11 / November 28, 2015
(3.0/5) (2)


Miaosuan mystery isacomprehensive application of the measure. Ziwei good and badgiventhe opportunity, measured in seconds to seek the next daycount.Mystery Miaosuan according to your date of birth for yourfortuneestimated approximate daily, while providing you withAstrologychart analysis, estimates the lifetime of numerologyfortune, is aprofessional numerology fortunetelling servicesAPP.
Daily Master release Yoshikoto provide the best information foreachperson private numerology, feng shui master to make you feelthatyou've been around as you make plans. The most accurateestimates,to help you out, help.
Purple subtle regarded international Book of Changes FengShuiResearch produced the first professional numerologyfortune-tellingservices APP, International Book of Changes FengShui Research wasfounded in 2014, feng shui industry's top-classexperts from anumber of domestic and keen to initiate thedevelopment of Chinesetraditional culture and establishment.Research in carrying forwardtraditional Chinese culture, heritageof Chinese civilization,wisdom, science of Feng Shui thinking,careful preparation standingafter five years, is the world's mostcomplete, formal, scientific,rigorous research institutions tolearn one of Feng Shui and socialgroups ; it has a very goodinfluence, to promote development andto learn and get on the fieldto learn more comprehensive use ofthe performance, get rid offeudal superstition, advocatematerialism research for the Chineseto learn Feng Shui science,benign flourish to make a positivecontribution, and hope help tomore people in need.
Welcome you to contact us:
Micro Signal: ichingfs001

App Information 玄机妙算


玄机妙算 11 APK
玄机妙算是一款综合型的测算应用。紫微吉凶定先机,秒测今明谋天算。玄机妙算可以根据您的生辰八字为您测算出每日的大致运程,同时为您提供紫微斗数命盘分析,测算出一生的命理运程,是一款专业命理算命服务APP。每日大师发布吉言,为每个人私人提供最好的命理信息,让您感受到风水大师一直在您身边,为你出谋划策。最精准的测算,为您排忧解难,指点迷津。紫微妙算是国际易经风水研究会出品的第一款专业命理算命服务APP,国际易经风水研究会创办于2014年,由国内外多位热衷于中国传统文化发展的风水行业顶尖级专家发起并成立。研究会本着弘扬祖国传统文化、传承中华智慧文明、科学研究风水的思想,经过五年的精心筹备而立,是当今国际上最完善、正规、科学、严谨的易学风水研究机构和社会团体之一;有着极为良好的影响,为推进易学发展和多领域的易学综合运用上取得了成绩,破除封建迷信、倡导唯物研究,为中华易学风水科学、良性的发扬光大做出了积极的贡献,并希望可以帮助到更多有需要的人。欢迎您联系我们:微信号:ichingfs001Miaosuan mystery isacomprehensive application of the measure. Ziwei good and badgiventhe opportunity, measured in seconds to seek the next daycount.Mystery Miaosuan according to your date of birth for yourfortuneestimated approximate daily, while providing you withAstrologychart analysis, estimates the lifetime of numerologyfortune, is aprofessional numerology fortunetelling servicesAPP.Daily Master release Yoshikoto provide the best information foreachperson private numerology, feng shui master to make you feelthatyou've been around as you make plans. The most accurateestimates,to help you out, help.Purple subtle regarded international Book of Changes FengShuiResearch produced the first professional numerologyfortune-tellingservices APP, International Book of Changes FengShui Research wasfounded in 2014, feng shui industry's top-classexperts from anumber of domestic and keen to initiate thedevelopment of Chinesetraditional culture and establishment.Research in carrying forwardtraditional Chinese culture, heritageof Chinese civilization,wisdom, science of Feng Shui thinking,careful preparation standingafter five years, is the world's mostcomplete, formal, scientific,rigorous research institutions tolearn one of Feng Shui and socialgroups ; it has a very goodinfluence, to promote development andto learn and get on the fieldto learn more comprehensive use ofthe performance, get rid offeudal superstition, advocatematerialism research for the Chineseto learn Feng Shui science,benign flourish to make a positivecontribution, and hope help tomore people in need.Welcome you to contact us:Micro Signal: ichingfs001