3.1.1 / Jun 23, 2023
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Amplatzer™ Portfolio App provides IFU based device suggestions andinformation.

App Information Amplatzer™ Portfolio

  • App Name
    Amplatzer™ Portfolio
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    Jun 23, 2023
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 5.1
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

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THyroApp 1.3 APK
“Thyroapp” will facilitate the patients toenhance compliance on their therapy through• pill reminder alarms,• get discounted tests through SMS on being advised by theirdoctors,• track their diagnostic results over their treatment period,inform about the symptoms of Thyroid, remind doctor appointmentsand importance of timely diagnosis & follow-up tests.
VertiGo Exercise (AR) 1.0 APK
*World’s first and most comprehensive appforVertigo patients using a Virtual trainer via Augmented Reality(AR)****Free – Full Version – No In App Purchase** Download now!*This is a comprehensive Vertigo management app which will helpyourecover from Vertigo. Your own Vertigo Personal ExerciseTrainer*Right posture and right time is very important and helpsyoumanage vertigo in the long run. Follow along a virtual coachwhoguides you with audio instructions to a complete set of21vestibular exercises. She will guide you through everyexercisewith timed, step-by-step audio, and subtitle -- along witha DietGuide!One stop App for comprehensive management of Vertigo.1. For the first time in world bringing virtual trainer inaugmentedreality to showcase 21 vestibular rehablitationexercises2. The Virtual trainer performs 21 vestibularrehabilitationexercises step-wise with subtitles and audio3. Audio is in two languages which are English and Hindi4. Features like exercise reminder updates patient on theirnextexercise schedule to maintain compliance5. Pill reminder is a unique tool to help patients adheretomedication regime6. Tip to manage of acute vertigo attack has been included7. Vertigo patients need to be careful with their diet andhencerecommended diet guide is there in the app8. Let your care taker know how to help you when you getavertigo attack with a simple SOS manual provided in the app.Verti..GO is a free app that provides information andeducationon vertigo and its related conditions, and how to betterlive withit. Patients may access this information anytime,anywhere. Thisapp is not meant to replace doctor consultation. Itis stronglyadvised to consult with your doctors before app use.The app will only work with a marker and it’s recommendedtopatients by Doctors.***Kindly consult your doctor for Abbott Markers to usethisapp.****Download Now **VertiGo Exercise (AR)** Vertigo Management AppforFree.
myMerlin™ APK
Connect with your Abbott Cardiac Monitor and send information toyour doctor.
Body-for-LIFE 1.3 APK
Body-for-LIFE Mobile Companion AppKeeping track of your fitness goals, workout progress, mealplans, body measurements and more just got a whole lot easier.Introducing the new Body-for-LIFE mobile companion app, free onAndroid smartphones and tablets—the perfect companion for your lifeon the go.The Body-for-LIFE mobile app features:• Full 12-week workout tracking, how to videos and workouttimer• Daily meal plan tracking• Quick access to our approved food list and what foods you shouldavoid• Powerful measurement tools to keep track of your bodymeasurements, body fat percentage, weight, BMI and photos as youcomplete the program• Integration with the Body-for-LIFE community forum page• Motivational Tips & Frequently Asked Questions to help youalong the wayWhat are you waiting for? Download for free today and keep workingtowards your goal of having a body for life!
Abbott Wound Monitor 3.1 APK
Abbott Wound Monitor (AWM) ha sidodesarrollado íntegramente por Abbott Argentina con el fin deacercar a los Profesionales de la Salud una herramienta integralpara el abordaje del proceso de cicatrización de heridas,ofreciendo una solución innovadora.AWM guía a los profesionales de la salud quienes, navegando através de pantallas amigables, podrán identificar signos de granimportancia para el desarrollo de un diagnóstico sólido para laelección del mejor tratamiento para cada paciente. AWM permite alas profesionales de la salud transformar abordajes complejos enunos más simples.Por último y por demás importante en el universo de las heridas,AWM permite tomar fotografías en cada cita con el paciente paracomparar de forma precisa la evolución del tratamiento.Los beneficios y ventajas cuando utilizamos AWM:- Motivar el abordaje de las heridas por parte de los profesionalesde la salud.- Ofrecer una Guía sobre los signos que un profesional de la saluddebe considerar como base para obtener un diagnósticocompleto.- Permite la organización de datos de los pacientes en sudispositivo, con la posibilidad de crear presentaciones de casosclínicos con información precisa.- Permite a los profesionales de la salud crear diagnósticosintegrales para monitorear la evolución de las heridas de acuerdo ainformación sólida (nombre del paciente, etiología, métricas,cambios, fechas, etc.)
NeproCare 1.0 APK
NeproCare è un’applicazione per la gestionenutrizionale dei pazienti con malattia renale cronica inemodialisi, ed è rivolta agli operatori sanitari che operano inquesto contesto clinico.NeproCare, partendo da alcuni parametri base, fornisce indicazionisullo stato nutrizionale di questi soggetti, consentendo dievidenziare un eventuale stato di deplezione proteico-energetica(Protein-Energy Wasting), ed elabora il corrispettivo apportocalorico-proteico giornaliero e settimanale, sulla base dellespecifiche necessità metabolico-nutrizionali.L’applicazione consente di generare una label stampabile che puòessere inserita in cartella clinica, come storico del protocollonutrizionale adottato.L’algoritmo di NeproCare è basato sulle indicazioni di una recenteConsensus della Società Internazionale di Nutrizione Renale eMetabolismo (Ikizler TA et al. Kidney Int 2013; 84:1096-1107) esulle principali raccomandazioni riportate dalle attuali lineeguida nazionali ed internazionali circa la supplementazionenutrizionale nei pazienti in emodialisi cronica.L’applicazione è stata sviluppata con la collaborazione scientificadel Prof. Enrico Fiaccadori, dell’Unità di Fisiopatologiadell’Insufficienza Renale Acuta e Cronica del Dipartimento diMedicina Clinica e Sperimentale, Università degli Studi diParma.NeproCare is anapplication for the nutritional management of patients with chronickidney disease on hemodialysis, and is aimed at healthprofessionals working in this clinical context.NeproCare, starting with some basic parameters, provides guidanceon the nutritional status of these subjects, allowing you tohighlight a possible state of protein-energy depletion(Protein-Energy Wasting), and processes the correspondingprotein-calorie daily and weekly, on the basis of specificmetabolic and nutritional needs.The application allows you to generate a printable label that canbe placed in the medical record, as a historian of nutritionalprotocol adopted.The algorithm is based on NeproCare indications of a recentConsensus of the International Society of Renal Nutrition andMetabolism (Ikizler TA et al. Kidney Int 2013; 84:1096-1107) andthe main recommendations presented by the current national andinternational guidelines about nutritional supplementation inpatients on chronic hemodialysis.The application was developed with the scientific collaboration ofProf. Henry Fiaccadori, Unit of Pathophysiology of acute renalfailure and chronic Department of Clinical and ExperimentalMedicine, University of Parma.
Similac Baby Journal - Canada 1.0 APK
Stay in touch with baby’s development overtime. We don’t have to tell you what having a baby can do to yourschedule! The new Similac BabyJournal App makes it easier to trackand monitor your baby’s eating, sleeping and even diaper changinghabits.
PediaSure Growth Tracker 1.1 APK
"PediaSure Growth Tracker" app is a single appthat helps parents track their child's growth for the age group of2-6 years and has many helpful tools as listed• Comparison of your child's height and weight against WHOparameters, know if your child is growing right as per his / herage• Separate charts for girls and boys• 6 Steps to get your child from being a fussy eater to a healthyeater• Sign-up for Nutrition counseling