2.0.0 / August 4, 2016
(5.0/5) (7)


"With the Daimler Fleet App you can easilyfindgarages, petrol stations and car parks in your vicinity or atacertain location. Everything you need is available at a glanceinlist view including distances and contact data or in map viewwithGPS. With the petrol price monitor you can keep an eye onthepetrol prices throughout Germany and adapt all settings toyourrequirements. This way only those petrol stations are displayedatwhich you are able to pay cashless with your petrol cardfromShell, Aral or Novofleet. Alternatively, the app can displaytheleast expensive, closest or the most conveniently locatedpetrolstation as well as show you the way. In case of an accidentordamage at your car simply use our claims settlement within theappand report the damage to your insurance company quickly andeasily.Keep track of things with a step-by-step manual even in theeventof a damage and save and send all relevant evidence andpaperworkfor the documentation of the damage. Get hold of the mostimportantservice hotlines und emergency numbers with the handyclick to calltool - worldwide. With the digital parking metre youcan receivereminders just before your parking metre runs down inorder tolimit the risk of getting a ticket. Optionally, the parkingmetreshows you the way back to your car.
In the news column we have summarised the most importanttopicsregarding car pool management as well as an attractiveleasingoffer of the month. For our customers we have summarisedallrelevant information concerning the use of their company car inthecategory driver services.
Find further information about Daimler Fleet Management,ourproducts and services under the heading our services. If youhaveany questions regarding our app or products, simply fill outthecontact sheet and we will take care of your request immediately.

Daimler Fleet Management is one of the leading suppliers inthefollowing areas:
• car pool management for passenger cars
• service leasing
• finance leasing
• multi brand passenger car leasing

From service and finance leasing to car pool management,DaimlerFleet Management offers all kinds of solutions concerningtheoptimisation of your car pool. With an internationallyorientedportfolio that contains our own and third party brands weare yourservice provider with the largest automotive expertise forallquestions regarding your industrial passenger car pool.

Daimler Fleet Management. Driving Mobility."

App Information Daimler Fleet App

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Mercedes-Benz Fahrzeugsuche 1.0 APK
Daimler AG
Die Mercedes-Benz Fahrzeugsuche wird mobil. Mit dieser App habenSie Zugriff auf unser Mercedes-Benz Bestands- undGebrauchtfahrzeugangebot.Wählen Sie Ihr Wunschfahrzeug aus Tausenden von Mercedes-Benz –darunter aktuell verfügbare neue Bestandsfahrzeuge, Junge Sterne,Vorführwagen, Jahreswagen und weitere Gebrauchtwagen.Die App bietet eine vollumfängliche Suchfunktion zu vielen gängigenFahrzeugeigenschaften, wie z. B. Klasse, Erstzulassung, Motorartoder Ausstattung.Außerdem haben Sie die Möglichkeit, Ihre Suchkriterien zuspeichern, eine Favoritenliste anzulegen und über das integrierteKontaktformular direkt mit dem jeweiligen Autohaus in Verbindung zutreten.TheMercedes-Benz car search is mobile. With this app, you have accessto our Mercedes-Benz inventory and used vehicles.Select your car from thousands of Mercedes-Benz - includingcurrently available new stock cars, Young stars, Demonstrator,'scars and other used cars.The app offers a Full range search function to many common vehiclecharacteristics, such as class, first registration, engine type orequipment.You also have the option to save your search criteria to create alist of favorites and contact us via the contact form integrateddirectly with the dealership.
Mercedes-Benz Service 3.1.1 APK
Daimler AG
So much service in just one app.The Mercedes-Benz Service App offers you reliable support in roadtraffic and useful automotive functions. From simple creation ofdamage reports to service appointment requests right through topractical parking place assistants. The app also shows you thematching tyres and rims as well as the right Mercedes-Benz oil foryour car.Accident assistance:In emergencies, the app explains what to do step by step andcontains the most important emergency and service numbers. A firstaid guide provides support when administering initial care inserious incidents.Service appointment:Request simple and easy a service appointment via the app.Damage report:Create a complete damage report quickly and simply, includingphotos and a sketch of the accident. As a Mercedes-Benz carinsurance customer, you can then send the message directly to ourdamage team who will get in touch by telephone, meaning that you donot have to deal with tedious paperwork.News:You will receive regular information about the latest offers fromMercedes-Benz or your Mercedes-Benz partner.Further practical assistance:Numerous useful functions such as the dealer search, test drive,parking place assistant with automatic geopositioning, parkingmeter and fine calculator support you during everyday driving.
Mercedes-Benz Parts Game 3.0.1 APK
Daimler AG
The Mercedes-Benz GenuineParts Game is aninteractive game, in which the player tries to find matching pairsof cards.In addition to learning about Mercedes-Benz GenuineParts throughplay, the game is also ideal training for your memory and powers ofconcentration.Have fun discovering our Mercedes-Benz GenuineParts!
Mercedes-Benz Kundencenter 2.1.5 APK
Daimler AG
Ihr neuer Mercedes wartet schon auf Sie.Planen Sie mit der App Ihre Anreise und informieren Sie sich vorabüber die Highlights in den Mercedes-Benz Kundencenter.Sie erhalten tolle Reisetipps und profitieren von wertvollenInformationen rund um die Abholung im Kundencenter . Unsereintegrierte Checkliste sorgt dafür, dass Sie an dem ganz besonderenTag der Fahrzeugabholung all Ihre Unterlagen dabei haben.Sind Sie angekommen, hilft Ihnen unsere Navigation dabei, sichim Kundencenter zurecht zu finden und alle Attraktionen zu erleben.Nach Ihrer Abholung können Sie Ihr persönliches Erinnerungsfotoganz bequem über die App herunterladen und im Lexikon interessanteHighlights Ihres Fahrzeugs nachschlagen.Entdecken Sie diese und viele weitere Services in unserer neuenKundencenter App und erleben Sie einen unvergesslichen Tag!Your new Mercedes iswaiting for you.Plan your journey with the app and find out in advance of thehighlights of the Mercedes-Benz customer center.You get great travel tips and benefit from valuable informationabout the pick-up in the customer center. Our integrated checklistensures that you have all your documents with you to the veryspecial day of vehicle pick-up.Once you have arrived, you our navigation helps to get along inthe customer center and experience all the attractions. After yourpick, you can manage your personal souvenir photo easily accessiblefrom the App download and look interesting highlights of yourvehicle in the lexicon.Discover these and many other services in our new CustomerCenter app and experience an unforgettable day!
Mercedes-Benz Service Schweiz APK
Daimler AG
So viel Service passt in eine App.Die Mercedes-Benz Service App bietet Ihnen zuverlässigeUnterstützung im Strassenverkehr und nützliche Funktionen rund umsFahrzeug.Von der einfachen Erstellung einer Schadenmeldung über die Anfrageeines Servicetermins bis hin zum praktischen Parkplatz-Assistenten.Zusätzlich können Sie sich Ihre passenden Mercedes-Benz Reifen undFelgen und das richtige Öl zu Ihrem Fahrzeug anzeigen lassen.Unfallhilfe:In Notsituationen erklärt die App schrittweise, was zu tun ist undhält die wichtigsten Notruf- und Servicenummern für Sie bereit.Gegen die kleinen Spuren des Alltags:Erstellen Sie schnell und unkompliziert eine ausführlicheMercedes-Benz SmallRepair Meldung (Glas, Dellen, Lack, Felgen undInnenraum). Anschliessend können Sie sich direkt aus der App vonIhrem Mercedes-Benz Partner per E-Mail und Foto ein passendesAngebot zur Schadensbehebung einholen.Servicetermin:Fragen Sie bequem und einfach über die App einen Termin fürbeispielsweise Ihren nächsten Service an.Mercedes me:Über die Service App können Sie direkt auf Mercedes me zugreifenund sich dort über individuelle Mobilitäts-, Konnektivitäts-,Service- und Finanzdienstleistungen informieren.Aktuelle Neuigkeiten:Sie erhalten regelmässig Informationen über aktuelle Angebote vonMercedes-Benz.Weitere praktische Helfer:Zahlreiche nützliche Funktionen wie die Händlersuche,Probefahrt-Anfrage, Parkplatz-Assistent mit automatischerGeopositionierung, Warn- und Kontrollleuchten Erklärungunterstützen Sie im Verkehrsalltag.So much service fits intoan app.The Mercedes-Benz Service App offers you reliable support byroad and useful functions around the vehicle.From the simple creation of a damage report on the request of aservice appointment through to the practical Parking Assistant. Inaddition, you can have your matching Mercedes-Benz wheels and tiresand the right oil for your vehicle display.Unfallhilfe:In emergency situations, the app explains step by step what to dostock their main emergency and service numbers for you.Against the small traces of everyday life:Create fast and uncomplicated a detailed Mercedes-Benz SmallRepairmessage (glass, dents, paint, rims and interior). You can then seekto repair the fault directly from the app from your Mercedes-Benzdealer by e-mail and photo a suitable offer.Service Date:Ask about the app an appointment for example your next serviceconvenient and easy.Mercedes me:About the Service app can be accessed directly on Mercedes me andget information about individual mobility, connectivity, servicesand financial services.Latest News:Regularly receive information about current offers fromMercedes-Benz.Further practical aid:Many useful features, such as a dealer, test drive request, ParkingAssist with automatic geolocation, warning and control lightsdeclaration support in everyday traffic.
Mercedes-Benz Service UK APK
Daimler AG
** Attention: This App does not get further developed **Due to technical reasons the Service App will not getfurtherdeveloped.You can still use the App. The latest OS-update won‘t getsupported– that can course problems by using the app.For more information about your car and services available toyou,please visit the Mercedes me website @ www.mercedes.me---The Mercedes-Benz Service App offers you a number ofusefulfunctions from assistance during breakdowns andemergencies,including easy creation of damage reports through to apracticalparking place assistant, European driving information andwith adirect link to the My Service on-line booking portal.Accident assistance:In the event of an accident the app provides useful advice onwhatto do, including helpful contact numbers and guides theuserthrough the creation of a damage report quickly andsimply,including photographic evidence and a sketch of theaccident.Practical assistance:Useful functions such as en-route country specificdrivinginformation, retailer search, parking place assistantwithautomatic geo-positioning and parking meter alert supportyouduring every day driving.Book a Service Online:The app provides a direct link to the award winning Mercedes-BenzMyService On-line booking portal, providing the ability to selectyourchosen retailer and book a service, repair, diagnosis or MOTin realtime.
Mercedes-Benz Service België 1.0.0 APK
Daimler AG
** Attention: This App does not getfurtherdeveloped **Due to technical reasons the Service app will not getfurtherdeveloped. You can still use the App. Future OS-updateswon‘t getsupported – that can course problems by using the app.---Een waaier aan diensten in één enkele app.Deze Mercedes-Benz Service App is uw betrouwbarebondgenootonderweg. Uw geparkeerde wagen terugvinden, een afspraakmaken bijuw Mercedes Partner voor een onderhoud, eenongevalsaangifteinvullen? Danzij deze app is dit kinderspel.Hulp bij ongevallen.De app zegt u, stap per stap, wat u moet doen en bevat bovendiendebelangrijkste nummers van hulpdiensten en servicediensten.Deeerste-hulp-bij-ongevallen gids helpt u bij het verlenen vanhulpaan personen in nood.Afspraak voor onderhoud.Een afspraak maken bij uw Mercedes-Benz Partner kan voortaan snelenmakkelijk via deze app.Schadedossier.Snel en eenvoudig een ongevalsaangifte invullen, foto's bijvoegeneneen beschrijving van de omstandigheden kan voortaan onlinegebeurenals je verzekerd bent via Mercedes-Benz. U dient enkel hetdossierper mail door te sturen naar uw verzekering en u bentverlost van alhet papierwerk (enkel indien er geen derden bijbetrokken zijn).Nieuws.U ontvangt regelmatig informatie m.b.t. de laatste aanbiedingenvanMercedes-Benz of uw eigen Mercedes-Benz Partner.Meer praktische hulp.Verschillende handige functies, zoals dedichtsbijzijndeMercedes-Benz Partner vinden, een testrit aanvragen,uwparkeerplaats opslaan en terugvinden dankzij GPS, een alarm datuverwittigt wanneer uw parkeertijd bijna afloopt eneenboetecalculator indien u toch te snel hebt gereden.** Attention: ThisAppdoes not get overdeveloped Further **Due to Technical Reasons the service app will not getFurtheroverdeveloped. You can still use the App. Future OS updateswillnot get supported - that can course problems by using the app.---A range of services in a single app.Mercedes-Benz Service App is your reliable ally move. Findyourparked car, make an appointment with your Mercedes Partnerformaintenance, a complete accident report? Thanks to this app,thisis child's play.Emergency assistance.The app tells you, step by step, what to do and gives themostimportant numbers of emergency services and maintenanceservices.The first-aid at accidents guide helps you in providingassistanceto people in need.Service appointment.Make an appointment at your Mercedes-Benz dealer can now quicklyandeasily via this app.Damage File.Quickly and easily fill an accident report, attach pictures andadescription of the circumstances, can now be done online if youareinsured by Mercedes-Benz. You only need to send the file byemailto your insurance and you are relieved of all the paperwork(onlyif there are no third parties involved).News.You will receive regular information about the latest offeringsfromMercedes-Benz or your Mercedes-Benz dealer.More practical help.Several useful features, such as the nearest Mercedes-Benzfindpartner, request a test drive, save your parking andretrievalthrough GPS, an alarm that notifies you when your parkingtime isabout to expire and a fine calculator if you do have driventoofast.
Mercedes-Benz Dashcam 1.1 APK
Daimler AG
Use this app to control and configureyourMercedes-Benz dashcam.