3.0 / August 21, 2016
(3.0/5) ()








Children develop thehabit of the most effective way is to let him get happiness andsense of accomplishment from good behavior among!

This application is to assist the children music school musiceducation, accompanied by type APP, it can speak when you touch, dothe action; and continually updated daily habits and other scenesthe game, let the baby in the game to interact, learn and masterthe daily behavior norms, culture children good habits, goodcharacter, to enhance the baby's powers of observation and logicalthinking.

1. lead by example: to reproduce the real life scene, eating,brushing teeth, everything to sleep, let your baby naturallydevelop a good habit!
2. elaborate children's education through diverse applications,adoption and baby intimate interaction. Let your baby learn,accompanied by!

3. This should be based on characteristics of children duringtheir growth, combined with the needs of children accustomed to theculture, in the form of children's favorite game of childrenreceiving active participation cultivate the habit of awareness,will informative, interesting, interactive, participatory financialbody for the One . Definitely the best use of baby develop goodhabits.

Children wisdom small partner, a good helper smart parents,Download Now, to give children a happy childhood One.

App Information 寶寶生活好習慣-寶寶早教益智遊戲

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兒歌故事國學-樂琪寶貝 16.0 APK
具備全國著名原畫設計師、兒童早教心理學家打造的最貼心符合兒童的視頻動畫軟件!將海量兒歌、故事、古詩融入於生動有趣的原創動畫中,並同時置入有壹定的啟蒙益智場景,是千萬家長使用後壹致推崇的手機必備應用。【產品優勢】資源豐富,專題歸類便於尋找,嚴格每首視頻質量,杜絕泛濫乏味!每周穩定更新內容,每部視頻皆有獨特看點。【特色功能】支持離線下載,界面簡單操作易懂。除了經典的中文兒歌外,還有大量粵語,英文兒歌。定時播放功能,讓爸爸媽媽可以規劃好時間。保護寶寶眼睛。按年齡階段劃分內容,適合孕期胎教、嬰幼兒、少兒、幼兒園早教等。【精品內容】1、兒歌《早教兒歌》《搖籃曲》《少兒歌曲》《幼兒園兒歌》《節日兒歌》《英文兒歌》《校園歌曲》《童年歌曲》等系列,並與多名兒童小歌手簽約,優先獲取最新發布的兒歌。秉承樂玩樂教的理念,讓寶寶在優美旋律的歌聲中,盡情享受歡樂的童真年代,與之搭配的視頻更能讓寶寶從中養成良好的習慣以及認知世界萬物。2、故事《童話故事》《睡前故事》《成語故事》《繪本故事》《壹千零壹夜》《格林童話》匯集國內外著名的故事集,包括守株待兔,龜兔賽跑,烏鴉喝水,亡羊補牢,掩耳盜鈴等經典具有教育意義的故事視頻,讓寶寶在充滿生動有趣的動畫中,啟迪智慧,明辨是非。3、古詩以通俗易懂的著名古詩為主,讓寶寶從古人的思想中汲取成長的養分,將我們中華民族的傳統文化壹代代的傳下去。孩子從小品讀經典詩句,能有效提高自身的人文素養!4、新增國學類:《三字經》《弟子規》《千字文》早教類:《十萬個為什麽》《英語寶典》內容持續更新中.....收錄近幾百首中外兒歌童謠001,小毛驢002,世上只有媽媽好003,愛我妳就抱抱我004,春天在哪裏005,好爸爸壞爸爸006,蘭花草007,賣報歌008,讓我們蕩起雙漿009,孫悟空打妖怪010,小星星011,壹個師傅三徒弟012,捉泥鰍013,唐詩聯唱014,歌聲與微笑015,老虎是tiger016,拾稻穗的小姑娘017,學習雷鋒好榜洋018,聰明的壹休019,拔蘿蔔020,小兔子乖乖021,數鴨子022,采蘑菇的小姑娘023,找朋友024,兩只老虎(舊)025,上學歌026,娃哈哈027,我是壹個粉刷匠028,小螺號029,小燕子030,魯冰花031,童年032,蟲兒飛033,爸爸媽媽聽我說034,甩蔥歌035,濟公036,泥娃娃037,蝸牛與黃鸝鳥038,數字歌039,我的好媽媽040,小白兔041,洗澡歌042,三個和尚043,壹分錢044,我愛北京天安門045,媽媽的吻046,搖籃曲047,妹妹背著洋娃娃048,讀書郎049,鈴而響叮當050,小豬小豬肥都都051,打電話052,丟手絹053,稍息立正站好054,祝妳生日快樂055,種太陽056,對數歌057,不上妳的當058,餵雞059,小手拍拍060,家族歌061,健康歌062,幸福拍手歌063,洗手歌064,跳皮筋065,小老鼠上燈臺066,排排坐067,外婆的澎湖灣068,奧特曼主題曲069,小叮當主題曲070,五指歌071,小鴨子072,字母歌073,小紅帽074,七色光075,只要媽媽露笑臉076,踏浪077,農家小女孩078,三只小熊079,小龍人080,雪絨花081,小鳥小鳥082,鄉間的小路083,刷牙歌084,月光光085,壹只哈巴狗086,七子之歌087,藍精靈088,江南_style089,可不可以090,黑貓警長091,壹年級小學生092,經典兒歌聯唱093,把舞兒跳起來094,誇媽媽095,得啵得得啵096,爸爸好097,我很快樂098,我叫媽媽mother099,方向100,色彩101,花仙子102,生活多美好103,三月裏的小雨104,親親豬豬寶貝105,海鷗106,快樂的節日107,小小少年108,夏之旅109,別說我小110,校員多美好111,摘草莓112,小小姑娘113,紅星閃閃114,小松樹115,小白船116,校員的早晨117,小和尚118,勞動最光榮119,小花貓120,趕海的小姑娘121,好孩子要誠實122,Jingle_Bells123,We_Wish_You_a_Merry_Christmas124,聖誕快樂125,聖誕老公公126,歡喜聖誕節(閩南語)127,我最喜歡過大年128,Happy_New_Year129,新年好130,男兒當自強131,兩只老虎(新)132,兔子舞133,恭喜恭喜134,招材進寶135,材神到(粵語版)136,材神到137,賀新年138,發材發福中國年139,哪屋元宵撲鼻香140,賣湯圓141,交通安全歌142,春遊歌143,春天來了144,彩虹的約定145,春曉146,飛翔的蒲公英147,泉城民謠148,加油歌149,祖國和我150,下雨啦151,送別152,生日最快樂153,我不想說我是雞154,他們對我說155,願望156,開心常歡笑(粵語版)157,閃爍的星星(粵語版)158,何家公雞何家猜(粵語版)159,問題天天都多(粵語版)160,洗白白(粵語版)161,單眼皮的小姑娘162,齊齊望過去(粵語版)163,世界真細小(粵語版)164,小小肥皂泡(粵語版)165,香蕉船(粵語版)166,爸爸167,瑞雪兆豐年168,爸爸媽媽陪我放暑假169,醜小鴨170,夏季Sha_La_La171,壹只竹仔172,排排坐173,哆來咪174,雞公仔175,洋娃娃和小熊跳舞176,不倒翁177,小寶貝178,當我們同在壹起179,放學歌180,親愛的謝謝妳181,每當我走過老師的窗前182,大公雞183,禮貌歌184,母鴨帶小鴨185,中秋節186,清晨187,爸爸的草鞋188,數蛤蟆189,幸福的孩子愛唱歌190,拾豆豆191,我愛爸爸_我愛媽媽192,手指運動193,人人誇我是好兒童194,五官195,四季童謠196,螢火蟲197,赤足走在田埂上198,馬蘭花199,咱們從小講禮貌200,爸爸去哪兒201,寶貝乖乖睡202,我是小蜜蜂203,不老的爸爸204,排排坐_唱山歌205,洗手絹206,走呀走207,平安夜童話208,小蝸牛209,數星星210,快樂的00後211,螞蟻搬豆212,小司機213,幸福的壹家214,捉泥鰍(新)215,友誼地久天長With the famousdesignerof the original painting, early childhood psychologists tocreatethe most intimate in the child's video animation software!The massive songs, stories, poetry integration in interestingandoriginal animation, and also have placed One definiteenlightenmentscene puzzle, after the parents is that it must usethe One-inducedrespected essential phone applications.【Product advantages】Resource-rich, easy to find thematic classification, strictqualityvideo per song, stop the proliferation of boring!Stable weekly updates, each video Jie unique spectacle.【Special feature】Support offline download, the interface is simple and easytounderstand.In addition to the classic Chinese children's songs, there are alotof Cantonese and English songs.Time playback, so that parents can plan a good time. Protectthebaby eyes.Divided by age content for prenatal care during pregnancy,infants,children, kindergarten and other early childhood.[Content] Gifts1, children's songs"Early Learning children's songs," "Lullaby", "Children'sSong","nursery rhymes" "holiday songs" "songs in English," "schoolsong""Childhood Songs" and other series, and with a number ofsmallchildren signed singer, priority access to the latestreleasedsongs.Adhering to play music to teach philosophy, so that the babyinmelodic singing and enjoy the joy of childhood years, withmatchingfrom the video and allow the baby to develop good habitsandcognitive everything in the world.2 Story"Fairy tale" "Bedtime Stories," "story" "Illustrated Story""Onethousand and One Nights", "Grimm's Fairy Tales" bringstogetherfamous collection of stories, including sit back and wait,tortoiseand the hare, crow water, too late, deceiving and otherclassicinstructive story video, let the baby full ofinterestinganimation, inspired wisdom, right from wrong.3, poetryIn the main straightaway famous poem, let your baby grow up todrawnutrients from the ancients thought, the Chinesenation'straditional culture passed down from generation togeneration One.Children read verses from classic comedy, caneffectively improvetheir cultural literacy!4, the newGuoxue class: "Three Character Classic," "Students""ThousandCharacter Classic"Preschool class: "A Hundred Thousand Whys" "English book"contentcontinuously updated .....Near included hundreds of Chinese and foreign songsNurseryRhymes001, a small donkey002, the world only a good mother003, you'll know you love me hug me004, where the spring005, good father bad father006, orchids007, selling newspapers song008, double pulp Let Dangqi009, Monkey fight monsters010, Little Star011 One a master three apprentice012, catch loach013, Tang medley014, singing and smiling015, is the tiger tiger016, pick up rice girl017, to learn from Lei Feng good standings ocean018, Smart One off019, pulling radishes020, Little Rabbit obediently021, the number of ducks022, mushroom girl023, find a friend024, two tigers (old)025, school song026, Wahaha027, I'm One month painters028, small Luo Hao029, Swallow030, Lupin031, childhood032, Chong Erfei033, Mom and Dad listen to me034, Loituma Girl035, Chi Kung036, dolls037 Snail and the Oriole Bird038, a digital song039, my good mother040, a small rabbit041, bathing song042, three boys043 One penny044, I love Beijing Tiananmen Square045, the mother's kiss046, lullaby047, carrying a doll sister048, reading Lang049, and rang the bell jingle050, are both fat pig pig051, call052, Diushou Juan053, good ease standing at attention054, Happy Birthday Zhunai055 kinds of sun056, the number of song057, when not on the u058, chickens059, small hand pat060, family song061, health song062, happy clapping song063, hand-washing song064, Tiaopi Jin065, the little mouse on the Menorah066, Cruncher067, Grandma's Penghu Bay068, Altman theme song069, Tinker Bell theme song070, fingers song071, ducklings072, Alphabet Song073, Little Red Riding Hood074, Rainbow Light075, as long as the mother cracks a smile076, Talang077, small farm girl078, the three bears079, dragons080, edelweiss081 birds birds082, countryside paths083, brushing song084, Moonlight085, One pug086, Song of Seven087, triazolam088, Jiangnan _style089, Can090, black sergeant091, Year One pupils092, classic children's songs medley093, the children jump dance094, boast mother095, was Boo Boo was too096, a good father097, I am very happy098, I called my mother mother099, direction100, color101, Flower Fairy102, Life is sweet103, a March rain104 Pig baby kiss105, seagull106, happy holiday107, little boy108 Summer Tour109, not to mention my little110, school staff and more beautiful111, picking strawberries112 Little girl113, star shining114, small pine tree115, white ship116 in the morning, members of the school117, novices118, the most glorious work119, kitten120, catch the sea girl121, to be honest boy122, Jingle_Bells123, We_Wish_You_a_Merry_Christmas124, Merry Christmas125, Santa126 Christmas joy (Hokkien)127, my favorite celebration128, Happy_New_Year129, Happy New Year130, Tall in the saddle131, two tigers (new)132 Bunny133 Congratulations134, trick timber Jinbao135, the material of God (Cantonese Version)136, the material to God137 Chinese New Year138, fat fat timber in China139, which houses Lantern fragrant140, selling rice balls141, Jiaotonganquan song142, Spring Song143, spring is coming144 Rainbow convention145, Spring146, flying dandelion147 folk Springs148 refueling song149, and my motherland150, it rains151, farewell152, happiest birthday153, I would not say I was chicken154, they said to me,155, aspirations156, happy to always laugh (Cantonese Version)157, twinkling stars (Cantonese Version)158, He Jiagong chicken guess Ho (Cantonese Version)159, issue every day more (Cantonese Version)160 to Clean (Cantonese Version)161, single fold girl162, opt for look in the past (Cantonese Version)163, the world is really small (Cantonese Version)164, Little Soap (Cantonese Version)165, banana (Cantonese Version)166, Dad167, misfortune168, Mom and Dad to accompany me on summer vacation169, The Ugly Duckling170, summer Sha_La_La171, One only Zhuzi172 Cruncher173, Duolaimi174, chicken doll175, dolls and dancing bear176, tumbler177, baby178, when we played with in One179 school song180, thank u dear181, whenever I passed the teacher's window182, big cock183, courtesy song184, duck with ducklings185, Mid-Autumn Festival186, early in the morning187, Dad's sandals188, the number of frog189 happy children love to sing190, pick Peas191, I love my father _ I love my mother192, finger movement193, everyone praised my good children194 features195, Four Seasons Nursery Rhymes196, firefly197, walking barefoot in the fields198, Malan Flower199, we grew polite200, Where is the father201, baby sleep obediently202, I am a small bee203, not old dad204, Cruncher _ singing folk songs205, wash handkerchief206, walking up walking207, Christmas Eve fairy tale208, a small snail209, the number of stars210, after 00 happy211, ants move beans212, a small driver213 One happy family214, catch loach (new)215, Auld Lang Syne
兒童故事遊戲-探索篇 2.0 APK
1.森林挖寶,未知寶貝,壹路驚喜不斷,讓寶寶在期待中豐富想象力2.穿越時空隧道,進入書中歷險故事,壹路鬥智鬥勇3.追根尋底,壹路探索,勇鬥惡龍,奪回寶石勇敢、頑強,並且充滿著冒險精神,他總是幻想著會有壹段奇妙的探險之旅突然降臨,讓他化身為壹個英雄,離開大堡礁,看看外面的世界那種種不可思議的壯闊景色,去幫助那些遇到困難需要幫助的朋友們直到這壹刻,這個機會似乎終於來臨……1. Foresthiddentreasures, unknown treasure, One road constantly surprises,so richin imagination in anticipation baby2. through the time tunnel into the adventures of thebook,One-way battle of wits3. Tracing the hit new lows, One way to explore the dragonfoughtto regain precious stonesBrave, tenacious, and full of adventurous spirit, healwaysimagined One segment will be a wonderful adventure suddenlyuponus, let him transform himself into a hero One, leave theGreatBarrier Reef, to see the outside world that all sorts ofincrediblemagnificent scenery , to help those experiencingdifficulties tohelp friendsOne until this moment, this opportunity seems finallyarrived......
寶寶遊樂園-樂琪寶貝益智早教 7.0 APK
益智儿歌早教-乐琪宝贝 3.0 APK
1.科学理论指导,推陈出新,开启早教新理念,让宝宝全方位发展2.贴心哄睡陪玩,“解放”爸爸妈妈3.海量原创内容持续更新,拓宽宝宝新视野4.寓教于乐,锻炼反应能力,培养方向感,助宝宝益智成长5.探索太空世界,培养小朋友创新精神不哭不闹,只为用心去聆听,看似简单的旋律和稚气的歌词,却可以开启宝宝沉睡的智慧,这就是儿歌的力量。用心指引,贴心陪伴,让知识和灵魂在不经意间融为一体,为宝宝的美好未来奠定成功和卓越,这就是早教的魅力。乐琪儿歌早教这款应用全身心地致力于儿童早教,只愿成为所有孩子最初的选择,始终坚信它将会给孩子一个更高的起点。用心在创造,用爱在表达,只为给孩子一个美好的童年。相信我们的努力成果一定能够媲美宝宝巴士, 小伴龙, 智慧树, 贝瓦儿歌,兔小贝,儿歌多多,巧虎之家,熊猫博士,托马斯,宝宝听听,亲宝宝等互动应用。联系方式 官网:www.leqibaobei.com邮箱:[email protected]微信公众号:leqibaobei_edu1. scientifictheoreticalguidance, innovation, open Early Learning new ideas, letyour babyall-round development    2. Intimate Hong Shui keep playing, "Liberation" Mom and Dad    3. Mass original content continually updated, broadening thebabyNew Vision    4. entertaining, exercise response capabilities, develop a senseofdirection, help baby educational growth5. Exploration of Space World, cultivate children the spiritofinnovationCry no trouble, only for the heart to listen, seeminglysimplemelodies and childlike lyrics, but can open the babysleepingwisdom, which is the songs of power.Intentions guidelines intimate companionship, so that theknowledgeand soul between integration inadvertently laid successandexcellence for the baby a better future, this is theearlychildhood charm.Le Qi songs Preschool app and devoted to early childhoodeducation,only willing to become the first choice for all children,andalways believe it will give children a higher startingpoint.Intentions in the creation, with love in expression, just togivechildren a better childhood. We believe our efforts outcomeswillbe able to match the baby buses, accompanied by a dragon,wisdomtree, Beiwa songs, rabbit Beckham, songs lot, tiger home,Dr.Panda, Thomas, baby listen, pro baby and otherinteractiveapplications.Contact the official website: www.leqibaobei.comE-mail: [email protected] public number: leqibaobei_edu
寶寶生活好習慣-寶寶早教益智遊戲 3.0 APK
養成孩子的習慣最有效的方式就是讓他從好的行為當中獲得快樂和成就感!本應用是輔助兒童樂學樂教的陪伴式APP,它可以在您觸摸時講話、做動作;並持續更新日常行為習慣等場景遊戲,讓寶寶在遊戲互動中,學習並掌握日常行為規範,培養孩子的好習慣、好性格,提升寶寶的觀察力和邏輯思維。1.以身作則:再現生活中的真實場景,吃飯,刷牙,睡覺樣樣來,讓寶寶自然而然養成好習慣!2.精心制作多樣化寓教兒童應用,采用和寶寶親密互動的方式。讓寶寶在陪伴下學習!3.本應根據兒童成長時期的特點,結合兒童習慣培養需求,采用兒童喜歡的遊戲的形式讓孩子主動參與接受習慣意識的培養,將知識性、趣味性、互動性、參與性融為壹體。絕對是寶寶培養好習慣的最佳應用。孩子的睿智小夥伴,家長的智能好幫手,現在下載,給孩子壹個幸福童年。Children develop thehabit of the most effective way is to let him get happiness andsense of accomplishment from good behavior among!This application is to assist the children music school musiceducation, accompanied by type APP, it can speak when you touch, dothe action; and continually updated daily habits and other scenesthe game, let the baby in the game to interact, learn and masterthe daily behavior norms, culture children good habits, goodcharacter, to enhance the baby's powers of observation and logicalthinking.1. lead by example: to reproduce the real life scene, eating,brushing teeth, everything to sleep, let your baby naturallydevelop a good habit! 2. elaborate children's education through diverse applications,adoption and baby intimate interaction. Let your baby learn,accompanied by!3. This should be based on characteristics of children duringtheir growth, combined with the needs of children accustomed to theculture, in the form of children's favorite game of childrenreceiving active participation cultivate the habit of awareness,will informative, interesting, interactive, participatory financialbody for the One . Definitely the best use of baby develop goodhabits.Children wisdom small partner, a good helper smart parents,Download Now, to give children a happy childhood One.
宝宝学做家务,做妈妈好帮手-宝宝早教益智游戏 2.0 APK
如果你想从小培养宝宝收拾房间,你来对了了!让我们去收拾房子!这个程序是发展精细运动技能,视觉和手眼协调一个充满挑战和有趣的方式在大扫除的世界。打扫卫生 - 收拾房子是简单而有趣:*打开游戏,挑选的余地*使用海绵,浴缸和洗脸盆是肮脏的!*清洁地板完美*卧室是如此凌乱!*把在​​自己的位置的所有对象*清洁窗口,给植物浇水*擦桌子,并删除所有的灰尘*使用吸尘器在地板*洗衣服,洗所有的脏衣服*挂洗过的衣服晾干,化解衣服打扫卫生 - 收拾房子是为孩子们不容错过的应用程序。特征:游戏从年龄段幼儿和孩子2-13岁,适合全家寓教于乐的游戏易于使用的儿童和学龄前儿童,婴儿,小男孩和小女孩简单直观:只需几个命令使用锻炼宝宝的精细动作技能促进解决问题的能力和手眼协调很多不同的清洗游戏和幼儿可以学习活动为孩子们一个有趣的方式来学习如何使自己的卧室干净整洁挑选所有的东西,并把它们在正确的地方清洁肮脏的窗口和尘土飞扬的表孩子们会得到启发清理自己的房间拖地板,洗碗,做其他家务!使再次大放异彩卫生间,厨房,卧室和洗衣房!照顾的脏衣服:做洗衣和熨烫衣服帮助您的孩子学习,激发宝宝的创造力和想象力在这场比赛中清洗!与收拾屋子的最好的游戏,成为最好的家庭在世界上!孩子们需要你的帮助,在这所房子!管理最酷的家在城市!If you want to cleanupthe room the baby from an early age, you've come to the!Let's go clean up the house!This program is the development of fine motor skills,hand-eyecoordination and visual and fun way to challenge afullIn the cleaning world.Cleaning - to clean up the house is simple and fun:* Open the game, the selection of the room* Use a sponge, bath and wash basin was dirty!* Perfect cleaning the floor* The bedroom is so messy!* Put all the objects in their place* Clean windows, water the plants* Wipe the table and remove all dust* Use a vacuum cleaner on the floor* Laundry, wash all dirty clothes* Hanging washed clothes to dry clothes resolveCleaning - to clean up the house for the children not tobemissed application. feature:Game infants and children from ages 2-13 years old, for thewholefamilyEntertaining gameEasy to use for children and preschoolers, babies, little boysandgirlsSimple and intuitive: just a few commandExercise your baby's fine motor skillsPromote problem-solving skills and hand-eye coordinationMany different cleaning and child care can playlearningactivitiesFor kids a fun way to learn how to keep your bedroom cleanandtidyChoose all the things and put them in the right placeClean dirty windows and dusty tableChildren will be inspired to clean up their roomsMopping floors, washing dishes, doing other chores!So shine bathroom, kitchen, bedroom and laundry room again!Take care of dirty clothes: do laundry and ironing clothesHelp your child learn to stimulate creativity andimaginationbaby wash in this game!And clean up the house of the best games to be the best familyinthe world!Children need your help in this house! Management coolest homeinthe city!