet. The app uses the“Bad News/Good News” approach which allows you to present the goodnews in a clear and simply way.The Bad News/Good News approach to evangelism is an easy way topresent the gospel. There are four points to remember and fourScripture verses to support them:1) Bad News #1 – We are all sinners. (Romans 3:23)2) Bad News #2 – The penalty for sin is death. (Romans 6:23)3) Good News #1 – Christ died for you. (Romans 5:8)4) Good News #2 – You can be saved through faith in Christ.(Ephesians 2:8-9)This simple approach to evangelism has freed up thousands toshare the Good News of Christ clearly and confidently.Founded in 1973, EvanTell’s mission is to declare the gospelclearly and simply, activate believers around the world, andprepare the upcoming generations to reach the lost. Our goal isthat more and more people hear the good news in more and moreplaces every day.