1.8 / March 19, 2017
(4.3/5) ()


This application features:

★ A electronic dictionary for finding accounting terms withtheirdefinition
★ Support TTS (Text To Speech) for term & theirdefinition
★ Test your knowledge with Quiz
★ Keep your favorit terms in Favorit List for quick access
★ A reminder to learn new term with Term Of The Day which canbescheduled from Setting
★ Add new term by yourself

App Information Accounting Terms Dictionary

  • App Name
    Accounting Terms Dictionary
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    March 19, 2017
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 4.1 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Terbit Terang
  • Installs
    10 - 50
  • Price
  • Category
    Books & Reference
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

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Lagu Wajib Nasional & Lirik 2 1.0 APK
Terbit Terang
Aplikasi ini adalah edisi keduakoleksilagu-lagu wajib & nasional bangsa Indonesia dengantujuan untukmendidik anak-anak, murid/pelajar dan orang dewasabelajarmenyanyikan dan mengerti lagu kebangsaan negaraIndonesia.Lagu-lagu wajib nasional ini bisa dimainkan tanpa koneksiinternet,disertai lirik serta fitur untuk merekam suara sendirisambilmendengarkan lagu yang dimainkan dan memainkan ulang suarayanganda nyanyikan.Tambah asyik belajar menyanyikan lagu ramai-ramai dandapatdigunakan untuk belajar paduan suara lagu wajib denganfiturperekaman yang ada.Kami mengharapkan aplikasi ini bisa bermanfaat bagi semua,termasukuntuk para murid, siswa dan guru bisa menggunakan aplikasiinibersama.Lagu-lagu wajib yang bisa dinikmati antara lain:★ Gugur Bunga★ Nyiur Hijau★ Di Timur Matahari★ Mars Harapan Bangsa★ Hymne Kemerdekaan★ Bhinneka Tunggal Ika★ Bendera Merah Putih★ Indonesia Tumpah Darahku★ Kebyar-kebyar★ Api Kemerdekaan★ Hymne Pramuka★ Pada Pahlawan★ Indonesia Jaya★ Pantang Mundur★ Jembatan Merah★ Sepasang Mata Bola★ Selamat Datang Pahlawan Muda★ Pahlawan MerdekaSummary fitur aplikasi secara garis besar:★ Antar muka yang mudah digunakan oleh siapa saja★ Tidak memerlukan koneksi internet★ Fasilitas setiap lagu beserta lirik★ Fasilitas menyanyikan dengan fungsi perekam suara danmemainkanulangThis application isthesecond edition of a collection of songs compulsory andtheIndonesian nation with the aim to educate children, pupils/students and adults learn to sing and understand thenationalanthem Indonesia country.Mandatory national songs can be played without aninternetconnection, with the lyrics as well as a feature to recordyour ownsound while listening to songs played and plays back soundwhichyou sing.Add fun to learn to sing a crowd and can be used to studychoralanthem with existing recording feature.We expect this application could be useful for all, includingforpupils, students and teachers can use this app together.Songs mandatory that can be enjoyed include:★ Autumn Flowers★ Nyiur Green★ In the East of the Sun★ Mars Harapan Bangsa★ Hymn of Independence★ Unity in Diversity★ Red and White flag★ Indonesia spill my blood★ Kebyar-Kebyar★ Fire Independence★ Hymne Pramuka★ On Heroes★ Indonesia Jaya★ No Retreat★ Red Bridge★ Pair of Eye Ball★ Young Heroes Welcome★ Heroes FreedomSummary outline application features:★ interface that is easy to use by anyone★ Does not require internet connection★ Amenities every song with lyrics★ Facility sing with the voice recorder function and playback
Lagu Wajib Nasional & Lirik 1.2 APK
Terbit Terang
National anthem Indonesia: learning to sing while listening andrecording
Lirik Lagu Anak Sepanjang Masa 2.0 APK
Terbit Terang
Aplikasi yang bersifat edukasi dengan tujuanuntuk mengajak anak & keluarga bersama belajar menyanyikanlagu-lagu anak Indonesia sepanjang masa, dengan di temanin olehlirik lagu & tombol navigasi yang mudah untuk memainkan &mengulang lagu.Dan kelebihan aplikasi ini juga disertakan tombol untuk merekamsuara anda sendiri sambil bernyanyi mengikuti suara lagu, kemudiananda bisa memainkan ulang lagu yang anda nyanyikan.Lagu-lagu yang bisa dinikmati secara offline tanpa perlu koneksiinternet seperti:★ Bangun Tidur★ Disini Senang Disana Senang★ Cicak-cicak Di Dinding★ Pergi Belajar★ Nina Bobo★ Topi Saya Bundar★ Bintang Kecil★ Kasih Ibu★ 1234★ Lihat Kebunku★ Desaku★ Naik Kereta Api★ Dua Mata Saya★ Ibu Pertiwi★ Pelangi★ Anak Kambing Saya★ Balonku★ Naik-naik Ke Puncak Gunung★ Naik Delman★ Tik-tik Bunyi Hujan★ Burung Hantu★ Potong Bebek Angsa★ Aku Seorang Kapiten★ Kukuruyuk★ Panjang Umurnya★ Naik Becak★ Aku Anak Sehat dan masih banyak lagi ...Applications areeducation with the aim to encourage children and families togetherto learn to sing the songs of children Indonesia throughout theperiod, with in temanin by the lyrics and navigation buttons thatare easy to play and rewind songs.And the advantages of this application also included a button torecord your own voice while singing the sound of the song, and thenyou can play the songs you sing.Songs that can be enjoyed offline without an Internet connectionsuch as:★ Wake Up★ Here Glad There Glad★ gecko-lizard Wall★ Go Learning★ Lullabies★ My Hat Round★ Little Star★ Kasih Ibu★ 1234★ View my garden★ Desaku★ Up Train★ My Two Eyes★ Mother Earth★ Rainbow★ My Goat Kids★ Balonku★ Up-ride Ke Puncak Gunung★ Naik Delman★ Tik-tik sound of Rain★ owl★ Cut Duck Goose★ I'm A Kapiten★ KukuruyukHe's ★ Length★ Up Pedicab★ I Healthy Kids and many more ...
Doa Anak Muslim Sehari Hari 2.0 APK
Terbit Terang
Aplikasi yang bersifat edukasi dengan tujuanuntuk mengajak anak, remaja, orang tua & keluarga bersamabelajar doa-doa anak muslim & bacaan Qur'an sehari-hari.Doa disertai dengan kalimat & audio yang didesain sangat mudahuntuk dinavigasi. Dan tidak memerlukan koneksi internet (bersifatoffline) untuk memainkan aplikasi ini.Kumpulan doa-doa yang tersedai antara lain:★ Doa setelah sholat★ Doa sebelum makan★ Doa sesudah makan★ Doa sebelum tidur★ Doa bangun tidur★ Doa masuk kamar mandi★ Doa keluar kamar mandi★ Doa sebelum belajar★ Doa ketika bersin★ Doa ketika hujan★ Doa mendengar petir★ Doa khusnul khotimah★ Doa masuk masjid★ Doa keluar masjid★ Doa masuk rumah★ Doa mimpi baik★ Doa mimpi buruk★ Doa memulai pekerjaan★ Doa mohon kecerdasan★ Doa keselamatan★ Doa menjenguk orang sakit★ Doa naik kendaraan★ Doa untuk kedua orang tua★ Doa bercermin★ Doa sesudah adzan★ Doa berpakaian★ Doa melepas pakaian★ Doa keluar rumah★ Doa setelah wudhuSemoga bermanfaat.Jika anda ingin berkontribusi & masukan kepada koleksi doa-doayang ada untuk manfaat bersama, silahkan hubungi kontak kami.Applications areeducation with the aim to encourage children, teens, parents andfamilies together to learn the prayers of Muslim children andreading the Quran daily.Prayer is accompanied by the phrase & audio designed very easyto navigate. And does not require an internet connection (isoffline) to play this application.Collection of prayers tersedai among others:★ prayer after prayer★ Prayer before meals★ Prayer after meals★ Prayer before bedtime★ waking Prayer★ prayer went into the bathroom★ Prayer out bathroom★ Prayer before study★ Prayer when sneezing★ Prayer when it rains★ Prayer hear thunder★ Prayer khusnul khotimah★ Prayer entering the mosque★ Prayer out of the mosque★ Prayer into the house★ Prayer good dreams★ Prayer nightmare★ Prayer began work★ Prayer for intelligence★ Prayer safety★ Prayer visit the sick★ Prayer ride vehicle★ Prayer for parents★ Prayer mirror★ prayer after the adhan★ Prayer dress★ Prayer undressed★ Prayer out of the house★ prayer after ablutionMay be useful.If you want to contribute and input to a collection of prayers arethere for mutual benefits, please contact contact us.
Electrical Terms Dictionary 1.8 APK
Terbit Terang
This application features:★ A electronic dictionary for finding electrical terms withtheirdefinition★ Support TTS (Text To Speech) for term & their defnition★ Test your knowledge with Quiz★ Keep your favorit terms in Favorit List for quick access★ A reminder to learn new term with Term Of The Day which canbescheduled from Setting★ Add new term by yourself
Accounting Terms Dictionary 1.8 APK
Terbit Terang
This application features:★ A electronic dictionary for finding accounting terms withtheirdefinition★ Support TTS (Text To Speech) for term & theirdefinition★ Test your knowledge with Quiz★ Keep your favorit terms in Favorit List for quick access★ A reminder to learn new term with Term Of The Day which canbescheduled from Setting★ Add new term by yourself
Kamus Belajar Kilat Arab 2 1.6 APK
Terbit Terang
Learning Arabic Indonesian lightning system: Listen, record andplay back Issue 2
Financial Terms Dictionary 1.8 APK
Terbit Terang
This application features: ★ A electronic dictionary forfindingfinancial terms with their definition ★ Support TTS (TextToSpeech) for term & their defnition ★ Test your knowledgewithQuiz ★ Keep your favorit terms in Favorit List for quick access★ Areminder to learn new term with Term Of The Day which canbescheduled from Setting ★ Add new term by yourself