Demortes Apps

EVE Blog Pack 1.17
EVE Blog Pack is an application to readtheblogs marked by the same name. The EVE Blog Pack is a collectionofblogs focused on the EVE universe, an MMO based in afuturisticworld where 4 races are competing for power in highsecurity buttruly allows you to be on your own. The sandbox hasspawned manyblogs about a variety of topics and this app will allowyou to readthe complete list of blogs from your mobiledevice.
Simple Guess 1.0
This is a simple guessing game. This is heretoteach me how to use the native coding for the Androiddevelopment,but I thought I'd publish in case anyone wanted to gettheidea.
BLUBoT (Not for Consoles) 1.08
A Bluetooth remote for the CEENBoT educational robot.