Devii Apps

Batcave for a hero. MCPE map 1.0.1
This is an adventuring Minecraft map basedoncomics about Batman, with video-game about superhero plotapplied.Batman is one of the most famous comics heroes. With thisMCPE gameyou have an especial opportunity to visit the secretheadquartersof famous hero. It’s hidden underground and it’s not soeasy to getthere.At the beginning of this game you will appear somewhere intheforest at the rocky wall. On this wall you will need to findthebutton that opens the cave that leads to the headquarters. A lotofinteresting things are waiting for you there: variousmechanismsthat open different rooms, famous Batmobile and othervehicles,huge wardrobe where you can find black elytra and put iton, alsoBat suit to look like hero, bedroom where you can have arest,weapons and many other things which he used.With this Minecraft map you will fell the real Batman’s lifeandhave a lot of fun! An unforgettable and amazing journey iswaitingfor you on this MCPE map.You will need to install Minecraft Pocket edition on your devicetoplay this map.Disclaimer: This map for MCPE is not developed or supportedbyMojang. Minecraft and Minecraft Pocket Edition are trademarksofMojang AB. The developers of this MCPE map are not affiliatedwithMojang. This application adheres to the terms set up by MojangAB.More info at
Bank Robbery MCPE map 1.0.1
This is an adventuring MCPE map where youwillneed to rob a bank! You are a minecraft professional robber andyoumanaged to sack the most secure banks and museums in theworld.Here is another tricky mission for you… But first you shouldfindand set your partner free from prison, because only he knowsthecode to the main safe.You will need to creep along the ventilation, resolvefewcomplicated puzzles, pass the labyrinth with laser transducersandyou should not touch them or the alarm will start and you willdieof electric shock! After the robbery you will need to runquicklyto the helicopter pad and to steal the helicopter! Be verycarefulbecause there is lot of security in the bank and the prisonwhichwill try to prevent you from getting to your final purpose!Readthe tables attentively, they will help you in solving themostcomplicated tasks. Try to think over or details of yourplanbeforehand so you can complete this mission successfully!You will need to install Minecraft Pocket edition on your devicetoplay this map.Disclaimer: This map for MCPE is not developed or supportedbyMojang. Minecraft and Minecraft Pocket Edition are trademarksofMojang AB. The developers of this MCPE map are not affiliatedwithMojang. This application adheres to the terms set up by MojangAB.More info at
Kitchen Hide-and-Seek MCPE map 1.0.2
This amazing mini-game will help you to playhide-and seek game in Minecraft world! Minimum 2 players arerequired for this game, and there are no maximum players limitshere! One player is seeking, the others are hiding. The maprepresents an unusual kitchen because all the furniture andequipment are of huge sizes! And you will feel yourself a midget!You will find a lot of places for hiding on this MCPE kitchen! Youwill be able to hide in a huge piece of cheese, get inside acupboard, fridge of oven! The player who is going to seek shouldjump on the net at the beginning of MCPE game and wait till he goesthrough it. The net should not be damaged or destroyed. After hepasses it he can start seeking the other players. The ones who havebeen found should report in chat, gather at the start zone and waitfor the beginning of new game. You will definitely have lot of funon this map with your friends!You will need to install Minecraft Pocket edition on your device toplay this map.Disclaimer: This map for MCPE is not developed or supported byMojang. Minecraft and Minecraft Pocket Edition are trademarks ofMojang AB. The developers of this MCPE map are not affiliated withMojang. This application adheres to the terms set up by Mojang AB.More info at
Survival Village MCPE map 1.0.2
This MCPE map represents a huge village whereyou will need to survive. It’s situated at the end of the forestnear the mountains and the river. There is everything needed forsurvival there, a lot of houses, a huge church and many otherconstructions. Your house is located on a hill from which you cansee all village suburbs. You will be able to find many hidingplaces in this village, farms and gardens. The map is designed in acountry style that reminds the most of current villages. Your taskin this Minecraft mission is to find the portal that leads to hell!For this you will need to explore the village carefully andespecially – your house! The portal is located in the mostexpectable place! Do you want to see what the hell looks like? Thedaemons and hell inhabitants are waiting for you there!You will need to install Minecraft Pocket edition on your device toplay this map.Disclaimer: This map for MCPE is not developed or supported byMojang. Minecraft and Minecraft Pocket Edition are trademarks ofMojang AB. The developers of this MCPE map are not affiliated withMojang. This application adheres to the terms set up by Mojang AB.More info at
Lever Locator MCPE map 1.0.1
This is a mini-game where you will havetoapply your survival skills in Minecraft world! You will needtopass 10 different levels with all sorts of challenges. Thereisalso a secret entrance to the bonus room on this MCPE map. A lotofdangerous parkour is waiting for you, huge labyrinths and a lotofother interesting stuff! The aim of each level is to find theleverthat will lead you to the next level. On one of the levels onthisMCPE map you will find a chest and sunflower in it; if you putitinto a hole in the room’s corner – you will be able to get ahintthat will help you to arrange your route properly. Each nextroomis bigger than previous, that’s why the map becomes more andmorecomplicated with each level! Be very attentive, because theleversare hidden in the most noteless places.You will need to install Minecraft Pocket edition on your devicetoplay this map.Disclaimer: This map for MCPE is not developed or supportedbyMojang. Minecraft and Minecraft Pocket Edition are trademarksofMojang AB. The developers of this MCPE map are not affiliatedwithMojang. This application adheres to the terms set up by MojangAB.More info at
Cowboys vs Indians MCPE map 1.0.1
This is a mini-game MCPE map where youwillhave to compete with your friends on a huge arena! The numberofplayer is from 2 to 10. So you would prefer to play for IndiansorCowboys? On this map you will be able to use two sets thatcontaindifferent types of weapons like: cowboy knife (iron sword),gun(snowballs), hatchet (stone axe) and bow with 30 arrows! Alsoyouwill be able to find a very rare weapon – pistol, flipperandcannon. Also different closes and magic potion willbecomeavailable for you.At the beginning of this Minecraft game you will need to choosetheteam. Then you will be divided into 2 teams and will need tostepon the black start line. The aim of each team is to wintheopposite one. If you were killed, you will not be able to enterthearena again till the competition is completed and one of theteamswins. You were dreaming of trying yourself as the cowboy orIndian?Then this map is definitely for you! You will have a greattimewith your friends when passing this mission!You will need to install Minecraft Pocket edition on your devicetoplay this map.Disclaimer: This map for MCPE is not developed or supportedbyMojang. Minecraft and Minecraft Pocket Edition are trademarksofMojang AB. The developers of this MCPE map are not affiliatedwithMojang. This application adheres to the terms set up by MojangAB.More info at
Easy Kids SkyBlock. MCPE map 1.0.1
This is MCPE map that allows you to playin“SkeBlock” game mode. Unlike the regular game mode where youneedto get resources, build houses and craft stuff, the main pointofthis game is to build the bridges between the islands and gettothe last one of them. At the beginning of this game you appearonone of the islands high in the air. You are going to buildthebridges from one island to another and this way get to the lastonewhich consists of diamonds! You will be given the minimumresourcesfor building on this Minecraft map, that’s why you willneed to bevery practical in using them. As soon as you get to thenext islandyou will be able to find another portion of resources tobuild thenext bridge. With every new island you will be gettingmore andmore resources. Demonstrate your building skills and logicsto getto the diamond island in this MCPE game!You will need to install Minecraft Pocket edition on your devicetoplay this map.Disclaimer: This map for MCPE is not developed or supportedbyMojang. Minecraft and Minecraft Pocket Edition are trademarksofMojang AB. The developers of this MCPE map are not affiliatedwithMojang. This application adheres to the terms set up by MojangAB.More info at
Winter Damage MCPE map 1.0.1
This is another mini-game of MCPE world.Nowyou have an opportunity to compete with your friends. Your aimonthis Minecraft map is to destroy the snow blocks underyourcompetitors’ feet and they destroy yours in their turn. 6snowfloors (levels) are waiting for you. The complexity is growingfromlevel to level, so you will have to work really hard! BeforetheMCPE game starts everyone gets a shovel then all playersgetteleported to arena. Be really careful, as soon as you can’tfeelthe snow block under your feet – you will die! Also pleaserememberthat you are not allowed to hit your friends withsnowballs! Youwill definitely have lot of fun on this MCPE map withyourfriends!You will need to install Minecraft Pocket edition on your devicetoplay this map.Disclaimer: This map for MCPE is not developed or supportedbyMojang. Minecraft and Minecraft Pocket Edition are trademarksofMojang AB. The developers of this MCPE map are not affiliatedwithMojang. This application adheres to the terms set up by MojangAB.More info at
Who's Your Daddy MCPE map 1.0.0
This is a role-playing mini-game wheretwoplayers are required. One player will perform the role of achildwho keeps getting to very dangerous places and appears indeathfulsituations. The other player will be a daddy who will needto watchthe baby and don’t let him get into a trouble. ThisMinecraft maprepresents a huge house with a lot of dangerous traps!High sharpstairs, vanes, wall outlets, batteries and toxicrat-poison orcockroach-poison can do a huge harm to the baby oreven kill him!The aim of the child is to try hard and kill himself!And the aimof daddy is to be always nearby and don’t let him hurthimself! Youcan set the timer at the beginning of this MCPE game –during thistime the baby will be trying to kill himself and thefather shoulddo everything possible to prevent him from doing that.If after thetime runs out the baby stays alive – it means you are agood daddyand was able to keep your child out of danger. This isunbelievablyfunny MCPE game that will help you to have a great timewith yourfriends!You will need to install Minecraft Pocket edition on your devicetoplay this map.Disclaimer: This map for MCPE is not developed or supportedbyMojang. Minecraft and Minecraft Pocket Edition are trademarksofMojang AB. The developers of this MCPE map are not affiliatedwithMojang. This application adheres to the terms set up by MojangAB.More info at
TNT Wars MCPE map 1.0.0
This is an exciting MCPE mini-gamewhichrepresents two islands divided with a high wall. Two playersarerequired for this game, but the more – the better! You willcompetewith your friends on TNT war! At the beginning of this gameyouwill be divided into two teams, then you will be teleported totheplace indicated on the tables at a start. Your task is todestroyall buildings of your enemy and knock down all the team fromaplatform they stand on. For this you will have to build TNTcannonson your island, then destroy the wall that separates 2teams. TNTcannon will be the main weapon in this game, so youshould makesure you know how to build it. TNT Cannon MCPE map willhelp you inthis as the most advanced cannon is built there. Thistype ofcannon is irreplaceable on the war because it allows you toshootin 8 different directions and can save you from any enemy!Beforethe shoots don’t forget to charge it with ammunition. TNTWarsMinecraft map is a very exciting map where the team play isveryimportant and will definitely lead you to triumph!You will need to install Minecraft Pocket edition on your devicetoplay this map.Disclaimer: This map for MCPE is not developed or supportedbyMojang. Minecraft and Minecraft Pocket Edition are trademarksofMojang AB. The developers of this MCPE map are not affiliatedwithMojang. This application adheres to the terms set up by MojangAB.More info at
Greenvilgecity MCPE map 1.0.0
This is MCPE map that represents a hugemodernbut very unusual city. If you like metropolises, big citiesandmodern architecture then you will definitely like this map!Youwill see many modern buildings in this Minecraft city:skyscrapers,swimming pools, stadiums, stores, hospitals, buildingareas, farmsand factories. There is also a big sea port with thebridges nearthe city. But what makes it look unusual? In spite ofdevelopedinfrastructure there is no a single car in the city! Theonly onemode of transport is a railway. There are many parks in thecity,next to each building there are trees. The city combines thenatureand civilization beauty, that’s why it can be calledpollution-freemetropolis. The MCPE map can be used as a mini gameor in multipleplayer mode.You will need to install Minecraft Pocket edition on your devicetoplay this map.Disclaimer: This map for MCPE is not developed or supportedbyMojang. Minecraft and Minecraft Pocket Edition are trademarksofMojang AB. The developers of this MCPE map are not affiliatedwithMojang. This application adheres to the terms set up by MojangAB.More info at
Find the Exit MCPE map 1.0.0
This is MCPE mini-game where you will havetopass a long line of obstacles! The map represents a huge complexofthe most various challenges. The challenges withinterestingpuzzles are waiting for you, also different guessinggames, hugecomplicated labyrinth that has only one exit, dangerousparkourunder lava and fighting with a huge number of zombies! Youraim isto find and open the door that will lead you to the nextlevel.Only after you pass the level successfully the door to thenextlevel will open! Before passing each level read the notes onthetables attentively, they will prompt you how to play! To makethisMCPE mission more interesting you can choose the leveldifficultyat the beginning. The map will be good for true puzzlesand logicalriddles fans, at the end of mission you will have achance to takea quiz and answer the questions about Minecraft game!You will needabout 60 minutes to pass this map.You will need to install Minecraft Pocket edition on your devicetoplay this map.Disclaimer: This map for MCPE is not developed or supportedbyMojang. Minecraft and Minecraft Pocket Edition are trademarksofMojang AB. The developers of this MCPE map are not affiliatedwithMojang. This application adheres to the terms set up by MojangAB.More info at
Parkour #1 MCPE map 1.0.0
This is MCPE mini-game where you will havetopass a complicated parkour obstacles line! If you are arealparkour fan, then you will definitely like this Minecraft map!theobstacles line consists of 5 big locations which are decoratedindifferent styles. On the first location you will need topassparkour challenge in jungles, on the second one – on SantaClausefactory, and on the third one – inside the volcano! The aimof thisMCPE game is very easy – you need to jump from one block toanotherin such a way that you can get to the end of level very fastandnot fall down. That’s why at the beginning of a challengeyoushould learn the environment and plan your jump lineverycarefully. You will need about 25 minutes to pass this map.Thismap allows you wo compete with your friends and find out whowillpass the levels faster! Who is a real parkour specialist?You will need to install Minecraft Pocket edition on your devicetoplay this map.Disclaimer: This map for MCPE is not developed or supportedbyMojang. Minecraft and Minecraft Pocket Edition are trademarksofMojang AB. The developers of this MCPE map are not affiliatedwithMojang. This application adheres to the terms set up by MojangAB.More info at
Caves of Chaos MCPE map 1.0.0
This is an adventuring MCPE map where youaregoing to be a hero and will need to make sense of chaos thatishappening! You are playing in a role of brave warrior whoistravelling the world and helps everyone who got into a trouble.Oneday you came into a small village and decided to stay for anight.But the village looked very strange and uninhabited… Youmanaged tofind a single old man who told you a scary and mysteriousstory. Amonth ago people and animals started to disappear in amysteriousway. Your task is to save the citizens and animals andfind out whois a kidnapper and kill him. Read attentively all thenotes on thetables while passing this Minecraft mission, they willprompt youyour way. Be careful, to save the village you will needto go downthe cave and resolve various puzzles there, zombies andmonstersare waiting for you there! Help the citizens and confirmyour herotitle! You will need 15 minutes to pass this MCPEmap.You will need to install Minecraft Pocket edition on your devicetoplay this map.Disclaimer: This map for MCPE is not developed or supportedbyMojang. Minecraft and Minecraft Pocket Edition are trademarksofMojang AB. The developers of this MCPE map are not affiliatedwithMojang. This application adheres to the terms set up by MojangAB.More info at
Tic-Tac-Toe MCPE map 1.0.0
This is an amazing MCPE mini-game thatwillgive you an opportunity to play famous criss-cross game! 2playersare required for this game. The first one will put oughtsand theother one – crosses. You will be able to put oughts andcrosseswith the help of Redstone device with levers. Each playerhas theirown wall with 9 levers, each lever corresponds the cell ontheboard. You will move the levers in turns and fill in the hugeboardwith 9 cells. The aim of this MCPE game is to win by placingyour 3signs in one row – vertically, horizontally or diagonally.The gamestops when there are no empty cells on the board. At theend of thegame somebody may win or it can end with a draw. Try topredict thecompetitor’s course! Owing to this map you have a greatchance toplay your favorite criss-cross game in Minecraft!You will need to install Minecraft Pocket edition on your devicetoplay this map.Disclaimer: This map for MCPE is not developed or supportedbyMojang. Minecraft and Minecraft Pocket Edition are trademarksofMojang AB. The developers of this MCPE map are not affiliatedwithMojang. This application adheres to the terms set up by MojangAB.More info at
Advent Calendar 2018. MCPE map 1.0.0
This is a very interesting New Yearmini-gamefor MCPE where you will need to get to New Year! You willhave topass all 12 months of a year to come to the next year! Themainpoint of this MCPE game is to pass 12 levels, for this youwillneed to open all the doors that lead to the next level. Oneachlevel numerous mini-games will be waiting for you! You willneed toresolve the puzzles with Redstone mechanism, pass throughdangerousparkour, complicated labyrinth and even play mini-golf!During thewhole year you can open new door each day and this waycount thedays left to this holiday. Or you can complete the wholegame atonce! All levels are very beautiful and decorated in NewYear stylewhich creates the holiday atmosphere! This is one of thebest NewYear maps for Minecraft game.You will need to install Minecraft Pocket edition on your devicetoplay this map.Disclaimer: This map for MCPE is not developed or supportedbyMojang. Minecraft and Minecraft Pocket Edition are trademarksofMojang AB. The developers of this MCPE map are not affiliatedwithMojang. This application adheres to the terms set up by MojangAB.More info at
Transforming Room MCPE map 1.0.0
This is MCPE map where you will have agreatchance to visit and unusual room that can transform to acompletelydifferent one! At the beginning of the map you need toget insidethe room that looks like garage. After looking around fora whileyou will be able to find a big button on golden block. Hiton itand you will see how the garage is being transformed into aroomwith a huge library and fireplace in just 20 seconds! Owing tothismap you will be able to create similar mechanisms inMinecraftworld, that’s why your house will be impossible to find asyou willbe able to hide it underground with just hitting onebutton! Do youwant to find out how this works and learn how tocreate suchmechanisms?You will need to install Minecraft Pocket edition on your devicetoplay this map.Disclaimer: This map for MCPE is not developed or supportedbyMojang. Minecraft and Minecraft Pocket Edition are trademarksofMojang AB. The developers of this MCPE map are not affiliatedwithMojang. This application adheres to the terms set up by MojangAB.More info at