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Mail.Ru Group
Читайте последние новости самых уважаемыхСМИРоссии, Украины, Белоруссии, Казахстана, СНГ иближнегозарубежья.- Новости, интересные лично вам: политика, экономика,наука,культура, спорт или hi-tech – персональная лентановостейотображается в соответствии с вашими настройками.- Объективный взгляд на события в мире: статьи изразныхисточников позволят составить полное и непредвзятое мнениеопроисходящем.- Актуальность: новые статьи появляются каждый час,чтобыдержать вас в курсе развивающейся ситуации.- Прогноз погоды, курсы валют и цены на нефть: всегдаподрукой – в боковом меню.Будьте в центре происходящего – узнавайте первым главные новостидняв России и за рубежом в области политики и экономики, наукииискусства, спорта, культуры и шоу-бизнеса, а такжеполучайтеизвестия о самых важных происшествиях в вашемрегионе.Новости, которые хочется читать:- Яркие фоторепортажи- Подробные видео новости- Актуальная инфографика- Hi-tech новинки- Авто дайджест- Все о недвижимости- Новости спорта- Афиша театра и кино- Обзоры игр- и другие тематические разделы и специальные рубрикиБольше удобных функций:- Кнопка “Загрузить новости” для чтения статей оффлайн- Папка “Избранное” для сохранения интересных новостей- Ночной режим чтения- Удобный поиск по нужной теме- Мгновенные уведомления о важных событияхХочешь сообщить об опечатке или ошибке в статье? Напиши вслужбуподдержки Новостей Mail.Ru тыпоможешь нам сделать статьи лучше!Нас читают уже 2 миллиона человек! Присоединяйтесь!Read the latest newsinthe most respected media Russia, Ukraine, Belarus,Kazakhstan,the CIS and abroad.- News and interesting to you personally: politics,economics,science, culture, sports, or hi-tech - a personal newsfeed isdisplayed according to your settings.- An objective look at the events in the world: articlesfromdifferent sources will allow to make a complete andunbiasedopinion about what is happening.- Urgency: new articles appear every hour to keep you informedofthe evolving situation.- Weather forecast, exchange rates and oil prices: is always athand- in the sidebar.Be the center of what is happening - first to learn the main newsofthe day in Russia and abroad in the field of politics andeconomy,science and the arts, sports, culture and show business,as well asto hear about the most important incidents in that I want to read:- Bright picture stories- Detailed video news- Current infographics- Hi-tech innovations- Auto Digest- All real estate- Sports news- Playbill Theatre and Cinema- Game reviews- And other thematic sections and special sectionsMore handy features:- The button "Upload news" to read articles offline- Folder "Favorites" to save interesting news- Night reading mode- Easily search for the desired topic- Instant notification of important eventsWould you like to report a typo or error in the article?WriteSupport News Mail.Ru - youcanhelp us make the article better!We read already 2 million people! Join now!
РИА 4.2.1
Topics of the day, photos, videos, infographics, radio fromtheleader of the Russian news market
RT News 3.5.61
RT news - find out what the mainstream media is keepingsilentabout.
Top Story Новости России 2016 2.30.1
🌟 🌟 🌟 Рекомендовано Google Play -TopStory было выбрано редакцией Google Play как эксклюзивноеновостноеприложение!🏆 Top Story - первый персонализированный новостной агрегаторвРоссии🚀 Бесплатное приложение Top Story предлагает последниеновостиРоссии и мира.Мы предлагаем самые последние новости, подобранные специальнодлявас: новости о политике, спорте, экономике, бизнесе,военныеновости, новости авто и оружия, новинки hi-tech и информациюопогоде.Top Story - это информация из ведущих российских СМИ, газетиновостных лент, социальных сетей: ВК, популярных блогов,атакже переводы иностранной прессы. Все пользователиприложенияимеют прямой доступ к свежим материалам и последнимновостям.🚀 Последние новости:1. Мисс Россия-2016: Яна Добровольская❤ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКИ: ❤ИСЧЕРПЫВАЮЩИЙ КОНТЕНТЧитайте статьи из лучших источников, отобранных нашимиредакторами.Виджет Top Story позволит в любой момент узнать оглавных событияхдня иран, Россия и мир. Изучайте категории Мир,hi-tech, политике,масленица, военная, рассказ, 11 сентября,картину, армия (военныеновости). Читайте о погоде, рассказы, сюжетыоб истории ипраздниках – о Масленице и других.Среди наших источников: РБК (RBC), Лента, ТАСС, Рамблер, Вести,РИАНовости, Дни.ру, BBC, CNN, New York Times - NYT, Reuters,TheWashington Post, Flipboard, Buzzfeed, Google новости и другие.Мысоздаем полную картину дня, собирая для вас новости Россииимира.УМНАЯ ПОДБОРКА НОВОСТЕЙИспользуя инновационные технологии, мы подбираем то, о чемнравитсячитать именно вам.Ссылки на новости можно отправлять свои друзьям в Whatsapp, VK,OK,Twitter и Facebook!УДОБНЫЙ ФОРМАТВ конце каждой новости вы найдете связанные истории, которыедаютдополнительную информацию по теме, а моментальные уведомлениябудутдержать вас в курсе всех актуальных событий!Мы учитываем разные точки зрения и предлагаем материалытакихресурсов, как ria новости - риа новости, tass - тасс,вести,повесть, новости дня и погода, rt новости,,rbcновости, нтв новости, первый, рамблер новости, anews, новостидня,rg, известия, rambler, мята новости, медуза-meduza, adme, bbc,cnn,rbc, мир, NYT, news republic, новости крыма, VKstream,яндекс-yandex новости и многих других.БУДЬТЕ С НАМИ В СОЦСЕТЯХ:Вы можете читать новости на сайте Top Story и в нашихофициальныхсообществах в Вконтакте и Фейсбуке.В Top Story есть самые разные горячие новости России имирa.Также Top Story будет полезно тем, кто любит star новости,военныеновости, иран, новости технологий, новости России,международные иместные новости, новости о развлечениях и новостидля женщин.Читать новости о политиках и знаменитостях.Возможность редактировать ленту новостей, добавляя иудаляяисточники, позволяет создать персонализированную картину днявРоссии и мире. Вы можете подключить известные СМИ с политическимииэкономическими новостями (виджеты рбк новости, известия,риановости - ria novosti, ren tv, новости видео, вести - vesti,Финам,, мир, история,, rbc, военное обозрение, adme,эхомосквы, Аргументы и Факты, главноесегодня-regnum,правда-pravda, vse42, politrussia, русскаяпланета-rusplt,интерфакс - interfax, россия новости, украинскаяпресса, новостисегодня, военные новости, новости крыма, укрнетновости, турцияновости, ИТАР тасс - tass, нгс, рамблер новости, rbc- рбк, вкновости - вк novosti, flipboard, гугл новости, meduza,НТВ-NTV,Бугага-bugaga, Триникси, мята - новости из ВК и VK streamдляВконтакте)Вы можете читать региональные новости своего города(Москва,Санкт Петербург, Уфа, Екатеринбург, Сочи, Краснодар,Новосибирск,Владивосток, Иркутск, Красноярск) или даже страны–Белоруссии,Ирана.Мы стремимся постоянно совершенствовать Top Story, чтобысделатьего лучшим среди приложений для чтения новости.Давайте сделаем лучшее приложение вместе! Присоединяйтесь и будьтевкурсе!🌟 🌟 🌟RecommendedGoogle Play - Top Story was chosen as the editorshipof Google Playexclusive news app!🏆 Top Story - the first personalized news aggregatorinRussia🚀 Top Story The free app offers the latest Russian andworldnews.We provide the latest news, just for you: news ofpolitics,sports, economy, business, military news, news of cars andweapons,new items hi-tech and weather information.Top Story - this is the information of the leadingRussianmass media, newspapers and news feeds, social networks : VCpopularblogs, as well as translations of the foreign press.Allapplication users have direct access to the fresh material andthelatest news.🚀 Latest news:1. Miss Russia-2016: Jan Dobrovol'skaya❤ FEATURES: ❤ENTIRE CONTENTRead articles from the best sources, selected by our editors.TopStory Widget will allow at any time to find out about themajorevents of the day, Iran, Russia and the world. Explore theworldcategory, hi-tech, politics, carnival, military, story,11September, picture, Army (Military News). Read about theweather,stories, stories about the history and holidays - onShrovetide andothers.Our source: RBC (RBC), Tape, TASS, Rambler, News,, BBC, CNN, New York Times - NYT, Reuters, TheWashingtonPost, Flipboard, Buzzfeed, Google News, and others. Wecreate acomplete picture of the day, collecting for you Russia andworldnews.SMART selection of newsUsing innovative technologies, we choose what you like toreadit.Links to the news, you can send your friends in Whatsapp, VK,OK,Twitter and Facebook!convenient formatAt the end of each newsletter you will find related stories,whichprovide additional information on the topic, andinstantnotifications will keep you up to date with all thecurrentevents!We take into account different points of view and offermaterialresources such as news ria - RIA Novosti, tass - Tass news,story,news of the day and weather, rt news,, rbcnews,NTV news first, rambler news, anews, news of the day, rg,news,rambler, mint news, jellyfish-meduza, adme, bbc, cnn, rbc,peace,NYT, news republic, news Crimea, VK stream, yandex-yandexnews andmany others.Be with us in social networks:You can read the news on the site Top Story in ourofficialcommunity in VKontakte and Facebook.In Top Story has a variety of hot news Russia and mira.TopStory will also be useful for those who love the starnews,military news, Iran, technology news, Russian news,internationaland local news, news on entertainment and news forwomen. Read newsabout politicians and celebrities.Ability to edit a feed by adding and removingresources,allows you to create personalized picture of the day inRussia andworldwide. You can connect the known media with politicalandeconomic news (RBC news widgets, news, RIA Novosti - rianovosti,ren tv, video news, lead - vesti, Finam,, worldhistory,, rbc, military Review, ADME, echo of Moscow,Argumenty, the main thing today-regnum, truth-pravda,vse42,politrussia, Russian planet-rusplt, Interfax - interfax,Russiannews, the Ukrainian press, the news today, military news,newsCrimea, UKRNET news turkey news, ITAR-TASS - tass, NHS,ramblernews rbc - RBC, VC news - VC Novosti, Flipboard, Googlenews,meduza, NTV-NTV, LOL-bugaga, Triniksi, mint - news from the VCandVK stream for Vkontakte)You can read the regional news of the city (Moscow,St.Petersburg, Ufa, Yekaterinburg, Sochi, Krasnodar,Novosibirsk,Vladivostok, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk), or even thecountry-Belorussii, Iran.We strive to continually improve Top Story, to make itthebest app for reading news.Let's make the best app together! Join now and be informed!
BBC News
The BBC News app has been completelyredesignedwith a fresh look and feel to bring you more content,greaterpersonalisation and better overall performance. So you canget moreof the news that matters to you.Key features:Top Stories brings you the latest, breaking news from ourtrustedglobal network of journalists.My News is a newly introduced feature allowing you topersonaliseyour news offering.Add topics wherever you see the + icon for a quick route straighttothe stories you care about.Stories from topics you add will appear in your personalised MyNewsfeed. Here you can order stories by topic or time, and usetheManage Topics screen to stay on top of the news of theday.You can also switch the My News by Topic screen to amoretraditional carousel view from the Settings screen.Find content fastThe app can suggest topics based on stories you’ve recentlyviewedand what’s in the news now.And you can quickly find topics that interest you using theTopicSearch. Choose from the familiar list of BBC News indexes suchasBusiness, Technology, Entertainment and Health, or search foryourown subjects of interest, whether they’re people, places,things orthemes.More of the news you care aboutWe now offer a fuller selection of stories from thenewsroom,including:- Most Read and Most Watched. Keep on top of popular storiesacrossthe BBC, regularly updated throughout the day- Live BBC World Service Radio. Expertise and insight fromourjournalists available 24-hours a day and ready to listen to inthebackground as you browse- Read the best journalism from BBC correspondents- Access to our full range of video and audio- Photo galleries and full-screen imagesOther features:- Push notifications for breaking news stories- Video over cellular and wifi- Improved offline experience. Download the latest stories whenyouhave a signal and then read them at your leisure- Viewing modes. See more stories per index by choosing‘Compactlayout’ from the Settings screen- Settings to allow the app to automatically update inthebackground- Share stories to your social networks, or email/SMS toafriend- Support for dynamic text. The app will respect the font sizeinyour device settings so you can increase or decrease the storytextsize as suits your preference- Related stories, related topics. Go deeper into a storylinewithsuggestions for further reading and viewing and a range oftopicsrelated to each storyIf you choose to receive push notifications, a uniqueidentifierrelating to your device will be stored by ProcessOne onbehalf ofthe BBC to provide you with the service.No other personal data relating to you (such as a username oremailaddress) is processed. The BBC will keep your informationsecureand not share it with anyone else in accordance with theBBC’sPrivacy and Cookies Policy, availableat can choose to unsubscribe from push notifications fromyourdevice’s Notifications screen: locate the BBC News app iconfromthe list and turn off ‘Allow Notifications’.
News Republic: Breaking News
News Republic
News Republic has complete,up-to-the-minutedaily breaking news and headlines from over 2,500fully licensed& trusted national and international sources.Easilypersonalized to give you the headlines that interest you fromtheworld’s most popular publishers, including CNN, HuffingtonPost,Fox News, and Quartz. We have the latest on US politicsandelection results from around the world as well as local newsandweather, and we personalize it all for you in just onecustomizedfeed.Google Editor's Choice as one of the top-rated daily breakingandlocal news apps for free on Google Play! Make News Republicyournumber one source of information!Get the very latest on US politics as well as politicalheadlinesand election results from around the world.Want more?We give you over 1 million national and global personalisedtopicsin a lightning-fast, material design interface. Receive theverylatest updates on global finance, business, sports,entertainment,politics, technology, health and travel and stayup-to-date withall the top buzz and latest celebrity gossip - getall that andmore in one personalized feed."News Republic offers the cure for infobesity" - CNET."If you love news, News Republic is the right app for you!"-AppDictions."Best News App" - AppStorm.– Trending: Can’t get enough of Trump and want the latest onUSpolitics and important election updates from around the world?Keepon top buzz of the most popular trending articles and topics ofthemoment. Find the hottest and most-shared viral news thatinterestsyou by following your favorite topics and publishers likeCNN,Huffington Post, ESPN, Associated Press and Quartz and learnwhatis hot as it happens.- In-depth: Have a special interest in US politics and wantthelatest on Trump or want top local news and weather alerts foryourcity? Learn more by exploring related topics via ourinnovativenavigation system to get all the articles and topics thatinterestyou.- News Digest: Get all the day’s top political headlines,electionupdates and trending stories that you care about in onesimpledaily digest. We give you articles from the best nationalandinternational sources like CNN, Huffington Post, ESPN, BBCandQuartz and is built around your interests.- Featured Channels: Get the top US politics, business,finance,health, sports and local headlines all in one place. FollowCNN,NBC, ABC, FOX, Huffington Post, Salon, Politico,Townhall,Breitbart, Time, USA Today, The Atlantic, BBC, TheEconomist andmore for the very latest updates and in-depth analysison the Trumpadministration.- Smart: Get this local news app for free and it will learn asyouread - our technology quickly personalizes yourexperienceautomatically.- Customization: Want even more customization? Choose from over1million topics for a custom home screen and help create ahighlypersonalized experience based on your interests.- Videos: We give you lightning-fast and in-app viralheadlinesincluding all the latest, most-shared and popular contentof theday in one simple and easy-to-use material designinterface.- Social: Want to share your interests with friends? Create yourownfree personal profile and use it across multiple devices tosharewhat you like on all your favorite social networks.Join us! Get the world’s top politics and local news app forfreenow and join our exclusive Users Community to get early accesstonew features and updates. Give us your feedbackandwe promise to listen. Unlike other local news apps for freeonGoogle Play, we value your opinion!Get the world’s best news app for free and make News Republicyournumber one source of information!
Flipboard: News For Our Time
Flipboard curates the world's stories soyoucan focus on investing in yourself, staying informed, andgettinginvolved. With curated packages that offer insights andinspirationfor any interest, Flipboard will make you feel likeyou’ve spentyour time well.Used by millions of people every day, the award-winningFlipboardgathers news, popular stories and conversations to giveyou thefull perspective and easily share the best ideas withothers.Download the app, pick your passions, and Flipboard creates aSmartMagazine for each topic. Automatically filled witharticles,videos, podcasts and tweets, Smart Magazines blend expertvoices,curated sources, and recommended stories so you can sit backandflip through the latest and greatest stories of our time. Focusonwhat matters to you, not the random posts of otherpeople’slives.When you find stories you want to read later or are worthotherpeople’s time, use the + to flip them into your ownpersonalmagazines. You can curate any kind of content for yourself,forothers, and even as a group (teams, families or friends).Shareyour magazines so they can be appreciated by others withsimilarinterests.Download Flipboard and get started today—it’s free!MAKE THE BEST USE OF YOUR TIME ON FLIPBOARD:* Read stories from The New York Times, The Wall StreetJournal,Reuters, The Washington Post, Axios, CNN Money, Wired,NationalGeographic, Vanity Fair, Rolling Stone, and thousands moretoppublications from around the world.* Design your Smart Magazines — Pick an interest, refine itbyselecting subtopics, and Flipboard bundles togethersources,people, and even tweets.* Use the Home Carousel as Your Personal Newsstand — Put up to 9ofyour favorite Smart Magazines here for quick access to thestuffyou love.* Read The Daily Edition — Keep up with the news in ourdailyroundup of important stories, hand-picked by oureditorialteam.* Curate your perspective — Collect stories around specificthemesand add them to personal magazines.* Enjoy Flipboard in 26 local editions, including versionsforAustralia, Brazil, Turkey, India, and China.TOP PUBLISHERS ON FLIPBOARDYour favorite publishers are included on Flipboard across avarietyof categories like:News & Politics: The New York Times, CNN, The WashingtonPost,POLITICOTechnology & Science: TechCrunch, Wired, Fast Company,PopularScience, National Geographic, ReCodeBusiness & Entrepreneurship: The Wall Street Journal,Bloomberg,Fortune, Forbes, Inc. Magazine, EntrepreneurWellness & Lifestyle: Brit + Co., Self, Greatist,Prevention,Women's Health, Men's HealthEntertainment: People, Entertainment Weekly, RollingStone,PopSugar, Refinery29, Hollywood Reporter, VarietyFood & Cooking: Bon Appetit, Food & Wine, Food52,SeriousEats, EaterTravel: National Geographic, Travel + Leisure, Condé NastTraveler,Lonely Planet, Budget TravelSports: ESPN, CBS Sports, Fox Sports, SB Nation,BleacherReportHome & Gardening: ELLE DECOR, House Beautiful,Dwell,Remodelista, GardenistaStyle: Vogue, W Magazine, GQ, Elle, Glamour, Esquire,Harper'sBazaarOutdoor Adventure: Outside, Bicycling Magazine, Runner'sWorld,Snowboarder Magazine, Powder Magazine, Canoe &KayakAnd many, many more...Keep up with FlipboardFor product updates and the latest from our blog, including tipsonhow to use Flipboard and interviews with actors,writers,musicians, and more. Follow us videos on how to use Flipboard,visit’d love to hear what you think about the all-new Flipboard.Reachout to our support team under Settings > Help &Feedback.For any other technical issues or questions, contact usat
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Fast and lightweight mobile news feedreaderfor your country major newspapers! Supported countries areUSA, UK,Ireland, India, Canada, Australia, Malaysia and manymore.Choose, read and easily compare the most famous newspapers withyourmobile free of charge and in the fastest way possible. Alltheheadlines of major newspapers in the palm of your hand.If you want to stay up to date with what happens in your countryanduse as little time as possible, then this app is whatyouneed!Fast News is a RSS Feed Reader but unlike other feature richnewsreaders, it will bring you directly to the news without wastinganytime messing around with the user interface or news loading. Itisthe best app for the daily reader.This app is still in Beta state, please provide feedback!Fast News US version will show you the content of the publicrssfeeds from these major United States newspapers:* The New York Times* New York Daily News* USA Today* L.A. Times* Huffington Post* CNN* Washington Post* MSNBC* NPR* Reuters* NYPost* Newsday* Denver Post* Dallas Morning* ABC News* Fox News Latest* ESPN Sport News* The Daily Beast* Forbes* Salon* The Nation* Yahoo! News US* USA Reddit channel* Wall Street JournalFor UK:* Daily Mail* Daily Mirror* Daily Star* BBC UK* Daily Telegraph* Reuters UK* Daily Express* Daily Record* The Guardian* The Independent* The Herald* The Conversation* Sky News* Huffington Post UK* UnitedKingdom Reddit* #UK #NEWS TwitterFor India (various languages):* Dainik Jagran National* Dainik Bhaskar* Hindustan* Amar Ujala* Times Of India (TOI)* Jagran Post* Rajasthan Patrika* Mid-Day* Malayala Manorama* Prabhat Khabar* The Hindu* Deccan Chronicle* Mathrubhumi* Deccan Herald* NDTV News* Financial Chronicle* Lokmat* Dinakaran* RediffNews* Economic Times* Telegraph India* New Indian Express* Reddit India /r/india* #India #News TwitterFor Ireland:* Irish Examiner* Irish Daily Star* Irish Independent* Irish Central* Herald* RTÉ* BreakingNews.ieFor Canada (in English and French):* Toronto Star* The Globe and Mail* Le Journal de Montréal* La Presse* Montreal Gazette* The Vancouver Sun* The Toronto Sun* The Province* National Post* Calgary Herald* Winnipeg Free* Ottawa Citizen* Edmonton Journal* Chronicle HeraldFor Australia:* Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)* Herald Sun* Courier-Mail* Sydney Morning Herald (SMH)* The West Australian* The Age* The Advertiser (Adelaide)* The Conversation* The Australian* Perth Now* SBS World NewsFor Malaysia (In Malay, English and Chinese):* Borneo Post* The Sun Daily* Harian Metro* NewStraitsTimes* Free Malaysia Today* HarakahDaily* Oriental Daily* MalaysiaKini* Berita Harian* The Malaysian InsiderIf you want another newspaper to be included in the list,pleasesend us an email.Features:* Very fast and lightweight newsreader* Immediate and simple to use* Optimized for low bandwidth usage and high download speed* Easy to compare an article between different newspapers* Choose only the newspapers you want and change their order* Front page of the most important newspapers in your countrywithall the currents news and stories about politics crimesgossipsport government taxes crisis economics finances* Many countries supported: United States of America,UnitedKingdom, Canada, Australia, Ireland, Malaysia, India,Germany,France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Mexico, Argentina,China,Taiwan, Belgium, Austria* Share the news with friends through mail, socialnetworks,Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp or any other app youhaveinstalled.* The best for the daily readerDisclaimer: This app is not affiliated nor related with any ofthenewspapers cited here. The content the app shows comesfrompublicly available RSS feeds from the newspapers which retainsallcopyrights and thus the app is not to be held responsible foranyof the content displayed.
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The latest news of the day in Russia and the world, currentexchangerates
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Anews: all the news and blogs 4.4.4
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