App Information Babies"R"Us France
- App NameBabies"R"Us France
- Package Namecom.skava.toysrus.babiesrusFR
- UpdatedAugust 12, 2014
- File SizeUndefined
- Requires AndroidAndroid 2.2 and up
- Version1.3
- DeveloperToys 'R' Us
- Installs5,000 - 10,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryShopping
- Developer
- Google Play Link
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Toys"R"Us Shopping 1.4 APK
Get all the toys all the time with theToys”R”Us Shopping App! Search for the hottest new toys, makepurchases from your device, find store hours and directions and somuch more right from the palm of your hand! The built-in barcodescanner makes it easy to find information, videos and reviews rightfrom a product's barcode! Plus, toy fans can share their fun-filledexcitement, thanks to the convenient links for Twitter, Facebook,Pinterest, text and email. Download the Toys”R”Us Shopping App nowfor the ultimate digital shopping experience!
Toys"R"Us 1.3 APK
Shop anytime and anywhere! Toys"R"Usunderstands that as a busy parent your time is valuable when itcomes to getting the best quality toys and advice from the brandthat you trust the most. Our shopping app lets you find qualityproducts to purchase right from your mobile phone. You will findall the same features that you have come to know and trust as ouronline store with some great enhanced features such as storelocator that lets you find out hours and directions, weekly ads inyour area and store, product information and customer reviews onevery product to help you make the right decisions for your family.Want to check out product videos or find out details on a product?Simply use the bar code scanner that is built in.Shopping in-store or on the go is now so simple that you can bekept up to date on special offers, check pricing and buying withthe payment method you want including credit card, gift card andPayPal. Check what is in stock before you get to a store or orderit to be shipped to you or a loved one. Have a promotional codethat you want to use for an extra discount - you can now dothat.Want to share a great deal with your friends and family? You canshare through Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, text message and emailall from your phone.You can also shop Babies"R"Us without having to download anotherapp or doing a separate checkout. All your children's needs fromnewborns to teens can be purchased through one shoppingexperience!*******Magasinez de partout en tout temps! Toys"R"Us comprend qu’entant que parent, votre temps est précieux quand vous recherchez lesjouets de la meilleure qualité et des conseils de la marque enlaquelle vous avez la plus grande confiance. Notre application demagasinage vous permet de trouver des produits de qualité que vouspouvez acheter immédiatement de votre téléphone mobile. Vous yretrouverez toutes les mêmes fonctionnalités que vous connaissezdéjà de notre boutique en ligne, en plus de nouvelles fonctionsaméliorées qui vous permettront de trouver un magasin ainsi que sesheures d’ouverture et l’itinéraire pour s’y rendre, les promotionsde la semaine dans votre région et à votre magasin, desinformations sur les produits et des évaluations rédigées par nosclients sur tous les produits afin que vous puissiez prendre desdécisions éclairées pour votre famille. Vous souhaitez voir desvidéos des produits et trouver des détails sur un produit? Utilisezsimplement le scanneur de code-barres intégré.Il est si simple de magasiner de la maison ou d’où que voussoyez maintenant que vous avez toujours accès à nos offresspéciales, que vous pouvez vérifier les prix et acheter un articleen utilisant le mode de paiement de votre choix, y compris parcarte de crédit, carte-cadeau ou PayPal. Vous pouvez vérifier leniveau des stocks avant de vous rendre en magasin, ou commanderl’article pour qu’il soit livré chez vous ou ailleurs. Et si vousavez un code promotionnel qui vous donne droit à un rabaissupplémentaire – vous pouvez l’utiliser aussi.Vous voulez informer vos amis et votre famille d’une aubainefantastique? Vous pouvez le faire à l’aide de Twitter, Facebook,Pinterest, message texte ou courriel directement de votretéléphone.Vous pouvez aussi magasiner sur Babies"R"Us sans avoir àtélécharger une application supplémentaire ni payer séparément. Uneseule expérience d’achat vous permettra de combler tous les besoinsde vos enfants, des nouveau-nés aux adolescents.
Babies"R"Us 1.3 APK
Shop anytime and anywhere! As the experts inbabies and new parent needs, Babies"R"Us understands that your timeis valuable when it comes to getting the best quality products andadvice from the brand that you trust the most. Our shopping applets you find quality products to purchase right from your mobilephone. You will find all the same features that you have come toknow and trust as our online store with some great enhancedfeatures such as store locator that lets you find out hours anddirections, weekly ads in your area and store, product informationand customer reviews on every product to help you make the rightdecisions for your family. Want to check out product videos or findout details on a product? Simply use the bar code scanner that isbuilt in.Shopping in-store or on the go is now so simple that you can bekept up to date on special offers, check pricing and buying withthe payment method you want including credit card, gift card andPayPal. Check what is in stock before you get to a store or orderit to be shipped to you or a loved one. Have a promotional codethat you want to use for an extra discount - you can now dothat.Want to share a great deal with your friends and family? You canshare through Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, text message and emailall from your phone.You can also shop Toys"R"Us without having to download another appor doing a separate checkout. All your children's needs fromnewborns to teens can be purchased through one shopping experience.*****************************Magasinez de partout en tout temps! En tant qu’experts sur toutce qu’il faut pour satisfaire les besoins des bébés et des nouveauxparents, Babies"R"Us comprend que votre temps est précieux quandvous recherchez les produits de la meilleure qualité et desconseils de la marque en laquelle vous avez la plus grandeconfiance. Notre application de magasinage vous permet de trouverdes produits de qualité que vous pouvez acheter immédiatement devotre téléphone mobile. Vous y retrouverez toutes les mêmesfonctionnalités que vous connaissez déjà de notre boutique enligne, en plus de nouvelles fonctions améliorées qui vouspermettront de trouver un magasin ainsi que ses heures d’ouvertureet l’itinéraire pour s’y rendre, les promotions de la semaine dansvotre région et à votre magasin, des informations sur les produitset des évaluations rédigées par nos clients sur tous les produitsafin que vous puissiez prendre des décisions éclairées pour votrefamille. Vous souhaitez voir des vidéos des produits et trouver desdétails sur un produit? Utilisez simplement le scanneur decode-barres intégré.Il est si simple de magasiner de la maison ou d’où que voussoyez maintenant que vous avez toujours accès à nos offresspéciales, que vous pouvez vérifier les prix et acheter un articleen utilisant le mode de paiement de votre choix, y compris parcarte de crédit, carte-cadeau ou PayPal. Vous pouvez vérifier leniveau des stocks avant de vous rendre en magasin, ou commanderl’article pour qu’il soit livré chez vous ou ailleurs. Et si vousavez un code promotionnel qui vous donne droit à un rabaissupplémentaire – vous pouvez l’utiliser aussi.Vous voulez informer vos amis et votre famille d’une aubainefantastique? Vous pouvez le faire à l’aide de Twitter, Facebook,Pinterest, message texte ou courriel directement de votretéléphone.Vous pouvez aussi magasiner sur Toys"R"Us sans avoir àtélécharger une application supplémentaire ni payer séparément. Uneseule expérience d’achat vous permettra de combler tous les besoinsde vos enfants, des nouveau-nés aux adolescents.
Babies "R" Us Book 1.2 APK
Let’s face it: new parents need a lot ofEVERYTHING. Including time. ‘Babies “R” Us Book’ APP is aninvaluable time saver that allows parents, parents-to-be and lovedones to find everything they need in a few simple taps. Just howdoes it work? You’ll find scan icons throughout our Babies “R” Uscatalogue. After launching the ‘Babies “R” Us Book’ APP, simplyhold your mobile device over any product that features the icon andyou’ll discover many great options, including product descriptionsand helpful videos. The ‘Babies “R” Us Book’ APP can also take youto our website where you can purchase products as well as createand update your Baby Gift Registry. Plus, by tapping on the “findstore” icon, you can pan your mobile device 360 degrees and ourclosest Babies “R” Us locations will pop up. Becoming new parentsis an adventure. Let Babies “R” Us help get you ready for thejourney.
Babies"R"Us España 1.3 APK
¡Compra donde y cuando quieras! Como expertosen productos de bebés y conociendo las necesidades de los padres,en Babies “R”Us sabemos lo importante que es tu tiempo a la hora debuscar los mejores productos y te aconsejamos para que elijascorrectamente. Nuestra aplicación te permite encontrar y adquirirproductos de calidad desde tu móvil. Encontrarás las mismasopciones que en la página web, que ya conoces y en la que confías,con funcionalidades mejoradas, como el localizador de tienda, quete permite encontrar la localización y horarios de tu tienda máscercana, información y opiniones de otros clientes sobre nuestrosproductos, para que puedas seleccionar los que mejor se adaptan atu familia.¿Quieres compartir una oferta con tus amigos o familia? Puedeshacerlo vía Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, por mensaje de texto opor email, todo desde tu móvil.Además, podrás comprar en Toys “R” Us sin tener que descargarotras aplicaciones o hacer un checkout separado. Podrás comprartodo lo que tus hijos necesitan en una única transacción y desde tumóvil.Buy anywhere, anytime! Asexperts in baby products and meeting the needs of parents, Babies"R" Us know how important your time when looking for the bestproducts and we recommend to choose correctly. Our applicationallows you to find and purchase quality products for your cellphone. You'll find the same options on the website, you know and inwhich you trust, with enhanced features, such as store locator,which allows you to find the location and hours of your neareststore information and reviews from other customers on our products,so you can select those that best meet your family.Want to share an offer with your friends or family? You can doit via Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, by text message or by email,all from your mobile.And you can buy at Toys "R" Us without downloading other apps ormake a separate checkout. Can you buy your children everything theyneed in a single transaction and on your phone.
Babies"R"Us Netherlands 1.3 APK
Winkel in het grootste assortiment van baby-en kinderproducten altijd en overal met de Babies "R" Us ShoppingApp! Als experts in babybenodigdheden, begrijpt Babies "R" Us datje tijd kostbaar is, en deze nieuwe, verbeterde app maakt hetwinkelen gemakkelijker dan ooit! Zoek naar de leukste baby-enkinder-producten, en doe zelfs aankopen direct met jesmartphone!
Babies"R"Us France 1.3 APK
Boutique Toys”R”UsBoutique Babies”R”UsAcheter n’importe où, n’importe quand !En tant qu’expert pour satisfaire les besoins des bébés et desnouveaux parents, Babies’R’Us, l’espace 100% puériculture deToys’R’Us, sait que votre temps est précieux lorsqu’il s’agitd’obtenir les meilleurs produits et conseils de la part d’uneenseigne de confiance. Notre application marchande vous permet detrouver des produits de qualité et de les acheter immédiatementdepuis votre mobile. Vous y trouverez toutes les mêmesfonctionnalités que vous connaissez déjà de notre boutique enligne, avec des fonctions avancées, comme « Trouver votre magasin »qui permet de retrouver les itinéraires et horaires d’ouverture devos magasins, les promotions du moment dans les magasins de votrerégion, des informations sur les produits et des avis clients pourvous aider à faire le bon choix pour votre famille.Il est si simple maintenant d’acheter à tout moment puisque vousavez accès à nos offres spéciales, vous pouvez consulter les prixet acheter en utilisant le mode de paiement de votre choix, àsavoir la carte de crédit, la carte cadeau ou Paypal. Vous pouvezégalement commander le produit afin qu’il soit livré chez vous ouen point relais. Et si vous avez un code promotionnel qui vousdonne droit à une remise supplémentaire, vous pouvez l’utiliseraussi !Vous avez envie de partager une super offre Toys’R’Us avec vos amiset votre famille ? Vous pouvez le faire à l’aide de Twitter,Facebook, des SMS et des Emails, depuis votre mobile.Vous pouvez également naviguer et acheter directement surToys’R’Us sans avoir à télécharger une autre application, ni àpayer séparément ! Une seule expérience d’achat vous permettra decombler tous les besoins de vos enfants, des nouveau-nés aux plusgrands.Shop Toys "R" UsShop Babies "R" UsBuy anywhere, anytime!As an expert to meet the needs of babies and new parents, BabiesR Us, space 100% of childcare Toys'R'Us, knows that your time isvaluable when it comes to getting the best products and advice froma name you can trust. Our merchant application allows you to findquality products and buy them immediately from your mobile. You'llfind all the same features you already know our online store, withadvanced features, such as "Find your shop" which allows you tofind routes and opening hours of your stores, current promotions instores in your area, information on products and reviews to helpyou make the right choice for your family.It is so easy now to buy at any time since you have access toour special offers, you can view prices and buy using the paymentmethod of your choice, ie credit card, the gift card or Paypal. Youcan also order the product so that it is delivered to your home orpick-up point. And if you have a promotional code that entitles youto an additional discount, you can use it too!You want to share a great offer Toys'R'Us with your friends andfamily? You can do this by using Twitter, Facebook, SMS and Emailsfrom your mobile.You can also browse and buy directly from Toys'R'Us withouthaving to download another application, or pay separately! Oneshopping experience will allow you to meet all the needs of yourchildren, from newborns to older children.
Toys"R"Us France 1.3 APK
Boutique Toys”R”UsBoutique Babies”R”UsAcheter n’importe où, n’importe quand !Toys’R’Us sait qu’en tant que parent, votre temps estprécieuxlorsqu’il s’agit d’obtenir les meilleurs jouets et conseilsde lapart de l’enseigne en laquelle vous avez le plus confiance.Notreapplication marchande vous permet de trouver des produitsdequalité et de les acheter immédiatement depuis votre mobile. Vousytrouverez toutes les mêmes fonctionnalités que vous connaissezdéjàde notre boutique en ligne, avec des fonctions avancées, comme«Trouver votre magasin » qui permet de retrouver les itinérairesethoraires d’ouverture de vos magasins, les promotions du momentdansles magasins de votre région, des informations sur les produitsetdes avis clients pour vous aider à faire le bon choix pourvotrefamille.Il est si simple maintenant d’acheter à tout moment puisquevousavez accès à nos offres spéciales, vous pouvez consulter lesprixet acheter en utilisant le mode de paiement de votre choix,àsavoir la carte de crédit, la carte cadeau ou Paypal. Vouspouvezégalement commander le produit afin qu’il soit livré chezvous ouen point relais. Et si vous avez un code promotionnel quivousdonne droit à une remise supplémentaire, vous pouvezl’utiliseraussi !Vous avez envie de partager une super offre Toys’R’Us avec vosamiset votre famille ? Vous pouvez le faire à l’aide deTwitter,Facebook, des SMS et des Emails, depuis votre mobile.Vous pouvez également naviguer et acheter directementsurBabies’R’Us sans avoir à télécharger une autre application, niàpayer séparément ! Une seule expérience d’achat vous permettradecombler tous les besoins de vos enfants, des nouveau-nés auxplusgrands.Shop Toys "R" UsShop Babies "R" UsBuy anywhere, anytime!Toys'R'Us know that as a parent, your time is precious whenitcomes to toys and best advice of the sign in which you trustthemost. Our merchant application allows you to find qualityproductsand buy them immediately from your mobile. You'll find allthe samefeatures you already know our online store, with advancedfeatures,such as "Find your shop" which allows you to find routesandopening hours of your stores, current promotions in stores inyourarea, information on products and reviews to help you maketheright choice for your family.It is so easy now to buy at any time since you have access toourspecial offers, you can view prices and buy using the paymentmethodof your choice, ie credit card, the gift card or Paypal. Youcanalso order the product so that it is delivered to your homeorpick-up point. And if you have a promotional code that entitlesyouto an additional discount, you can use it too!You want to share a great offer Toys'R'Us with your friendsandfamily? You can do this by using Twitter, Facebook, SMS andEmailsfrom your mobile.You can also browse and buy directly Babies'R'Us withouthavingto download another application, or pay separately! Oneshoppingexperience will allow you to meet all the needs of yourchildren,from newborns to older children.
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Toys"R"Us France 1.3 APK
Boutique Toys”R”UsBoutique Babies”R”UsAcheter n’importe où, n’importe quand !Toys’R’Us sait qu’en tant que parent, votre temps estprécieuxlorsqu’il s’agit d’obtenir les meilleurs jouets et conseilsde lapart de l’enseigne en laquelle vous avez le plus confiance.Notreapplication marchande vous permet de trouver des produitsdequalité et de les acheter immédiatement depuis votre mobile. Vousytrouverez toutes les mêmes fonctionnalités que vous connaissezdéjàde notre boutique en ligne, avec des fonctions avancées, comme«Trouver votre magasin » qui permet de retrouver les itinérairesethoraires d’ouverture de vos magasins, les promotions du momentdansles magasins de votre région, des informations sur les produitsetdes avis clients pour vous aider à faire le bon choix pourvotrefamille.Il est si simple maintenant d’acheter à tout moment puisquevousavez accès à nos offres spéciales, vous pouvez consulter lesprixet acheter en utilisant le mode de paiement de votre choix,àsavoir la carte de crédit, la carte cadeau ou Paypal. Vouspouvezégalement commander le produit afin qu’il soit livré chezvous ouen point relais. Et si vous avez un code promotionnel quivousdonne droit à une remise supplémentaire, vous pouvezl’utiliseraussi !Vous avez envie de partager une super offre Toys’R’Us avec vosamiset votre famille ? Vous pouvez le faire à l’aide deTwitter,Facebook, des SMS et des Emails, depuis votre mobile.Vous pouvez également naviguer et acheter directementsurBabies’R’Us sans avoir à télécharger une autre application, niàpayer séparément ! Une seule expérience d’achat vous permettradecombler tous les besoins de vos enfants, des nouveau-nés auxplusgrands.Shop Toys "R" UsShop Babies "R" UsBuy anywhere, anytime!Toys'R'Us know that as a parent, your time is precious whenitcomes to toys and best advice of the sign in which you trustthemost. Our merchant application allows you to find qualityproductsand buy them immediately from your mobile. You'll find allthe samefeatures you already know our online store, with advancedfeatures,such as "Find your shop" which allows you to find routesandopening hours of your stores, current promotions in stores inyourarea, information on products and reviews to help you maketheright choice for your family.It is so easy now to buy at any time since you have access toourspecial offers, you can view prices and buy using the paymentmethodof your choice, ie credit card, the gift card or Paypal. Youcanalso order the product so that it is delivered to your homeorpick-up point. And if you have a promotional code that entitlesyouto an additional discount, you can use it too!You want to share a great offer Toys'R'Us with your friendsandfamily? You can do this by using Twitter, Facebook, SMS andEmailsfrom your mobile.You can also browse and buy directly Babies'R'Us withouthavingto download another application, or pay separately! Oneshoppingexperience will allow you to meet all the needs of yourchildren,from newborns to older children.
Toys"R"Us Shopping 1.4 APK
Get all the toys all the time with theToys”R”Us Shopping App! Search for the hottest new toys, makepurchases from your device, find store hours and directions and somuch more right from the palm of your hand! The built-in barcodescanner makes it easy to find information, videos and reviews rightfrom a product's barcode! Plus, toy fans can share their fun-filledexcitement, thanks to the convenient links for Twitter, Facebook,Pinterest, text and email. Download the Toys”R”Us Shopping App nowfor the ultimate digital shopping experience!
Toys R Us Shopping 1.8.41330 APK
Take the stress out of gift shopping with oureasy-to-use app. Browse through a comprehensive catalogue of toys,games, puzzles, video games, collectables and baby products at ourSouth African eCommerce store. Sign in with your existing onlineaccount or create a new account and never have to log inagain.Features:· Swipe through your favourite brands or categories· Learn more about featured products and search by keyword· Filter your search by age, gender and price· Add products to your shopping cart with just one tap· Enjoy localised specials· Contact and find your nearest stores directly from your app· Create wishlists and share this with loved ones· Use the barcode scanner to add items to cart in-store· Find the latest products every time you re-open your app· Purchase items directly from the app using secure paymentgateways· Track your order history and customise your shippingdetails· Share fun products via social media or populare messagingapps
Toys"R"Us España 1.3 APK
¡Compra donde y cuando quieras! En Toys“R”Ussabemos lo importante que es tu tiempo a la hora de buscarlosmejores productos y te aconsejamos para que elijascorrectamente.Nuestra aplicación te permite encontrar y adquirirproductos decalidad desde tu móvil. Encontrarás las mismas opcionesque en lapágina web, que ya conoces y en la que confías, confuncionalidadesmejoradas, como el localizador de tienda, que tepermite encontrarla localización y horarios de tu tienda máscercana, información yopiniones de otros clientes sobre nuestrosproductos, para quepuedas seleccionar los que mejor se adaptan a tufamilia.¿Quieres compartir una oferta con tus amigos o familia?Puedeshacerlo vía Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, por mensaje detexto opor email, todo desde tu móvil.Además, podrás comprar en Babies “R” Us sin tener quedescargarotras aplicaciones o hacer un checkout separado. Podráscomprartodo lo que tus hijos necesitan en una única transacción ydesde tumóvil.Buy anywhere, anytime!AtToys "R" Us know how important your time when looking for thebestproducts and we recommend to choose correctly. Ourapplicationallows you to find and purchase quality products foryour cellphone. You'll find the same options on the website, youknow and inwhich you trust, with enhanced features, such as storelocator,which allows you to find the location and hours of yourneareststore information and reviews from other customers on ourproducts,so you can select those that best meet your family.Want to share an offer with your friends or family? You can doitvia Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, by text message or by email,allfrom your mobile.And you can buy at Babies "R" Us without downloading otherappsor make a separate checkout. Can you buy your childreneverythingthey need in a single transaction and on your phone.
Toys"R"Us Deutschland 1.3 APK
Shoppen Sie zu jeder Zeit und an jedem Ort!Toys"R"Us versteht, dass Ihre Zeit als viel beschäftigte Elternkostbar ist, wenn es darum geht den Rat der Marke Ihres Vertrauensanzunehmen und die qualitativ hochwertigsten Spielzeugeauszuwählen. Unsere Shopping App lässt Sie erstklassige Produktefinden und direkt von Ihrem Smartphone aus erwerben. AlleFunktionen, die Sie bereits von unserem Onlineshop kennen und denenSie vertrauen, werden Sie in dieser App wieder finden. Zudem gibtes erweiterte Funktionen, so wie den 'Filial-Finder' zum Finden vonÖffnungszeiten und Wegbeschreibungen Ihres Shops in der Nähe undwöchentliche Informationen über Neuheiten in Ihrer Region und IhresGeschäfts. Außerdem helfen Ihnen Produktinformationen und-bewertungen zu jedem Produkt die richtige Wahl für Ihre Familie zutreffen.Einkaufen im Laden oder unterwegs ist jetzt noch einfacher, daSie über spezielle Angebote auf dem Laufenden gehalten werden,Preise mobil nachschauen können und mit der Zahlungsart Ihrer Wahl,dazu gehören Kreditkarte, Geschenkkarte und PayPal, bezahlenkönnen. Überprüfen Sie welche Artikel vorrätig sind, bevor Sie zueiner der Filialen fahren oder bestellen Sie sie direkt zu sichnach Hause oder zu Einem Ihrer Lieben. Haben Sie einen Code den Siefür einen Preisnachlass nutzen wollen - dann können Sie das nuntun.Wollen Sie ein tolles Angebot mit Ihren Freunden oder derFamilie teilen? Teilen Sie alles via Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest,SMS und E-mail mit Hilfe Ihres Smartphones!Sie können auch auf Babies"R"Us shoppen ohne ein weiteres Appherunterzuladen oder sich erneut anmelden zu müssen. AlleBedürfnisse Ihrer Kinder - vom Neugeborenen bis zum Teenie - könnenmit einem Einkaufserlebnis befriedigt werden.Go shopping at any timeand any place! Toys "R" Us understands that your time as busyparents is precious when it comes to accept the advice of the brandyou trust and select the highest quality toys. Our shopping applets you find first-class products and purchase directly from yoursmartphone. All functions that you already know from our onlineshop and that you trust, you will find in this app again. Inaddition, there are advanced features such as the 'store finder' tofind opening times and directions of your shops near and weeklyinformation about new products in your region and your business.Additional product information and reviews to help you make theright choice for your family to each product.Can shopping at the store or on the go is now even easier,because you are kept up to date on special offers, can check pricesmobile, and with the payment method of your choice, includingcredit card, gift card and PayPal. Check what items are in stockbefore you visit one of the stores or order them directly to yourhome or to a member of your loved ones. Do you have a code you wishto use for a discount - then you can do that now.Do you want to share a great offer with your friends or family?Share everything via Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, SMS and e-mailwith the help of your smartphone!You may have to register again on Babies "R" Us shopping withoutanother app or download. All needs of your children - from newbornsto teen - can be satisfied with a shopping experience.
Toys"R"Us 1.3 APK
Shop anytime and anywhere! Toys"R"Usunderstands that as a busy parent your time is valuable when itcomes to getting the best quality toys and advice from the brandthat you trust the most. Our shopping app lets you find qualityproducts to purchase right from your mobile phone. You will findall the same features that you have come to know and trust as ouronline store with some great enhanced features such as storelocator that lets you find out hours and directions, weekly ads inyour area and store, product information and customer reviews onevery product to help you make the right decisions for your family.Want to check out product videos or find out details on a product?Simply use the bar code scanner that is built in.Shopping in-store or on the go is now so simple that you can bekept up to date on special offers, check pricing and buying withthe payment method you want including credit card, gift card andPayPal. Check what is in stock before you get to a store or orderit to be shipped to you or a loved one. Have a promotional codethat you want to use for an extra discount - you can now dothat.Want to share a great deal with your friends and family? You canshare through Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, text message and emailall from your phone.You can also shop Babies"R"Us without having to download anotherapp or doing a separate checkout. All your children's needs fromnewborns to teens can be purchased through one shoppingexperience!*******Magasinez de partout en tout temps! Toys"R"Us comprend qu’entant que parent, votre temps est précieux quand vous recherchez lesjouets de la meilleure qualité et des conseils de la marque enlaquelle vous avez la plus grande confiance. Notre application demagasinage vous permet de trouver des produits de qualité que vouspouvez acheter immédiatement de votre téléphone mobile. Vous yretrouverez toutes les mêmes fonctionnalités que vous connaissezdéjà de notre boutique en ligne, en plus de nouvelles fonctionsaméliorées qui vous permettront de trouver un magasin ainsi que sesheures d’ouverture et l’itinéraire pour s’y rendre, les promotionsde la semaine dans votre région et à votre magasin, desinformations sur les produits et des évaluations rédigées par nosclients sur tous les produits afin que vous puissiez prendre desdécisions éclairées pour votre famille. Vous souhaitez voir desvidéos des produits et trouver des détails sur un produit? Utilisezsimplement le scanneur de code-barres intégré.Il est si simple de magasiner de la maison ou d’où que voussoyez maintenant que vous avez toujours accès à nos offresspéciales, que vous pouvez vérifier les prix et acheter un articleen utilisant le mode de paiement de votre choix, y compris parcarte de crédit, carte-cadeau ou PayPal. Vous pouvez vérifier leniveau des stocks avant de vous rendre en magasin, ou commanderl’article pour qu’il soit livré chez vous ou ailleurs. Et si vousavez un code promotionnel qui vous donne droit à un rabaissupplémentaire – vous pouvez l’utiliser aussi.Vous voulez informer vos amis et votre famille d’une aubainefantastique? Vous pouvez le faire à l’aide de Twitter, Facebook,Pinterest, message texte ou courriel directement de votretéléphone.Vous pouvez aussi magasiner sur Babies"R"Us sans avoir àtélécharger une application supplémentaire ni payer séparément. Uneseule expérience d’achat vous permettra de combler tous les besoinsde vos enfants, des nouveau-nés aux adolescents.
Babies"R"Us Registry 7.3.4 APK
Use the Babies"R"Us Registry app to set up and share a registry,soyou'll be ready when baby comes. And to help make lifeeasier,we've built in handy tools and lots of expert advice tobuild theperfect list. • Start with our must-have checklist to findthebasics. • Use BRUBuzz to get inspired and see how othersareusing the best baby gear • Make an appointment tospeakdirectly with one of our experts. • Browse our hugeselectionfor everything else you need. • Scan barcodes fromproducts you seein our stores right into your registry. Andwhenever you're ready,you can share it with friends and family —everyone will see what'sbeen purchased already and what you stillneed. Getting ready fornew baby is a big job. We're here to helpyou get it all done.
Store Coupons 1.0 APK
This app provides users with the latest store coupons that areprintable to popular places such as Target, Catherines, OfficeDepot, Petsmart, JCPenney, Sears, Gamestop, Express, Gap, Old Navy,American Eagle Outfitters, Hollister, Yankee Candle, New York andCompany, Fashion Bug, Coach store, Delias, Shutterfly, CircuitCity, Toys R Us, Babies R Us, Childrens Place, Carters, FamousFootwear, Rack Room Shoes, Sports Authority, Gander Mountain,Hancock Fabrics, JoS A Bank, Kmart, Lacoste, Banana Republic, LaneBryant, Lord and Taylor, Kohls, Office Max, Michaels, The ContainerStore, Timberland, Bebe, Footlocker, Victoria Secret, REI, TheNorth Face, Walmart, Forever 21, Finish Line, DSW Shoes and muchmore!
Shopping Top Show More...
Lazada - Online Shopping & Deals 6.90.2 APK
★★★Most Trusted Online ShoppingDestination in Southeast Asia!★★★With over 90 million downloads worldwide!Download the Lazada app to enjoy exclusive mobile deals onlyLeading online department store in South East Asia! We offer thebest online shopping experience – great deal offerings, multiplepayment options including cash on delivery, after-sales servicewith warranty commitment. You can enjoy effortless shopping on awide range of products from your favorite brands across thedifferent categories – Electronic, Fashion, Home & Living,Health & Beauty, Baby &Toys at your fingertips.Singapore Award**Asia One People's Choice Awards 2015: Top 3 E-Retailers inSingapore**Philippines Award**Gold Standard, Readers Digest Most Trusted Brand Award2014**Indonesia Award**Marketeers 2017 – Best WOW Brand for E-Commerce****Sinyal 2016 – The Best Online Shop Apps****IDEA 2016 – Platinum Winner B2C Marketplace E-Commerce****Indonesia Cellular Award 2015 - Best Online Shop App**Thailand Award** 2016-2017 Marketeer No.1 Brand Thailand – OnlineShopping**** 2016 Priceza Award – Top Marketplace **ONE-STOP SHOPPING DESTINATIONWe carry over hundreds of thousands of products across variouscategories including health and beauty, lifestyle, fashion,electronics and more. Lazada is the place to visit for everythingyou need. Find anything from smartphones, cameras, laptops tolipsticks, shoes, dresses! You can also shop conveniently on-the-govia our mobile apps - browse, view, buy, track, and review youritems.SHOP ANYTHING, ANYTIME, ANYWHEREShop on-the-go with your mobile and/or tablet. With daily deals,special and exclusive promotions available from brands such asSamsung, Apple, Xiaomi, Lenovo, Sony, Nike, and Maybelline- it hasnever been more convenient!SAFE AND SECUREShop at ease with Lazada. We offer 100% Buyer Protection - weguarantee that you get only genuine products that are not defectiveor damaged. If you are for any reason, dissatisfied with yourproduct you can simply return it within 7 days for a fullrefund.CASH-ON-DELIVERYChoose the way that you want to pay. We offer a wide range ofsecure payment options like PayPal, credit cards and bank transfer,as well as cash-on-delivery, where you only pay when you receiveyour package.App Highlights:★App Exclusive Offers & Daily Deals Notifications★Customer Ratings & Reviews★Q&A for Direct Customer – Seller Interaction★Browse and Search by Category and Brand★Sorting Filters: by price, discount, and popularity★Personalized Product Recommendations★Wish List Creator★Express Checkout★Discount Coupon Redemption★Order Tracking★Log-in via Facebook★Sharing via Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and moreAnd more to come.To find out more information about us please visit our localwebsites or give us a call at…Indonesia: / (021) 60206200Malaysia: / 03 8601 1888Philippines: / (02)795 8900Singapore: / +65 315 71774Thailand: / (02) 695 0600Vietnam: / 19001007**LAZADA IS ONLY AVAILABLE IN INDONESIA, MALAYSIA, PHILIPPINES,SINGAPORE, THAILAND AND VIETNAM**------------------------------------------------*DISCLAIMER*Recently, we’ve been notified of several cases where our app ispromoted fraudulently by some third-party advertisers, usually inthe form of site redirection, fake vouchers and games. These typesof ads are being promoted without our consent and we strictlycondemn this type of behavior.If you encounter any of these issues, please help us and copy thepage URL found and report it to [email protected] with subject AAV sothat we can put an end to this.
Tokopedia - Online Shopping, Pulsa & Payment 3.202 APK
Ease your life with Tokopedia on yoursmartphone. Browse broad selection of products with the best deals;Fashion, Gadgets, Electronics, Toys & Hobbies, Automotive &Accessories, Books and Games. Make life simpler by rechargingpulsa, topping up mobile credit, purchasing internet data packs,paying utility bills, and reserving train ticket on the go, anytime& anywhere.Do a quick search on Tokopedia App to find everything you need.Whether you’re looking to buy the latest Apple iPhone, Xiaomiphones, or Samsung Smartphones, upgrading your notebook to thelatest Macbook Pro or a High Performance Gaming Laptop, to buying afresh pair of running shoes.You can find everything & anything you need from your mobilephone. Enjoy faster, quicker shipments & buy at competitiveprices from reputable online merchants located near you.Download Tokopedia Android on your smartphone and the benefitswill be yours✓ 0% Shopping Installment for All Products✓ Get notifications for exclusive app discounts & promos✓ Read trusted reviews to get complete product information &specification.✓ Be the first to know about updates from Tokopedia, including newproducts & brands in Official Store✓ Click to share product links instantly to Facebook, Twitter,Instagram, Google+, Line and BBM Chat.✓ View order history and past purchases. Easily track your ordersfrom anywhere.✓ Easy navigation to find anything you need. Make the most out ofour user-friendly search filters to sort items by price, name, bestsellers, most reviewed, and more.Secure & Safe Transactions with Money BackGuaranteeFlexible payment options, from credit/debit card or internetbanking from BCA, Bank Mandiri, BNI, BRI, CIMB Niaga; InstantPayment with KlikBCA, e-Pay BRI, Mandiri Clickpay, Mandiri e-Cash;Virtual Account; or Pay Locally: Indomaret, Alfamart, PosIndonesia, Kioson & JNE. Top up and pay with your TokoCash fora smoother & quicker checkout process. Get your money back ifyou don’t receive the items you ordered.Pulsa and Internet Data Packs at Your FingertipsTelkomsel, Indosat Ooredoo, XL Axiata, Axis, 3 Tri, Smartfren &Bolt.Keep your Home & Utility Bills on TrackElectricity (PLN & Token Listrik), Landline(Telkom), Water (PDAM), mobile post-paid, insurance(BPJS), Natural Gas (PGN)Seamless EntertainmentGame Vouchers (Steam, Garena, Google Play), Cable TV Subscription(Indihome, Indovision, Transvision)Stream, Watch & Listen Your Favorite Movies, TV Series, andMusicJoox, Viu, Catchplay, iFlix, Genflix, Wifi-idTravel made easy: Plan Your Next Holiday or BusinessTripBook Train Tickets from KAI (Kereta Api Indonesia), buy theme parkand attraction tickets and plan family activities (Dufan, Seaworld,Atlantis Water Adventure, Waterbom PIK).And Many More ..Make Donations & Zakat, Credit Payments.Shop Original Brands at Tokopedia’s Official StoreShop big names at affordable prices and at 0% installments, whetheryou’re looking for locally renowned brands to internationallyrecognized names. Browse from a vast selection of products fordrones, headphones, cosmetics, investment & gold, food (coffee,snacks, cereals, ice cream), cooking tools, and more.Purchase These Household Name Brands at Great PricesOppo Smartphone, Oakley, Garmin, Lego, Maybelline, Hewlett-Packard,LG, Microsoft, Philips, Garmin, Lego, JabraGet in Touch with Local Indonesian BrandsMustika Ratu, Ramayana, Dr. Kevin, Optik Melawai, Okeshop, Consina,SmartfrenShop more and worry less! With Tokopedia, you can save time andspend less.Semua dimulai dari Tokopedia.’d love to hear from you! Questions, concerns, & comments arealways welcome.Shoot us an email at [email protected]
Buy and sell it’s simple and fast. Downloadthe best free classifieds app to buy and sell what you want.Post in three simple steps. Take a picture, describe your ad andadd some contact data to start selling your products.No intermediates between you and the product. We want to gatherpeople together, that’s why you’ll always be able to contactdirectly with the sellers.Chat in your in-app message service without leaving thesearching.Your ads are in the spotlight that’s why we develop the bestdisplay to make your ads shine.OLX. Everybody has something that someone else wants.
Amazon Shopping APK
Product Features* Customers are able to shop millions of products on any ofAmazon's sites around the world from a single app* Quickly search, get product details, and read reviews on millionsof products from Amazon and other merchants* Take advantage of 1-Click ordering, customer support, Wish Lists,create or find a baby or wedding registry, order tracking, andmore* Scan product barcodes and images to compare prices and checkavailability using Scan It* Check out Gold Box Deals - including the Deal of the Day andLightning Deals, and get automatically notified when new dealsbecome available* Send and share links to products via email, SMS, Facebook,Twitter, and more* Sign-up for automatic shipment notifications to know when yourorder ships and arrives* Buy with confidence, knowing that all transactions are securelyprocessed* Use your voice to search for products on Amazon or to track yourorders and reorder items. Tap the microphone icon and say “trackorder” or “track my last order” to access open orders. Reorderproducts by saying “reorder paper towels” or “buy morebatteries”.Product DescriptionThe Amazon Shopping app lets you shop millions of products andmanage your Amazon orders from anywhere. Browse, shop bydepartment, compare prices, read reviews, share products withfriends, and check the status of your orders.Compare prices and availability by typing in your search, scanninga barcode or an image with your camera, or using your voice. Nevermiss a deal with easy access to Lightning Deals and the Deal of theDay. You can also sign-up for shipment notifications to know whenyour order ships and arrives. You have full access to your ShoppingCart, Wish Lists, payment and Prime shipping options, Subscribe& Save order history, and 1-Click settings, just like on thefull site. All Amazon Shopping app purchases are routedthrough Amazon's secure servers to encrypt and safeguard yourpersonal information.Important Note Regarding PermissionsPlease note that the Amazon Shopping app requires access to thefollowing services to operate properly:* Contacts: This permission is used to so that you can access yourphone contacts from the Amazon app for the purposes of sendingAmazon gift cards and inviting friends to use the Amazon app.* SMS: This permission is used to simplify the process of phonenumber verification when creating an Amazon account registered toyour mobile phone number.* Camera: This permission is for Scan It, a new way to search foritems quickly by scanning them with your camera.* Flashlight: This permission is used to turn on the flash whenusing Scan It in low light conditions.* Microphone: This permissions is used to support Voice Search andVoice Shopping Assistant features.* Location: Location permissions are used to assist customers insearching for Amazon Lockers near their current location.* Account: This permission is used for integration with Facebookand other social networks you have connected to your device toallow you to share products with friends and family.* Phone: This permission is used to pre-populate and dial theAmazon Customer Service number.* Storage: This permission is required to support notifications inChina.* Wifi: This permissions is used when setting up either a DashButton or Dash Wand using the Amazon Shopping app.OS Requirements: Requires Android OS 4.1or higher and a rear-facingcamera. The Amazon App for Tablets is available on Google Play.Search for "Amazon Tablet" to install the app and beginshopping.
Юла – объявления поблизости 4.120 (2323a61f9d) APK
Прямо сейчас рядом с вами обычные люди продают(или отдают бесплатно) множество вещей. Узнайте, что можно купитьпоблизости, или предложите свой товар в Юле (Youla).Начните зарабатывать в Юле (Youla) — продавайте вещи, которые вамбольше не нужны.1. Размещайте объявления — это просто. Сфотографируйте товар,добавьте описание, и он мгновенно появится в ленте упользователей.2. Находите и покупайте товары рядом с вами.3. Договаривайтесь об условиях сделки в защищенных чатах внутриприложения.4. Ищите товары в доступных категориях: одежда, детские товары,украшения и часы, хэндмейд, авто и мото, электроника, смартфоны иаксессуары, компьютерная техника, бытовая техника, для дома и дачи,строительство и ремонт, спорт и отдых, красота и здоровье,животные, услуги, игры, книги и музыка.5. Не беспокойтесь о безопасности, мы никому не раскрываем личнуюинформацию — все персональные и пользовательские данные защищеныполитикой конфиденциальности.Если у вас остались вопросы или есть предложения по улучшениюсервиса, свяжитесь с нами: [email protected] now there for youeveryday people selling (or given away free of charge) a lot ofthings. Find out what you can buy nearby, or offer their goods inJulia (Youla).Start earning Julia (Youla) - Sell items that you no longerneed.1. Place the ad - it's easy. Take pictures of items, add adescription, and it instantly appears in the film users.2. Find and buy products near you.3. negotiate the deal in secure chat inside the application.4. Look for the available products in the categories of: Clothes,children's goods, jewelery and watches, Handmaiden, cars andmotorcycles, electronics, smart phones and accessories, computerhardware, consumer electronics, home and garden, construction andrepair, sports and leisure, beauty, health, animal, services,games, books and music.5. Do not worry about security, we do not disclose to anyone yourpersonal information - and all personal user data is protected bythe Privacy Policy.If you have any questions or have any suggestions to improve theservice, contact us: [email protected].
OfferUp - Buy. Sell. Offer Up 4.1.0 APK
Buy. Sell. Simple. The largest mobilemarketplace for local buyers and sellers. Great Deals. Better thanClassified Ads.• Buy or Sell anything; easily offer up your item for sale in 30seconds.• Great deals on clothes, furniture, cell phones, electronics, babyand kids items, cars, jewelry, and more.• See who you’re dealing with through reputation features.• Browse local items for sale with thousands of new postingsdaily.• No need to go to a garage sale when you can use OfferUp.• Message buyers and sellers securely from within the app.• Build reputation with your unique seller profile page.• Browse items by image and sort by category or location.• Join millions of people using OfferUp across the country.OfferUp is the simplest way to buy and sell locally!Save money by finding great items at great prices.Fun facts about OfferUp:1. With OfferUp you can easily sell anything.2. OfferUp shows you what is selling nearby.3. All communication between buyers and sellers on OfferUp isthrough the app via secure messaging.4. OfferUp Is better than a garage sale; find anything you wantright on your phone or tablet.
Jumia Market: Sell & Buy 3.8 APK
Kaymu is becoming Jumia Market!Same service, richer experience, new brand! Welcome to the JumiaWorld!Jumia Market is the largest marketplace in Africa. Download the appnow and connect with thousands of buyers and sellers in yourcountry.Buy with Jumia Market:Get unbelievable discounts, search through thousands of products orshop by category, save products searches, add products to Wishlistand share, review products online, track delivery, and pay cash ondelivery.Sell with Jumia Market:Open your shop in a few easy steps, build your own catalogue ofproducts, respond to customers’ questions in real time, sell tothousands of people where you live, get marketing reports, and makethe best from your business as an entrepreneur.★ Download the free Jumia Market Online Shopping App andenjoy the widest selection of products at cheap prices.★ Shop the entire range of products from the app. If it’s on ourwebsite, it’s here too!★ Stay in control of your budget with lowest prices on thousands ofproducts: home fashion, smartphones, laptops, tablets, jewelry,electronics, shoes, t-shirts and more.★ Get push notifications on exclusive discount deals. Be the firstto hear about offers, be the first to buy.★ Sort products by price, popularity, discount percentage, distanceof product from you, and more.Jumia Market is an online shopping community that lets youshop thousands of products from sellers in your country at thelowest prices. We have the widest selection of products for you tochoose from. With the new Jumia Market app, shopping online is nowmore convenient than you ever thought.Get the best deals at the best prices. Thousands of families usethe Jumia Market shopping app to keep control of their budget; youshould too.What is new? Discover our totally new designed features thatwill help you enjoy your shopping experience evenmore:★ NEW IN: Add items to your cart and purchase all your items withone order★ Get social: you can now follow members and get notifications oftheir activity★ Save your time and save your favorite searches★ Improved profile page with easy to use sections like the overviewpast sales & purchases, products liked, members followed andfollowers★ Check notifications and alerts about your preferred members,favorite products and saved searches★ Enjoy the smoothness of the New My Account section★ You had problems with checking out? This is history now! We wereworking on your feedback and revamped the check out to yourconvenienceYou cannot find what you are looking for? Not possible! We have:men’s fashion including men’s clothing, men’s shoes for work orsneakers for play, and accessories for men. There’s an endless listof women’s fashion to shop from the app. Look ravishing inright-sized women’s dresses, shop the perfect women’s high-heels aswell as every other jewelry and accessories you might need – all onthe Jumia market online shopping app. You are a interested ingadgets and Hi-Fi? Jumia Market has it!Any comments, questions or suggestions? Send us an email [email protected] us on facebook and twitter and stay tuned on our latestupdates!
eBay - Buy, Sell & Save Money APK
Whether you're searching to buy new clothes, aused car, or summer updates to your wardrobe, eBay has it all. eBaymakes it easy to shop, search, bid, sell and save money anywhere,any time. Buy and sell on the go, find deals, manage your eBayexperience and check the status of an auction.Compare prices on new and used cars, jewelry, womens fashion, mensclothing, home & garden and more with amazing savings! ShopeBay Deals for featured coupons and discounts on top brands, alwayswith free shipping. Save money and find great online shopping dealswith eBay’s personalized search!Buy and sell in categories like:Cars, Car Parts & Automotive Gear• Car sales from thousands of worldwide retailers• New and used cars, trucks, SUVs and motorcycles, plusaccessories• Automotive gear, motorcycle helmets, gloves, jackets andmoreClothes, fashion & outfits• Outfit essentials – from women's clothing to men's fashion tooutfit inspiration• Clothing, shoes and accessories for any occasion• Jewelry from top brands• Fashion shopping from designer fashion brands• Shopping deals on Summer's hottest looksHome & Garden• Home design, accessories and decor. Save money on your nextrenovation!• Garden tools and decorations to complement any style• Outdoor furniture for summerCell phones, electronics & laptop computers• Compare prices on cell phones\• Electronics, video games, movies and more• Laptop computers, accessories and casesGift Ideas & More• Father's Day gifts for Dads• Graduation presents for the class of 2017• Summer savings on everything you'll need to keep cool• Coupon hunters will love eBay Deals and free shipping& much more!With eBay you can:Save money with eBay deals:• Deals and discounts on brand-new electronics, fashion andmore• Free shipping on all eBay DealsSell your items online:• Selling cars, jewelry or gadgets – sell it all, big orsmall• Barcode Scanner to scan products & set up sales inminutes• Sell stuff on the go - revise and manage your listings on yourphoneSearch and sell with the bar code scanner & reader:• Scan products with the barcode scanner to compare pricesonline• Barcode reader lets you scan any item to instantly start a newlisting• QR code reader can read QR codes and save you time shoppingBuy clothing, cell phones, cars for sale and more at bargainprices:• Bid and buy to save money from trusted sellers• Search, bid, buy or make offers on unique items from sellersworldwide• Browse personalized recommendations• Save your favorite searches and sellers for quick access• Coupons and deals to help you save money• Auction pricing means you get the best deal possibleTrack orders and get notifications:• Get customizable alerts about your eBay items and activity• Shipping tracker for your packages• Leave feedback• Read and respond to eBay messagesSearch and bid with eBay for discounts on clothing, cars,collectibles and anything else under the sun. Download the eBay appand start your search today!LANGUAGE SUPPORTEnglish, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian,Polish, Dutch (Belgium + Netherlands)KEEP IN TOUCHYour feedback & suggestions are important to us! Contact us onTwitter @askebay or know you value your privacy when apps request permissions. Hereis exactly how they are used:YOUR ACCOUNTS: Let us send you push notifications ifrequested.SYSTEM TOOLS: Let us wake up your device to send notifications,after which the device automatically returns to sleep mode.LOCATION: Let us provide search results relevant to yourlocation.NETWORK COMMUNICATION: Share items with your friends or others oneBay using Near Field Communication (NFC). Just enable NFC on yourdevice settings, then hold your phone up to theirs and we’ll sendthe item over!CAMERA: Scan barcodes for comparison shopping or start a newlisting, take pics of an item you're listing, and attach pics toeBay messages.