2.106 / Oct 11, 2015
App Information Total Collage 2: Photo Editor
- App NameTotal Collage 2: Photo Editor
- Package Namecom.fossor.totalcollage
- UpdatedOct 11, 2015
- File SizeUndefined
- Requires AndroidAndroid 4.0
- Version2.106
- Developerfossor coding
- Installs10K+
- PriceFree
- Categoryflag</i>Flag as inappropriate</a></div></section></div></div><div class="o45e4d"><c-wiz jsrenderer="Grlxwe" jsshadow jsdata="deferred-i18" data-p="%[email protected],true]" data-node-index="5;0" autoupdate jsmodel="hc6Ubd" c-wiz><section class="HcyOxe" jscontroller="NkbkFd"><header class=""><div class="VMq4uf" id="developer-contacts-heading"><div class="EaMWib"><h2 class="XfZNbf">Developer contact</h2></div><div jsaction="JIbuQc:Ptdedd"><button class="VfPpkd-Bz112c-LgbsSe yHy1rc eT1oJ mN1ivc VxpoF" jscontroller="soHxf" jsaction="click:cOuCgd; mousedown:UX7yZ; mouseup:lbsD7e; mouseenter:tfO1Yc; mouseleave:JywGue; touchstart:p6p2H; touchmove:FwuNnf; touchend:yfqBxc; touchcancel:JMtRjd; focus:AHmuwe; blur:O22p3e; contextmenu:mg9Pef;mlnRJb:fLiPzd;" data-disable-idom="true" aria-label="Expand" aria-controls="developer-contacts" aria-expanded="false"><div jsname="s3Eaab" class="VfPpkd-Bz112c-Jh9lGc"></div><div class="VfPpkd-Bz112c-J1Ukfc-LhBDec"></div><i class="google-material-icons VfPpkd-kBDsod W7A5Qb" aria-hidden="true">expand_more</i></button></div></div></header><div class="SfzRHd jqSImf" role="region" id="developer-contacts" aria-labelledby="developer-contacts-heading"><div class="vfQhrf BxIr0d"><div class="VfPpkd-WsjYwc VfPpkd-WsjYwc-OWXEXe-INsAgc KC1dQ Usd1Ac AaN0Dd VVmwY"><div class="VfPpkd-EScbFb-JIbuQc" jscontroller="tKHFxf" jsaction="click:cOuCgd; mousedown:UX7yZ; mouseup:lbsD7e; mouseenter:tfO1Yc; mouseleave:JywGue; touchstart:p6p2H; touchmove:FwuNnf; touchend:yfqBxc; touchcancel:JMtRjd; focus:AHmuwe; blur:O22p3e; contextmenu:mg9Pef;"><a class="Si6A0c RrSxVb" target="_blank" href="mailto:[email protected]"><i class="google-material-icons j25Vu" aria-hidden="true">email</i><div class="pZ8Djf"><div class="xFVDSb">Email</div><div class="pSEeg">[email protected]</div></div></a><div class="VfPpkd-FJ5hab"></div></div><span class="VfPpkd-BFbNVe-bF1uUb NZp2ef" aria-hidden="true">
- DeveloperGafnovitch 5
- Google Play Link
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Tired of side bars - get yourself a wheel!Wheel Launcher is a panel that sits on top of everything on yourdevice. Wheel Launcher does not interfere with your main launcher,but provides a fast way to reach your favorite apps and shortcuts -just press the semitransparent icon. To hide a panel drag the iconoff the screen. Wheel Launcher allows you to add any shortcut thatis provided by your apps, like direct dial any of your contacts orsettings shortcut, like battery, sound, Wi-Fi and so on.If you have anything to ask, suggest or if you found a bug - do nothesitate to drop me an email.Wheel Launcher Features• Fancy circle design• Basic shortcuts to some common apps - dial, gallery, email,messaging, camera, drawer• Support for any app on your device• Support for any shortcut on your device• Themes!• Left/Right sided panel• Support icon packs on a main panel• Icon or static shape(panel) trigger support• Shape trigger can be of any color and transparency• Autostart on boot• Task switcher. You can now easily switch between runningapps.• Shake! You can now open and close the Wheel Launcher by shakingyour device.• NEW! The Wheel is now resizableFull version• Unlimited number of items on a main panel• Folders support
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SAY HELLO TO THE MOST INTERACTIVEFLAGSIMULATOR OUT THERE!Rags and Flags is a real time OpenGL live wallpaper with astunninginteractive 3D flag physics simulation.You can convert any of your photos into a beautiful andmostrealistic flag.• Extremely realistic real time 3D physics• Fully interactive flag• Wind simulation• Different flag shapes and positions• 4 flag icons• Custom background from your gallery• Different flag textures• Horizontal flag type• Custom flag image from your galleryHAVE FUN!
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Photo Flip 3D Pro LWP 1.001 APK
Flip photos from your phones memory in real3D,right on your home screen.Watch your favorite pictures and flip them with a stunning3Danimation one by one.You can swipe pictures or double tap andanimateautomatically.• OpenGL real time live wallpaper• 3 aspect ratios to choose from• Different backgrounds• Zoom and quality settings• Select Folder to load pictures from
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Plotboard - freeform moodboard & photo collage 2.4 APK
Make Christmas cards & photo collages! Plotboard is perfect forthat! *** Plotboard is a very simple grid-based moodboard &photo collage -- the easiest way to put your photos together! Itprovides a creative editor where you can arrange multiple photosand text in a very flexible way. The grid offers a freeform layoutthat enables you to combine images and create flexible compositionsof any shape. Plotboard is particularly loved by designers for itssimplicity when creating online mood boards. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ MOODBOARD is atool for professionals 😎 and small businesses Moodboard is a toolused by designers to make a quick visual representation of a futuredesign. It’s useful to communicate the idea to the customer and getfeedback faster. Moodboards express a mood and let customer decidewhat kind of design he or she prefers. Moodboards are popular amonginterior 🛋 designers for presenting options of furniture 🪑selection and making compositions of furniture and the interior.Another popular use of moodboards is personal look & style 👗selection. When it goes about clothing it’s important to get aquick idea of how the clothes 👘 and accessories 🎩 look together andwhat general impression 👍 they make. Plotboard offers an easylayout moodboard and makes it possible to quickly showcase a designand convey a visual idea 🖼. It fits well for comparing before andafter, showcasing an interior design, furniture selection,composing a personal look, demonstrating options of nail service,haircuts, or wedding makeups. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ PHOTO COLLAGE is a versatiletool for everyone 🤪 Photo collages have a much wider field ofapplication than moodboards. Any person may need to make a collageto convey more than just one photo can do. Be it a trip to anothercountry 🧳, or a visual board of yesterday’s party 🎉, or a snapshotof an event. Sometimes photo collages take the form of a card: forexample, a greeting card or an invitation can be created based on aphoto collage. Another popular use of photo collages areannouncements: new baby 🧸 announcement or wedding announcement. Youcan make a story of a relationship with a loved ❤️ one usingphotos, or make a comic lockdown report. Such stories are verypopular in social networks, but also can be shared privately bysending a link to a group in WhatsApp or Telegram. A story of yourfamily made in photos is also a good fit for photo collage. Photocollages can be shared or printed. Such printed collages put inframes make a nice wall decoration 🖼. Photo collages often aredecorated with artistic effects. And Plotboard offers some as well.You can make your photos rounded, intersect them in any way, addcolored backgrounds, and also add text formatted with one of ourartistic fonts that are included for premium users. Cropping androtating photos are also available. The most exciting feature ofPlotboard is drag and drop along with easy resize. You cantransform your composition and change layout naturally without anyefforts. Sharing a photo collage is simple: you can either share alink that makes a micro web-page with your composition available onthe web or share the composition as an image that can be saved toyour gallery, sent via email, or messengers. Remember that mostmessengers compress photos and decrease picture quality. Sharing alink does not have that disadvantage. Whenever you need to make acomposition either for professional use, such as moodboard, or forpersonal use, be it photo collage, Plotboard is always a goodchoice.
Circle Sidebar Pro 27.0 APK
Circle Sidebar Pro - An application to make your android experiencebetter, provides easy multitasking from anywhere and anytime! It'sfast and highly customizable. Users can easily customize the way itworks and the content it holds. It runs in the background and canbe easily accessed from any screen with just a swipe. The user caneven set it to start at boot. Features: 1. Easy controls - All thesettings are provided in the main screen with descriptions of eachfunction for better understandability and to avoid confusions. 2.Completely customizable with the way it is triggered. Options fortriggering width, height and position are given. The user caneasily adjust it to their convenience. 3. Include Favorite apps -Users have full access to the all the apps installed on the phone.At any point, a user can choose what apps to be displayed in thesidebar. 4. Haptic feedback provided to give a response to the useras an acknowledgment to their sidebar calling request. 5. Option toapply custom icon packs is included. Install any icon pack from thestore and choose it from circle sidebar. 6. Option to vary the iconsizes is also provided. 7. Circle Sidebar timeout can be set afterthe third update. 8. Enable/Disable infinite scrolling based onuser preference. 9. Much more (Not Listed) PRO FEATURES: 10. Afterthe second update, option to add shortcuts was included based onuser request. 11. App icons are completely customizable - chooseicons from a different range of icon packs or use a custom image ofyour own. 12. Based on user requests, the option to Black ListingApps is included. Sidebar automatically disappears in the selectedapps. 13. The list is completely customizable - Use the 'CustomizeList' option to change the order and also delete/edit any icon. 13.More features to come :) Last Update: * Fixed the most reportedissue: Now touch outside the Sidebar is not registered by thebackground. * Fixed the issue with the service closing itself inthe background. * Fixed the problem most users faced withtriggering. * Added option to set the timeout for the sidebar. *Added option to disable infinite scrolling. * Added support forBlackList Apps (Pro feature) (Sidebar will automatically disappearin the selected apps) More features: * Now supports lock screenenabling. * Added device orientation based blacklisting. AddedQuick Settings: - Now you can set a second circle for quicksettings. You can set it to infinite scroll with all the quicksettings or you could limit to the favorite settings. - The QuickSettings added are: 1. Wifi toggle. 2. Bluetooth toggle. 3. ScreenRotation. 4. Flash Light toggle. 5. Airplane toggle. 6. BrightnessMode. 7. Volume Control (Supports both media and ringtone volumesdepending) 8. Music Control: Play / Pause 9. Music Control: PlayNext / Play Previous Track 10. Hotspot Toggle (toggling could be alittle slow on some devices) 11. Location Services Toggle. 12.Ringer Mode (General / Vibrate / Silent) 13. More to come... Dropyour suggestions on email. PERMISSIONS REQUIRED: STORAGE - Requiredfor including shortcuts of a file on the device storage or tocreate an icon. CALL - Required for direct dial shortcut to anyspecified number. Please use the Reports section in the app todirectly interact with the developer via email. Any Feedback,suggestions and bug reports are much appreciated. If you like theapp please share it with friends and family and leave a rating onplay store. All the major updates released are based on the userrequests and suggestions, please feel free to drop me an emailanytime!!