lie detector free test prank 0.0.2
-Lie detector free test app is a simulator tothe lie detector polygraph, which provides a scan for yourfingerprint as a lie detector test .-Lie detector free test app isn't a real polygraph that detectslies ,its just a prank fingerprint scanner which is made only forfun purposes .-Use lie detector free test app to make a scan for your friends,kids or others fingerprints, pretend that its a lie detectorpolygraph , ask them to answer a question while their fingerprintsare on the scanner ,after few seconds the fake polygraph will showrandomly either "Lie" or "Truth" .Disclaimer: This application is just a prank, a fun game and itis not a real life lie detector (polygraph) nor a real fingerprintscanner.
Call Voice Changer Prank 1.0
Call Voice Changer Prank is an applicationthatprovides you with the ability to change call voice when youare in acall to this :call voice changer prank can- Change voice of man to woman- Change voice of man to a child- Change voice of woman to man- Change voice of woman to a childWhat you have to do is just finishing the requirements so thattheapp will provide you with the ability to change voice whenhaving acalldisclaimer : this app is a prank,it is used only forfunpurposes