Cyb0rk Apps

CyLight - Flashlight 1.4.2
Get the most efficient flashlight in the wholePlay Store!Without bric-a-brac: Lights on, without waste of systemressources.Fast. Slim. Efficient. That's CyLight!FAQI've found an error / have a feature request, how to reportit?Write me an email. Don't write bugreports or feature requests inthe rating section.Which permissions are used by the app?* CameraWe turn on the camera flashlight, so we need to access your camera.Don't worry, we don't take any pictures with it.* Access Network State* Internet* BillingWe need these three permissions to check if you have bought theadfree version of CyLight and to display the ads if not.
WildStar Patchserver Status 1.2.6
Use this app to check if theWildStarpatchservers are available.