Comex Apps

Comex VD ColorLife 1.0.9
Your world in color!Take a photograph, use an image or graphic that containsyourpreferred colors and ColorLife Idea will instantly tell youthecolors that belong to the color charts of ColorLife fromComex.• With a click select the color that you are looking for.• Choose the Analyze option and it will perform a search inthewhole image to indicate the entire color pallet in your imagetoyou.• Obtain the name and code of the ColorLife color from Comexthatcorrespond to your project.• Share your combinations and favorite colors in Facebook.• Save your images in the photo gallery.• Send them through e-mail.• Compatible with iPhone, iPad, iPod touch.From ColorLife Idea, you can also enter other tools thatmakeyour project even richer such as:• ColorLife VD, the virtual decorator from Comex, that helpsyoufind the perfect combination, experiment and visualizedifferentspaces with the color of your choosing. Take a photographandexperiment multiple combinations, just before painting!• ColorChoice allows you to experiment with environmentswithdifferent styles, calculate how much material you need foryourproject and search your favorite colors.• StoreLocator will indicate to you which is the Comex storeclosestto you, doing a search through your location via GPS.Browse them and get the most out of them
Calculadora Plaka 1.0
En Plaka queremos compartirte nuestrapasiónpor crear ambientes para todos los estilos de vida, a travésdesoluciones innovadoras.Estamos seguros que con esta calculadora, podrás tener unamejorejecución de tus proyectos y ahorros significativos, sinsacrificarla calidad que nos caracterizaIn Plaka want to shareyouour passion for creating environments for all lifestylesthroughinnovative solutions.We are confident that with this calculator, you'll have abetterexecution of your projects and significant savingswithoutsacrificing quality we
Conexión Móvil 1.1.1
Aplicación de comunicación de Comex.Comexcommunicationapplication.
Sensaciones Comex 1.0.11
Revista COMEX Sensaciones, es una guíacompletadonde podrás encontrar artículos para mejorar cada área detu casa.Descubrirás productos COMEX que te ayudarán con estaslabores parahacer de estas actividades una gran experiencia.Requerimientos Mínimos* Tableta Android con API de nivel 10 o sistemaoperativoposterior a 2.3.3, con 512 MB de RAM o superior.* Pantalla de 7 pulgadas o superior, y resolución de pantallade1024x600 o superior.* La revista no es compatibles con teléfonos.COMEX SensationsMagazine,is a complete guide where you can find items to improveevery areaof ​​your home. You will discover COMEX products thatwill help withthese efforts to make these activities a greatexperience.Minimum Requirements* Android Tablet with API level 10 or later to 2.3.3operatingsystem with 512 MB of RAM or higher.* 7-inch screen or higher, and screen resolution of 1024x600orhigher.* The journal is not compatible with phones.
Comex Virtual 1.2
Virtual es la aplicación de RealidadAumentadacon la que podrás visualizar contenidos enriquecidos sobrenuestrascampañas, promociones e información de utilidad denuestrosproductos.Sólo apunta directo a la imagen, poster o producto conlaaplicación, para que puedas vivir la experiencia virtual deComex.Comparte con tus contactos la experiencia e invítalos adescargarla App.Virtual is theAugmentedReality application which allows you to display richcontent on ourcampaigns, promotions and useful information of ourproducts.Only points directly to the image, poster or product withtheapplication, so you can experience the virtual experience Comex.Share the experience with your contacts and invite themtodownload the App.