AppfunGame Apps

اسرار العناية بالبشرة 1.0
اسرار العناية بالبشرة هو تطبيق بالصور يعملبدون انترنت يخص النصائح والوصفات الطبيعية مئة في مئة والمجربةلتتمتع المرأة بجمال ونقاوة وبياض وصفاء الوجه والجسميحتوي التطبيق على العديد من وصفات تجميل سهلة وفعالة كخلطات للوجه،خلطات تبيض الجسم، كيفية تنظيف البشرة ونصائح لعناية البشرة الدهنيةأو الجافة. ويتوفر كذلك على نصائح مفيدة للعناية الكاملة بالبشرةوتبيض الوجه والجسم وخلوّه من الحبوبأغلب مكونات وصفات لتفتيح البشرة التي يحتوي عليها التطبيق هي مكوناتطبيعية لا يخلو منها مطبخ كل سيدة في المنزلستلاحظين النتائج في الظهور مباشرة بعد اتباع التعليمات المشار إليهافي التطبيقمن بين محتويات هذا التطبيق:الطماطم: سلاحك الطبيعي لمحاربة التقدم في السنالريحان لبشرة منتعشة في الصيفخلطة الطين الأخضر لتنظيف وتجديد البشرة الدهنية والمختلطةالدلكة السودانية لتبييض الجسم والبشرةوصفات للعناية ببشرتك من الزهورلتبيض اليدين في المنزلوصفة الحناء والقرنفل لتفتيح البشرة والجسمخلطة الموز والبطاطس للتبييض السريعوصفات لتبيض الرُكب السوداءكيف تتجنّبين التجاعيد التي يسبّبها الكومبيوتر؟وصفة منزلية لتتخلصي من الهالات السوداء واحمرار البشرةتخلصي من انتفاخ العينين مع هذه النصائحترطيب الشفاه بالعسل والليمون‏وصفات طبيعية للتخلّص من حب الشباب على الظهرقناع لأجمل عروستخلصي من البثور وحب الشباب بالنعناع والطين والعسلمميزات تطبيق اسرار العناية بالبشرة:- وضوح النص- تصميم مميز بألوان متناسقة- وصفات بالصور- الوصفات المتوفرة بدون انترنتنتمنى أن يفيدكم التطبيق وأن تتمكنوا من الحصول على نتائجمرضيةإن أعجبكم التطبيق المرجو تقييم التطبيق وإعطاء ملاحظاتكم واقتراحاتكممن أجل تحسينه مستقبلاً.Secrets Skin Care is anapplication works with pictures without Internet for tips andnatural recipes hundred hundred and proven to enjoy the beauty ofwomen and purity and whiteness and clarity of the face andbody The application contains many recipes Beauty Kkhaltat easyand effective for the face, body bleaching mixtures, how to cleanthe skin and tips for the care of oily skin or dry. And it isavailable as well as useful tips on the full skin care andbleaching the face and body and is free from grainMost of the components of recipes for skin lightening, whichcontains the application is a natural ingredient of which is notwithout kitchen every lady in the houseYou'll notice the results to appear immediately after following theinstructions referred to in the applicationAmong the contents of this application:Tomatoes: natural weapon to fight agingBasil for skin refreshed in summerGreen clay mixture to clean and renew fatty and mixed skinSudanese Aldlkh to the body and skin whiteningRecipes to take care of your skin from flowersFor bleaching hands at homeHenna recipe and clove to lighten the skin and bodyMix bananas and potatoes for quick whiteningRecipes for bleaching black behindHow Ttjnpin wrinkles caused by computer?Recipe household Ttakchi of dark circles and redness of theskinPour off the swollen eyes with these tipsMoisturizing lip honey and lemonNatural recipes to get rid of acne on the backMask of the most beautiful bridePour off the pimples and acne mint, clay and honeyIt features the application of the secrets of skin care:- The clarity of the text- Distinctive design consistent colors- Recipes pictures- Recipes available without InternetWe wish that the application would advise you that you will beable to obtain satisfactory resultsIf you like the application please evaluate the application andgive your comments and suggestions in order to improve it in thefuture.
Dessin a colorier 1.1
Dessin à colorier est un jeu gratuit decoloriage pour les enfants, amusant, magique, simple et facile àutiliser.Votre enfant pourra choisir différentes images dans plusieurscatégories à savoir : animaux, insectes, jouets, nourritures(fruits et légumes), personnages (famille, bébés, garçons, filles),été, hiver et mandalas.Votre petit trouvera magiquement du plaisir à jouer avec cetteapplication grâce à la simplicité de son utilisation et lesdiversités des images à colorier.Dessin à colorier permettra à votre enfant d’être occupé dansune activité amusante et enrichissanteCe jeu vous permet d’enregistrer les créations de vos enfants sousformat image dans la galerie de votre appareil, ainsi que de lespartager avec vos amis sans fil, via email ou via d’autresapplications installées dans votre appareil.Principales caractéristiques de l’application :— 8 catégories différentes de photos— Plus de 110 images à colorier— Enregistrement des coloriages dans la galerie de l’appareil— Possibilité de partager les créations par plusieurs moyens— Palette diversifiée avec plusieurs nuances de couleursSi vous appréciez ce jeu, n’hésitez pas à noter l’application etdonner votre avis et vos suggestions d’amélioration.Coloring Drawing is acoloring game for kids free, fun, magical, simple and easy to use.Your child can choose different pictures in several categoriesnamely: animals, insects, toys, foods (fruits and vegetables),people (family, babies, boys, girls), summer, winter andmandalas.Your little magically find fun playing with this application dueto the simplicity of its use and diversities coloring pictures.Coloring drawing will allow your child to be busy in a fun andrewarding activityThis game allows you to save your children's creations in pictureformat in the gallery of your device, and share them with yourfriends wirelessly, via email or via other applications installedin your device.Key features of the application:- 8 different categories of pictures- More than 110 pictures to color- Registration of coloring in the device's gallery- Ability to share the creations by several means- Diverse Palette with several color shadesIf you like this game, please note the application and givefeedback and suggestions for improvement.
نكت مغربية بالدارجة 2015 Nokat 1.0
نقدم لكم تطبيق نكت مغربية بالدارجة 2015 nokatmaghribiya من أجل لحظات ممتعة من الفكاهة والمرح مع الأصدقاءيحتوي هذا التطبيق على مجموعة من النكت المضحكة والرائعة والمتنوعةما بين نكت للمتزوجين، نكت المسمومين، نكت المحششين...هذا التطبيق مجاني بسيط في الشكل وسهل في الاستعمالتم تجميع هذه الباقة من النكت الفكاهية المغربية بعناية ما بين نكتجديدة وقديمة حيث يمكنكم التطبيق من مشاركتها مع العائلة والأصدقاءعبر مواقع تطبيقات التواصل الاجتماعي المتوفرة على جهازك وكذلكإرسالها عبر الرسائل القصيرة SMS وكذلك عبر البريد الإلكتروني.يمكنكم كذلك اختيار وحفظ النكت المضحكة في قائمة النكت المفضلة من أجلسهولة الرجوع إليهاالتطبيق يحتوى في نسخته الأولى على أزيد من 100 نكتة، كما أنه سيتمتحديثه دورياً بإضافة مجموعة متجددة من النكتنكت الموت ديال الضحكنتمنى أن ينال تطبيق نكت مغربية 2015 إعجابكم==================خصائص التطبيق:------------------يحتوي التطبيق على أكثر من 100 نكتةإمكانية مشاركة النكت وإرسالهاالتنقل بسهولة بين النكت عن طريق الاسهم وكذلك إمكانية اختيار نكتةعشوائيةاختيار النكت المميزة وحفضها كمفضلةعدة إعدادات لتخصيص الجهاز كتغيير الخلفية وتغيير حجم ولون الخط***** ***** *****إن أعجبكم التطبيق المرجو تقييم التطبيق وإعطاء ملاحظاتكم واقتراحاتكممن أجل تحسينه مستقبلاً.We offer you theapplication jokes Moroccan stock is 2015 nokat maghribiya forenjoyable moments of humor and fun with friendsThis application contains a collection of jokes funny andwonderful and varied between jokes for married couples, Almsmomcinjokes, jokes Mahshchin ...This free application is simple in shape and easy to useThis package was compiled jokes comic Moroccan carefully betweennew and old jokes of the application where you can share withfamily and friends via social networking sites availableapplications on your computer as well as send them via SMS, as wellas via e-mail.You can also choose and save jokes funny jokes in the list offavorites for easy referenceApplication contains the first edition to more than 100 joke, as itwill be updated periodically renewed by adding a set of jokesJokes death Dayal laughterWe wish to obtain the application of jokes you like Moroccan2015==================Application Characteristics:------------------The application contains more than 100 jokeThe ability to share jokes and sendEasily navigate between jokes through shares, as well as thepossibility of choosing a random jokeChoose the jokes and distinctive as a favorite in tableSeveral settings to customize the device such as changing thebackground and change the font size and color***** ***** *****If you like the application please evaluate the application andgive your comments and suggestions in order to improve it in thefuture.
XOX Tac 1.0
XOX Tac is a free Tic Tac Toe game also knownas Xs & Os or Noughts and crosses, this game is based on 2player gameplay alternating marking one empty cell at a time in a3×3 grid. The player who succeeds in setting three particular Xs orOs in a vertical, horizontal, or diagonal row wins the game. TheXOX Tac game is a good way to pass your free time.This game supports one player (vs your android device) and twoplayers (one after another) gameplay, so you can play alone oragainst your friends or family.The smart algorithm of the game allows a move randomization thatensures that your device will not keep making the same movesrepeatedly.XOX Tac offers some exciting features, like:- Attractive graphics with a galaxy background- Exciting calm sound effects- Score trackingTic Tac Toe is a great way to pass your free time. Get the freegame XOX Tac now and check your skills let the fun begin!Do not waste paper and save some trees. Start playing XOX Tac onyour Android device for fun with your kids, family andfriends.If you like this game please remember to rate us, as honest ratingsencourage us to improve, update and make new features and optionsin the game.
Speedy Apricot 1.0
Speedy Apricot is an addictive game that youwill enjoy playing, in which you play as a running apricot or peachand you have to avoid obstacles and stay alive, by tapping thescreen, you can jump and bounce to skip obstacles, to get as far asyou can.Each level is different every time you play! Avoid the boxes andthe spikes to increase your score to defeat your friends.Features:- One Touch Control.- Wonderful graphics.- You can share your best score and compete your friends oversocial media or other networks.Enjoy the Speedy Apricot Game, and if you like, and I am sureyou will, please do not forget to rate the game as honest ratingsencourage us to improve, update and make new features andoptions.
Match Pictures of Animals 1.3
“Match pictures of animals” is a puzzle gameof pairs matching for adults and children. It is a fun memory game,which can help children to develop and improve recognition,concentration and memory skills.Parents can also play this game with their children, for aunlimited fun and memory training. It helps kids to learn andrecognize different animals.This game is suitable for children of all ages, babies,toddlers, preschoolers, and teens. Boys and girls are interested inanimal theme.How to play the game:**************************Tap the icons and to see and memorize what is behind it, in orderto find and match its pair. You have to complete the levels andmatch all animals with the minimum clicks and time.Features of the game:*************************- Wonderful HD images and attractive colorful graphics ofanimals- The game contains many pictures of cute animals such as cat, dog,chicken, elephant, monkey, cow, lion, pig, leopard, sheep, panda,zebra, Rhinoceros, crocodile, fox, wolf, tiger and manyothers.- Four interesting categories are available in the game- Sound can be controlled making it on or off at any moment- Score tracking option- Simple and intuitive interface and easy to play.- Available for now in three languages and more languages will beadded in the future.- This game can be played by kids at any time, at home, outside oreverywhere.If you like this game please remember to rate it, as honestratings encourage us to improve, update and make new features andoptions in the game.Get this free app, and free up your creativity and your memoryskills. Discover your abilities, Kids can play it alone, withparents or with friends. “Match pictures of animals” is a fun wayto fill free time with absolute fun and entertainment.Download it now and enjoy it.
Speedy Penguin Jump 1.0
the Speedy Penguin Jump, is a wonderful gameto pass your free time. Play it and you'll be addicted to it.How to play:Click on the screen to jump between frozen blocks andballoonsGet coins and rubiesScore as high as you canYou can also jump higher by double clickFeatures :Great and attractive graphicsExciting music and sound effectsScore trackingMultiple achievements to go after according to the score youreachIf you like this game please remember to rate it, as honestratings encourage us to improve, update and make new features andoptions in the game.
Piano Tiles Don't Tap or Touch 1.2
“Piano Tiles Don’t Tap or Touch” is anaddictive game with a lot of fun and music.How to play:- Tap fast with your fingers only the blue tiles, follow the musicto reach the end of the piano songs.- Avoid and don't tap or touch the white tiles or the red tiles (inBomb mode)Features:- Four different levels are available: Classic, Arcade, Zen andBomb.- Sound can be controlled on and off- Score tracking option- Attractive colors (blue and white clouds instead of black andwhite).- Simple and intuitive interface and easy to play.This game is suited for everyone, and can be played at any time, athome, outside or everywhere.Get this free game, and discover your abilities. “Piano Tiles Don’tTap or Touch” is a fun way to fill free time with absolute fun andentertainment.Download it now and enjoy it.If you like this game please remember to rate it, as honest ratingsencourage us to update and make new features in the game.
Farm Memory Game 1.4
“Farm Memory Game” it is a fun matchingpictures game Play and Learn for Kids, which can help children todevelop and improve recognition, concentration and memory skills.Parents can also play this game with their children, for anunlimited fun and memory training. It helps kids to learn andrecognize different farm images (animals and objects).How to play:Flip the cards and icons to see and memorize what is behind it, inorder to find and match its pair. You have to complete the levelsand match all pics with the minimum clicks and time.Features of the game:- Wonderful HD images and attractive colorful graphics of differentfarm animals and farm objects.- include pretty farm animals like The game contains manyattractive pictures of farm animals such as, Cow, duck, dove, pony,chicken, sheep, piggy, goat, horse, dog, cat, rabbit and manyothers.- And many pictures of farm objects like farmhouse, crop, barn,silo, stable, hay, pitchfork, field, tractor…- Four interesting categories are available in the game- Sound can be controlled making it on or off at any moment- Score tracking option- Simple and intuitive interface and easy to play.- Available for now in four languages.If you like this game please remember to rate it, as honestratings encourage us to improve, update and make new features andoptions in the game.Get this free app now, and stimulate your child’s brain andenhance their creativity and memory skills. This game is a fun wayto fill free time with absolute fun and entertainment.Download it now and enjoy it.
Cut Paste Photo Changer Editor 1.3
With "Cut Paste Photo Changer Editor”, you canmake the best montage and custom photos by cutting areas, objects,people, and animals… from photos and paste them in otherpictures.What you can do with this app:****************************- Face swap: you can swap faces between 2 photos, or cut a face andpaste it on the other.- Change background: cut your picture and paste it in anotherpanorama.- Photos prank: you can create and imagine pranks by cuttingobjects and pasting them on other photos- Share photos: you can share your custom creation with you friendson social networks or via other instant messagingapplications.You can use from background available in the application or use youown background from your gallery.Enjoy our Cut paste app, and do not forget that a stylish photoworth 100 words.Remember to rate it, as honest ratings encourage us to make moreimprovement and constant updates.Get this free app, and unleash your creativity. Download it now andenjoy it.
Easter Picture Frames 1.1
Easter is coming, with "Easter PictureFrames"you can make the best easter cards and picture frames towish forfamily and friends a happy Easter.This application allows you to add text to pictures, usingabeautiful typography and captions.You can combine a lot of styles, backgrounds stickers andframesto make beautiful and creative photos and artworks. The appallowsyou also to share your designs with friends on socialnetworks orany other instant messaging application.Main features:--------------------- Simply add photos from gallery or take it with camera or youcanuse the images available in the application- You can add texts on your photo using over 12 different fontsandusing 20 different stylish captions- Text color is changeable, as you like.- Over 22 frames are available- Over 70+ carefully designed frames, stickers, and backgroundsthatyou can add to your designs.- In 10 seconds, you can add texts on your photos!Enjoy our “Easter Picture Frames”, and do not forget thatastylish photo worth 100 words.Remember to rate it, as honest ratings encourage us to makemoreimprovement and constant updates.Get this free app, and unleash your creativity. Download itnowand enjoy it.
Habillage Fashion Pour Filles 1.0
Habillage Fashion Pour Filles, est un jeudemode très passionnant! Préparez vous les filles pour montrervotrestyle et votre imagination, et habiller la modèle jeune filledujeu de la manière et les couleurs que vous aimez le plusHabillage Fashion Pour Filles, est un jeu gratuit pourtéléphonesportables et tablettes, dans lequel vous pouvez habillerle modèlede fille dans un de multiples façons élégantes.Caractéristiques:********************- Choisissez parmi une variété de coiffures (plusieurscouleurs,styles variés, de longs et courts cheveux...).- Créer la tenue parfaite en combinant les vêtements tels quelesrobes, les t-shirts, pantalons, shorts, jupes, etleschaussures.- Choisissez les accessoires qui vont avec le style créé;plusieursverres, boucles d'oreilles, sacs, et des bijouxsontdisponibles.- Choisissez parmi 5 milieux celui que vous aimez.- Plusieurs variations sont possibles.- Enfin, vous pouvez prendre une photo pour votremerveilleusecréation que vous pouvez montrer à vos amis, ou lapartager via lesréseaux sociaux. Les photos peuvent être prises enutilisant lesraccourcis capture écran de votre téléphone.Obtenez cette application maintenant, et libérer votre créativitéetvotre talent de styliste. Jouez seul ou avec vos amis. Ce jeuest unmoyen amusant pour remplir votre temps libre avec undivertissementet un plaisir absolu.vous avez toujours rêvé d'être une styliste? Ce jeu est faitpourvous. Téléchargez-le maintenant et profitez del'expérienceétonnante.Si vous aimez ce jeu, s'il vous plaît pensez à l'évaluer.Lesévaluations honnêtes nous encouragent à améliorer, mettre à jouretfaire de nouvelles fonctions et options dans le jeu.Fashion Dress Up ForGirlsis a very exciting game mode! Prepare girls to show off yourstyleand your imagination and dress up the girl style of play inthe wayand the colors you like bestFashion Dress Up For Girls is a free game for mobile phonesandtablets, in which you can dress the girl model in anelegantmultiple ways.Characteristics:********************- Choose from a variety of hairstyles (several colors, styles,longand short hair ...).- Create the perfect outfit by combining clothing such asdresses,shirts, pants, shorts, skirts, and shoes.- Choose the accessories that go with the established style;severalglasses, earrings, bags, and jewelry are available.- Choose from 5 circles one you like.- Several variations are possible.- Finally, you can take a photo for your wonderful creation thatyoucan show to your friends or share on social networks. Photoscan betaken using the shortcuts capture screen of your phone.Get this app now, and free your creativity and your talentstylist.Play alone or with friends. This game is a fun way to fillyourfree time with entertainment and an absolute always dreamed of being a stylist? This game is foryou.Download it now and enjoy the amazing experience.If you like this game, please consider evaluating it.Honestfeedback encourage us to improve, update and make newfeatures andoptions in the game.
رسائل تهنئة عيد الفطر 1.2
تطبيق رسائل تهنئة عيد الفطر يقدم لكم أجملالرسائل والمسجات المنوعة لتبادل التهاني مع الأحباب والأصدقاءبمناسبة عيد الفطر السعيد.خصائص التطبيق:يحتوي التطبيق على أكثر من 100 رسالة مجانيةإمكانية مشاركة الرسائل عن طريق الرسائل القصيرة SMS والبريدالالكتروني وكذا مختلف تطبيقات التواصل الاجتماعي المتوفرة علىجهازكالتنقل بسهولة بين الرسائل عن طريق الاسهم وكذلك إمكانية اختيار رسالةعشوائيةاختيار الرسائل المميزة وحفضها كمفضلةعدة إعدادات لتخصيص الجهاز كتغيير الخلفية وتغيير حجم ولون الخطإن أعجبكم التطبيق المرجو تقييم التطبيق وإعطاء ملاحظاتكم واقتراحاتكممن أجل تحسينه مستقبلاً.Eid al-Fitr applicationcongratulatory messages offers you the most beautiful messages andtrowels diversified to exchange greetings with friends and lovedones on the occasion of Eid Al-Fitr.Application Characteristics:The application contains more than 100 free messageThe ability to share messages via SMS text messages and e-mail, aswell as various social networking applications available on yourdeviceEasily navigate between letters through the stock as well as thepossibility of choosing a random messageChoose distinctive messages and a favorite in tableSeveral settings to customize the device such as changing thebackground and change the font size and colorIf you like the application please evaluate the application andgive your comments and suggestions in order to improve it in thefuture.
رسائل تهنئة رمضان الكريم 1.0
بمناسبة اقتراب حلول شهر رمضان المباركتطبيقرسائل تهنئة رمضان الكريم يقدم لكم مجموعة من أجمل المسجاتوالرسائلالمتنوعة لتبادل التهاني مع الأهل والأصدقاء وكل عاموأنتمبخير.خصائص التطبيق:يحتوي التطبيق على أكثر من 100 رسالة مجانيةإمكانية مشاركة الرسائل عن طريق الرسائل القصيرة SMSوالبريدالالكتروني وكذا مختلف تطبيقات التواصل الاجتماعي المتوفرةعلىجهازكالتنقل بسهولة بين الرسائل عن طريق الاسهم وكذلك إمكانية اختياررسالةعشوائيةاختيار الرسائل المميزة وحفضها كمفضلةعدة إعدادات لتخصيص الجهاز كتغيير الخلفية وتغيير حجم ولون الخطإن أعجبكم التطبيق المرجو تقييم التطبيق وإعطاء ملاحظاتكمواقتراحاتكممن أجل تحسينه مستقبلاً.On the occasion oftheapproaching holy month of Ramadan applicationcongratulatorymessages Ramadan offers you a collection of the mostbeautifultrowels and diverse messages to exchange greetings withfriends andfamily and all Happy New Year.Application characteristics:The application contains more than 100 free messageThe ability to share messages via SMS, e-mail, as well asvarioussocial networking applications are available on yourdeviceEasily navigate between letters through the stock as well asthepossibility of choosing a random messageChoose distinctive messages and a favorite in tableSeveral settings to customize the device, such as changingthebackground and change the font size and colorIf you like the desired application evaluation of theapplicationand give your comments and suggestions in order toimprove it inthe future.
Coloring Books for Adults Free 1.1
“Coloring Books for Adults Free” isanaddictive relaxing coloring entertainment game for allages,especially for adults!It is a fun educational coloring book and painting game withabeautiful collection of illustrations such as mandala, flowersandabstract images.It is a color therapy game, which can help you to free yourmind.It helps you also to calm down and relax.Refill the energy with "Coloring Books for Adults Free".Main features:--------------------- 10 wonderful illustrations and coloring pages such asmandalas(more coming in the future).- You can Color or Fill any closed shapes- 20 colors are available.- You can save the colored images and share it with friendsviamultiple social network apps.This app helps you to improve your imagination, creativity,andconcentration. You can find your path to meditation andmindfulnesswith this game.Hope you enjoy this coloring book game, and give yourself somezenand relaxing time.Remember to rate it, as honest ratings encourage us to makemoreimprovement and constant updates.
احزر الصورة - أندية كرة القدم 1.0
لعبة احزر صور أندية كرة القدم ستمكنك مناختبارمعلوماتك وذاكرتك بخصوص شعارات مختلف الفرق والأنديةالعربيةوالعالمية.يحتوي التطبيق على عشرات الشعارات لأندية أوربية (الليجاالإسبانية،البطولة الفرنسية، الكالتشيو الإيطالية، البريمير ليجالإنجليزية، عصبةالأبطال...) وكذلك العديد من الأندية العربيةالشهيرة من دول شمالإفريقيا والشرق الأوسط.اختبر معلوماتك الآن، هل تستطيع التعرف على كل الصور؟ نراهن أنكلنتستطيع دون مساعدة.يتوفر التطبيق على عدة طرق مساعدة من بينها حذف أحرف أو إظهارالحرفالأول من الإجابة عن طريق استعمال النقاط التي سيمكنك جمعهاطوالاللعبة. كذلك يمكنك الاستعانة بصديق عبر مختلف تطبيقات التواصلكفيسبوكوواتساب حيث يمكنك التطبيق من إرسال ومشاركة صورة النادي الذياستعصىعليك معرفته لأصحابك واصدقاءك ليساعدوك في إيجادالإجابة.مميزات اللعبة:- حجم صغير جداً ولا تحتاج أي تسجيل قبل بدء اللعب- لعبة ممتعة ومفيدة في نفس الوقت- تصلح لتمضية الوقت ومشاركتها مع العائلة والأصدقاء.- خاصية المشاركة وتحدي الأصدقاء- مناسبة لكل الأعمار- متوفرة للعب بدون إنترنت ودون الحاجة إلى اتصالخاصيات المساعدة المتوفرة في التطبيق:- تخطي السؤال والمرور إلى السؤال الموالي- حذف أحرف من الأحرف المقترحة- إظهار الحرف الأول من الإجابة- الاستعانة بصديق عبر إرسال صورة من التطبيق.إذا كنت من التحدي فستعجب حتماً بهذه اللعبة.لا تنسوا تقييم اللعبة لمساعدتنا على تطويرها وإضافة المزيدمنالأسئلة.Game guess Photosfootballclubs will allow you to test your knowledge and yourmemory aboutthe various Arab and international teams and clubsslogans.Application on dozens of logos to contain European clubs(SpanishLa Liga, French championship, the Italian Serie A, theEnglishPremier League, Champions League ...) as well as manyfamouscountries of North Africa and the Middle East and theArabclubs.Test your knowledge now, can you identify all the pictures? Ibetyou can not without help.Application on several ways to help, including the deletionofcharacters or show the first letter of the answer through theuseof points that you will have collected throughout the gameisavailable. You can also use a friend across differentcommunicationCfhispock and Oatsab applications where theapplication you cansend and post a photo club that has eluded youknow to your friendsand your friends to help you in finding theanswer.The game features:- Very small size and does not require any registration beforethestart of play- Pleasant and helpful for the game at the same time- Lend themselves to spend the time and share them with familyandfriends.- Participation and challenge friends property- Suitable for all ages- Available to play without the Internet and without the needtoconnectThe properties available to assist in the application:- Skipped the question and password to question pro- Delete characters from the proposed letters- Show the first letter of the answer- The use of a friend by sending a copy of the application.If you challenge Vstjb inevitably this game.Do not forget to evaluate the game to help us develop and addmorequestions.
Jewelry Ideas & Designs 2016 1.5
“Jewelry Ideas & Designs 2016” appcontains a diversity of collection of Jewelry designs. For allfashion jewellery lover, you will find in this app the best and thelatest Jewelry Design.This application is designed for all women and girls of any age.Get ideas for your shopping or gifts.Sure, you will like our Jewelry Gallery, if you are looking tofind ideas for a stylish touch to add to your original style.Various images and designs are available including fashion ringsor weeding rings, earrings, beautiful necklaces, bracelets andpendants, for all occasion, and including gold, silver, diamond andpearl models.We make sure to bring to you the latest jewelry design’s thatare trending this year.Main Features:---------------------- You can zoom in and out the design images to see the finestdetails of the jewelry.- You can share images with your friends and family via socialmedia apps or email.- You can save images in your mobile memory card for later use andreference.- You can set images as mobile wallpapers or show them in aslideshow.- You can set designs that you like to favorite.- Simple and flat design, easy to use and elegant.- A collection of photos carefully chosen including the latest andtrending jewelry designs.- Gallery divided into several categories (coming soon).- High Quality Images.- Support mobiles and also tablets.If you like this game please remember to rate it, as honestratings encourage us to improve, update and make new features andoptions in the game. Also we would be grateful if you share it withfriends.
Guess Games - Guess the Flag 2.2
"Guess Games - Guess the Flag" is a fun gameofguessing countries flags. The game contain more than 100 imagesandpictures of various nation flags from all around theworld,including popular ones, but also not well known ones.Do you love quizzes and puzzles? This game is for you. Youcantest your knowledge and your memory about countries.You are rewarded with coins for every correct answer, whichyoucan exchange for hints in the game.Test your knowledge now! can you identify all the pictures?Webet you cannot without help.MAIN FEATURES:------------------------------ Very small size and does not require any registration tostartplaying- Very entertaining and useful at the same time- Suitable for all ages- Can be played with friends and family- Available without the InternetHELP FEATURES:------------------------------- Delete three lettersYou can eliminate three false letters from the proposed ones,- Show the first letterYou can show the first letter from the correct answer in theanswerbox.- Get help from your friendsIn the game, you can easily share a picture of the questionandshare it with your friends and family through multiple chatandsocial media apps.- Skip the questionFinally, if you fail guessing the correct name, you can skipthequestion using coins that you can collect through the game.HOW TO PLAY:-------------------------- Guess the name of the country glag shown in the screen- Type the name with the available letters in thecorrectorder- Make sure that you spell the countries names correctly- You get coins as a reward for every correct answer, and youlosecoins for every wrong answer.If you are a fan of the challenges, you will inevitably lovethisgame.Please, do not forget to rate the game as honest feedback helpusto improve our games.
Guess Games - Guess the Fruit 1.0
"Guess Games - Guess the fruit" is a fungameof guessing fruits. The game contain a lot of images andpicturesof fruits from all around the world, including all popularfruits,but also some very rare ones like tropical fruits.Do you love quizzes and puzzles? This game is for you. Youcantest your knowledge and your memory about various fruits,includingorange, banana, strawberry, but also some less knownfruits likekiwano, cantaloupe...You are rewarded with coins for every correct answer, whichyoucan exchange for hints in the game.Test your knowledge now! can you identify all the pictures?Webet you cannot without help.MAIN FEATURES:------------------------------ Very small size and does not require any registration tostartplaying- Very entertaining and useful at the same time- Suitable for all ages- Can be played with friends and family- Available without the InternetHELP FEATURES:------------------------------- Delete three lettersYou can eliminate three false letters from the proposed ones,- Show the first letterYou can show the first letter from the correct answer in theanswerbox.- Get help from your friendsIn the game, you can easily share a picture of the questionandshare it with your friends and family through multiple chatandsocial media apps.- Skip the questionFinally, if you fail guessing the correct name, you can skipthequestion using coins that you can collect through the game.HOW TO PLAY:-------------------------- Guess the name of the fruit shown in the screen- Type the name with the available letters in thecorrectorder- Make sure that you spell the fruit names correctly- You get coins as a reward for every correct answer, and youlosecoins for every wrong answer.If you are a fan of the challenges, you will inevitably lovethisgame.Please, do not forget to rate the game as honest feedback helpusto improve our games.
Summer Coloring Pages for Kids 1.2
Summer Coloring Pages is an addictivecoloringentertainment for all ages, specially for kids &Toddler!It is a fun educational coloring book and painting game forkidson summer theme, toddler and preschooler compatible with phonesandtablet.Children love coloring games, and they will enjoy playingthisinteractive game on summer. Multiple nice coloring pagesareavailable in this game.Main features:--------------------- 10 wonderful summer coloring pages (more coming inthefuture).- You can Color or Fill any closed shapes- 20 colors are available.- You can save the colored images and share it with friendsviamultiple social network apps.This app helps to improve manual skills of your kids andtheirimagination and creativity. It can helps them also to learncolorcombinations.Hope you enjoy this coloring book game.Remember to rate it, as honest ratings encourage us to makemoreimprovement and constant updates.
Ramadan Photo Frames Wishes 1.0
The holy month of Ramadan is coming,with“Ramadan Photo Frames Wishes” you can make the bestcustomizedIslamic images to wish a Ramadan Kareem, bless andcongratulate theloved ones, friends and family by the holymonth.This application allows you to add text to pictures, usingabeautiful typography, calligraphy and captions.You can combine a lot of styles, backgrounds stickers and framestomake beautiful and creative photos and artworks. The app allowsyoualso to share your designs with friends on social networks oranyother instant messaging application.Main features:--------------------- Simply add photos from gallery or take it with camera or youcanuse the images available in the application- You can add texts on your photo using over 12 different fontsandusing 20 different stylish captions- Text color is changeable, as you like.- Over 22 frames are available- Over 70+ carefully designed frames, stickers, and backgroundsthatyou can add to your designs.- In 10 seconds, you can add texts on your photos!Enjoy our “Ramadan Photo Frames Wishes”, and do not forget thatastylish photo worth 100 words.Remember to rate it, as honest ratings encourage us to makemoreimprovement and constant updates.Get this free app, and unleash your creativity. Download itnowand enjoy it.
أسئلة وأجوبة في الرياضة 1.1
أسئلة وأجوبة في الرياضة هي لعبة مسابقاتخاصةبالرياضة وخصوصا كرة القدم، تحتوي على أكثر من 100 سؤال وجواب.ستمكنك هذه اللعبة من اختبار معلوماتك العامة وتحدى معرفتك فيمايخصالرياضة وكرة القدم واللاعبين وكذلك الفرق والتواريخ الخاصةبمختلفالمسابقات والكؤوس الكروية القارية والدولية أهمها كأسالعالم.اختبر معلوماتك وثقف نفسك الآن، هل تستطيع الإجابة عنكلالاسئلة؟يتوفر التطبيق على عدة طرق مساعدة من بينها حذف أحرف أو إظهارالحرفالأول من الإجابة عن طريق استعمال النقاط التي سيمكنك جمعهاطوالاللعبة. كذلك يمكنك الاستعانة بصديق عبر مختلف تطبيقات التواصلكفيسبوكوواتساب حيث يمكنك التطبيق من إرسال ومشاركة صورة من السؤاللأصحابكواصدقاءك ليساعدوك في إيجاد إجابة السؤال أو اللغز.مميزات اللعبة:- حجم صغير جداً ولا تحتاج أي تسجيل قبل بدء اللعب- لعبة ممتعة ومفيدة في نفس الوقت- تصلح لتمضية الوقت ومشاركتها مع العائلة والأصدقاء خلال جلسة أووصلةتواصل أو أثناء رشفة من القهوة.- خاصية المشاركة وتحدي الأصدقاء- مناسبة لكل الأعمار- متوفرة للعب بدون إنترنت ودون الحاجة إلى اتصالخاصيات المساعدة المتوفرة في التطبيق:- تخطي السؤال والمرور إلى السؤال الموالي- حذف أحرف من الأحرف المقترحة- إظهار الحرف الأول من الإجابة- الاستعانة بصديق عبر إرسال صورة السؤال.إذا كنت من محبي الألغاز والأحاجي والكلمات المتقاطعة فستعجبحتماًبهذه اللعبة.لا تنسوا تقييم اللعبة لمساعدتنا على تطويرها وإضافة المزيدمنالأسئلة.Questions and answersinthe sport is a game especially in sports, especiallyfootballcompetitions, containing more than 100 questions andanswers.This game will allow you to test your knowledge andchallengeyour knowledge regarding sports and football players aswell asteams and dates for the various competitions and cupscontinentaland international football the most important of theWorld Cup.Test your knowledge and educate yourself now, can you answerallthe questions?Application on several ways to help, including the deletionofcharacters or show the first letter of the answer through theuseof points that you will have collected throughout the gameisavailable. You can also use a friend across differentcommunicationCfhispock and Oatsab applications where theapplication you cansend and post a copy of the question to yourfriends and yourfriends to help you in finding the answer toquestion orpuzzle.The game features:- Very small size and does not require any registration beforethestart of play- Pleasant and helpful for the game at the same time- Lend themselves to spend the time and share them with familyandfriends during a session or a link to continue or during a sipofcoffee.- Participation and challenge friends property- Suitable for all ages- Available to play without the Internet and without the needtoconnectThe properties available to assist in the application:- Skipped the question and password to question pro- Delete characters from the proposed letters- Show the first letter of the answer- Hiring a friend to send a picture via the question.If you're a fan of puzzles, riddles and crosswordsVstjbinevitably this game.Do not forget to evaluate the game to help us develop and addmorequestions.
Quiz Pictures Guess The Animal 1.0
Play with "Guess Games - Guess theanimal",guess hundreds of animal’s pictures and train yourmemory.This fun game of guessing animals contain more than 100 imagesandpictures of animals from all around the world, includingallpopular animals, but also some very rare animals.Do you like the animal world? Do you love quizzes and puzzles?Thenthis game is for you. You can test your knowledge and yourmemoryabout various animals, including pets, farm animals, jungleandwild animals, as well as birds, insects, and several other kindsofanimals.You are rewarded with coins for every correct answer, which youcanexchange for hints in the game. Get the higher score youcan.Challenge yourself! can you identify all the pictures? We betyoucannot without help.MAIN FEATURES:- Very small size and does not require any registration tostartplaying- Entertaining and very exciting at the same time- Suitable for all ages- You can play it alone or with friends and family- Available without the InternetHELP FEATURES:- Delete three letters: You can eliminate three false lettersfromthe proposed ones,- Show the first letter: You can show the first letter fromthecorrect answer in the answer box.- Get help from your friends: In the game, you can easily shareapicture of the question and share it with your friends andfamilythrough multiple instant messaging and social media apps.- Skip the question: Finally, if you fail to guess thecorrectname, you can skip the question using coins that you cancollectthrough the game.HOW TO PLAY:- Guess the name of the animal shown in the screen- Type the name with the available letters in thecorrectorder- Make sure that you spell the animals names correctly- You get coins as a reward for every correct answer, and youlosecoins for every wrong answer.If you are a fan of the challenges, you will inevitably lovethisgame.Please, do not forget to rate us as honest feedback help ustoimprove our games.
Easter Memory Game 1.0
“Easter Memory Game” it is a funmatchingpictures game Play and Learn for Kids, which can helpchildren todevelop and improve recognition, concentration andmemoryskills.Parents can also play this game with their children, foranunlimited fun and memory training. It helps kids to learnandrecognize different Easter images.How to play:Flip the cards and icons to see and memorize what is behind it,inorder to find and match its pair. You have to complete thelevelsand match all pics with the minimum clicks and time.Features of the game:- Wonderful HD images and attractive colorful graphics ofdifferentEaster objects.- Four interesting categories are available in the game- Sound can be controlled making it on or off at any moment- Score tracking option- Simple and intuitive interface and easy to play.- Available for now in four languages.If you like this game please remember to rate it, ashonestratings encourage us to improve, update and make new featuresandoptions in the game.Get this free app now, and stimulate your child’s brainandenhance their creativity and memory skills. This game is a funwayto fill free time with absolute fun and entertainment.Download it now and enjoy it.
Beard Styles Fashion Garibaldi 1.0
“Beard Styles Fashion Garibaldi” app containsadiversity of collection of Beard Styles. For all fashionbeardlover, you will find in this app the best and the latestBeardStyles and designs for men.This application is designed for all men who want to grow abeardand who are looking for different facial hairstyles. Getideas andinspiration for your next beard trend.Sure, you will like our Beard Gallery, if you are looking tofindideas for a stylish beard and haircut touch to add to youroriginalstyle.Various images and designs are available including:GaribaldiBeard, Verdi, Bandholz, Van Dyke, Dutch Beard, Full Beard,GoateeBeard, Extended Goatee, Short Stubble, Medium Stubble, andLongStubble, Ducktail, French Fork, Circle Beard, ImperialBeard,Anchor, Balbo, Friendly Mutton Chops…We make sure to bring to you the latest beards designs thataretrending this year. Take your beard game to the nextlevel.Main Features:---------------------- You can zoom in and out the design images to see thefinestdetails of photos.- You can share images with your friends and family via socialmediaapps or email.- You can save images in your mobile memory card for later useandreference.- You can set images as mobile wallpapers or show them inaslideshow.- You can set designs that you like to favorite.- Simple and flat design, easy to use and elegant.- A collection of photos carefully chosen including the latestandtrending beards designs.- Gallery divided into several categories.- High Quality Images.- Support mobiles and also tablets.If you like this game please remember to rate it, ashonestratings encourage us to improve, update and make new featuresandoptions in the game. Also we would be grateful if you share itwithfriends.Disclaimer: copyright of all images reserved to theirrespectiveowners. All the images in this app are available onpublic domains.The images are used simply for aesthetic purposes.Any request toremove one of the images will be honored.
Color Swap - Jumping Ball 1.3
“Color Swap – Jumping Ball” is anaddictivegame with a lot of fun.Tap the jumping ball to cross the multiple obstacles, andeverytime the ball touch some powerups it will switch color, thentocross the obstacles you have to pass through the right color.Ifyou jump through the wrong color, you will have tostartover.Collect all stars to get the highest scoreFollow the pattern and pass through all the color switchers asfaras you can.4 colors and Multiple obstacles such as circles and trianglesGet this free game, and discover your abilities. “Color Swap–Jumping Ball” is a fun way to fill free time with absolute funandentertainment.
احزر الصورة - شعارات 1.2
لعبة احزر صور الشعارات ستمكنك مناختبارمعلوماتك وذاكرتك بخصوص اللوغوهات الخاصة بعدة شركات وماركاتعربيةوعالمية عن طريق محاولة اكتشاف شعارات غير كاملة أو فقط تلميحاتعناللوغو.اختبر معلوماتك الآن، هل تستطيع الإجابة عن كل الاسئلة؟يتوفر التطبيق على عدة طرق مساعدة من بينها حذف أحرف أو إظهارالحرفالأول من الإجابة عن طريق استعمال النقاط التي سيمكنك جمعهاطوالاللعبة. كذلك يمكنك الاستعانة بصديق عبر مختلف تطبيقاتالتواصلكفيسبوك وواتساب حيث يمكنك التطبيق من إرسال ومشاركة صورة منالسؤالاو الشعار لأصحابك واصدقاءك ليساعدوك في إيجاد إجابة السؤالأواللغز.مميزات اللعبة:- حجم صغير جداً ولا تحتاج أي تسجيل قبل بدء اللعب- لعبة ممتعة ومفيدة في نفس الوقت- تصلح لتمضية الوقت ومشاركتها مع العائلة والأصدقاء.- خاصية المشاركة وتحدي الأصدقاء- مناسبة لكل الأعمار- متوفرة للعب بدون إنترنت ودون الحاجة إلى اتصالخاصيات المساعدة المتوفرة في التطبيق:- تخطي السؤال والمرور إلى السؤال الموالي- حذف أحرف من الأحرف المقترحة- إظهار الحرف الأول من الإجابة- الاستعانة بصديق عبر إرسال صورة الشعار أو السؤال.إذا كنت من التحدي فستعجب حتماً بهذه اللعبة.لا تنسوا تقييم اللعبة لمساعدتنا على تطويرها وإضافة المزيدمنالأسئلة.Game Guess picturesofgraffiti will enable you to test your knowledge and yourmemoryabout Alloquhat own several Arab and international companiesandbrands by trying slogans incomplete discovery or just hintsofLogos.Test your knowledge now, can you answer all the questions?Application on several ways to help, including the deletionofcharacters or show the first letter of the answer through theuseof points that you will have collected throughout the gameisavailable. You can also use a friend across differentcommunicationCfhispock and Oatsab applications where theapplication you cansend and post a copy of the question or logo toyour friends andyour friends to help you in finding the answer toquestion orpuzzle.The game features:- Very small size and does not require any registration beforethestart of play- Pleasant and helpful for the game at the same time- Lend themselves to spend the time and share them with familyandfriends.- Participation and challenge friends property- Suitable for all ages- Available to play without the Internet and without the needtoconnectThe properties available to assist in the application:- Skipped the question and password to question pro- Delete characters from the proposed letters- Show the first letter of the answer- The use of a friend by sending an image logo or question.If you challenge Vstjb inevitably this game.Do not forget to evaluate the game to help us develop and addmorequestions.
Dress Up For Teenage Girls 1.0
Dress Up For Teenage Girls is anexcitingfashion game! Get ready girls to show your style andimagination,and dress up the model girl of the game in the way andcolors thatyou love.Dress Up For Teenage Girls is a free dressing app game formobilephones and tablets, in which you can dress up the girl modelin amultiple stylish ways.Features:***********- Choose from a variety of hairstyles (many colors, styles, longandshort haircuts).- Create the perfect outfit by combining different clothingitemssuch as dresses, T-shirts, pants, shorts, skirts, andshoes.- Pick the accessories that fit the style created; multipleglasses,earrings, bags, and jewelry are available.- Select from 5 backgrounds the one that you like.- Multiple variations are possible.- Finally, you can take a photo for you wonderful design thatyoucan show to your friends or share it via social networks.Photoscan be taken using the phone screenshot shortcuts.Get this free app, and free up your creativity and yourstylingskills. Play it alone or with your friends. This game is afun wayto fill your free time with absolute fun always dreamed of being a stylist? This game is foryou.Download it now and enjoy the amazing experience.If you like this game please remember to rate it, as honestratingsencourage us to improve, update and make new features andoptionsin the game.
Match Pictures of Halloween 1.2
Fun Halloween memory game, for matchingpicsfor all ages, test your skills now-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“Match pictures of Halloween” is a puzzle Halloween match gameofpairs matching for adults and children. It is a fun memorygame,which can help children to develop and improverecognition,concentration and memory skills.The scary Halloween approaches, so this is the perfect time forkidsto play this game.Parents can also play this game with their children, foranunlimited fun and memory training. It helps kids to learnandrecognize different pictures related to the Halloween.This game is suitable for children of all ages, babies,toddlers,preschoolers, and teens. Boys and girls are interested inHalloweentheme.How to play the game:**************************Tap the icons and to see and memorize what is behind it, in ordertofind and match its pair. You have to complete the levels andmatchall Halloween pics with the minimum clicks and time.Features of the game:*************************- Wonderful HD images and attractive colorful graphicsofHalloween- The game contains many mysterious pictures related to the themeofHalloween such as magic wand, pumpkins, bats, ghosts,masks,phantoms, skeletons, skulls, vampires, witches, mummy,wizard,monsters, owls, moonlight, black cats, gravestones and RIPsigns,and many others.- Four interesting categories are available in the game- Sound can be controlled making it on or off at any moment- Score tracking option- Simple and intuitive interface and easy to play.- Available for now in three languages and more languages willbeadded in the future.- Kids can play this game at any time, at home, outsideoreverywhere.If you like this game please remember to rate it, ashonestratings encourage us to improve, update and make new featuresandoptions in the game.For a funny Halloween, or your Halloween party, get thisfreeapp, and free up your creativity and your memory skills.Discoveryour abilities; “Match pictures of Halloween” is a fun wayto fillfree time with absolute fun and entertainment.Download it now and enjoy it.
احزر الصورة - أعلام الدول 1.1
لعبة احزر صور الأعلام ستمكنك من اختبارمعلوماتكوذاكرتك بخصوص أعلام الدول وبلدان العالم.كل علم يتميز بألوان وأشكال خاصة، اختبر معلوماتك الآن، هلتستطيعالتعرف على كل الأعلام؟ اختبر نفسك الآن، نراهن أنك لن تستطيعدونمساعدة.يتوفر التطبيق على عدة طرق مساعدة من بينها حذف أحرف أو إظهارالحرفالأول من الإجابة عن طريق استعمال النقاط التي سيمكنك جمعهاطوالاللعبة. كذلك يمكنك الاستعانة بصديق عبر مختلف تطبيقاتالتواصلكفيسبوك وواتساب حيث يمكنك التطبيق من إرسال ومشاركة صورةالعلملأصحابك واصدقاءك ليساعدوك في إيجاد الإجابة إذا استعصى عليكمعرفةاسم البلد أو الدولة المناسبة.مميزات اللعبة:- حجم صغير جداً ولا تحتاج أي تسجيل قبل بدء اللعب- لعبة ممتعة ومفيدة في نفس الوقت- تصلح لتمضية الوقت ومشاركتها مع العائلة والأصدقاء.- خاصية المشاركة وتحدي الأصدقاء- مناسبة لكل الأعمار- متوفرة للعب بدون إنترنت ودون الحاجة إلى اتصالخاصيات المساعدة المتوفرة في التطبيق:- تخطي السؤال والمرور إلى السؤال الموالي- حذف أحرف من الأحرف المقترحة- إظهار الحرف الأول من الإجابة- الاستعانة بصديق عبر إرسال صورة من التطبيق.إذا كنت من التحدي فستعجب حتماً بهذه اللعبة.لا تنسوا تقييم اللعبة لمساعدتنا على تطويرها وإضافة المزيدمنالأسئلة.Game Guess images offlagswill enable you to test your knowledge and your memory abouttheflags of States and the countries of the world.Each flag is characterized by colors and forms of private,testyour knowledge now, can you identify all the flags? Testyourselfnow, I bet you can not without help.Application on several ways to help, including the deletionofcharacters or show the first letter of the answer through theuseof points that you will have collected throughout the gameisavailable. You can also use a friend across differentcommunicationCfhispock and Oatsab applications where you can sendtheapplication of science and post a photo to your friends andyourfriends to help you in finding the answer eluded If you knowthename of the country or the appropriate state.The game features:- Very small size and does not require any registration beforethestart of play- Pleasant and helpful for the game at the same time- Lend themselves to spend the time and share them with familyandfriends.- Participation and challenge friends property- Suitable for all ages- Available to play without the Internet and without the needtoconnectThe properties available to assist in the application:- Skipped the question and password to question pro- Delete characters from the proposed letters- Show the first letter of the answer- The use of a friend by sending a copy of the application.If you challenge Vstjb inevitably this game.Do not forget to evaluate the game to help us develop and addmorequestions.
احزر البوكيمون 1.4
لعبة احزر البوكيمون ستمكنك من اختبارمعلوماتكوذاكرتك بخصوص مختلف البوكيمونات المعروفة.يحتوي التطبيق على 151 صورة لجميع بوكيمونات الجيل الأولوالمتوفرةفي السلسلة وكذلك في بوكيمون جو.اختبر معلوماتك الآن، هل تستطيع التعرف على كل الصور؟ نراهن أنكلنتستطيع دون مساعدة.يتوفر التطبيق على عدة طرق مساعدة من بينها حذف أحرف أو إظهارالحرفالأول من الإجابة عن طريق استعمال النقاط التي سيمكنك جمعهاطوالاللعبة. كذلك يمكنك الاستعانة بصديق عبر مختلف تطبيقات التواصلكفيسبوكوواتساب حيث يمكنك التطبيق من إرسال ومشاركة صورة البوكيمونالذياستعصى عليك معرفته لأصحابك واصدقاءك ليساعدوك في إيجادالإجابة.مميزات اللعبة:- حجم صغير جداً ولا تحتاج أي تسجيل قبل بدء اللعب- لعبة ممتعة ومفيدة في نفس الوقت- تصلح لتمضية الوقت ومشاركتها مع العائلة والأصدقاء.- خاصية المشاركة وتحدي الأصدقاء- مناسبة لكل الأعمار- متوفرة للعب بدون إنترنت ودون الحاجة إلى اتصالخاصيات المساعدة المتوفرة في التطبيق:- تخطي السؤال والمرور إلى السؤال الموالي- حذف أحرف من الأحرف المقترحة- إظهار الحرف الأول من الإجابة- الاستعانة بصديق عبر إرسال صورة من التطبيق.إذا كنت من التحدي فستعجب حتماً بهذه اللعبة.لا تنسوا تقييم اللعبة لمساعدتنا على تطويرها وإضافة المزيدمنالأسئلة.كل حقوق الصور محفوظة لأصحابها الأصليين، الصور المستعملة فيهذاالتطبيق استعملت فقط لغرض تعريف الشخصيات وذلك في إطارالاستخدامالعادل fair use.Guess Pokemon gamewillallow you to test your knowledge and your memory about thevariousknown Albuquemonat.The application contains 151 picture of all Bokimunatfirstgeneration and are available in the series as well as inPokemonatmosphere.Test your knowledge now, can you identify all the pictures? Ibetyou can not without help.Application on several ways to help, including the deletionofcharacters or show the first letter of the answer through theuseof points that you will have collected throughout the gameisavailable. You can also use a friend across differentcommunicationCfhispock and Oatsab applications where theapplication you cansend and share the image Pokemon, who has eludedyou know to yourfriends and your friends to help you in finding theanswer.The game features:- Very small size and does not require any registration beforethestart of play- Pleasant and helpful for the game at the same time- Lend themselves to spend the time and share them with familyandfriends.- Participation and challenge friends property- Suitable for all ages- Available to play without the Internet and without the needtoconnectThe properties available to assist in the application:- Skipped the question and password to question pro- Delete characters from the proposed letters- Show the first letter of the answer- The use of a friend by sending a copy of the application.If you challenge Vstjb inevitably this game.Do not forget to evaluate the game to help us develop and addmorequestions.Each image rights reserved to their original owners, thepicturesused in this application is used only for the purpose ofdefiningthe characters in the framework of fair use fair use.
Princess Room Decoration Dolls 1
Princess Room Decoration Dolls is awonderfuland exciting game made for girls who love decoration.With this game, you can have a lot of fun and showyourimagination, your style and creative skills, and decorate theroomin the way and colors that you love.Create the style that you want for your princess room usingthedifferent realistic furniture and accessories available inthegame. You can choose and arrange different combinationsusingdifferent beds, desks, lights, windows, floor and wall colorsandpattern and carpet…Features:- Multiple furniture and accessories available to decoratetheroom;- Create the perfect bedroom style by combining differentbeds,desks, carpets, lights, wall and floor colors andpattern…;- Multiple and unlimited variations are possible;- Calm and wonderful music theme.Get this free game, and free up your creativity and yourstylingskills. Play it alone or with your friends. This game is afun wayto fill your free time with absolute fun andentertainment.Have you always dreamed of being an interior designer? Thisgameis for you. Download it now and enjoy the amazingexperience.If you like this game please remember to rate it, ashonestratings encourage us to improve, update and make new featuresandoptions in the game.
Camera Photo Effects & Filters 1.2
With the “Camera Photo Effects & Filters”application, you can enhance your pictures and photos with the mostcommonly used effects and filters.If you love photography and have passion for it, then this app isfor you. You can edit you images (or take photos with camera) usingthe filters and effects available in this free pictureeditor.Main Features:- Filter Effects: multiple built-in professional filtereffects, such as: Retro, Brightness, B/W, Punch, Instant, Latte,Blue, Autocolor, Exposure, Vignette, Contrast, Shadows, Saturation,Negative, Edges, Posterize…;- Gallery Border: Wonderful and colorful pictureframes;- Photo Sharing: One button multi-platform sharing. You canshare your photos via multiple social networking application.
Workout Timer Chrono Stopwatch 1.0
“Workout Timer Chrono Stopwatch”, is 2 in1application that contain a timer and chronometer.Everyone can use this app, especially in fitness and gymworkout,but also in any other use like as a kitchen timer forcooking or atime management tool like pomodoro timer for timemanagement...This app can be used as:- A chronometer or countdown timer for interval trainingandworkouts like HIIT or Tabata in many sports (athleticism,swimming,Boxe...).- A kitchen timer for cooking or baking.- A pomodoro technique in a way to track goals, manage your timeandincrease your focus and productivityMain features:Timer:- Helps you to make you own workouts and save them intheapplication. You can set the work time, the break/pause time,andthe number of rounds, laps or circuits.- A notification sound in the last seconds will be fired aftereachlaps to inform you to start the training or to take apause.The chronometer:- Helps you to monitor the workout time and save laps as a listwiththe total time and the time for each lap.Remember to rate us, as honest ratings encourage us to makemoreimprovement and constant updates.
Room Design Doll House 1.2
"Room Design Doll House" is an exciting gamefor girls who love decoration.You can have a lot of fun playing this game. Show your style, yourimagination, and your creative skills, and design the room in theway and colors that you love.Create the style that you want for your Doll House using realisticfurniture and accessories available in the game. You can decorateand arrange different combinations using different beds, desks,lights, windows, floor and wall colors and pattern andcarpet…Features:- Multiple furniture and accessories available to design theroom;- Create the perfect bedroom style by combining different beds,desks, carpets, lights, wall and floor colors and pattern…;- Multiple and unlimited variations are possible;- Calm and wonderful music theme.Get this free game, and free up your creativity and your stylingskills. Play it alone or with your friends. This game is a fun wayto fill your free time with absolute fun and entertainment.Have you always dreamed of being an interior designer? This game isfor you. Download it now and enjoy the amazing experience.If you like this game please remember to rate it, as honest ratingsencourage us to improve, update and make new features and optionsin the game.
Blue Duck Adventures 1.1
Help the hopping blue duck getting themaximumof fruits and gift boxes by leaping over balloons andwheelswithout falling down. Try your best and score as high asyoucan.The Blue Duck Adventures game is a wonderful way to pass andenjoyyour free timeHow to play:------------------- Click on the screen to jump between wheels and balloons- Shoot and eat fruits and gift boxes- Score as high as you can- You can also jump higher by double clickFeatures:-------------- Great and attractive graphics- Exciting music and sound effects- Score tracking- Multiple achievements to go after according to the scoreyoureachAchievements:---------------------- Six achievements ranging between prince (when you reach a scoreof5000), grand prince, duke, grand duke, king, grand king (whenyoureach a score of 200000)- Four stages according to the number of combo's you get(Brasscrown (50 combos), Copper crown, silver crown and gold crown(1000combos)If you like this game please remember to rate it, as honestratingsencourage us to improve, update and make new features andoptionsin the game.
🎙️ Voice Recorder Pro - Audio Sound Recording App
Voice Recorder Pro, simple & useful audio recorder for yourimportant moments