1 / November 5, 2016
(3.8/5) (21)



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App Information buSa: Chat, Citas y Solteras

  • App Name
    buSa: Chat, Citas y Solteras
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    November 5, 2016
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 4.1 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
    1,000 - 5,000
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

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Weight loss: This dance is very enjoyable and can include alot of movements that are working to improve cardiovascular and sothey are very useful in the battle to lose excess weight .lonhahelp burn 600-1000 calories element.2. strengthen muscles: because this type of exercise includesall the muscles of the body to move with the rhythm of the musicand thus involving all muscles both feet, arms, abdomen, back,legs3. Identify new friends: by attending Alzumba lessons, you willbe able to communicate and interact with other people and add morefun. You can go for this exercise three times a week for at leasttwo years and thus help you to become involved in community workand more new friends. In the opinion of the Alzumba is the perfectworkout for anyone wishing to communicate with others.4. rid of tension: Alzumba is the perfect workout that helps youget rid of the stress experienced by every day, it will help you inthe negative energy that exists inside you unload. Because themovements carried out by the help in the secretion of endorphins,which works to improve the mood. Therefore, joining the classesAlzumba helps you to get rid of worries and forget yourself withmusic.5. Suitable for all ages: Certainly that dance Zomba appropriateexercises for all ages because it includes music, a group of activemovements, and some programs Alzumba designed specifically forchildren and allow them to exercise Alzumba at an early age andmake them feel more energetic and healthy. The exercise Alzumbaideal for seniors because it helps them maintain theiractivity.6. improve mood: there is a lot of research, I discovered thatexercise helps in the production of endorphins and improve mood. SoAlzumba considered a ways to fight depression because many studieshave supported the fact that the practice of dance Alzumba increasethe production of endorphins.7. gain more confidence: Alzumba help to increase the sense ofsatisfaction and improve mood and feel the person that he has moreconfidence in himself the ability to exercise during the dance.8. increase metabolism: Alzumba help in increasing burn morecalories and thus increase metabolism. It is known that the slowmetabolic rate does not help in weight loss.9. You can get the chapters Alzumba in many places: Most citiesand states boast a presence in many of the places that offereducation Alzumba dance lessons for all levels.10. Successful weight loss with Zumba dance: There are manyexperiences on the success of the excess weight loss with exerciseZumba danceZomba is a physical fitness program created by Colombian BetoPerez in the nineties, and depends on Latin dance and aerobics. Andhas about 14 million people lessons a week Alzumba 14 A place inmore than 150 countries have begun in 1990 and was at the hands ofthe Colombian Alberto Perez "Beto," a dance movements Latinrepresent a range of Latin Dance (Kacommba- Salsa-Riqiton-Combea-Maringi- Billy dance), one of the fastest types of exerciseprevalent in the world, which is about a group of dances for eachdance a certain design to the rhythm of Latin tunes and can Alzumbaburn between 500 to 800 calories per hour, plus they eliminatedepression [1 ]. Alzumba that help you lose weight.Alzumba gathering between Latin music and most popular Latin dancemovements such as salsa, mambo, Meringo, samba. And it must betrained to fast and slow rhythms. It is one of aerobic activitiesand recommended that adults exercise about 75 minutes a weekaerobics, according to reports Mayo Clinic because exercise reduceshealth risks and get rid of excess weight and improve yourmood.************************************************** *****Each video companies and public institutions, and the content ishosted on YouTube. Video Zomba only allows viewing links the flowand exchange of content, but not download. All policies concerningthe rights and also respect for YouTube.
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