CMiC Apps

CMiC RFI Manager 1.3
With anytime, anywhere - real-time - access,this powerful, intuitive, and easy to use RFI manager from CMiCreduces response times and establishes clearer lines ofresponsibility. This collaborative tool improves projectperformance and reduces project risk by allowing faster andauditable project communications.
CMiC Contact Manager 1.2
CMiC Mobile Contact Mangers is your unifiedall-in-one contact manager allowing users to access and manage CMiCcontacts from anywhere at anytime.
CMiC Photo Log 1.2
With anytime, anywhere - real-time -access,this powerful, intuitive, and easy to use Photo Log fromCMiCrecord incidents, notes and memos all with a snap.Whetherconnected or not, CMiC Photo Log provides lighting fastsearcheswhen locating a specific photo along with the ability tocreate andlink photos to communication records like RFI, Issues andDailyJournals.
CMiC Approvals 1.8
CMiC Approvals by CMiC provides each personinyour enterprise including CMiC the information they need totakeaction and handle CMiC activities that cannot be automated,such asApprovals for invoices, change management activities, oranyactivity in the construction management process. TheApprovals Workflow Notification System sends notificationsandprocesses responses from users/Approvers in the Workflow.CMiCApprovals interprets each approvers response and seamlesslymoveson to the next activity in the Workflow.Workflow Approvals allow the user to view their list ofapprovalnotifications awaiting their attention. Notificationsinclude smartmessaging with all the necessary supportinginformation anddocumentation to make a timely decision fromanywhere andanytime.
CMiC Time Tracker 1.9
CMiC Time Tracker application allows you torecord fully cost-coded time for CMiC, anywhere and anytime. UsingCMiC adaptive Mobile security, CMiC or any users are able to chargetime to validated CMiC jobs with fully CMiC cost code and typefinancial breakdowns of CMiC.CMiC Time Tracker application works in both connected and offlinemodes. The user simply enters their time in CMiC Time Trackerapplication, submit it and the CMiC application takes care of therest. If you are offline, the CMiC Time Tracker application willsend your timesheets to CMiC E-time module as soon as connectivityis restored.Once submitted CMiC Timesheets become available for approvers toreview and approved to facilitate job costing and payroll relatedactivated.
CMiC Mobile Field 2.6.12
Designed for the Cloud and backed by proven Project Controls,CMiCMobile puts the command of CMiC – the source of truth –securelyinthe palm of your hands. With anytime, anywhere - real-time-access, this powerful, intuitive, and easy to use app,streamlinesdata collection and management without the cumbersomeeffort ofre-keying data. FEATURES Collaboration between projectstakeholderswill be seamless with or without connection. Empoweryour workflowwith faster access and real-time information. CMiCMobile promotesbetter decision making with the followingcapabilities: • RFIcreation, tracking and response • Submittal andPCI tracking •Daily journals to track every job-site detail,including: weatherconditions, events, deliveries, productivity,safety, labor andequipment • Checklist with issue tracking •Document management •Photo Gallery
CMiC Subcontractor Ratings 2.1
CMiC Sub Evaluations gives you the opportunity to rate your tradepartner.
CMiC Approvals 4.4
CMiC Approvals by CMiC provides each person in yourenterpriseincluding CMiC the information they need to take actionand handleCMiC activities that cannot be automated, such asApprovals forinvoices, change management activities, or anyactivity in theconstruction management process.  The ApprovalsWorkflowNotification System sends notifications and processesresponsesfrom users/Approvers in the Workflow. CMiC Approvalsinterpretseach approvers response and seamlessly moves on to thenextactivity in the Workflow. Workflow Approvals allow the user toviewtheir list of approval notifications awaiting theirattention.Notifications include smart messaging with all thenecessarysupporting information and documentation to make a timelydecisionfrom anywhere and anytime.
CMiC Pay Stub 1.0
CMiC Pay Stub allows users to review their Wages,Withholdings,Deposit dates and Vacation balances in real-time.Features •Loginwith your employee self service credentials •Accesssix months ofhistorical pay stubs •Review Wages, Benefits,Deduction & Taxes•Direct deposit dates and account info •Leavebalance information(If applicable) •Download PDF copies of your paystub This releaserun on version V10x-210-2 and requires CMiC Mobileweb services B34or higher. Note: the CMiC Cloud is alwayscompatible with ourreleases.
Download the app to gain instant access to CMiC CONNECTspeakerbios, schedules, maps, important updates, and to instantlyconnectwith other attendees. With this app you can: ScheduleCampgroundappointments Build a custom event itinerary Privatelymessage otherattendees Receive event alerts Learn about conferencespeakers Findout more about sponsors/exhibitors Don't miss anythingthis yearand stay connected!
CMiC OM 1.0.1
Stay on top of your business with CMiC OpportunityManagement(OM)for Mobile CMiC Opportunity Management (OM) forMobile offers arich CRM experience for construction professionalson smartphonesand tablets. Grant your users in the field access tovaluableinformation in real-time - no matter where they are - tostayconnected with customers & prospects and makeimportantdecisions during the sales process. Executives in Sales,BusinessDevelopment & Marketing can easily accessOpportunities,Organizations, Contacts, and Action items while onthe go. Themobile instance allows users to have full flexibility toenterand/or update prospect information via Android or iOS devices–with the ability to Query, Search, Sort & Filter Records onthego in one place. With CMiC OM for Mobile, you can manage yoursaleson the move and sales cycles effectively.
CMiC Employee Self Service 1.0.1
CMiC Employee Self Service (ESS) for Mobile allows employeestoaccess information and manage essential tasks related topayroll,vacation, benefits, and timesheets. ESS for Mobile makes iteasyfor employees to efficiently and independently handle many HR&Payroll tasks on their own. Available on Android and iOSpoweredsmartphones or tablets, CMiC ESS for Mobile facilitates manycommontasks. This includes updating personal information &profiles,logging vacation and personal days, modifying andupdatingtimesheets, and viewing benefits plans - no matter wherethey are.Employee self-service helps alleviate the administrativeburden ofHR & Payroll teams, automates routine tasks andrequests, andtruly allows them to focus on strategic initiatives.KEY BENEFITS1. Instant access to information for employees andmanagers 2.Improved data accuracy and accountability 3. Fostersemployeeengagement and productivity 4. Increased efficiency due tobroadoperating flexibility for employees
CMiC Field
Construction Field Management
CMiC Expense
CMiC eXpense snaps receipts images and create expense reportsforsubmission.
Construct Crew Time 1.0.9
Construct Crew Time for Labor Time entry