V1.8 / July 27, 2016
(4.4/5) (562)


Somos una comunidad online donde encontrarás contenidos curiosos,divertidos y originales. Compartimos contigo información,curiosidades y tendencias sobre el mundo de la ciencia, el cine yla TV, cómics, música y mucho más.

Las historias que te emocionan, divierten e inspiran las encuentrasaquí. Un canal que comparte esas noticias, relatos y videos que nosidentifican y nos hacen parte de la comunidad online. Conoce de quése habla en internet y se parte del buzz viral.

La música es el lenguaje universal que nos une. Encuentra lasprincipales noticias, nuevos lanzamientos, listas, curiosidades yentrevistas exclusivas para recorrer juntos los géneros musicalesque más nos inspiran y sus principales exponentes.

Disfrutamos del cine y nos encanta compartir toda la información,curiosidades y datos divertidos sobre nuestras películas favoritasde todos los tiempos.

Aquí creemos que no hay nada mejor que hablar de las curiosidades ylos mejores momentos de las series actuales, mientras recordamos anuestros personajes favoritos de una forma divertida.

Un espacio donde los amantes del mundo del cómic y el manga podemosencontrar lo más entretenido sobre nuestras publicacionesfavoritas, descubrir las curiosidades más interesantes y aprendermás de los personajes que tantas aventuras han compartido connosotros.

Lo más representativo de la cultura gamer, su nostalgia y susnovedades se dan la mano en este lugar para que tu entretenimientono deje de jugar jamás. ¡Pulsa "start" y ven a divertirte connosotros!

Investigamos los aspectos más curiosos e interesantes de lasciencias, las humanidades y la cultura general. Prueba tusabiduría, diviértete, aprende y comparte tus conocimientos connosotros.

Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre avances tecnológicos, la internety el entretenimiento tecnológico está aquí... el futuro es hoy.

We are an online community where you can find curious, funny andoriginal content. We share information, curiosities and trends inthe world of science, film and TV, comics, music and more.

The stories will excite, entertain and inspire you find them here.A channel that shares the news, stories and videos that identify usand make us part of the online community. Knows what it speaks ofthe internet and viral buzz.

Music is the universal language that unites us. Find breaking news,new releases, lists, trivia and exclusive interviews to traveltogether genres that inspire us and its main exponents.

We enjoyed the movie and we love to share all information, triviaand fun facts about our favorite movies of all time.

Here we believe that there is nothing better than talking aboutcuriosities and highlights of the current series, as we rememberour favorite characters in a fun way.

A space where lovers of the world of comics and manga can find themost fun on our favorite publications, discover the mostinteresting sights and learn more about the characters who haveshared many adventures with us.

The most representative of the gaming culture, nostalgia and newcome together in this place to make your entertainment never stopplaying. Click "start" and come have fun with us!

We investigate the most curious and interesting aspects of science,humanities and general culture. Test your wisdom, have fun, learnand share your knowledge with us.

All you need to know about technological advances, the Internet andentertainment technology is here ... the future is now.

App Information Batanga

Batanga Version History

Select Batanga Version :
  • V1.8 (1080200) - Latest Version
  • Batanga V1.8 APK File

    Publish Date: 2016 /2/29
    Requires Android: Android 4.0.3+ (Ice Cream Sandwich, API: 15)
    File Size: 5.4 MB
    Tested on: Android 6.0 (Marshmallow, API: 23)
    File Sha1: d5717158b6633dd313ae877770d1cc7eb654acc9
    APK Signature: 0e4363bd9116b3c275ad127d019197ec7230253f

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iMujer - Inspirando Mujeres V1.8 APK
9 motivos que te convencerán de descargarla app de iMujer1. Tiene todo lo que buscas en una app pensada por y paramujeres2. Miles de trucos para hacer tu vida más fácil3. Divertidos tests de personalidad4. Las noticias que quieres leer ¡ya mismo!5. La última tendencia en moda6. Las historias más conmovedoras y tiernas7. Las recetas más creativas y originales que nunca probaste8. Tutoriales DIY para que no gastes dinero y tengas todo lo quesiempre quisiste9. Toda la inspiración que necesitas para ser feliz¿Qué estás esperando? ¡Descárgatela ahora mismo y forma parteesta gran comunidad de mujeres online!9 reasons that willconvince you to download the app iMujer1. It has everything you want in an app designed by and forwomen2. Thousands of tricks to make your life easier3. Fun personality tests4. The news you want to read now!5. The latest trend in fashion6. The most touching and tender stories7. The most creative and original recipes that you triednever8. DIY tutorials to not spend money and have everything you alwayswanted9. All the inspiration you need to be happyWhat are you waiting for? Download it now and is part of thisgreat community of women online!
Batanga V1.8 APK
BATANGASomos una comunidad online donde encontrarás contenidos curiosos,divertidos y originales. Compartimos contigo información,curiosidades y tendencias sobre el mundo de la ciencia, el cine yla TV, cómics, música y mucho más.TRENDINGLas historias que te emocionan, divierten e inspiran las encuentrasaquí. Un canal que comparte esas noticias, relatos y videos que nosidentifican y nos hacen parte de la comunidad online. Conoce de quése habla en internet y se parte del buzz viral.MÚSICALa música es el lenguaje universal que nos une. Encuentra lasprincipales noticias, nuevos lanzamientos, listas, curiosidades yentrevistas exclusivas para recorrer juntos los géneros musicalesque más nos inspiran y sus principales exponentes.CINEDisfrutamos del cine y nos encanta compartir toda la información,curiosidades y datos divertidos sobre nuestras películas favoritasde todos los tiempos.SERIESAquí creemos que no hay nada mejor que hablar de las curiosidades ylos mejores momentos de las series actuales, mientras recordamos anuestros personajes favoritos de una forma divertida.CÓMICSUn espacio donde los amantes del mundo del cómic y el manga podemosencontrar lo más entretenido sobre nuestras publicacionesfavoritas, descubrir las curiosidades más interesantes y aprendermás de los personajes que tantas aventuras han compartido connosotros.GAMERLo más representativo de la cultura gamer, su nostalgia y susnovedades se dan la mano en este lugar para que tu entretenimientono deje de jugar jamás. ¡Pulsa "start" y ven a divertirte connosotros!CURIOSIDADESInvestigamos los aspectos más curiosos e interesantes de lasciencias, las humanidades y la cultura general. Prueba tusabiduría, diviértete, aprende y comparte tus conocimientos connosotros.TECHTodo lo que necesitas saber sobre avances tecnológicos, la internety el entretenimiento tecnológico está aquí... el futuro es hoy.BatangaWe are an online community where you can find curious, funny andoriginal content. We share information, curiosities and trends inthe world of science, film and TV, comics, music and more.TRENDINGThe stories will excite, entertain and inspire you find them here.A channel that shares the news, stories and videos that identify usand make us part of the online community. Knows what it speaks ofthe internet and viral buzz.MUSICMusic is the universal language that unites us. Find breaking news,new releases, lists, trivia and exclusive interviews to traveltogether genres that inspire us and its main exponents.CINEMAWe enjoyed the movie and we love to share all information, triviaand fun facts about our favorite movies of all time.SERIESHere we believe that there is nothing better than talking aboutcuriosities and highlights of the current series, as we rememberour favorite characters in a fun way.COMICSA space where lovers of the world of comics and manga can find themost fun on our favorite publications, discover the mostinteresting sights and learn more about the characters who haveshared many adventures with us.GAMERThe most representative of the gaming culture, nostalgia and newcome together in this place to make your entertainment never stopplaying. Click "start" and come have fun with us!TRIVIAWe investigate the most curious and interesting aspects of science,humanities and general culture. Test your wisdom, have fun, learnand share your knowledge with us.TECHAll you need to know about technological advances, the Internet andentertainment technology is here ... the future is now.
Mexly Regional Mexican Music APK
Enjoy the best Mexican music for free on yourAndroid with this special version of Batanga Radio.Mexly gives you direct access to the best Mexican music in afast and easy way!Listen to all of today’s hits, view lyrics and add your favoritesongs. Jenni Rivera, Fidel Rueda, Julion Alvarez Y Su NorteñoBanda, Los Temerarios, Intocable, Roberto Tapia, Gerardo Ortiz, LosTucanes de Tijuana and many more, all in one free application!If you enjoy listening to music on your Android, download thenew Mexly application to start enjoying and discovering the best inmusic wherever you are!
Bolsa de Mulher V1.8 APK
Quer uma receita de suco detox para turbinarsua dieta? Não sabe o que fazer para o jantar? Ou saber comoesquecer o ex-namorado, como ser mais saudável ou o que as famosasfazem para ter aquele cabelão de capa de revista? Tudo isso vocêencontra no app!Bolsa de Mulher é o aplicativo que traz segredos das famosas,truques de maquiagem e cabelos, dicas de dietas, além de receitas emais conteúdos do maior site feminino do Brasil direto para seucelular. No app você pode ler matérias, ver galerias de fotos evídeos selecionados por nossa equipe de jornalistas.Escolha quais temas mais te interessam e terá tudo personalizadona tela. Você também pode navegar pelos canais e ficar sempreinformada sobre comportamento, amor, beleza, fitness e mais.Além de totalmente grátis, o aplicativo é fácil de usar devidoao seu desenho simples e sua rapidez.Want a detox juice recipeto supercharge your diet? Do not know what to do for dinner? Orknow how to forget the ex-boyfriend, how to be healthier or what doto have that famous magazine cover big hair? All that you find inthe app!Bolsa de Mulher is the application that brings the famoussecrets, makeup and hair tricks, diet tips, and recipes and morefeminine largest site direct Brazil's content for your mobile. Inthe app you can read materials, see selected photo galleries andvideos by our team of journalists.Choose which topics interest you the most and have allpersonalized on the screen. You can also browse through thechannels and be always informed about behavior, love, beauty,fitness and more.In addition to totally free, the application is easy to usebecause of its simple design and its speed.
Batanga Brasil V1.8 APK
BATANGASomos um site onde você encontrará conteúdo curioso, divertido eoriginal. Compartilhamos informações, curiosidades e tendênciassobre o mundo da ciência, do cinema, da música, da tecnologia e daTV.TRENDINGAqui você encontra histórias que te emocionam, divertem e inspiram.Somos sua fonte de informação e entretenimento, repercutimos tudo oque está sendo comentado nas redes sociais.MÚSICAA música é a linguagem universal que nos une. Encontre listas,curiosidades, saiba quais são os artistas pop de destaque e aindareceba dicas sobre o que escutar.CINEMAInformações, curiosidades, trechos, trailers e dados sobre filmesde todos os tempos.TVTudo sobre as séries do momento, as tendências, os personagens quemais amamos e os que mais odiamos.TECNOLOGIATudo o que precisa saber sobre avanços tecnológicos, a internet eos gadgets do momento.CIÊNCIAHistória, literatura, artes clássicas, estudos científicos, avançosda humanidade e curiosidades sobre a natureza.BatangaWe are a site where you will find interesting content, fun andoriginal. We share information, curiosities and trends in the worldof science, cinema, music, technology and TV.TrendingHere you will find stories that touch you, entertain and inspire.We are your source of information and entertainment, resonate allthat is being discussed on social networks.SONGMusic is the universal language that unites us. Find lists, trivia,know what are the prominent pop artists and even get tips on whatto listen.CINEMAInformation, trivia, clips, trailers and information about films ofall time.TVAll about the series of the moment, the trends, the characters thatwe love and we hate the most.TECHNOLOGYAll you need to know about technological advances, the Internet andgadgets of the moment.SCIENCEHistory, literature, classical arts, scientific research, advancesin humanity and curiosity about nature.