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Da li ste genije - IQ TEST 1.0
Da li ste genije - IQ TESTProbajte ovaj test i saznajte koji je vaš nivointeligencije!Moraš shvatiti šta znače slova. Pogledaj primer pod rednimbrojem 0.Ukoliko tačno rešiš 19 ili više pitanja ti si "genije".Samo dva čoveka uspela su rešiti tačno celi test.Sama reč inteligencija dolazi nam od latinske reči INTELIGEREšto znači razumeti. A sama inteligencija se definiše kao sposobnostneke osobe u rešavanju različitih problema, u snalaženju u raznimsituacijama, sposobnost apstraktnog razmišljanja, kao i sposobnostlakog i brzog učenja.Da bi se izmerila inteligencija neke osobe, koriste sespecijalizovani testovi inteligencije koji su prilagođeni uzrastutestirane osobe ili grupe ljudi. Rezultat testa naziva se KOLIČNIKINTELIGENCIJE ili IQ, što je skraćenica od InteligentiaeQuotient.
Make Cool Stuff 1.0
Do-it-yourself projects and otherhand-makeables.This are picture tutorials that show you how to organize,entertain, and decorate with style, without spending a fortune. So,roll up your sleeves and get cracking! You can do it.
BomberDude 1.0
You have to kill the monsters to get to theexit.Collect power ups to get more powerful bombs!
Mozgalice 1.2
Ova aplikacija je pogodna za obuku sposobnostirešavanja problema dece i odraslih.Mnoge od zagonetki u ovoj aplikaciji će trajati satima, ako ne idanima, da se reše. Ali budite strpljivi i pokušajte razmišljatiispravno. Imamo najbolje zagonetke i mozgalice.Uzmite vremena da rešite problem sami. Nakon toga možete kliknutina dugme "Rešenje" i videti tacan odgovor.
Sportski Rezultati Uzivo 1.0
Vešala 1.0
Popularna igrica Vešala! Pogađajte slova dokne ispišete tačnu zadatu reč. Pazite zato što imate malo pokušajapre nego što budete obešeni :)Popular games Hangman!Guess the letters as you print the exact specific word. Be carefulbecause you have a few attempts before you hung up :)
Sokoban Classic 0.3
Classic sokoban game with hundreds oflevelpacks and over ten thousands levels in total.The boxes can only be pushed, never pulled, so you have tobecareful not to push them into a corner where you can't get themoutagain. You can only push one box at the time.
Mathematical Matchstick Puzzle 1.0.1
This is a simple matchstick equationpuzzlegame where you must move only one stick to the another placetomake the equation correct.
Igra memorije sa matematikom 1.1
Igra memorije je poznata po svom pozitivnomuticaju na dečije pamćenje. Ova igra na zabavan način stimulišemozak, poboljšava koncentraciju i kognitivne veštine, odlična je zavežbanje vizuelnog pamćenja i pažnje.Memory Game is known forits positive effects on children's memory. This game a fun way tostimulate the brain, improves concentration and cognitive skills,great for practicing visual memory and attention.
Chicken Hop 1.0.0
Avoid traps, holes and rotten corn and goasfar as you can. Tap left side of the screen for short hop.Tapright side of the screen for long hop. Eat corn to gain energy.Game Features:* High Quality Graphics* Score System* Easy Game Play
16 Cubes 1.0.2
Puzzle game. The aim of the game is tocollectall the cubes on the field.
Memory Game for Kids - Free 1.0
Memory Game is a puzzle game for androidusersto improve memory. It is a fun game with memory buildingactivitylike in each level, player is required to tap the squarebuttonsand need to memorize what is behind it, in order to matchits pair.Keep matching objects and complete this memory exercise inminimumclicks.
Betting Tips And Dropping Odds 1.0
Football betting odds tracker - Livedroppingodds movements and blocked games. Find out on which gamesthe oddsare falling down.