
CornerShop - Beta 1.01
CornerShop aims to revolutionize the way webuy everyday goods and services. We're currently only in Bangalore,however you can add stores in your city and be the change. The app,available for download either from the Google Play Store, or fromour website, allows you to search for nearbysmall-time vendors selling everyday items ranging from fruits andvegetables, to electrical supplies, as well as contact thesevendors and place orders with them, opting for either home-deliveryor pick-up.We aim to not only make life easier for CornerShop users byeliminating the need for you to leave the house to purchaseeveryday items, but to also help boost the business of thesesmall-scale stores who are being slowly driven out of business bylarge-scale supermarkets.We hope that by giving these so-far unlisted vendors an onlinepresence, people with a social conscience will be able to helpthese members of their own community, by both listing them on theapp as well as by ordering regularly from them.So, take the plunge and create a CornerShop account, and notonly never have to leave your house again to purchase your dailygoods, but also help your local community!