/ April 13, 2014
(4.8/5) (6)







為什麼所有的人都是機械人 / 向老千學習 / 向街頭戰士學武 / 好人所隱藏的盲目殺傷力 / 天使魔鬼之路

千萬富翁第一桶金的秘密 / 連狗都不如的銷售員 / 如何吵架吵出智慧 / 成功者的五大因素 / 剖析成功的五大因素

男人約會女人的陷阱 / 害人的機會,誘人的陷阱 / 奴才怎樣調戲上帝

你不是人 / 擁有火雞腦的人類 / 令到他人的頭腦一片空白 / 一句勾魂的話 / 一根手指的勾魂力量 /不同就是不同就是不同的哲學

神的神通力量 / 作神的秘密 / 以講廢話來揭穿對方的底牌 / 專家常用的騙子手段 /

將人當作動物來訓練 / 訓練狗只吠男不吠女的方法 / 錯誤洗腦的副作用 / 如何改寫對方的頭腦方程式? /如何做個有錢又有權的教主?

腦的秘密 / 語言的秘密 / 機械人的秘密 / NLP 的緣起 / 人是沒理性的. / 不可思議的祖師 / 眼睛如何出賣了你 /騎劫任何人的信賴頻率 / 欲得人心,必熟猴性 / 親切感內不道德的誘惑 / 談著天就可以催眠別人 / 思想走私術,資訊挪移法 /心錨~遙控他人情緒的捷徑 / 克林頓總統的NLP手法 / 羅拔T清崎的雙重心錨秘術 / 分解安東尼羅賓的影響力 / 後記

李民傑仇恨的心路歷程~江健勇是我最大的敵人 / 欺父騙母,再當講師~江健勇的自我之路

Crushed rigid concepts ofgood and evil, say goodbye to unnecessary incentives statement,fully show the real world, human battlefield!

 For many people cling to the traditional concept that todo good, but the reality of the battlefield but also difficult tomake people feel good, this book reveal the means to earn a bigspender life pot of gold "does not lie and cheat", many success isnot like many books on the market, said: attitude, sincerity,persistence, but with the means to no harm while not breaking thelaw to achieve the purpose, this is the book you want to crushpeople's concept of pure good, but should do "evil good people."
 In business, many people used a thousand times no effectivemethod still was in use, when you take the initiative to contactthe customer, you have lost mastership, but also as compared to thechoice of customers ordered your value becomes low , the bookpresents the pattern of the game is to get your business in theintelligence field rules of the game, how to control themastership, and increase your value.
 How to use a word in thirty seconds of an action makes veryinterested to hear you speak; Even without the appearance of wealthstatus of people in power, but also make people think you are theauthority of experts, you worship; advertisers, foreign successguru various means to influence others.

 Book easy to read, strokes popular, vivid metaphor, noarcane terminology, there is no beating around the bush hypocrisy,gives people the feeling Zhizhirenxin.

◎ big to content

 Preface: Do not believe words spoken winners

 Chapter One: The Devil's wisdom
 Why are all the people who are mechanical / learning to Tazza/ to street fighter Weapons / good hidden blind destruction / AngelDevil's Road

 Chapter 2: the wise insights; devil's tools
 Multimillionaire secret pot of gold / even dogs do not likesalespeople / how noisy quarrel wisdom / winners of five factors /analyze five factors of success

 Chapter III: Patterns idea: you are not a slave?
 Man dating a woman's trap / opportunity harmful, seductivetrap / minions how God molested

 Chapter IV: Within thirty seconds in one sentence[Erotic]
 You're not human / human brain has a turkey / orders toothers mind went blank / one word Erotic Erotic force / finger /different is different is different philosophical

 Chapter V: people blindly believe your [heart] meanswins
 Secret supernatural power of God / God made / to talknonsense to debunk each other's cards / expert liar common means/

Chapter 6: It is your Chores method of [brainwashing]
 The people as animals to train / train dogs not to bark barkwoman approach male / wrong side effects of brainwashing / mind howto rewrite each equation? / How to be rich and entitled to theleader?

 Chapter 7: The secret [hypnosis]
 Brain secret secret / languages ​​/ robot secret / NLP'sorigin / people are not rational. / Incredible founder / eyes howbetrayed you / trust anybody hijack frequency / For popular, willmature monkey / the intimacy immoral temptations / day canhypnotize people talking / thinking smuggling operation,Information diversion Law / heart anchor shortcuts to the emotionsof others - Remote / President Clinton NLP techniques / Robert TKiyosaki double heart anchor occult / decomposition AnthonyRobbins's influence / postscript

 Appendix: Our mentality
 Lee Min-Jie ~ 江健勇 mentality of hatred is my biggest enemy /bully father lied to the mother, and then when the lecturer - Selfroad 江健勇 of

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奸的好人思想语录 1.2 APK
每个人告诉我们好人会流芳百世,坏人则遗臭万年。不过,他们都没有针对流芳和遗臭给我们一个很重要的备注:这些是死了过后才开始的。好人在世时,会敬财、色、权而远之;坏人在世的时候,有钱、有娘、又有权。坏人会比好人更聪明吗?坏人看起来比好人聪明,是因为坏人没有包袱。好人则背上了种种的包袱,障碍了他思考的速度、深度、力度和角度。坏人除了没有包袱以外,还怀着害人之心。好人虽怀帮人之意,但他们更关心他在世人面前的形象,导致变成个婆妈。我们不要关心自己死后怎样,更重要的是活着的时候又如何。不建议你为了财色权而变成坏人,更不建议你成为该自断手脚的婆妈好人。我们要做个奸的好人!是时候要做个没有包袱,但又拥有一切技俩的好人。《奸的好人思想语录》是我们六本奸的好人系列中所有的金句,虽不能奉为真理,但绝对是能够帮忙你看透人性的武器!Everyone tells us thatgood people will be immortal, the bad guys are notoriety. However,they did not give us a very important notes left for Puppetry andsmelly: These are dead after it began.When good people alive, it will respect the financial, color,and much of the right; villains alive, money, mother, and isentitled to.The bad guys will be more intelligent than a good person?Smarter than the bad guys look good, because the bad guys do nothave baggage. Good will carry a burden of sorts of obstacles to histhinking speed, depth, intensity and angle.In addition to not burden other than the bad guys, also withevil heart. Although pregnant to help people of good intention, butthey are more concerned about his image in the eyes of the world,leading to become a foolishly.We do not care how his death and, more importantly, how arealive. Do not recommend you order the right color and become badfiscal, but do not recommend that you cut off the hands and feetbecome foolishly good.We want to be a good man evil!Is no time to be a burden, but has all the tricks of the goodguys."The good ideas Quotations rape" is a good series of six rapeall the verses, though not as truth, but it is definitely able tohelp you see through human weapon!
男人駕馭術 女人攻心計 APK
【慈悲心切的叮嚀】天下的女人,請將此書好好藏起來,終生不讓你身邊的男人知道妳曾經閱讀過此書。感情大師龍震天,教妳怎樣將男人的魂魄勾引過來,讓他迷迷糊糊,終身不能離開妳!【本書特色】怎樣用最簡易的方法,吸引所有妳想要的男人如何定義「刻薄男人」,妳再也無須浪費青春時間如何令自己看起來「窩心、感動」一直找不到男人,為什麼?就是妳沒有好好利用「暗示力」妳的男人不是被第三者搶走的,而是被妳趕走的怕嫁不掉而趕著尋找結婚對象?結果是:妳一世都嫁不掉怎樣將男人控制在掌心之中?附錄:最終愛情寶典:女人攻心計初次約會的天條SMS及MSN必殺技如何引誘對方做自己想要的事情男女相處秘笈[Eager] exhortcompassion The world is a woman, a good place to hide the book, lifewill not let you know the men around you have read this book.Feelings of thunder dragon master, teach you how to seduce aman's soul come, let him drowsily, lifelong not leave you![This book features]How to use the most simple way, all you want to attract menHow to define "mean man", you no longer need to waste timeyouth How to make themselves look "sweet, touching" Been unable to find a man, and why? That you do not takeadvantage of "implied power" Your man is not to be robbed of a third party, but Piniexpelled Fear Jia Budiao while rushing to find marriage partners? Theresult: you I have Jia Budiao How to control in the palm among men? Appendix: Final Love Collection: Women hearts and mindsmeter The days of the first date SMS and MSN nirvana How to lure the other things they want to do Relationships with women Tips
勾魂奪心洗腦催眠 APK
粉碎呆板正邪觀念,揮別無謂激勵語句,完全展現真實世界,人性戰場!對許多執著於傳統觀念的人,認為要做好人,但是現實的戰場又讓人覺得好人難做,本書揭開一位大富豪賺取人生第一桶金『不騙而騙』的手段,許多成功者不是像市場上許多的書所說:心態、誠意、堅持,而是用了沒有害人同時又沒有犯法的手段達到目的,這就是本書要粉碎純粹做好人的觀念,而應該做『奸的好人』。在商場上,許多人的方法用過一千次沒有效依然有人在用,當你主動聯絡客戶時,你已經失去主控權,同時也會隨著客戶的比較與選擇下令你的價值變低,本書提出格局遊戲是讓你在情場商界的遊戲規則,如何掌控主控權,並提高你的價值。如何在三十秒用一句話一個動作令人很有興趣的聽你說話;即使沒有相貌財富地位權力的人,也能使人覺得你是權威專家,對你崇拜;廣告商,中外成功學大師等影響人的種種手段。本書淺顯易讀,筆法通俗,比喻形象生動,沒有艱澀難懂的術語,也沒有虛偽的轉彎抹角,給人有直指人心的感覺。◎內容大要前言:不要相信成功者講的話第一章:魔鬼的智慧為什麼所有的人都是機械人 / 向老千學習 / 向街頭戰士學武 / 好人所隱藏的盲目殺傷力 / 天使魔鬼之路第二章:智者的見地;魔鬼的手段千萬富翁第一桶金的秘密 / 連狗都不如的銷售員 / 如何吵架吵出智慧 / 成功者的五大因素 / 剖析成功的五大因素第三章:格局思想:你是不是奴才?男人約會女人的陷阱 / 害人的機會,誘人的陷阱 / 奴才怎樣調戲上帝第四章:三十秒內用一句話來【勾魂】你不是人 / 擁有火雞腦的人類 / 令到他人的頭腦一片空白 / 一句勾魂的話 / 一根手指的勾魂力量 /不同就是不同就是不同的哲學第五章:令人盲目迷信你的【奪心】手段神的神通力量 / 作神的秘密 / 以講廢話來揭穿對方的底牌 / 專家常用的騙子手段 /第六章:令人為你做牛做馬的【洗腦】方法將人當作動物來訓練 / 訓練狗只吠男不吠女的方法 / 錯誤洗腦的副作用 / 如何改寫對方的頭腦方程式? /如何做個有錢又有權的教主?第七章:【催眠】的秘密腦的秘密 / 語言的秘密 / 機械人的秘密 / NLP 的緣起 / 人是沒理性的. / 不可思議的祖師 / 眼睛如何出賣了你 /騎劫任何人的信賴頻率 / 欲得人心,必熟猴性 / 親切感內不道德的誘惑 / 談著天就可以催眠別人 / 思想走私術,資訊挪移法 /心錨~遙控他人情緒的捷徑 / 克林頓總統的NLP手法 / 羅拔T清崎的雙重心錨秘術 / 分解安東尼羅賓的影響力 / 後記附錄:我們的心路歷程李民傑仇恨的心路歷程~江健勇是我最大的敵人 / 欺父騙母,再當講師~江健勇的自我之路Crushed rigid concepts ofgood and evil, say goodbye to unnecessary incentives statement,fully show the real world, human battlefield! For many people cling to the traditional concept that todo good, but the reality of the battlefield but also difficult tomake people feel good, this book reveal the means to earn a bigspender life pot of gold "does not lie and cheat", many success isnot like many books on the market, said: attitude, sincerity,persistence, but with the means to no harm while not breaking thelaw to achieve the purpose, this is the book you want to crushpeople's concept of pure good, but should do "evil good people." In business, many people used a thousand times no effectivemethod still was in use, when you take the initiative to contactthe customer, you have lost mastership, but also as compared to thechoice of customers ordered your value becomes low , the bookpresents the pattern of the game is to get your business in theintelligence field rules of the game, how to control themastership, and increase your value. How to use a word in thirty seconds of an action makes veryinterested to hear you speak; Even without the appearance of wealthstatus of people in power, but also make people think you are theauthority of experts, you worship; advertisers, foreign successguru various means to influence others. Book easy to read, strokes popular, vivid metaphor, noarcane terminology, there is no beating around the bush hypocrisy,gives people the feeling Zhizhirenxin.◎ big to content Preface: Do not believe words spoken winners Chapter One: The Devil's wisdom Why are all the people who are mechanical / learning to Tazza/ to street fighter Weapons / good hidden blind destruction / AngelDevil's Road Chapter 2: the wise insights; devil's tools Multimillionaire secret pot of gold / even dogs do not likesalespeople / how noisy quarrel wisdom / winners of five factors /analyze five factors of success Chapter III: Patterns idea: you are not a slave? Man dating a woman's trap / opportunity harmful, seductivetrap / minions how God molested Chapter IV: Within thirty seconds in one sentence[Erotic] You're not human / human brain has a turkey / orders toothers mind went blank / one word Erotic Erotic force / finger /different is different is different philosophical Chapter V: people blindly believe your [heart] meanswins Secret supernatural power of God / God made / to talknonsense to debunk each other's cards / expert liar common means/Chapter 6: It is your Chores method of [brainwashing] The people as animals to train / train dogs not to bark barkwoman approach male / wrong side effects of brainwashing / mind howto rewrite each equation? / How to be rich and entitled to theleader? Chapter 7: The secret [hypnosis] Brain secret secret / languages ​​/ robot secret / NLP'sorigin / people are not rational. / Incredible founder / eyes howbetrayed you / trust anybody hijack frequency / For popular, willmature monkey / the intimacy immoral temptations / day canhypnotize people talking / thinking smuggling operation,Information diversion Law / heart anchor shortcuts to the emotionsof others - Remote / President Clinton NLP techniques / Robert TKiyosaki double heart anchor occult / decomposition AnthonyRobbins's influence / postscript Appendix: Our mentality Lee Min-Jie ~ 江健勇 mentality of hatred is my biggest enemy /bully father lied to the mother, and then when the lecturer - Selfroad 江健勇 of
好運就這麼簡單-上 APK
『本書特色』有道:「思想決定行為,行為變成習慣,習慣決定成功。」本書的目的,就是教你怎樣改變思想,從而獲得成功。要獲得成功,就得透過後天的努力去改變運氣,本書著力於探討改變後天運氣的問題。本書共兩冊,分為十個章節:上冊:時來運轉——怎樣看待運氣,且令自己的運氣有所提升處事技巧及想法——透過不同的處事技巧及改變想法,而使自己步向成功招財貓手冊——做生意、當老闆須具備及避免的幾個重點故事的啟發——透過不同故事,令人生有所啟發,從而改變後天的運氣命理釋疑——說明存在已久的命理問題下冊:感性人系列——以事例說明感性思維的缺失,勉人正面思考幸運最強法則——幾個簡單法則,是加強幸運的秘訣人生觀——教人怎樣利用正確的人生觀,使自己更容易成功頭腦的神秘——解釋有關頭腦的問題,及一般人對頭腦的誤解人際技巧——增強話語及肢體語言技巧,強化自信,博得好人緣好運氣—————————————————————————『內容簡介』突破思考,創造命運,十條天條,條條教你脫胎換骨!  香港著名玄學大師龍震天,繼《擋不住的好運》後,這次帶來全方位命運改造秘訣。想要掌握幸運密碼?想求得好人緣?還是想開店,當個賺大錢的老闆、老闆娘呢?理性和博奕怎樣重新塑造你的人生?本書就是你的幸運錦囊,打開我、閱讀我!「幸運錦囊,打開我、閱讀我!」  龍震天大師的「思想改變命運」系列,改變了多少人?  你不要相信我,只要相信--事實!  十條天條,一百五十句魔咒,喚醒你靈魂中沉睡已久的好運。  耶穌說:信我者,得永生。  那麼,信此書呢?  信此書,得到快樂、自信、好運、美滿的人生!  成功與快樂首要事項--你找對方向了沒?  4大於3,3大於2,2大於1,1可以大於4嗎?  什麼是皮格馬利翁效應--讚美的藝術  上臉書找股東?股東越多越好?  三大方向幫你找出天賦  四個定律使你成為好運的人  對方叫錯你的名字,怎麼辦?  明明沒吃到飯,客人依然感覺賓至如歸,怎麼做到的?———————————————————————『作者簡介』龍震天,香港玄學家、作家、感情專家,在香港兩大暢銷報章「東方日報」及「太陽報」撰寫每日生肖運程、風水專欄,並擔任玄學顧問。也為風水雜誌及多個網站撰文評論命理,身任多間企業的玄學顧問。批命特色以獨到、精闢、準確見稱。再加上專業的建議,助人以後天之力改變大部份運勢,獲得一致好評。有感於「思想改變行為、行為決定運氣」,龍師傅更身體力行,出版多部書藉,教人如何以「思想改變運氣」,也打開「命不可改,但運可改」的先河。首本《擋不住的好運》(香港出版書名為《思想改變運氣》)心靈勵志書籍,出版三個月內賣清再版,也順利打進各大小書局的暢銷書榜中,足以證明其改運實力及理念,獲得大部份人的認同。之後陸續出版之書藉多達十四本,範圍廣及感情、語言學、行為解碼學、記憶術、潛意識、心理學等等,大部份一版再版。作者憑多年閱人經驗,有感於男女感情問題日益複雜,先後出版了三本感情書,其中兩本關於男女感情書籍:《看穿女人心,迷惑男人陣》及《讓他無法離開你的迷魂陣》,更和馬來西亞權謀術大師李民傑老師合著,獲得一致好評,奠定了感情大師的地位。《看穿女人心,迷惑男人陣》四版,在香港、臺灣、澳門、馬來西亞及新加坡發行。作者的Yahoo網誌,一直是眾人的心靈雞湯,題材包羅萬象,包括感情技巧、紫微斗數、風水及改思改運文章等。Yahoo網誌累積瀏覽數有六百五十萬人次之多,網誌長期高踞網誌排行榜首五十位,足以證明龍師傅的高人氣。其後更被Yahoo選中為「TopYahoo Blogger」,其中兩篇文章被Yahoo選為首頁文章,半日點擊率達二萬人次。作者並定期舉辦「思想改變運氣」及「戀愛技巧」等課程,獲得一致好評。————————————————————————『目錄』作者簡介導讀作者序再版序時來運轉蒙提賀爾的難題——要不要改變主意?連研究所數學教授也答錯的問題——三扇門的啟示三T中奬的機率別單憑感覺或根據所謂「事實」而妄下結論——三T號碼的啟示中了六合彩頭奬,是否能獲得五百萬彩金呢?既然要碰運氣,就應該令自己得到最好的回報4大於3,3大於2,2大於1,1可以大於4嗎?或然率的悖論——將不可能變為可能美國淘金者沒有人能單靠運氣而永遠立於不敗之地——淘金者的啟示超能力能改變運氣嗎?這個世界有少數人擁有超能力,但還未獲得科學的認同網友Carlly的問題  如何改變自己的思想?你每天都被磚頭打中嗎?  要自己有所改變,就要改變你現在所做的事一個人怎樣用思想改變運氣  運氣是人對事物的看法兩件黑心事的啟發  做人黑心、不安好心,壞運氣一定會一生全力追隨網友定姜的留言  命運,就是這麼簡單:你有怎樣的看法,就有怎樣的運氣生意天才一席話  行運秘笈——實踐、別推託如何獲得成功、過得快樂  成功與快樂首要事項——你找對方向了沒?發掘自己的天賦  三大方向助你找出天賦好運人長什麼樣子?  四個定律使你成為好運的人成功還要更成功  改運三大元素:逆向思考、灌注熱情、持續努力處事技巧及想法交情好的合作伙伴,是否能合作愉快?用人不當最終只會招來惡果——The Apprentice的啟示青蛙的實驗做人要跳出自己經驗的框框——惰性思想與積極思想囚犯角色扮演實驗身處怎樣的環境,便會變成怎樣的人收音機的故事物品變了質,再小巧的產品也是徒然——綠豆的啟示以下兩種情景,發生在同一間餐館內。請問究竟有什麼不同呢?給人沒有選擇中的選擇,令對方言聽計從的啟示飛機的到達時間給人驚喜好過令人失望——航空公司的啟示奪命電話鈴聲商界大忌——約見重要客人的時候電話忽然響起對方叫錯你的名字,怎麼辦?陳先生變為黃先生——名字被錯配的處理手法改變環境真能改變想法嗎?吊橋的實驗利用不同的異常環境,使對方產生無可磨滅的記憶——吊橋實驗的啟示皮格馬利翁的故事皮格馬利翁效應——多稱讚會獲得意想不到的效果說實話的人  讚美的藝術——你想聽「你好醜」的真話,還是「你很好看」的假話?黃金海岸早餐所見  會吵的小孩有糖吃?錯誤應對方式將帶來不良影響新開的QQ冰店  自己做的事,最後一定要負上責任——黑心店的啟示看書就好無須上課?  回答學生故意為難的提問——借力打力資歷二十年的保險業務員  用心不用心,差很多——保險的啟示明愛醫院門前有人失救死亡的新聞,請大家來評評理  明愛就失救事件致歉——龍師傅的觀點這個錢,我要不要借給你?  親兄弟,明算帳——借錢哲學五星級酒店,無星級服務?  重點是懲罰與賠償,而非情緒——投訴技巧K小姐的來信  如何在博奕基礎上考慮轉換工作香港計程車加價的迷思  實關你事的民生話題投資博奕——Edyu的分享  人最重要的是有自己一套,投資亦同博奕個案分享一  抽脊髓兩難局面博奕個案分享二  要不要先回家拿地圖,再去吃咖哩蟹?置產地區的問題  寧住旺區狗窩,莫住郊外皇宮招財貓手冊開店,如何長久經營  自己開店的magic formula六星級服務的五星酒店  沒吃到飯,客人依然感覺賓至如歸——在Ritz Carlton Hotel學到的專業智慧生意失敗個案剖析——Project O(一)  上臉書找股東?——人多必不好辦事生意失敗個案剖析——Project O(二)  Project O的失敗之處生意失敗個案剖析——炒麵麵包(一)  用感性思維做代理的謬誤生意失敗個案剖析——炒麵麵包(二)  太想當老闆的結果是:太快失敗生意失敗個案剖析——炒麵麵包(三)  創業便等於癌症三期一餐飯所聽到我一生最好聽又不老土的「人生良言」  「塞錢入我袋」的兩句話If you think it's good, copy it!  創意並非無中生有故事的啟發為什麼別人可以,我就不可以呢?凡事都要想清楚,別被表面的現象所迷倒——達爾文的啟示有趣極了,去打鐵吧!心血來潮去選擇工作是一件很危險的事情——打鐵的啟示阿根廷香蕉——世上獨一無二的香蕉質量重要,可是包裝更加重要我是老闆了,可是為什麼會這樣糟糕呢?凡事要客觀想清楚才作決定,不要因一時衝動或主觀想法而令自己陷入困局這麼遠,有可能到達嗎?生活的藝術——五個街口的距離被重視的感覺改變了整個軍隊要令對方做得更多,就要給對方受重視的感覺小孩子的夢想當你時常想著「不能」的時候,你就真的什麼也做不到化學家的故事做人最重要的生活哲學不是要把事情做好,而是要把事情做對降落傘安全品質提升至百分百的秘訣對自己有要求,你才容易獲得成功責駡不行嗎?乖巧聽話的海豚要別人聽從你的話,就要從讚美開始請欽天監還是九流術士決定是否出兵?  博奕——明太祖的難題答案大澳茶果的感悟  送給母親的禮物妻子的空位  生命中的priority item
財色戰場 APK
【內容介紹】本書能顛覆一般人的價值觀,女性讀者可從中獲得『情場高手』種種手段之免疫抗體,男性讀者能從中領悟追求女人種種要訣與禁忌,書中許多觀念皆能給人全新的啟發。如果你在情場或商場皆不如意,或障礙重重,甚至吃過許多暗虧,這本書你一定要再三閱讀!◎內容大要前言第一章:財色的智慧財色兼收的經驗與理論 / 成功者……最失敗的地方 / 以不追……來追女人第二章:以盲引盲的成功勵志潮流流行成功學、勵志書和激勵課程的真相 / 偉人背後的暗黑真相 / 違反成功理論的成功法第三章:詐騙的手腕,錯覺的魔術狐狸變成老虎的商業秘訣 / 騙就是真理:魔鬼如何說謊 / 商業合法騙術 / 最容易騙的兩種人 / 最難騙的兩種人第四章:透視有形與無形的慧眼為什麼你要學見鬼 / 所有的魅力都是假的 / 看穿被測試背後的玄機 / 太太、情婦的調虎離山 / 醫生和閻王同一師門 /商場上的間諜遊戲 / 別相信只想做朋友的女人第五章:自私手段:付出與不付出的智慧快樂、致富的基因:自私 / 助人並非快樂之本 / 善有惡報的真心付出 / 犧牲他人,好人必修 / 為何一定要別人為你犧牲? /無條件的愛 = 無條件的害? / 男人太大方,女人會囂張 / 花少點錢才容易追到女子? / 花花公子的正確花錢方法 /如何行一善得千福? / 明星能量的修煉 / 後記:看電影學會賺錢與追求異性附錄:江相派之扎飛術(揭開祈福黨與金光黨的秘密)[Introduction] The book can subvert the general human values, femalereaders may derive immune antibodies "master of Love" by all means,the male readers can comprehend pursue a variety of tips and tabooswoman, have encountered many ideas in the book gives a newinspiration. If you are unhappy in love or in a shopping mall, orobstacles, and even eaten a lot of dark loss, this book you mustread over and over again!◎ big to content Foreword Chapter One: Money and wisdom Money and Integrated Programme of empirical and theoretical /failure places the most successful ...... / ...... not to chase tochase a woman Chapter II: The blind lead the blind inspirational successtrend Pop Success, Dark Truth Truth inspirational books andincentive programs / greats behind / violation success successfullaw theory Chapter III: Fraud wrist, the illusion of magic Fox became Tiger's commercial secret / lie is the truth: thedevil how to lie / commercial legal tricks / two people most likelyto cheat / lie to two people hardest Chapter 4: tangible and intangible eye perspective Why do you want to learn the hell / All the charm is false /being tested to see through the mystery behind / wife, mistressTiaohulishan / doctors and Spy Game Hades same division door / mallon / Do not believe women want to be friends Chapter V: selfish means: the wisdom of paying andnon-paying Happy, rich genes: selfish / not helping the happy / evil forgood there's really paid / expense of others, good Compulsory / Whymust we sacrifice for you people? / Love = unconditional harmunconditional? / Men too square, a woman will arrogant / spend lessmoney was easy to catch up with the woman? / Playboy money rightapproach / How to get one thousand lines a good blessing? / Starenergy practice / Postscript: watching movies learn to make moneyand the pursuit of the opposite sex Appendix: Jiang faction's bar fly with surgery (CliffordParty and uncover the secrets of the golden party)
擋不住的好運 APK
【本書特色】香港著名命理大師龍震天,用五十天時間改造你的生命密碼,以科學理性的思維角度,教你窺破命運的缺口,憑七種改運架構,引爆有如海嘯一樣的好運,向你直逼而來!《秘密》學不到的秘訣,就在本書;《吸引力法則》沒教你的,也在本書。【作者簡介】龍震天,香港玄學家,作家,現為香港兩大最暢銷報章 –東方日報及太陽報撰寫每日生肖運程,並擔任玄學顧問,曾於星島日報,經濟日報接受訪問;也有為風水雜誌及多個網站撰文評論命理,並替多間企業擔任玄學顧問,記憶術顧問及思想改變運氣顧問。精於為人作風水佈局搶運催財及紫微斗數助人於事業上或感情上趨吉避凶,改變運勢。批命特色以獨到,精僻,準確為主,再加上加上專業獨特的建議助人後天改變大部份的運勢,獲得一致好評。龍震天至現時為止,出版了十一本書籍,涉及題材包括心理學,語言學,做人技巧,身體語言解讀,潛意識以及感情技巧。其中《FBI不教你的讀心術》順利打進香港三聯書局,商務印書局,城邦書局暢銷書頭五位,《看穿男人心,迷惑女人陣》十五刷的再版記錄。龍震天亦定期舉辦思想改變運氣以及記憶術課程,獲得一致好評。由 2008 年開始,龍震天開始撰寫 Yahoo網誌,談及風水命理,生肖,做人技巧,改思改運,感情技巧等等,至今點擊率超過四百萬次,網誌數目二千五百篇,長期成為人氣網高据頭一百位。龍師傅自少己經對玄學有濃厚興趣,累積前人經驗來助人趨吉避凶;服務範圍包括紫微斗數,陽宅風水,命名改名及合婚擇日;由於對接受新事物及適應社會環境的能力比較強,所以經年留下大量實例反覆印證,更能切合現代風水批命的要求,所以在論命及風水改運方面皆有很高的準確性。【內容介紹】你想改變自己的命運嗎?命運到底能不能改變?有人說,如果賈伯斯沒做生意,去修禪,會成為改變人類思想的禪宗大師。李嘉誠也說:「如果不是戰爭摧毀我的童年,如果父親不曾在我童年時去世,如果我有機會升學,我的一生將被如何改寫?這是沒有答案的!因為命運會締造,因緣會塑造出我另類的選擇,因為命運沒有給我如果。沒選擇,我才成為我。」本書藏七顆引爆好運的炸彈,更有五十把思想鑰匙,為你引爆海嘯一樣的好運,讓你擁有擋不住好運的一生!部分精彩內容:上司的抉擇 ─ 為什麼懶惰者反而可以升職?剖析桃花運 ─ 你的吸引力在哪裡?小明的偉論 ─ 中六合彩頭獎的機率是二分之一究竟是什麼小改變呢?提升營業額的秘密!青蛙怎樣爬到塔頂呢?擁有過人之處的秘訣橫財命 ─ 我真的中六合彩了!倒楣的一天 ─ 先做哪件事好呢?全部都懂,但就是不合格!神奇的遙控器 ─ 你會縮減多少壽命呢?【眾人推薦】成功,是努力做對的事——包括讀「對」的書!多年前國外暢銷書《秘密》,曾被我視為人生必讀聖經,她用正面思考的方式,招喚宇宙的正能量。而今龍震天師傅卻更上層樓,將「如何成功」化成文字,一步步指示、引領你邁向成功之路,讓你更快速感受生命的奇蹟。命不可改,如同你我的原生家庭﹔運可改,如同創造你我的成功路。——臺灣演員 李燕看完這本書,我真想對作者咆哮:「這絕對是逆天的行為!」古語云:「運可改,命不能改。」但,五年前用思想改變命運轟動香港的龍震天師傅,現在竟然鬥膽用逆天筆鋒,寫出了如何透過「明修棧道,暗渡陳倉」的「暗藏詭計」,來篡改你我掌中「命」、「運」之線!——新一代惡搞小說王、《億萬富豪密室告白》謀略(簡金盛)以前我最喜歡的句子是:「將相本無種,男兒當自強」;現在,我最喜歡的一句話是:「篡改生命線,衝出一片天!」——風靡亞洲華人市場的第一奇書《情場制勝幻術》,並開創了全中國、臺灣、香港搭訕風潮的一代搭訕教主鄭匡宇龍大師是一位玄學研究者,但他在這一本探討命運的書中,並不局限於以星象詮釋命運。《篡改生命線》,是一本以多元角度,探討命運如何改變的奇書。——江健勇(江魔),《奸的好人系列書》、《愛情陰謀論》和《好男人病毒》的作者,掀起毒辣式NLP風潮的大師級人物成功要訣中,運氣是唯一無法被自己完全掌握的。什麽是運氣?運氣就是令你事半功倍的東西。世上最吊詭的,莫過於信念決定命途——你想擁有擋不住的好運,其實就從你相信運氣這回事開始。如何讓運氣來到身邊?是這本書令我明白的——思想能創造契機。——唯一引起馬國內政部關注的專欄作家謝嫣薇,她是香港、新加坡、馬來西亞跨媒體前衛時代的女性代表,同時是男女感情顧問、美食家、旅遊家、《誰說我寂寞》的作者「為何我老爸不是李嘉誠?」這是星爺的電影對白,可能也是很多人曾經問過自己的問題。但是,有多少人會進一步去想:我為何不是李嘉誠?怎樣才可以變成李嘉誠?「人生有幾個十年?」有人活得精彩,有人得過且過,有人大起大落,更有人老無所終。大家都是人,為何人生有如此大的差別,關鍵因素究竟是什麼?隔壁B棟樓的林小姐,樣貌不是特別美,身材又不見得特別窈窕,但是桃花就特別好。本小姐自問樣貌身材都不輸人,但戀情每每慘淡收場,為什麼?小陳同小李同一間公司上班,資歷同等,小陳從不遲到早退,小李呢,十點前絕對是不見蹤影。小李三年不到就升上主任;阿陳盡忠職守,竟然在金融風暴時被裁員,究竟又是什麼理由?如果以上任何一個問題,曾在你腦海裡閃過,或者你聽朋友提及,而你又很想知道答案,這本書可以幫助你。無論你是中產、無產,甚至乎全家都是產,你都會有這個疑問:我幾時會行好運?我不懂預測未來,但是我斗膽講一句:你有幸讀到這本書,已經正在行好運。如果你走到櫃檯付款,回家讀完整本書,再介紹家人、朋友一起讀,並且照著書中的指導去實踐。三個月,你不行運,回來找我,我退款給你。祝各位讀者:行運一條龍。——張煒
看穿女人心,迷惑男人陣 APK
【本書特色】當男人看穿女人心,沒有把不到的妹。若女人布下迷惑陣,沒有男人不為她神魂顛倒。所有感情書上都沒有說過的「追求女人」、「迷惑男人」、「增強桃花運」的必殺絕技。十二生肖增加桃花運的方法、約會的開始、牽手的秘訣、測試對方的聽話指數、相處保鮮的技巧都盡在其中:你有桃花運就會碰上很多屬意的對象,但這並不表示你能追求到他/她¬——你若不具備把妹手段,你只不過浪費了我們桃花改運法。三次約會之後,你就可以看穿女人的「聽話指數」和「喜歡指數」,馬上牽住女人的小手了。對第一句話已經不及格的男人,記得一定要避之趨吉,即使被甜言蜜語迷惑後,還是要手起刀落,斬立決!男人跟女人說話只有三十秒的時間,女人會憑著這三十秒的時間判斷想不想與你繼續交往下去。女人太主動會貶值,若不主動男人又不採取行動,女人該如何給予適當的暗示,讓男人「順其自然」主動邀約,以及如何令男人不停約會自己?天底下到底是哪兩種半的男人搞婚外情太太不會離婚。如何看穿只愛錢不愛人的女人?夜總會女人引誘男人送禮的秘訣。女人不缺男人的秘密、令男人神魂顛倒的迷惑法。【本書內容介紹】目錄【前言】龍震天序文我有桃花運【第一篇:金錢是愛情背後的溫床】緣分天注定?男人很悶;女人沒深度美麗的女人愛比較,易妒忌招「財」引「運」法令你馬上增添無可抗拒的魅力 ——金錢一個跟男人上床後很清醒的女人到底女人是愛錢,還是愛浪漫?她愛我的錢還是愛我的人夜總會女人引誘男人送禮的秘訣男女關係是否只建立在「錢」這個基礎上?【第二篇:讓女人患上「糖尿病」與「高血壓」的方法】女人最容易被怎樣的男人迷惑「糖尿病」和「高血壓」與把妹的關係男人,你的「口技」行嗎?男人是不切實際的動物操控女人的聽話指數我如何把妹說故事男生懂「假問」、「借人」、「沒想到」,沒有把不到的妹【第三篇:把握「戀愛黃金期」的方法】好好的炫耀一下自已,對異性不用太過謙虛如何令男人主動邀約如何令男人不停約會自己?如何令男人神魂顛倒——「三笑姻緣」八陣圖女人不缺男人的秘密感情偽術——將自己由內向偽裝成外向【第四篇:避免火星撞地球的相處哲學】愛情是不需要講邏輯的男女相處就和同事一樣,Team Work不能改變就不要說,女方馬上會對你的印象加分用數字來增加感情你的性格及行為,直接影響你的桃花運減少你的麻煩,所有男人都會對你刮目相看女人年紀比男人大是感情的天敵用刀先磨刀,如何在發生感情之前探聽對方的一切【第五篇:讓你的老公如初戀般愛你疼你】有錢的男人在感情事上解決九成的問題如有抱怨請你做點東西永遠要保持神秘感女人說話像開籠雀,男人沉默的像烏鴉創造話題維持感情若即若離的真正意思新鮮感會令身邊的老伴變為初戀情人【後記:神醫的名氣與追女的秘訣】被追求中的女人最高價,女人該如何運用這段有效期限?越愛浪漫的女人越容易被騙上床。[This book features] When men see through a woman's heart, no less than thesister. If a woman under the confusing array of cloth, no man is nothead over heels for her. All feelings are not mentioned in the book "the pursuit ofa woman", "confused man", "enhance the peach blossom" killstunt.Zodiac increase peach methods, started dating, secret hand,testing each other's obedient index, along preservation techniquesare all in one: You'll run into a lot of peach preferred object, but thatdoes not mean that you can pursue to him / her ¬ - if you do nothave the sister resort, you just wasted our peach redirectionmethod. After three appointments, you can see through a woman's"obedient Index" and "likes Index", a woman's right just holdlittle hands. The first sentence of the man who has failed, remember toavoid it becoming Kyrgyzstan, even after being sweet confusion, orto leash, immediately executed! Man and woman talking only thirty seconds, a woman willjudge with this thirty seconds and you want to go onindefinitely. Women too active devaluation, if men do not take theinitiative to take action, how to give a woman the right hint, sothat men "go with the flow" active solicitation, as well as how tomake a man stop dating yourself? Wonderful thing in the end is what two and a half menengage in extramarital affairs will not divorce his wife. How to see through the love of money does not love awoman? Tips for women to lure men nightclub gifts. Women do not lack a man's secret, so captivated menconfuse law. [Book] Introduction Directory [Introduction] Preface thunder dragon I have a peach [First: the love of money is a hotbed behind] Serendipity? Man boring; woman lacking depth Beautiful women love comparison, easy to jealousy Trick "fiscal" argument "shipped" Law So you'll add irresistible charm - Money A very sober after going to bed with a man woman In the end the woman is the love of money, love orromance? She loves my money still love me Tips for women to lure men nightclub gifts Whether the relationship between men and women only build onthis foundation "money"? [The second: let a woman suffering from "diabetes" and"hypertension" approach] What kind of woman a man most likely to be confused Relationship "diabetes" and "hypertension" and the sisterof Man, you are a "ventriloquist" right? Men are unrealistic animals Manipulate a woman's obedient Index My sister how to tell a story Boys understand "fake ask", "borrow", "I did not expect," noless than the sister of the [Part III: grasp the "golden age of love" approach] Good to show off their own, do not be too modest forsex How to make a man take the initiative to invite How to make a man stop dating yourself? How to make a man fascinated - "Three Smiles marriage" EightDiagrams Women do not lack a man's secret Feelings Counterfeiters - disguised himself by the inwardoutward [Part IV: Avoid getting along philosophical clashesbetween] Love is no need to speak of logic Men and women get along and colleagues, Team WorkCan not change is not to say, the woman immediately be yourimpression plus Use numbers to increase feelings Your personality and behavior, directly affect your peachblossom Reduce your trouble, all men will impress you Older women than men are feeling great predators First knife sharpener, how to snoop each other before theoccurrence of the feelings of all [Part V: Let your husband like love like love foryou] Jiucheng rich man to solve problems in the emotionalaffair If you do something to complain about Always maintain a sense of mystery Woman talking like open cage birds, like crows silentman Maintain feelings create topics The real meaning of ambiguous Freshness beside his wife would become first love [Postscript: geniuses fame and chase woman tips] The woman was pursuing the highest price, the woman how touse this expiration date? The easier the more love romantic woman cheated bed.
讓他無法離開你的迷魂陣 APK
情場聖手有心無意洩漏的五個風聲情場聖手向你洩露的秘密把妹手段。這是一本不能讓女人知道的禁書。關於男女感情,你(妳)必須讓他(她)無法離開你的五場感情計算!感情遊戲就是你(妳)手中的籌碼越多,勝算就越大,佈下的迷魂陣也就越具爆發力!懂得迷魂陣法,讓男女感情不再痛苦、讓他(她)好像初戀一樣愛你、讓他不再逢場作興,即使他天天有外遇,你一樣很開心!【本書內容介紹】教你(妳)跳出深陷感情泥沼的痛苦,讓你(妳)懂得計算感情的籌碼,贏得全新的愛情觀!人性=神性+獸性愛情和性愛,都是我們生活的奢侈品,不是必需品!當你的情侶在你(妳)面前發脾氣,你會如何處理?不講邏輯的愛情最容易讓男人往外劈腿!愛情好像是從沒有理由開始,最後卻是很有理由地分開!魔幻的一刻(Magical Moment)當女人看上男人,最大的錯誤行為是——明示!有才能的男人、有錢的男人,身邊的女人就越是穿得暴露!當女人聽從男友的指示「不要穿得暴露」,女人就等於將手中握有的籌碼送給男人!婚姻的困局——第三者每年都提出離婚的好男人維持了不離婚的局面。劈腿的男人都說一樣的話。愛國偉人也有三年之癢。分手之痛是習慣性謊言!愛情的戒條女人必須先承認女人自己很煩,才有機會變得不煩。千萬不要讓你身邊的女人吃得太飽。如果你不是很有錢,千萬不要讓女人干涉你的金錢。減低被人拋棄的危機……其實女人不好當尋找愛你的男人,就會幸福嗎?成功的女人有沒有幸福?到底要不要借錢給你的男人?Love Field Kathrinedetermined unintentionally leaked five wind Kathrine Love Field to divulge the secret to your sisterresort.This is a can not let a woman know of banned books.Feelings about men and women, you (you) have to let him (her)unable to leave your five affective computing!Feelings of the game is you (you) in the hands of the morechips, the greater the odds, the more cloth under the scam withexplosive!Know how to scam law allows men and women no longer feeling thepain, so that he (she) seems to love the same love you, let him notevery field for Xing, every day, even though he was having anaffair, like you very happy![Book] IntroductionTeach you (you) out of the quagmire of deep emotional pain, soyou (you) know how to calculate the feelings of chips and win newconcept of love!Humanity = divinity + bestiality Love and sex, we are living a luxury, not a necessity! When you couple in you (you) in front of angry, how would youdeal with? Illogical love most likely to make men out cheating! Love seems to be no reason to start from, and finally it isgood reason to separate!Magic moment (Magical Moment) When a woman sees a man, the biggest mistake behavior -EXPRESS! Talented man, wealthy men, beside women are dressed moreexposure! When a woman obeyed her boyfriend's instructions, "Do notwear exposed," the woman would be tantamount to hold the hands ofthe chips to the man!Marriage dilemma - third party All good men divorce divorce situation is not maintainedannually. Cheating men speak the same thing. There is also the great patriotic itch three years. The pain of breaking up is customary lie!Doctrine of love Women must first admit women themselves bored, have a chanceto become annoying. Do not let your woman beside a heavy meal. If you are not a lot of money, do not let a woman interferewith your money. Mitigate the crisis was abandoned ......In fact, when a woman is not good Find love your man, you will be happy? Successful woman there is no happiness? In the end or not to lend money to your man?