AzTech Apps

Simple Calculator - Free 1.6
Simple Calculator is primarily an expressioncalculator but is simplified for use by any user. It is capable ofevaluating expressions and conforms to the PEMDAS (Parentheses,Exponent, Multiply, Divide, Add, Subtract) methodology (akaBODMAS). It sticks to the default 6 digit precision. It iscompletely free and has 0 ads. Here are the major features:* Lightweight (1.1 MB)* Simple interface - Numeric keys and simple math functions* Stores history of calculations up to 100 entries* Copy/Paste functions* Expression errors are briefly elaborated* Elegant interface and uniform rendering on all devices* Trigonometric functions - both Degree/Radian mode* Sq. Root, Ln and Log functions* Constants "e" and "Pi"
GATE Exam Electronics Revision 1.4
GATE and IES are some of the toughest exams inthe world that require a consistent effort on a daily basis inorder to crack. Acing these exams requires one to keep the relevantformulas and concepts in fingertips! But how is it possible toremember subjects learned throughout 4 years with precision andaccuracy for a 3 hour exam?!The answer is DAILY REVISION. Revising the same thing dailystrengthens memory by a huge factor and systematic approachhard-wires the concepts in the brain! This is a proven techniqueand many successful GATE/IES/PSU aspirants call it their key tosuccess.This app, designed for Electronics (ECE, Electronics andCommunication/Telecommunication/EC) students, allows you toquickly, yet thoroughly, revise key concepts and formulas. It is aflash card based app. You can choose from many subjects withvarying topics. Key concepts in the topic are summarized and givenin brief as Cards to make it easy for retention. Your aim is to tryto remember the content, then move on to the next card. After a fewcards, the old card would reappear and you could test how much ofit you remember. If you remember a card very well, then you canmark it as remembered and focus on other cards. You will not seecards marked as remembered. When you have remembered all cards in atopic, you can move on to other topics. Your progress is tracked interms of number of cards remembered and the last time you reviewedyour cards.Electronics Review (this App) allows you to do away with booksand notes and use your handy phone or tablet to revise whenever,wherever you want. You can squeeze in, the much needed, revisioninto your day and save time wasted while travelling, walking orjust waiting in a que!Additional topics can be added and we are working on adding moreon a weekly basis.How to Use:Pick a topic and start going through all the available cards.Swipe Right if you want to review the card again aftersometime.Swipe Left if you are confident that you remember the card.After reviewing all cards, you can move on to the next topic.If you want to revisit a topic, reset the cards to view them allagain.Regular revision is the key to remembering all concepts on the eveof the exam.Additional Content:To reduce App size, we have included only one subject bydefault.More content can be synced from the server.Note: This App is ad supported. We will release an ad-free paidversion of the app soon.