Top 22 Apps Similar to NBVAN Сбор заявок

1C:Мобильная касса 3.18.17
Automating a small business is easy and reliable.
CoinKeeper Classic 1.2.2
Disrapp LLC
Personal finance management, budget, bills, income andexpensetracker. Famous budget tracking app for Android!Find out where your money goes! Plan your budget andsavings.Enjoy the fastest way to track daily expenses using acomprehensiveone-screen view of your finances. Improve your skillswith aunique, game-like feel.❤ “I would definitely recommend it if you are looking for alesstedious way to budget". ---❤ "CoinKeeper is by far the best and easiest to use personalfinanceapp I’ve ever used" ---❤ “CoinKeeper is a budgeting app that takes a unique and veryvisualroute to achieving financial control.” --- Tap! MagazineKey features:✔ NEW! Data export into *.csv (other formats are in theworks)✔ NEW! Full freedom of budgeting! Set custom budgetingperiods(week, 2 or 4 weeks, month, quarter, year) starting fromanydate✔ Quick start with autobudgeting mode✔ Multiple accounts and currencies✔ Add transactions in couple of seconds - just drag a coin fromtheaccount you want to charge into an expense category✔ The fill level and color of each expense category instantlyshowswhere you’re overspending✔ Reminders of upcoming bills & recurring transactions✔ Financial goals help you save money for things you’redreamingabout✔ Subcategories provide details on exactly how you spentyourmoney✔ The subscription is linked to a cloud profile. Use shared dataonseveral devices (smartphones and tablets).✔ Make payments from tablets without a GSM module.✔ Captivating game mechanics stimulate smart budgeting✔ Password protection of your dataPlus:➜ One-screen overview of your finances▸ Income source panel (green) - where your money come from andhowmuch (budget for each source)▸ Accounts panel (red) - where you store your money, cashorcashless▸ Expense categories panel (black) - what you spend your moneyonwith an optional budget for each category▸ Financial goals panel (yellow) - what you are saving for andhowmuch.▸ You can rearrange and edit icons on main screen at any time,alsochange category names and budgets via the ”Edit” menu inyourProfile.➜ Sync & backup▸ Instant or daily server backup to safely secure your data▸ Synchronization between multiple devices with the samepersonalprofile for shared budgeting➜ One-click history of transactions▸ View history of transactions by taping on any incomesource,account or expense category.▸ Any transaction can be edited (by taping on it) or deleted(byswiping)▸ On this screen you can also add transactions in extended mode-with notes and frequency (daily, weekly etc)➜ Reports & statistics▸ History of income and expenses month by month. Apply filters,viewdynamics of any income source, expense category, net incomeand networth, choose custom periods of time and buildforecasts!▸ Monthly breakdown of expenses by categories andsubcategories.Overview expense distribution for any period of time.See stats onexpenses in different accounts.▸ History of your daily incomes and expensesIf you need any assistance with the application please [email protected]
Kassa Lite ДОМДАРА 1.9.9
KassaLite ДОМДАРА позволяет предоставлять покупателямбонусыподисконтным картам ДОМДАРА. Встроенный сканерштрихкодовпозволяетудобно и быстро рассчитать бонус для вашихпокупателей.(c)НазваниеДОМДАРА и логотип - собственность корпорацииДОМДАРА.
MbCashStore fixed when purchase two position add error
Application for accounting for retail sales and control ofbalances.
DriverNotes 2.1.9
Alex Mozolyuk
Driver Notes - record book of an automobile, fuel consumption.
Moneon — personal budget planner, finance tracker 1.6.2
Moneon – expense tracker & handy budget tool that willhelpyouto save money 💰 Note daily expenses, plan personal&familybudget, track debts, set bill reminder and spend less 📉Ouruserscut their excessive spendings by up to 25% in onemonth!Appfeatures: 💸 Personal finance management (pfm)&spendingtracker – track your expenses, analyze it and reduce.Youalso canuse Moneon as a bill reminder and set future expenses.💫Incomeaccounting. You can also add income (salary,bonuses,scholarships)to see the current balance. 👛 An unlimitednumber ofvirtualwallets. Create a wallet for personal, family, workor anyotherfinance. We advise to not mix up personal finance withothersandnot spread them into different wallets (e.g., cash andcard)causeit makes the whole management process harder. 📍Categoriesandsubcategories. Remember to divide your spendingsintocategories.It’ll help you to highlight the unnecessaryexpenses.You canalways add your own categories. 🔖 Tags. It allowsyou togroupexpenses in different categories with a special factor.It canbe atrip, special event, location or credit cardspendings.It’stotally up to you :) 💼 Budgeting. Set a budget on thewholevirtualwallet or certain category/tag. It’s perfect fortracing andsavingyour own money. You can set any period for it,daily,weekly,monthly. It’s up to you how to use this budget saver!🏦Currencies.Moneon supports most of the existing currencies. Taponcurrencysymbol while creating a new wallet and pick the oneyouneed. 📱 Allmain features are located in one place on theSummarypage. You caneasily change the wallets, add transactions,setbudgets, managedebts. It’s definitely easier to analyzeyourfinance this way. 🔒Protect your financial data with passwordAllthese features willalways remain absolutely free! 🎉Thefunctionality of the app canbe expanded by purchasingasubscription to the premium package. Itincludes: 🏡 Sharedwallets.Synchronized virtual wallets for familymembers, colleaguesorfriends. With it you can set and managefamily budgets and more.📊Financial reporting. Create usefulreports and analyzeyourfinancial statement. 📝 Debt tracker.Manage your debts, planpayoffsand calculator. We’ll be yourreminder and tell you when it’stimeto return the money or pay thebills. 📷 Photo attachments. Addbillsand slips photos to yourtransactions to highlight it amongtheothers. 📮 Export your datain csv With Moneon, personalfinancemanagement (pfm) and budgetsaver is on your phone in yourpurse! Ifyou have any questions orsuggestions, please feel free tocontactus [email protected]!
Barcode & POS #1 1.9
●You can report daily, weekly, monthly,yearlyprofit, cost, turnover and tax amount.●You can use this application regardless to the inches of yourphoneor tablet.●You can report the profit, cost and tax amount which wereobtainedfrom a product, a category or a sale.●There is no need for internet to run this application. Your dataisstored on the device.●This application can be used together with Bluetooth or USBbarcodereader on the tablets.●You do not need to install the USB barcode reader, when youplugthe USB it will work immediately. In addition, the barcodereadercan be connected to the tablet via OTG.●You can report the most profitable products.●3 different prices can be determined for the product and youcanswitch quickly between the prices during the sale. The pricesofall products which are for sale can be switched to second orthirdprice by a single tap.●You can report the best-selling and least-selling products.●Almost for all functions of the application you canspecifyexternal keyboard shortcuts. For instance; for save: Ctrl+Sor F2can be specified.●You can open more than one sales displays at the same time.Withoutwaiting for the completion of a customer’s purchase, a newsalesdisplay can be opened for a newcomer customer who is in ahurry andthen later you can continue the process of the previouscustomerwhere you stopped.●To read the barcode of the products you may use either thedevicecamera or the external barcode reader.●You can customize all lists. You can change font size, fontcolor,row height and background of the lists. Besides, you canalsochange column width or you can hide columns.●You can sale the products without barcode by clicking on them.Youcan speed up the process of choosing during the sale byseparatingthe products without barcode into categories.●QR code EAN-13, EAN-8, UPC-A, UPC-E and many other barcodetypesare supported.●You can make search according to the field you specified andfilterthe records.You can change the sort order by tapping thecolumnheaders.●You can display photo, name and price of the product largely onthescreen by the help of "show price" section as the barcode oftheproduct is read by device camera or by an external barcodereader orchose the product from the list.●You can use the application by connecting USB external keyboardormouse to tablets.●When you tap on sales total on sales screen, the sales totalwillappear on the screen largely. The change can be also seen incasethe amount of received money is written on the openedscreen.●When you wish, you can delete all sales by a single tab. Asaresult of this action, only the sales are deleted, recordsorproduct are not deleted.●You can classify the products in five different groups(Category,supplier, brand, department, rack). You can customize thelabels ofthe classification. For instance, you can rename Brand asColor.All the Brands in the application will be changed asColor.●You can duplicate saved products by copying them, by this wayyoucan save similar products rapidly.●You can set decimal places for sale price, purchase price,saleamount, discount rate and tax rate separately. You cancustomizedecimal symbol, digit grouping symbol and digit groupingsizesettings. According to the settings you have done the numbersareformatted as they are input and displayed.●You can specify discount rate for the whole sale.●You can specify automatic discount rate to products. Thespecifieddiscount rate will be applied during the sale.●You can add photos to products. You can add photos to productsbytaking photos with the device camera or chose from galleryaswell.●You can also save returned products.●You can export product lists, sale lists and reports to excel,csvand txt formats.●If you want to translate to your own language we can mailtheenglish language file.
OkMoney 💰 учет расходов голосом 1.5.3P
OkMoney - это приложение для учёта персональных расходов.Простоскажите ему голосом куда вы потратили деньги, например:★Заправился на восемьсот пятьдесят рублей ★ Получилзарплатупятьдесят тысяч рублей ★ Две с половиной тысячи - продуктыдомой ★Такси в аэропорт четыреста рублей Мечта для тех, ктолюбитзаписывать на ходу! Вам понадобится всего пара секунд, чтобыучестьтолько что сделанную покупку прямо в магазине! ★ Обзорвозможностей★ ✔️ Голосовой ввод позволяет сказать расход обычнымчеловеческимязыком. OkMoney поймёт сумму и комментарий. Приложениебудетобучаться с каждой новой тратой, и очень быстро начнётпонимать вкакую категорию отнести покупку картофеля, а в какуюжидкость дляомывания стёкол. ✔️ Есть ручное добавление расходов,если вдруг неудобно говорить голосом ✔️ Сфотографируйте чек, чтобыпозжеперенести его в расходы в удобном редакторе ✔️ Возможностьведенияодного или нескольких счетов (а также счетов в разныхвалютах) ✔️Есть категории и подкатегории, чтобы делить расходыболее детально.Вы ведь всегда хотели знать почему на машину уходитстолько денег?То ли ломается часто, то ли ездит много. ✔️ Копите наквартиру илистроите дом? В OkMoney есть проекты и подпроекты чтобы,например,знать сколько денег ушло на постройку дома ✔️ Должники -чтобы незабыть кто вам должен ✔️ 14 цветовых тем: 7 тёмных и 7светлых длянастройки внешнего вида приложения на любой вкус ✔️Наглядноеотображение данных: общие доходы и расходы, по категориям,попроектам, по счетам, по валютам, в виде списка или графика,помесяцам или годам с возможностью листать периоды ✔️ Защитаданныхпаролем от посторонних глаз ✔️ Виджеты ✔️ Список покупок вмагазине- для контроля стоимости взятых товаров и итоговой цены накассе.✔️ Тенденции - специальный раздел, в котором программапоказываетчто происходит с вашими деньгами в сравнении с прошлымипериодами:экономите ли вы, или, наоборот, выбиваетесь из обычныхтрат. ✔️Резервное копирование на Google Диск и выгрузка в Excelдляполноценного анализа данных. ✔️ Быстрый запуск. ✔️ Безлишнихразрешений. OkMoney не запрашивает лишних разрешений, потомучто мыуважаем конфиденциальность пользователя. OkMoney - эволюциядругогомоего приложения: Окей, Блокнотик, который умеетпониматьнапоминания сказанные простым человеческим языком иавтоматическиустанавливать напоминания на нужное время. OkMoney -шаг вперёд,теперь алгоритм умеет обучаться, чтобы самому пониматьвсё новые иновые вариации сказанного.
Data collect terminal Revisor 2.9.27
Anton Dudakov
Application for auditing (revision) warehouses andretailoutlets(works with hardware barcode scanners, helps to save alotof moneyon special business handle computers, easy to useformostemployees). Can act as a Data Collection Terminal (DCT).Workswithhardware USB barcode scanners in keyboard mode. (Withenter keyinthe end of a scanned barcode). Can streaming scanbarcodeswithhelp of the camera. Supports Handheld Terminal iData95Instructionand screenshots with comments you can get here:onlyrussian, yet.sorry :( Infreeversion numberof Lists is limited to 5 and number of items inonelist is limitedto 10. If it is not enough, then you can upgradetoPremium versionwright from the application by selecting in menu"Nolimits" or youcan buy the licence key. If you need licence key-write me [email protected] In Kazahstan you can buyiton If you need version for HoneywellDolphin7800Android write me on [email protected] VideoofHoneywellDolphin 7800Android: _Built-in FileManager,but if you want, you can switch to externalFile Manager(you canuse Total Commander if you like it, forexample) insettings; Theprogram has a built-in ability to scanbar codes. Itwas implementwith help of the zxing library. Usingthe scan functionis licensedunder the Apache License 2.0. If youwish to scan withhelp of theexternal program (eg Barcode Scanner), you can enablethis featurein the settings.
Store inventory management app
Inventory management, store control, sales orders. POSconnectionand control
Food List Tracking & Shopping 1.0.12
Track your home food supplies and manage shopping list.Multi-userversion.
1C:Small Business Mobile
1C:Small Business Mobile provides thefollowingfeatures:☆ Quick and convenient online ordering☆ Customer and vendor contact database☆ Accounts receivable and accounts payable☆ Inventory and price management, photos of goods included☆ Barcode scanning with mobile device camera☆ Cash receipts and AR aging☆ Gross margin calculation☆ Invoicing, sending invoices by email and sending notificationsastext messages☆ Printing reports and documents on Wi-Fi orBluetoothprintersYou can work with the application offline and you have the optiontosynchronize its data with the desktop version of 1C:SmallBusinessinstalled on your PC or in a cloud:☆ Exchange of order, payment, and inventory balance databetweenmobile and desktop applications☆ Support of multiple mobile devices (tablets and smartphonesthatcan have different operating systems)1C:Small Business Mobile is based on 1C:Enterprise 8mobileplatform.If you encounter any issues, feel free to visit out forumforassistance:
1C:Orders - is an application implementedonthe mobile version of the platform 1C: Enterprise 8.The application is designed for sales managers andsalesrepresentatives,who need to take orders from customers mobile, out oftheoffice.The application allows easy recording of orders, payments,claimsfor refund from clientsreference list of customers and interact with them, maintainingalist of products and prices.The app allows you to:- To register clients and information on them - the name, theformof ownership; legal information, delivery conditions(time,address), contact information (name, address, phone,email);- Make calls, write SMS or email to the client;- Maintain a list of items - you can specify the name of one ormoreof the price, part number, unit of measurement, the rate ofVAT, thebarcode.  If necessary, you can group products in anarbitrarybasis; Search the list can be done by barcode using thebuilt-incamera of the mobile device;- Automatically download the prices of goods from a MicrosoftExcelfile (XML spreadsheet);- To accept orders for goods and services from the customerusingthe "Recycle Bin", which is available:    quick product search by name,thearticle;    Search products by barcode usingthebuilt-in camera of the mobile device;    filter by product groups;    Filter for the ordered goods;- Taking orders immediately after the registration oftheclient;- Send order information to the client email in .pdf,.mxlformat;- Send invoices to the customer's email in .pdf format, .mxl;- Send the price list to the email client in the .pdfformat,.mxl;- Output documents and price lists to the printer;- Grant discounts percentage or amount;- To add new products or services at the time of acceptance oftheorder, including via a mobile device built-in camera, byreadingthe barcode;- To quickly browse urgent, overdue, current andcompletedorders;- Register the payment from the customer how to order, andwithoutfoundation;- To register the application for the return of goods fromthecustomer;- To create jobs on the client visit.The app can be used completely independently, it can alsobesynchronized with the automation system installed intheoffice.At the moment, this application solution 1C: Trade Management8,edition 11, 1C: Integrated Automation 2.0 and 1C:EnterpriseManagement ERP 2.When the synchronization is automatically populated withinformationabout products, prices, customers, terms of sales andorderstatus.The "basket" given the ability to filter products by theirpresencein the warehouses of the enterprise indicating theavailablequantity.Additional details of the directories and documents thatareconfigured for the exchange is also transferred.When you set up push-notifications exchange ofapplicationsolutions, you can send arbitrary push-notifications tothe users'mobile devices.The interface is optimized for smartphones and tablets.Attention!it is recommended to backup your data before updatingtheapplication.For application in synchronization mode requires a solution1C:Trade Management 8 version of not lower than 11.2.3or 1C: Integrated Automation 2.0 or 1C: Enterprise Management ofERP2 edition not less than 2.1.3, and connected to theInternet.For the first synchronization WiFi connection is recommended.
Касса CloudShop 1.2.42
CloudShop:POS Приложение CloudShop:POS теперь работаетинасмартфонах. CloudShop:POS — только самое необходимоедляработыкассира. Дополнительное приложение предназначенодлянебольшихторговых точек, учет продаж в которых ведется припомощисервисаCloudShop. CloudShop:POS позволяет ускоритьпроцессоформленияпродаж, работа кассира становится более удобнойиэффективной.Основные функции: - Оформление продаж ивозвратовпокупателям; -Добавление новых клиентов в базу; - Расчетсдачи; -Работа соскидками; - Сканер штрих-кодов с возможностьюподключениявнешнегоBluetooth-сканера; - Печать чеков на сетевомчековомпринтере; -Журнал документов (отчет по кассе) за последниедва дня;- Сверкабаланса, перечисление выручки в банк и другиеинструментыдляуправления движением денежных средств. Преимущества-Быстраясинхронизация с базой. Владельцу всегда доступен отчетпокассе идругие типы отчетов в приложении CloudShop и веб-версии.-Нетребуется покупка дополнительного оборудования.-Приложениеинтуитивно понятно – вам не потребуетсядополнительноеобучениеперсонала. - Возможность офлайн-работы сранее загруженнойбазойтоваров и клиентов. - Быстрый поиск клиентовпо ФИО, номерукарты,номеру телефона, e-mail. - Быстрый поисктоваров поштрих-коду,артикулу, категории, названию. - Постоянныйдоступ кактуальнымостаткам товара в торговой точке. Естьвозможность скрытьтовары снулевым остатком. - Удобная работа соскидками. Приоформлениипродажи кассир может предоставить клиентускидку, размеркоторойранее определен владельцем магазина. Есликлиент имеетперсональнуюскидку или покупает акционный товар, суммабудетавтоматическирассчитана с учетом скидок. - Удобная работаскатегориями – каждойтоварной категории может быть присвоенсвойцвет, вы можетевыбрать, товары из каких категорийбудутотображаться в приложении.- Ваша клиентская база ифинансовыепоказатели в безопасности -информация хранится наоблачных серверахи надежно защищена.Внимание! Данное приложениеподойдет вам тольков случае, если выуже используете облачный сервисCloudShop. Сегоднякрупный бизнесиспользует для работы дорогостоящееоборудование,такое какмобильный pos терминал, терминал сбораданных, posсистема,кассовый аппарат. Индивидуальнымпредпринимателям ивладельцаммалого бизнеса можно использовать дляработы кассираобычныйпланшет или смартфон и приложение CloudShop:POS. Ведитеучетпродаж и складской учет, осуществляйте закупкииперемещениятовара, используя мобильное приложение CloudShopиливеб-версию.Работа торговых точек может быть организованасприложениемCloudShop:POS. POS система позволит кассируосуществлятьосновныеторговые операции, как это делает обычныйкассовыйаппарат.Приложение не заменит мобильный pos терминал, нозаметноускоритоформление продаж. Любая розничная продажаосуществляется запарукликов. Вам не потребуется дорогостоящийтерминал сбора данныхдлясбора, обработки и передачи информации отоваре - весьнеобходимыйфункционал предусмотрен в CloudShop:POS. Сним работакассирастанет более удобной и эффективной. Теперь работаторговыхточек,складской учет и клиентская база находятся подвашимконтролем.Желаем успехов в бизнесе – пусть с нами ондостигнетновых высот! Оразработчике Компания CloudShop поддерживаетиразвивает облачныйсервис, помогающий малому бизнесу вестиучетпродаж и получатьданные для принятия правильных решений безособыхзатрат. С каждымобновлением в приложениях появляютсяновыевозможности, а работатьс ними становится еще проще иудобней.Следите за новостями изадавайте вопросы Илинапишите намна[email protected]
1С:УНФ мобильный клиент 3.0.4
Mobile client for 1C: Managing our company
Personal finance 2.6.7
Simple app to track your expenses. Features: - SMS parsing-Easyoperating input - Multi-user mode - Attaching photostothetransactions - Full analytics for expenses and incomesonline-Sync with Optional: - Easy shopping list
Financisto - Personal Finance Tracker 1.8.2
Open-source personal finance tracker. - Multipleaccounts,multiplecurrencies - Home currency and exchange rates -Transferswithdownloadable rates - Scheduled & recurringtransactions -Splittransactions - Hierarchical categories withcustom attributes-Recurring budgets - Projects and payees -Filtering and reporting-Cloud backup (Dropbox, Google Docs) -Automatic daily backups-QIF/CSV import/export *WARNING* Please DOBACKUP beforeupgrade!Please DO NOT move Financisto to SD card ifyou're usingthe widgetand/or scheduledtransactions.*PERMISSIONS*GET_ACCOUNTS/USE_CREDENTIALS - For backupon GoogleDrive INTERNET- for downloading currency rates inmulti-currencytransfer; to doonline backup to Dropbox and GoogleDocs; CAMERA -to attachpictures to transactions. *FAQ* Q: Whycurrency XYZ ismissing? A:You can add any currency manually. Go toMenu ->Entities ->Currencies -> [+] Q: How todeleteaccount/transaction/balanceetc? A: Long tap on an item in thelistto bring up popup menu Q:Shortcuts do not work on Home screenA:Try to restart your phone,it helps with most of the launchersoutthere
Flowmo - expense tracking, bud
Aleksey Mukho
Simple expense tracking app. You can create a budget and trackyourexpenses.
Planfix Inc.
ПланФикс помогает организовать совместную работу людейиуправлятьею. С помощью ПланФикса вы можете ставитьзадачисотрудникам,общаться с клиентами, работать надпроектами,распределять иотслеживать заявки — и многое другое.ПланФиксодинаково хорошоподходит для бизнеса и некоммерческихорганизаций,общественныхобъединений или любой другой группы людей,работающихнад общимделом.
Point of Sale LILKA 2.6.69
Fast and easy to use Point of Sale application for issuingreceipts.• Print receipts on thermal bluetooth printer • Noregistration, nomontly or extra charges Functions: • Multi-purposePOS application •Creating receipts with VAT • Sales reports • Cashregistry reports •Managing products • Managing bills / receipts •Permissions forcashiers and managers • Interface for printing onWiFi and Bluetooththermal printers • Emailing receips • CSVexports for accounting •Prepared for electronical collection ofbills (applicable for Czechbased companies) • BIP44, xpub and HDrecipient addresses • Bitcoinand Litecoin payments support •Cryptocurrency exchange • Bitcoinprice and transactionidentifications on receipts • Directconversion of bitcoin paymentsto national currencies Device Recommended setupis minimum Android 4.4 withthermal bluetooth printer. ANDROIDWINDOWS: DEMO version • Maximum 10 receipts • Limited cashoperationsContact: [email protected] (c) ArrowSyss.r.o.
iDiscount Card Holder 1.8.3-r
iDiscount LLC
Quickly and easily add all your business or discount cards inyourmobile phone
Cubux: Budget planner, +debt 2.48.0
Cubux. Free budget planner app. Financial software forfamilyfinance tracking