PlayStore_00042 / March 15, 2015
(3.0/5) (4)


An astounding, completely automatic andmodifiable, App which allows you to either casually browse orintimately study 'A Course in Miracles'

ACIM helps you to learn how to forgive, see the world in aninvigorated - fresh way and help return a sense of innocence. Itallows you to view life without fear; it teaches you how to seepeople, and yourself, in a completely new light.

This App Does Everything AND has no drain on the battery. Toview which Apps drain the battery go to Settings/Battery Theculprits: Chrome (7%), the Screen (3-4%), Wifi, GPS and the AndroidOperating System (1%).

My App at all Times consumes less than .1% of availableresources. There are jealous competitors out there. They all havevaporware saying their app does all that my app does; whereas mineactually does it - and does it with no battery drain.

* Four different TIMERS (long, short and frequent reminders -which makes it equivalent to the book's timing intervals - plusyour own settable timer, all of which allow you to create timedevents ranging all the way from once every 5 minutes toonce-per-day)

* Contains both the 'A Course in Miracles' Text separated byChapter and Section; plus the Workbook separated by 1 out of 365day's lessons

* Both the text and workbook have a fully selectableTable-of-Contents listing which instantly transports you to thatcorresponding page

* Although there are hundreds of options, it can just as easilybe used directly out-of-the-box with no modification

* In a diary, it remembers your Related Thoughts for each day ofthe year. It allows you to copy selected lines from any Text orWorkbook page to the Related Thoughts area for any particular day;or you can Record, Delete or Play up to 4 of your own audio RelatedThoughts (duration limited by SD card) for each day's lesson

* Helps you to handle each Response to Temptation by loggingthat you had one; then referring you to appropriate text withcourse-related suggestions; tallies how many 'Responses ToTemptation' you experience

* Includes a Tutorial, Questions on how to use each panel, anInstruction Manual and FAQ (Frequently asked questions)... allbuilt-in to the App and easily accessible

* TIMERS run when phone is in a paused state (when the screen isblack, while running other apps, or even when your phone is locked;but not turned-off)

* Nine settable colored themes to personalize the 'Workbook','Text' or 'Related Thoughts' Panels

* Over 84 pleasant audible indicators including sweet birdcalls, gentle music and bell sounds or, if you'd prefer, insistentsounds

* Four different settable sounds: Main, Frequent, Response ToTemptation or Duration

* Vibrate Once, Vibrate Twice, Vibrate Thrice, Buzz andVibration-off modes

* Automated Exercise Duration Indicator or Optional SettableVariation (3 - 5 Min, etc.)

* Use either 'Wake Hour' or 'Now' as that day's Start Time

* Programmable 'Paused Mode' (Timed Events via Notifications,Toast pop-ups or Message Box)

* Last Event's Text is available for view if you missed it

* Upcoming Timer Event Queue display

* Remembers where you last were on each Text or Workbookpage

* 'Glowing Scroll Indicators' tell which way the textscrolls

* Select any random lesson, advance lessons one-per-day or alignlessons to any calendar day

* THEME Button, where appropriate so you can see the associatedtheme for those lessons

* EXERCISE Button gives synopsis for that lesson's ExerciseTiming (plus doing it automatically)

* Lock Screen with 4-digit number or number of taps plus audiblehint to avoid hitting buttons unintentionally

* An 'Ideas' panel lets you submit bright ideas, revisions ormodifications or gives you a place to air annoyances

It's simple to use with many options to personalize it for theadvanced student.

Minimum Tested Version: HONEYCOMB v2.3.7
Has been tested on the most recent Android Version 5.0.0 LOLLIPOP(API 21)

App Information ACIM Timer Course in Miracles

WOW Software Show More...

Score Keeper Gaming Calculator SCORE APK
WOW Software
Keeps a running tally of game score forbetween 2 and 5 players. I designed it for playing Scrabble; but itis good for any game which needs to remember and add-up successivenumbers for up to 5 players such as Boggle, Gin Rummy, Basketballpoints for two different teams, etc.Key Points:1. Stores up to 200 game scores-apiece for from 2 to 5players.2. Automatically totals every score entered.3. Easily allows any score to be deleted, or changed to a differentvalue.4. Allows you to add, subtract, multiply and divide the value(can't go negative, only whole numbers)5. Full tutorial allows you switch back-and-forth between tutorialand calculator to learn how to use.6. Remembers all scores and who was currently up (if you clicked ontheir column after the last move).7. Allows you to get back last game's scores even after aNEW.8. Allows you to reset all back to the way it was when you first gothe App.9. Many different ways you can enter the value (click on an emptyarea and type a number, type a number, then click on an empty area,click on a number that's already there and press new number '=',etc.)10. Allows you to delete, change, add, subtract, multiple or divideusing any player's score value.11. Has full memory with M+, M- and MR (Memory Recall) forintricate math such as 3 + (2 * 7).12. Easily delete the number in the Memory by entering a zero, thenpressing M+.13. 6 built-in web pages that help with Scrabble, Boggle,dictionary or Google searches (programmable).14. Fourteen different styles so you can customize your ownlook.15. Warns if there might be low memory.It could be used to count laps for runners or swimmers. Any gamewhere you want to keep track of the overall team scores for theyear... such as Football.It is good for competitive games because it remembers everyentry so, even if the phone were to crash - it will still rememberevery entered score on start-up again.It has a full tutorial that is easy to move back-and-forthbetween the calculator entry pad and the tutorial as you learn howto use it. However it is easy to use.Type a number, click in that player's column, it will go thereand totalize that column. Type the next player's score, click intheir column it will appear there and total it up.You can also type a number (including zero), click a box andpress the '=' key. Whatever number used to be there changes to thenew number.At any time you can continue with calculations, such as:24 + 3 =The Help page has six handy web pages, that can be programmed tobe any six webpages that you might like, instead.You can easily change the graphic to one that is appropriate tothe game you're playing by pressing on the graphic. Each time youpress it, it will go to the next one (then remember it next time).Currently there is one to indicate Scrabble (r), two differentBoggle (r) images, Darts, Horseshoes, Billiards, Basketball teamscores, Soccer team scores, Baseball / Softball team scores,Football team scores, Bowling and spooky eyes (my favorite).If you ever make a mistake and want it to reset back todefaults... just hold the NEW button for 3 seconds and agree. Youcan either choose to keep any changes you made to the websites, orrevert them back to the defaults. (Anagrammer Scrabble Words, WordFinder, Word Finder 'Your Dictionary',, aBoggle-Scrabble Cheat engine and Google).DISCLAIMER:Just because nobody should ever be sued for having made a .99cent App that helps people... I can not be held responsible for anyloss that you might experience during the use of this app For lostscores, or damages that might result from such loss of scores.Every effort has been made to store, and retrieve, any score evenif the person's phone might crash. I have even included a way toretrieve the last game's scores if you mistakenly clicked the NEWkey (even if you entered many values since you clicked the NEWbutton).
ACIM Timer Course in Miracles PlayStore_00042 APK
WOW Software
An astounding, completely automatic andmodifiable, App which allows you to either casually browse orintimately study 'A Course in Miracles'ACIM helps you to learn how to forgive, see the world in aninvigorated - fresh way and help return a sense of innocence. Itallows you to view life without fear; it teaches you how to seepeople, and yourself, in a completely new light.This App Does Everything AND has no drain on the battery. Toview which Apps drain the battery go to Settings/Battery Theculprits: Chrome (7%), the Screen (3-4%), Wifi, GPS and the AndroidOperating System (1%).My App at all Times consumes less than .1% of availableresources. There are jealous competitors out there. They all havevaporware saying their app does all that my app does; whereas mineactually does it - and does it with no battery drain.* Four different TIMERS (long, short and frequent reminders -which makes it equivalent to the book's timing intervals - plusyour own settable timer, all of which allow you to create timedevents ranging all the way from once every 5 minutes toonce-per-day)* Contains both the 'A Course in Miracles' Text separated byChapter and Section; plus the Workbook separated by 1 out of 365day's lessons* Both the text and workbook have a fully selectableTable-of-Contents listing which instantly transports you to thatcorresponding page* Although there are hundreds of options, it can just as easilybe used directly out-of-the-box with no modification* In a diary, it remembers your Related Thoughts for each day ofthe year. It allows you to copy selected lines from any Text orWorkbook page to the Related Thoughts area for any particular day;or you can Record, Delete or Play up to 4 of your own audio RelatedThoughts (duration limited by SD card) for each day's lesson* Helps you to handle each Response to Temptation by loggingthat you had one; then referring you to appropriate text withcourse-related suggestions; tallies how many 'Responses ToTemptation' you experience* Includes a Tutorial, Questions on how to use each panel, anInstruction Manual and FAQ (Frequently asked questions)... allbuilt-in to the App and easily accessible* TIMERS run when phone is in a paused state (when the screen isblack, while running other apps, or even when your phone is locked;but not turned-off)* Nine settable colored themes to personalize the 'Workbook','Text' or 'Related Thoughts' Panels* Over 84 pleasant audible indicators including sweet birdcalls, gentle music and bell sounds or, if you'd prefer, insistentsounds* Four different settable sounds: Main, Frequent, Response ToTemptation or Duration* Vibrate Once, Vibrate Twice, Vibrate Thrice, Buzz andVibration-off modes* Automated Exercise Duration Indicator or Optional SettableVariation (3 - 5 Min, etc.)* Use either 'Wake Hour' or 'Now' as that day's Start Time* Programmable 'Paused Mode' (Timed Events via Notifications,Toast pop-ups or Message Box)* Last Event's Text is available for view if you missed it* Upcoming Timer Event Queue display* Remembers where you last were on each Text or Workbookpage* 'Glowing Scroll Indicators' tell which way the textscrolls* Select any random lesson, advance lessons one-per-day or alignlessons to any calendar day* THEME Button, where appropriate so you can see the associatedtheme for those lessons* EXERCISE Button gives synopsis for that lesson's ExerciseTiming (plus doing it automatically)* Lock Screen with 4-digit number or number of taps plus audiblehint to avoid hitting buttons unintentionally* An 'Ideas' panel lets you submit bright ideas, revisions ormodifications or gives you a place to air annoyancesIt's simple to use with many options to personalize it for theadvanced student.Minimum Tested Version: HONEYCOMB v2.3.7Has been tested on the most recent Android Version 5.0.0 LOLLIPOP(API 21)