BlackDogs Apps

The EDR Design Competition 2016, inassociationwith (UDLAB) Universal Designovation Lab LLP, is aplatform toshowcase creativity and design thinking talent aimingDesign inIndia, Make in India for Brand India. The UDLAB - AProduct DesignStudio plays the vital role to provide mentorship to50 shortlistedentries and mould them as per competition andbuilding designthinking approach in creating empathic design.This year, at the EDR Design Competition 2016, we are lookingforperfect balance between engineering, design andmanufacturability.Here’s your chance to submit your innovativedesign Ideas and wewill work with the shortlisted designers toprovide them valuabledesign engineering technique and practicallearning throughoutcompetition. Winner will have chance to learnand earn with paidinternship for + winner certificate +gadget.
Ringtonify 1.1
Ringtonify is a fun app that uses theRingtonesfrom your cell phone and sets different Ringtone forevery call. Sosit back and Enjoy different Ringtone for differentcalls.Bcuz "One Good Thing About Music, When It Hits You, You FeelNoPain" -BOB MARLEY