36Pixels Apps

One Gassy Day 1.2
*****Launch Contest! Win a free Kindle FireHD!Review this app to enter. See Details Below.*****The first three pages of this book are free for you to try.Therest of the book is available on in-app purchase.One Gassy Day is a kid's book which teaches young kidsaboutetiquette for passing gas in an entertaining way.You follow the main character (Shay) throughout a normalday.During each activity, (school, shopping, etc.) he experiencestheneed to pass gas (Fart). The reader is then able to decidewhetherShay holds it in or lets it go. If they choose for Shay tolet itgo they are able to see the reaction of the people aroundhim. Atthe end of the book Shay learns the most appropriate placeto passgas.The idea behind the book is that kids learn bestwithentertainment and repetition. With this in mind we created abookwhich kids will want to read over and over. Whilebeingentertained, our hope is that they will take away the messageofthe book.***** To win the free Kindle Fire HD write a review for thisappand send an email to [email protected] and tell us the titleofyour review, we will reply to that email if you win.*****Keywords: Kids, Book, Entertain, Preschool, Elementary,Education,Learn, Fart, Farting, Child, Children, Read, Laugh,etiquette.
LDS Plan 1.0
LDS plan is for members of the Church ofJesusChrist of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) to help manage theirhometeaching and visiting teaching. It will do just abouteverythingfor you except teach the lesson and drive the car. LDSplan willschedule your appointments for you, no phone calls needed.It willreport for you, no phone calls needed. It also sendsreminders toyou, your companion, and your families before eachappointment.LDS plan is free service found at www.LDSplan.com. Yourcompanionand families do not need this app for it to work for you.They canuse any device with internet access and interact with youviaLDSplan.com. The app is used for scheduling on a mobile device,butis not required for responding.Scheduling -LDS plan uses email to contact your families and companion.Eachmonth you submit the days and times when you are available togohome or visiting teaching. When you click “submit,” LDS plansendsemails to everyone asking them to select dates and timeswithin thedays you have submitted. After everyone has responded,includingyour companion, LDS plan compiles that information todeterminedates and times which are convenient for everyone. Thegoal is toget all of your appointments on the same day and at timeswhen yourcompanion is also available. Once it determines the bestdates andtimes you receive an email asking you to confirm thesetimes. Andthat is it! Your appointments are set.Reminders -A couple days before each appointment, LDS planautomaticallysends emails out to you, your companion, and yourfamilies. Thiswill happen without any effort on your part.Reporting -Reporting could not be any easier. After each appointment yougetan email requesting a report. You can say you did or did notseethem and add a note if you would like. LDS plan uses emailaddressesto identify people. All you need is the email address ofthe personyou report to. When you submit his or her email address,that personis automatically given access to your reports from thenon.Leadership -LDS plan can make life much easier and reporting moreeffectivefor those in a leadership position. When yourcompanionships areusing LDS plan to schedule and report on theirappointments, youcan log in at any time and see their progress.This means real timereporting. You don’t have to wait until nextmonth before you knowhow this month is going. Effective leaderskeep an eye on thereports to see mid-month who is likely not to beseen and thenschedule their visits to those people rather thanmaking duplicatevisits. If someone in your stewardship does notwant to use thescheduling feature, it isn't required. They canstill use it toreport and keep things all in one place for you!Keywords: LDS, mormon, home teaching, visiting teaching,LDSleadership, Elders Quorum, Relief Society, LDS apps, LDSchurch,Reporting, LDSplan, mormon apps, Church of Jesus ChristofLatter-day Saints, LDS
LDS Fortify 1.0
Daily reminder and checklist for thethingsthat help us stay on the right path.
Social Paragon 1.0.2
The official Social Paragon app used with our reputationmanagementtool. This app is for Social Paragon Clients only. If youwouldlike more information on using our app visit our websiteathttp://www.socialparagon.com
Zurvia 1.10
Zurvia is a review management tool built with small businessinmind. Reviews are one of the most important marketing assetsasmall business can have. They can have an extremely positiveornegative effect, either way being proactive with your reviewsisessential to having a profitable business. We can help increaseandmanage your review profile and for a price that is flexibleenoughto fit any budget.
Review Manager App 1.14
This app helps businesses manage their reviews.