Doysoft Apps

你知唔知道? - 挑戰香港人的手機問答遊戲 3.25
你知不知道? - 地球人应该来玩的问答游戏 2.0
「你知不知道?」是一个答题游戏,内容相当丰富。游戏内有9关不同的题目等你过关。当中有三种道具可以帮助你过关。最强道具「正确答案」帮你秒杀你不知道的问题。差不多不够时间了!!!!放心有「延时」帮你延长时间。还有「召唤兽」帮你解答难题:最强大脑「爱果撕坦」一位临演员「周晶晶」青龙使者「大宅男」半兽人「休折人」当玩家通过第三关时,挑战模式会开启。而购买道具的金钱也只能在挑战模式中取得。"Do not you know?"The answer is a game, is quite rich.9 off the game have different topics waiting for you to crossthe border.There are three items which can help you cross the border.The strongest props "right answer" to help you spike you do notknow.Almost assured that there is not enough time !!!! "delay" to helpyou extend the time.There are "summon" to help you answer the problem:The strongest brain "Aika tear Tan"A temporary actor "Zhou Jingjing"Dragon messenger "house man"Orc "Hugh off people."When the player through the third pass, the challenge mode willturn on.The money can only buy items made in the challenge mode.