1.0 / January 23, 2016
(4.1/5) (11)


Aqidah merupakan pondasi dasarkeislamanseseorang.

Sehingga seorang muslim haruslah memiliki aqidah yang benardankokoh dalam hidupnya, yaitu aqidah yang dibangun di atasdalilAl-Qur’an dan As-Sunnah.

Karena demikian pentingnya masalah aqidah, maka kamimenyusunbuku yang khusus membahas tentang aqidah Islam, yang kamiberijudul “Jami’ul Bayan min ‘Aqidatil Islam,” yang dalamedisiIndonesianya berjudul,

“Ensiklopedi Aqidah Islam.”

Di dalam buku ini terdapat poin-poin penting aqidah,besertapenjelasannya yang ilmiah. Karena telah disarikan dariberbagaireferensi dari kitab para ulama’ Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’ah.Materidalam buku ini juga telah disampaikan dan diajarkan kepadaumat,baik dalam kajian-kajian intensif di beberapa majelis ilmumaupunpada daurah-daurah ilmiyyah yang diadakan di beberapakota.

Akhirnya kami berharap semoga buku ini bermanfaat bagipenulisserta bagi segenap kaum muslimin.

[Selengkapnya silahkan baca PDF di Bawah ini]



MENGIKUTI PARA SAHABAT o ….......................... 42
MENCINTAI AHLUL BAIT NABI a …....................... 52
TAAT KEPADA PEMIMPIN…......................................60
AL-WALA’ WAL BARA’…...............................................64
IMAN KEPADA ALLAH q….......................................74
ALLAH q DI ATAS ARSY…........................................76

IMAN KEPADA PARA MALAIKAT …......................... 79
IMAN KEPADA KITAB-KITAB …................................ 87

AL-QUR’AN ADALAH KALAMULLAH ….................... 91
IMAN KEPADA PARA RASUL …................................. 98
ISRA’ DAN MI’RAJ NABI a…....................................101
IMAN KEPADA QADHA’ DAN QADAR ...................... 105
IMAN KEPADA HARI AKHIR …..................................110
SIKSA DAN NIKMAT KUBUR …................................. 116
TANDA-TANDA HARI KIAMAT ….............................. 119
TIUPAN SANGKAKALA…...........................................133
ALLAH q BERBICARA….............................................144
MELIHAT ALLAH q…................................................146
PEMBAGIAN KITAB CATATAN AMAL …................. 156


PELAKU DOSA BESAR….............................................166
SURGA DAN NERAKA….............................................168

Islamic aqidah isthebasic foundation of a person.

So that a Muslim must have the correct Aqeedah and firm inhislife, namely the belief built on the proposition of the Qur'anandSunnah.

 Because of the importance of issues such faith, thenwearrange a special book that talks about the Islamic faith, whichwetitled "Bayan Jami'ul min 'Aqidatil Islam," which in theIndonesianedition titled,

"Encyclopedia of the Islamic Aqeedah."

In this book there are important points aqidah, along withascientific explanation. Because it has been extracted fromvariousreferences from the book of the scholars of Ahlus SunnahwalJama'ah. The material in this book has also been presentedandtaught to the people, either in the intensive studies inmultipleassemblies science and on-Daurah Daurah Ilmiyyah held inseveralcities.

 Finally we hope that this book is useful for writersandfor all the Muslims.

[More please read this PDF Below]


Basmalah ...................................................................i
FRONT COVER …...............................................iii.........
DATA BOOK ..................................................................v
TABLE OF CONTENTS…...............................................vii.................
INTRODUCTION …................................................ix..............
Muqaddimah ... ................... ...................................... 1
Shahada ... ................... ............................................ 3
TAUHID ... ................... ................................................... 15
Shirk ... ................... ..................................................... 23
KUFR ... ................... ..................................................... 32
Nifaq ... ................... ...................................................... 38

FOLLOW THE FRIENDS o ... .......................... 42
Ahlul Bait LOVE NABI a ... ....................... 52
OBEY TO THE LEADER .........................................60
AL-WALA 'WAL BARA' .................................................. 64
PRINCIPLES OF FAITH...............................................................71
FAITH TO GOD q ... ....................................... 74
GOD q over the Throne ...........................................76

FAITH TO ANGELS ... ......................... 79
FAITH TO BOOK-BOOK ... ................................ 87

AL-QURAN IS kalamullah ... .................... 91
FAITH TO THE APOSTLES ... .................................98
ISRA 'AND PROPHETS MI'RAJ a .......................................101
FAITH TO Qadha 'AND Qadar ...................... 105
FAITH TO THE END ... .................................. 110
SLANDEROUS GRAVE ............................................................111
Torture and SCRUMPTIOUS GRAVE ....................................116
SIGNS OF THE LAST DAY DAY .................................119
Trumpet ... ........................................... 133
Reckoning .............................................................................137
Q GOD SPEAKS ................................................144
SEE GOD q ... ................................................146
NOTE BOOK DISTRIBUTION OF CHARITY ... ................. 156
Mizan .............................................................................157

Shirath .........................................................................160

Syafa'at .....................................................................162
ACTORS OF SIN ................................................166
HEAVEN AND HELL ................................................168
MARAJI '.........................................................................177

App Information Aqidah Islam

  • App Name
    Aqidah Islam
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    January 23, 2016
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.1 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Nurpratama Studio
  • Installs
    1,000 - 5,000
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
    Visit website Email [email protected]
    Kalipucang, Pangandaran, Jawa Barat 46397
  • Google Play Link

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Semua dosa tak peduli besar atau kecil,harusdijauhi. Sebab, meremehkan dosa kecil akan membuatnyamenumpuksehingga menjadi besar. Namun, memilah dan memahamidosa-dosa besarjuga penting. Selain menjaga diri agar tidakterjerumus kedalamnya, menjauhi dosa besar juga mendatangkanmanfaat bagipelakunya. Karena, dosa-dosa kecil akan diampuni selagikita tidakmengerjakan perbuatan yang termasuk dosa besar. Maka,mempelajaridosa-dosa besar adalah salah satu ilmu utama yang harusdiketahuiorang Islam.Buku ini berbicara tentang 70 dosa besar secara detail.Karyaterjemahan dari kitab fenomenal al-Kabair karya ImamAdz-Dzahabiini dilengkapi tahqiq guna menyempurnakan kitabaslinya.Di samping menelusuri sumber rujukan dan derajat riwayatdarihikayat yang disajikan, pentahqiq juga menjelaskan kosa kataasingdalam matan hadits, serta menerjemahkan profil nama-nama orangyangdisebut dalam kitab ini.Biografi Singkat Imam Adz DzahabiImam Adz-Dzahabi, seorang hafizh, ahli hadits, peneliti,kritikusdan ahli sejarah. Dilahirkan pada 7 Oktober 1274 M danwafat padatahun 1349 M di Damaskus. Masyhur dengan hafalannya yangkuat,cerdas, wara’, zuhud, lurus aqidahnya, serta fasih lisannya.Beliaumenempuh perjalanan yang jauh dalam mencari ilmu. Syam,Mesir, danHijaz (Mekah dan Madinah) merupakan destinasi perjalananbeliaudalam menuntut butiran-butiran ilmu. Di antara para ulamayangmenjadi guru-guru beliau adalah Syaikhul Islam IbnuTaimiyah,Al-Hafizh Jamaluddin Yusuf bin Abdurrahman al-Mizzi, danal-HafizhAlamuddin Abdul Qasim bin Muhammad al-Birzali. Selamakurun waktu75 tahun dikurangi masa-masa belajarnya, beliau berhasilmenulislebih dari 100 karya, yang artinya hampir tiap tahunbeliaumenghasilkan dua karya tulis.All sin no matter howbigor small, should be shunned. Therefore, underestimate the smallsinwill make it accumulate to become large. However, sortingandunderstand the major sins is also important. In addition tokeepingthemselves in order not to fall into it, away from majorsins alsobring benefits for the culprit. Because, little sins willbeforgiven as long as we do not do acts that included a bigsin.Thus, studying the great sins is one of the main sciencethatshould be known to the Muslims.This book talks about the 70 major sins in detail.Translationfrom al-Kabair phenomenal book by Imam Adh-Dhahabi isequippedtahqiq in order to enhance the original book.In addition to tracing the source of the referral and ahistorydegree from the saga presented, pentahqiq also explainunfamiliarvocabulary in honor hadith, as well as translating theprofilenames of the people mentioned in this book.Brief Biography of Al-DhahabiImam adh-Dhahabi, a Hafiz, hadith scholars, researchers, criticsandhistorians. Born on October 7, 1274 AD and died in 1349 ADinDamascus. Hafalannya famous with strong, smart, wara ',ascetic,straight sound belief, and fluent spoken. He traveled farin searchof knowledge. Syria, Egypt, and the Hijaz (Mecca andMedina) is histrip destinations in demanding granules science.Among the scholarswho become teachers, he is Shaykh al-Islam IbnTaymiyyah, Al-HafizJamaluddin Yusuf bin Abdurrahman al-Mizzi, andAlamuddin AbdulHafiz al-Qasim bin Muhammad al-Birzali. During theperiod of 75years was reduced periods of learning, he managed towrite morethan 100 works, which means that almost every year heproduced twopapers.