AndVicAlb Apps

Glucose Reader - Diabetes 1.0.17
GlucoSaurio, Glucose Reader for patches withTechnology NFC ISO15693Use your Android mobile NFC enabled to capture readings from yourpatch** Please note this is NOT a product created by or backed by themanufacturer of the patch sensor **Glucosaurio, monitors the glucose readings of your patch withNFC technology for example, Freestyle Libre, get your Androidapplication to your phone or Tablet on Google play.Take control of your diabetes!Readings made by this application are purely indicative, Thisapp is not intended to replace formal glucose test.We recommend you regularly do formal glucose test. Readings mayvary from one device to another.IMPORTANT: The App GlucoSaurio, glucose monitoring system, issuitable for measuring interstitial glucose in adults. 18 years orolder.Use a blood glucose meter to check the glucose readings from theGlucosaurio AppSometimes you can capture erroneous readings, you can check with ablood glucose test to confirm their your real level of glucose.On occasions you may get innacurate readings if you believe thisplease perform a blood glucose test on your finger to confirm yourglucose levelThe use of this app is under your responsibilityYou always have to consult your health care professionalIf you have any question, please feel free to be in contact withus. e-mail [email protected] have been more than 2,000 readings with various patches ofthis technology, but we do not ensure the reliability of thereadings that we have not been able to check.This app is no as fast as the original reader. Get ir nest tothe patch and do not move it until you hear 2 sounds or you fell avibration, in this moment, you can remove it© 2015