CaRPM Apps

CaRPM - Connect to your Car 1.2.1
Wouldn't it be nice if your car could tell youwhat's wrong with it the next time you had to go to a mechanic?What if you could increase your car's fuel economy, and spend thatmoney somewhere else?CaRPM is one such app that helps car owners do exactly that.Founded by IIT-Guwahati alumni, we aim to make car ownership moreaffordable and a LOT more fun. CaRPM helps its users become betterdrivers, monitor their car's expenses and track its usage.CaRPM connects you to your car through an OBDII dongle that isplugged into a port located below your car's steering panel. TheCaRPM mobile app connects to this dongle via Bluetooth and gathersdata about the car's performance in real time. With the help of itsproprietary algorithms, it analyzes your driving patterns and willgive you personalized recommendations on how to become betterdrivers. By improving their driving behavior, car owners can saveupto 25% on fuel bills.Not only this, if your car's Check Engine Light comes on, CaRPMdecodes the reason behind the light and pinpoints to the exactsensor that's malfunctioning. Armed with this knowledge, you willknow exactly what to pay for at a mechanic's.So, the next time you drive, do think about how each action ofyours affects your car. And if you are wondering if something canbe done better, then come join the CaRPM community.To become a smart car owner today, download the CaRPM app today.And to purchase an OBDII dongle, write to [email protected].
CaRPM Inspection 1.7.0
CaRPM Inspection app enables you to detectproblems in any car, and helps you ascertain its true value.Whether you are an individual or a car dealership, CaRPM'sinspection technology is a must have while evaluating any car. Yousimply plug our dongle in a car, and we will send you its healthreport in under 2 minutes. We help you understand the severity androot cause of all the problems in every car and make you a smartercar buyer :)Email us now at [email protected] for a free demo.
GaragePro Car OBD2 Scanner 3.2.1
Read OBD codes from all ECUs + access special functions with anyELM327 scanner
CarProbe 1.1.1
Pre Purchase Inspection App with OBD check and photos
AutoAppi 1.0.3
Garage Management System
Spare Parts by GaragePro 0.0.8
Buy Spare Parts at best prices!
GarageBook 1.0.3
Garage Management System