CCaLC Apps

CCaLC LITE is a simplified version of theCCaLC carbon footprinting tool that enables quick and easyestimations of carbon footprints of everyday products. Its main aimis to help find out what we as consumers can do to reduce our owncarbon footprints.Through a number of examples included within the tool, users canestimate the carbon footprints of different food products,packaging, etc. For example, by selecting different foodingredients, sources of energy for cooking or transportationdistances, it is possible to find out which options have the lowestcarbon footprints.With a straightforward and intuitive user-interface, the tool issimple to use by those new to the concept of carbonfootprinting.Features• Simple and intuitive to use- Simple touch screen operations, no data entry required• Considers everyday common products- A number of examples focusing on products that we useeveryday• Helps to reduce the carbon footprint- Different consumer choices to help identify low-carbonoptions