1.0.1 / December 7, 2014
(5.0/5) (1)


BeLoBi Reverse Auction is a reverseauctionbased on the rules of lowest unique bid. Every new user gets50belobiPOINTS at first login and to each Active BeLoBi memberisgiven 1 belobiPOINT per day. These belobiPOINTS are to beconsumedwhen a bid guess is placed for each Auction items. All bidamountsare in belobiPOINTS and with two decimal accuracy.

BelobiPOINTS can be purchased for BitCoins through http://www.belobi.com after login. All bidsarekept secret during the course of auctions. When auctions close,thesingle lowest unique bidder will be the auction winner andhe/shewill have the right to buy the item at winning bid price.

The sole owner of BeLoBi system is Belobi Team

All items including but not limited to user interface,design,artwork and system Copyright 2014

App Information BELOBI

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BikeOmetar 1.1.2 APK
BikeOmetar (Android) ili doktor za vašezdravlje, koristi GPS za praćenje i mapiranje vaše vežbe,nadgledajući i računajući vreme, brzinu, potrošene kalorije iudaljenost, i iscrtava putanju u realnom vremenu. Lični dnevnikprati statistiku vašeg trčanja, potrošenih kalorija a vaše rutemogu se posmatrati u Google Earth – stilu. Detaljni grafikoni vašihinformacija vežbanja, lako deljenje napretka i rezultata prekodruštvenih mreža, i brojni planovi treninga zaokružuju ovu odličnuaplikaciju vežbanja kao Vaš izbor broj 1.
BeLoBi Reverse Auction is a reverseauctionbased on the rules of lowest unique bid. Every new user gets50belobiPOINTS at first login and to each Active BeLoBi memberisgiven 1 belobiPOINT per day. These belobiPOINTS are to beconsumedwhen a bid guess is placed for each Auction items. All bidamountsare in belobiPOINTS and with two decimal accuracy.BelobiPOINTS can be purchased for BitCoins through http://www.belobi.com after login. All bidsarekept secret during the course of auctions. When auctions close,thesingle lowest unique bidder will be the auction winner andhe/shewill have the right to buy the item at winning bid price.The sole owner of BeLoBi system is Belobi TeamAll items including but not limited to user interface,design,artwork and system Copyright 2014
MiniPani - Loyalty 1.2 APK
Aplikacija MiniPani služi za učestvovanje uMiniPani loyalty programu gde možete sakupljati poene i zameniti ihza poklon po izboru. Pored toga možete pratiti broj sakupljenihpoena, oceniti kupovinu i dobiti dodatne poene za to, lociratinajbližu MiniPani prodavnicu kao i imati uvid u asortiman i opisMiniPani proizvoda.Application MiniPani usedfor participation in MiniPani loyalty program where you can collectpoints and replace them for the gift of choice. In addition, youcan monitor the number of collected points, evaluate the purchaseand get extra points for that, locate the nearest store MiniPani aswell as have an insight into the range and description MiniPaniproducts.
Loyalty Partner 1.0.7. APK
Ova aplikacija je napravljena za partnereMiniPanija.This application isdesigned for partners MiniPanija.
NetKonobar 1.1.6. APK
Love Serbian local cuisine or grilleddelicacies? We will find the best places that match your personaltastes.Visit our web site www.netkonobar.com
Venerabike Katalog 1.5 APK
Mi stvaramo trendove. Iz godine ugodinudokazujemo da smo na pravom putu i da smo lideri natržištubicikala. Razlikujemo se od konkurencije. Scout Venera iExplorerVenera bicikle se ističu što po dizajnu, obliku,raznolikosti boja,kao i po bogatstvu ponuđene opreme, a naposletkui cenovnoj klasi.Vođeni pozitivnim iskustvima iz prošlosti, namodele SCOUT VENERA ujoš većem procentu montiramo kvalitetne deloveproverenih poznatihbrendova kao sto su: CST gume, SHIMANO menjači,ručice menjača ikočnica i račne, Radius kočnice, KMC lanci, THUNmonoblokovi,SUNTOUR amortizer vile, Joytech glave, MONTE GRAPPAsedišta,Italijanski blatobrani i pregršt Tajvanskih delova. Mi,celi timVenerabike-a, ćemo sve učiniti da Vam olakšamo i omogućimoda jošviše uživate u vožnji vašeg dvotočkaša - bicikla.
Land Rover Nine d.o.o. 1.0.1. APK
OVLAŠĆENI SERVISPosedujemo specijalizovani servis, koji je osnovan još davne1954godine, i u kome su se od početka primenjivale svi standardiinačini rada koje je ovaj poznati proizvođač propisivao. Servisjeopremljen originalnom dijagnostičkom opremom poslednjegeneracije,specijlnim alatima i obučenim timom tehničara, koji su ustalnomkontaktu sa kolegama iz Land Rover-a i MG-Rover-a. Kod nasmožeteobaviti:Kompjutersku DijagnostikuGeneralni remont motora i agregataPopravku elektro uređajaLimarsko-farbarske uslugeAuto mehaničarske uslugeKako bismo vam potpuno izašli u susret, poštujući vaše vremeinovac, i svaku intervenciju na vozilu izvršili u predviđenomroku,molimo Vas da zakažete termin putem telefona: 011 3690775POLOVNI AUTOMOBILIZa sva polovna Land Rover vozila koja se nalaze u našojponudigarantujemo kvalitet, pouzdanost i kompletnu servisnuistoriju.REZERVNI DELOVIPrilikom zamene rezervnih delova, koristite samooriginalnerezervne delove, koji vam garantuju kvalitet i sigurnostna putu.Samo kod nas možete kupiti originalni rezervni deo za VašLandRover ili MG Rover, sa garancijom, i pod najpovoljnijimuslovima.Nudimo Vam:Originalne rezervne delove za Land RoverOriginalne rezervne delove za MG RoverAUTHORIZED SERVICEWe own specialized service, which was founded in 1954, andinwhich they are applied from the beginning all the standardsandmethods of work of this famous manufacturer prescribed. Itisequipped with the original diagnostic equipment of lastgeneration,Special tools and trained team of technicians, who arein constantcontact with colleagues from Land Rover and MG-Rover-a.We cando:computer DiagnosticsThe overhaul of engines and aggregatesRepair of electrical equipmentTin-painting servicesAuto mechanic servicesIn order to fully courtesy, respecting your time and money,andany intervention on the vehicle carried out in due time,pleasemake an appointment by phone: 011 3690775USED ​​CARSFor all used Land Rover vehicles that are in our offerweguarantee quality, reliability and full service history.SPARE PARTSWhen replacing spare parts, use only original spare parts,whichyou guarantee quality and safety on the road. Only with us youcanbuy original spare part for your Land Rover and MG Rover, withaguarantee, under the most favorable conditions. We offer:Original spare parts for Land RoverOriginal spare parts for MG Rover
Villpack 1.0 APK
A raklapcsomagoló cég - VillpackMinőségi, új raklapcsomagoló gépre van szüksége?Tekintse meg használt és bérelhető gépeinket is!Szolgáltatásaink között megtalálható a csomagoló gép bérlésésszervizelés bővebb információkértérdeklődjönelérhetőségeinken.The pallet company -VillaPackNeed quality, new pallet machine?View the used and rental machines, too!Our services can be found on the packaging machine rentalandservicing more information, please contact us.