Dutchview Apps

Ed Controls 7.73
Easy project collaboration
FlexWhere 7.5
Easy workspace management FlexWhere, a Dutchview application, isaconvenient software for hot desking. It is for organisationsthathave adopted or would like to adopt flexible or agile workingattheir offices. Whether fully or partially, FlexWhere helpstomanage that and more. Using FlexWhere, find out quickly andeasilywhich flex spots and meeting rooms are free and whereyourcolleagues are located. The information can be viewed on amobile,display, desktop or laptop. With FlexWhere for Mobile, youcan bookyour workplace or meeting room everywhere, even outsidethecompany. This makes working independent of time and placeefficientand easy.. What’s more, the system provides valuableinformationabout the occupancy rates of buildings, floors and flexplaces, forinstance. This Information provides insight into whichareas areoften crowded or have a low use rate. The facilityservices andoffice design can be set up accordingly. Flexibleworking withFlexWhere Find and book a free desk Find yourcolleagues Find andbook a free meeting room Insight to workplaceoccupancy
FlexWhere Meeting Room Display 2.8
Flex is a convenient system for organizations that work flexibly.Ata glance you can see where a free workplace to find where thatonecolleague is located or where an available conference room.Thesystem is available on a touchscreen desktop, laptop, tabletandsmartphone. In the context of maximizing workplaces and workplaceindependently, many organizations have switched toflexibleworking. With the great advantage that fewer workstationsareneeded. Because nobody has a fixed place of work, it isimportantto give employees the information are in need of.