Collctiv Apps

Collctiv - Collect money instantly 1.7.1
Organise your friends like a boss - never again be left outofpocket for your group! When you’re the one who puts in all thehardwork of planning everyone’s social life, why should you have tobeleft holding the bill? Collctiv is the quickest and easiest waytopool money with your friends. Planning the hen or stag party ofalifetime? Are you the one who sorts out the weeklysportyget-together? Need to get money from everyone to be able tobookthose tickets? Why should you have to pay out for the groupandthen spend the rest of your life chasing people for themoneyback?? It may just be the odd tenner here or there to yourfriends(yes, Dave, I’m talking to you), but when everyone fromevery areaof your life owes you a tenner, you’re out by a fewhundred quid.And we are not ok with that. Sign up for free, createa money pooland begin collecting money from your mates in less than60 seconds.MONEY POOLS FOR EVERYTHING It’s a truth universallyacknowledgedthat every group of friends is in want of an Organiser…Quotes from300-year-old books aside, you know you’re an Organiserwhen youfind yourself volunteering to research destinations forthat groupholiday (even though no-one asked), or when you’vealready got 4amazing ideas for your Dad’s birthday present (whichisn’t foranother 9 months). The good news is, Collctiv can be usedtocollect money upfront from any group of people, for anygroupbooking or purchase. So you can relax and get back toyourspreadsheets in peace, knowing the money’s taken care of.KNOWWHO’S IN There’s nothing more infuriating than trying to planorbook something for your group, and having 20,000 back and forthsinWhatsApp just to determine who’s actually chipping in to themoneypool. Get your mates to put their money where their mouths are-it’s so easy to pay, they’ve got no excuse. And becauseeveryonecan leave a little message on their payment, wave goodbyetoconfusion over whether Bob really did pay for Janice or not.(Hedid, if you’re wondering.) REAL-TIME KITTY* Need to collect foranongoing group activity like a sports team? You’ll loveourreal-time balance updates as people pay into your money pool,andas you withdraw. Easily see how much is in the pot, how muchyou’veever collected, and a list of all the transactions.*Disclaimer:actual live kitties not included. EXCLUSIVE OFFERS!Listen, wethink if you’ve gone to all the trouble of organisingsomething foryour (often unappreciative and ungrateful) group offriends, youshould be rewarded! We’ve canvassed the world tocollect specialoffers for Collctiv Organisers. Find the best offerfor whateveryou’re collecting for right in the app. You’re welcome.PAYMENTLINKS AND QR CODES We know there’s always (at least) oneperson(Dave) in your group of friends who never pays up oralwayspromises to pay you in pints. Well, Dave just about owes youabrewery by now, so stop letting him get away with it! We’ve madeitbeyond easy for Dave to pay upfront, so he really has noexcuse.When you create a money pool, it autogenerates a uniquepaymentlink that you can share straight into WhatsApp or text orwherever.All Dave has to do is tap and pay - no app download, noaccount setup, no banking, no excuse. And if Dave turns up to thatgig youpaid for apologising that he forgot, your money pool alsohas aunique QR code - all Dave has to do is scan it and pay youthereand then. Sorry, Dave! The game’s up. Collctiv uses bank-levelSSLencryption to protect your data and payments. We use 3D secureonall payments to protect yourself and your friends.