AH Apps

survey tool 1.2
Reportit is a generic report tool which canbeused for developing questionnaires, surveys, contractorworkreports - You name it we report it!Data handling: Reportit can work online (reported viaemail,mysql) or offline (saved on local device, and export tocsvfile)Connection: The app connects the report data to a data sourcebymail or mysql.Real time result: If connected to the web and you youarereporting to a mysql db you can obtain real time resultTemplates: The reports are easily set up by defining them inanxml file. When the app is invoked it builds the report via thexmlfile, thus providing a generic and flexible appLanguage: When defining the reports in xml, the user canutilizetheir local languageKiosk mode: The app is applicable in kiosk setupSupported types:1. Textarea2. Date Field3. Selection List4. Number Slider5. Checkbox (true/false)