Alphabet Apps

AlphaCity Corporate Carsharing
AlphaCity ist so einfach wie genial: Anstellevon z.B. Taxis und Mietfahrzeugen können Sie als Mitarbeiter dieAlphaCity CarSharing Fahrzeuge geschäftlich und sogar privatnutzen.Hier die wichtigsten Features im Überblick*:- mobiler Zugriff auf die AlphaCity-Plattform IhresUnternehmens- Anzeige von Fahrzeugverfügbarkeit und Fahrzeugdetails- Reservierung von AlphaCity Fahrzeugen- Anzeige Ihrer nächsten anstehenden Reservierung- Stornieren von ReservierungenAlphaCity wünscht Ihnen allzeit gute Fahrt.*für registrierte NutzerAlpha City is as simpleas it is ingenious: instead of eg Taxis and rental cars can be usedas an employee, the Alpha City carsharing vehicles business, andeven private.Here are the key features at a glance *:- Mobile access to the City Alpha platform your organization- Display of vehicle availability and vehicle details- Reservation of Alpha City vehicles- Display your next upcoming reservation- Canceling reservationsAlpha City wishes you a safe journey.* For registered users
AlphaGuide PL 1.0.3
AlphaGuide is your mobile assistant, advisor and all the guidanceyou need at a touch of a button as well as providing drivers with ahost of information and contact numbers, AlphaGuide can alsobe used to record information in the event of a breakdown oraccident including photographs and direct access toAlphabet Customer Services, should you need to talk to one of theAlphabet team. It has a number of features which provide reliableassistance to drivers:ContactAlphaGuide has a direct dial function for a quick connection withAlphabet’s 24/7 Assistance, as well as the reception desk andTechnical Department.Service Partner SearchSpecial search engine which enables you to locate fuelling,recharging or service points.In an AccidentIn case of an emergency, AlphaGuide features accident guidelinesand special report interface to quickly gather all the importantinformation about the accident.Other Problems on the RoadThe app contains the list of  most frequently encounteredproblems on the road with practical instructions what to do in caseof theft, breakdown or loss of documents.For your ConvenienceAlphaGuide features frequently asked questions, as well as a handyguide for those who want to take their business car abroad. You canalso find out more about tyre replacement process and technicalinspection planning.End of ContractAlphabet will help you step-by-step when the contract is nearingthe end of its term so you can avoid additional charge whenreturning your vehicle. You will not forget about buying your newcar thanks to calendar notification.
AlphaGuide FR 1.0.1
Avec AlphaGuide, nous vous accompagnons tout au long devotrecontrat de location longue durée.Téléchargez AlphaGuide, l’application mobile pour lesconducteursAlphabet, et d’un simple clic vous pourrez :– Contacter directement notre Service conducteurs.– Géolocaliser nos partenaires partout en France.– Trouver les informations et outils pratiques liés à votrecontratdans le Guide du Conducteur.– Avoir accès à notre FAQ.– Accéder à notre plateforme de Véhicules d’Occasion.Vous avez des questions ou des suggestions ?Visitez notre site web ou écrivez nous à [email protected] route avec AlphaGuide !WithAlphaGuide, we support you throughout your lease long term.AlphaGuide download the mobile application for driversalphabet,and with a single click you can:- Contact directly our drivers Service.- Geotag our partners throughout France.- Find information and practical tools related to your contractinthe Driver Guide.- Have access to our FAQ.- Access to our platform Used Vehicles.You have any questions or suggestions?Visit our Web Site or write us @alphabet.francealphabet.comGood road with AlphaGuide!
AlphaGuide 6.7.1
AlphaGuide is the next intelligent step towards smarter,moreefficient mobility. The AlphaGuide app provides a number ofsmartsolutions for business travelers, including: An interactivemapthat highlights relevant points of interest along your route,and amileage tracking function for hassle free mileage reporting**.Youcan also request a service for a time convenient to you!Inaddition, Alphabet drivers have quick and easy access totheircontract details, damage reporting*** and the 24/7 AlphabetServiceHotline. Points of interest Easily navigate an integratedmap tofind helpful services near you. AlphaGuide directs you tothenearest Charging stations, Tyre Centres and other services,givingyou all the information you need for hassle free mobility.MileageTracker** Accurately track and report on your vehiclemileagethroughout your day. This feature also includes abusiness/privatemileage split and an exporting function that makesmileage claimingsimple. Additional features for Alphabet Drivers:Contractinformation Linking your contract to the AlphaGuide appwill allowyou to see a detailed summary of your vehicle andcontractinformation, including any additional services that areapplicableto you. Damage reporting*** In the unfortunate event of adrivingincident, AlphaGuide offers a step by step damagereportingfunction allowing you to capture all the importantinformation youneed. Take pictures of the scene of the incident,add relevantdetails and let us take care of the rest. AlphabetSupport HotlineGet in touch! 24/7 access to our mobility experts,providing youwith all the help and support you need. We're only aphone callaway. * Continued use of GPS running in the backgroundcandramatically decrease battery life ** Only available in theUnitedKingdom and the Netherlands For further information visitourwebsite, check the FAQ on the app or contact us [email protected].
Alphabet Carbon Tracker 1.2.34
Automatically log your trips with Alphabet Carbon Trackerandcollect rewards