Top 19 Apps Similar to 즐거운 받아쓰기

교과서 받아쓰기 3.3.6
Elementary grades 1-2 language textbooks that call for themotherinstead of the dictation App
만점 받아쓰기 2학년 2학기 1.01
만점 받아쓰기 2학년 2학기초등학교 1학년을 대상으로 받아쓰기를 통해 학습을 할 수 있도록 도움을 주는 앱입니다. 학교에서 받은받아쓰기급수표와비교해보세요 홈페이지를 통해서 받아쓰기 급수제 파일을 다운 받은 학교에서는 무료로 사용하실 수 있습니다.학습 과정 : 1. 따라읽기, 2. 보고쓰기, 3, 받침쓰기, 4, 띄어쓰기, 5.실력확인으로 구성되어 있습니다.학습 방법 : 본 앱은 받아쓰기 급수제 문제와 음성만을 제공합니다. 본 앱이 제공하는 문제와 음성을 들으며학생이직접연습장(공책-앱에서는 쓰기를 제공하지 않습니다.)에 직접 쓰고 읽으면서 더 좋은 효과를 얻을 수있다고생각합니다.학습 내용 : 현재 초등학교 받아쓰기는 학교별로 차이가 있지만 받아쓰기 급수제 형태로 되어 있습니다.학교마다다른내용을 가지고 있는 경우가 많습니다. 그래서 이 앱에서는 학교마다 다른 내용을 학교에 맞게 제공하기 위한틀로써제작을했습니다.현재 사이트에서 받아쓰기 급수제파일을배포하고있습니다.----개발자 연락처 :핸드폰 : 010-2048-6129Dictation out ofthesecondyear second semesterFirst grade for the apps that help you to learn fromdictationtothe destination. Dictation check and compare class atschool whotry Through the website, the school received geupsujedownthedictation file can be used free of charge.Course: 1. Depending reading, report writing 2., 3 feetletter,4,spacing, 5 consists of a skills check.Learning Methods: This app only provides geupsujedictationandspeech problems. Listening to the voice of the problemswiththisapp that allows students directly cages (notebooks - theappdoesnot provide the letter) As you read, think and writedirectlytoget a better effect.Learn how to: current elementary dictation dictationgeupsujeisin the form of a difference, but each school. Oftenwithdifferentcontent for each school. So this app has a productionastheframework for delivering content for every schooltoanotherschool. We are currently deploying geupsuje dictationfilesfrom site.
Learning English: Dictation 1.8
Want to learn English? Want to improveyourwriting skills and understand native English speakers? GetthisEnglish spelling dictation exercises!How does it work?1. Download the application2. Choose a free English lesson and download it (this versionisfree. You can download 3 lessons a day). Each lesson isanaudiobook. All audio books recorded by nativeenglishspeakers.3. Listen the recording. While listening you will see the textofthe audiobook in english language. Read this text carefullytoavoid errors in spelling.4. Start dictation exercise. It is important to be careful.Do your best and soon you will be fluent in English. Thisenglishlessons will improve your writing skills, will fix yourspellingerrors. Your vocabulary will also increase and the mostimportantthing is that you will understand native english speakersmuchbetter.This program will be useful for ESL students. Lessons foralllevels of language proficiency(elementary, intermediate,advancedEnglish) are available for download.English spelling dictation is the best way to jump tohigherlevel. You will be surprised how easy you can fix your badenglishand start doing less mistakes.Do this English learning lessons day by day to improvewritingand listening skills. Learn English in an easy way!Features:1) Many different lessons.2) You are getting a mark in the end of each dictation(1-5stars)3) Interesting texts (poetry and fairy tales)4) Application supports 26 languages5) and much more ...
Korean Study Step1(Phone-Free) 4.1
■ Korean language study STEP 1 with"WritingPrincess"(For Smart Phone only.)■ Elementary Korean language education APP by enjoyablelearningwith writing.■ Korean language dictation learning is possible by writingwiththis APP.'Writing Princess STEP 1' is an innovative APP throughwhichpeople can learn Korean languageas if mother teach English words to young child by writingthosewords on the notebook.Not only visual factor(figures) and auditory factor(sounds)oftraditional APPs,but writing recognition system which is developed by ourselvesinthis APP make it possible for peopleto study without notebook or pens.Now, why don't you, young boys and girls, enjoy writing andstudywith 'Writing Princess STEP 1'?★ Korean language education APP which can do dictation!★ Maximizing the effectiveness of learning Korean language byusingthe concept that mother teachKorean words to young child by writing those words onthenotebook!★ Patent for writing recognition system!★ Appeared on TV program, MBC Power Magazine!< Characteristics of 'Writing Princess STEP 1' >▶ First stage - Phonics- Learning elementary Korean alphabet!- Korean language can be learned by writing initial sound(ㄱ~ㅎ)┃aneutral vowel (ㅏ~ㅖ)┃letter (가~하)┃as the order of makingeachalphabet.▶ Second stage - Dictation- Learning Korean by listening & writingmemorizedalphabet.- Korean language can be learned by writing andlisteningpronunciation of "Writing Princess"▶ "Writing Princess & Writing King" Characters'awesomevoice- Voice actors' awesome voice that can be heard only in'WritingPrincess STEP 1' APP.★ 'English Study STEP I with Writing Princess' is alsoreleasedfor studying English.★ "Korean study STEP II with Wiriting Princess" is alsobeingdeveloped for student.★ Please leave your opinions, and it will be consideredcarefullyfor further development.★ Maximum Supported Size :- 800*480px (WVGA) - For Smart Phone only.- 1024*600px (WSVGA) - For Galaxy Tab only.- 1280*720px (HD) - For Galaxy Tab only.- 1280*800px (WXGA-PHONE) - For Galaxy Tab only.★ tag :kids children alphabet study english education schoolSoftheavene-mail - [email protected] by - Softheaven
우리말찾기 2.3.2
Heading out in 547690 dog dictionary word search, wild cardsearch,consonant search, search neutrality found in a variety ofways,such as app.
한글공부,낱말카드(어린이한글킹)-"어린이tv,동요"단어 1.9
「어린이한글킹」 어린이들이 쉽고 재미있게 배울수있는 한글킹!! 어린이tv, 어린이동요에 자주 나오는 기초적인한글을재미있고신나게 배우는 "어린이한글킹" 이 모든게 100%무료!! 1. ㄱㄴㄷ 받아쓰기 쉽고 재미있게 한글을따라쓰고읽어보자!!2. 숫자 받아쓰기 1,2,3~ 숫자들을 쉽게 배우며, 직접 써보면서 익히자. 3. 다양한낱말카드카테고리별 다양한낱말카드를 통해 수많은 단어들을 재미있게 배우자!! 4. 선긋기 30종이 넘는 선긋기 컨텐츠를통해영유아들이 쉽게 글쓰기를익혀보자~ [삐까키즈]와 함께 다양한 컨텐츠를 즐겨 보세요 By 삐까키쥬 ---- 개발자연락처: +821077714286
바른 발음 LITE 1.4
Study Korean pronunciation
한글 맞춤법 규정 1.9.3
The app containing both the literary and regulations relatedtoKorean.
dictation diktata 2.0
Create dictat lesson by your self or copy paste your text.
한글 달인 (체험판) - 맞춤법 공부 1.9.2
Korean Spelling Series Korean Spelling
Диктант 1.5.2
Уметь правильно писать слова необходимо каждомучеловекувнезависимости от его возраста и профессии. НашеприложениепоможетВам ликвидировать ошибки и незнание орфограммрусскогоязыка. Вамвсего лишь надо вставлять пропущенные буквы, аигра самаоценитВаши знания и покажет где Вы совершили ошибку.Проверь себя исвоихдрузей! Особенности приложения: * Наглядность *Простой иудобныйинтерфейс * Вы сразу же видите свои ошибки *Увлекательнаяипростая подготовка к экзаменам для любого класса*Возможностьподелиться своим результатом Никогда не поздноначатьписатьграмотно!
Словарный диктант 1.2
Программа поможет школьникам подготовиться к словарнымдиктантампорусскому языку, а взрослые смогут проверить своизнаниясловарныхслов.
Тесты по русскому языку 1.3
- Какая оценка по русскому языку была утебявшколе?- Узнай, насколько хорошо ты владеешь им теперь!- Можешь ли ты потягаться с абитуриентами, которые сдаюттестыЕГЭ,или уже подзабыл половину знаний, полученныхвовремяобучения.-------------------------------------+ несколько уровней сложности+ новейшие вопросы+ шокирующие результаты+ отдельный тест о русскому языку с вопросами из ЕГЭ+ проверь свои знания орфографии и пунктуации-------------------------------------- Узнай, сколько еще человек владеют русским языкомнатвоемуровне!- Соревнуйся с друзьями!- будь самым умным!- What is theassessmentofthe Russian language was in your school?- Find out how well you possess them now!- Can you compete with applicants who pass the exam tests,orhaveforgotten half of the knowledge acquired duringthetraining.-------------------------------------+ Multiple difficulty levels+ The latest questions+ Shocking results+ Separate test of the Russian language with questionsfromtheexam+ Check your knowledge of spelling and punctuation-------------------------------------- Find out how many people speak Russian on your level!- Compete with your friends!- Be the smartest!
Русский язык. Диктанты, упражн 6.7
Spelling: exercises. Class 4 - 8. Preparation for the exam
TOPIK And Pit A Pat Korean 1.1.0
This is the the official Android appofTOPIKGUIDE And Pit A Pat KoreanA minute to learn Korean , Hangul(Korean) spelling,grammarappfor those who intend to verify .Korean spelling / grammar checker is catchy , itwillautomaticallycorrect the sentence .※ Features  - Korean ( Hangul ) spelling / grammar checker  - Korean Dictionary  - Korean listen  - Pit A Pat Korean 1  - Pit A Pat Korean 2  - Test of Proficiency in Korean(TOPIK)  - Korean Language Proficiency Test Schedule ※ Korean spelling / grammar checker , Pusan​​NationalUniversityArtificial Intelligence Laboratory and Co.Infotech isco- creatinga country .
띄어쓰기 (체험판) 1.2
Korean spacing learn at your fingertips
Учу английские слова 3.1.1
Мы рады представить Вам уникальный продукт"Учуанглийские слова" специально разработанный дляэффективногозапоминания слов по методике интервальных повторений скарточками.Мы учли многие пожелания пользователей наших предыдущихприложенийи сделали программу ещё более универсальной и оченьудобной.Все слова озвучены профессиональным диктором -носителеманглийского языка и имеют транскрипцию.Более 700 самых часто употребляемых английских словпредставленов приложении. Версия PRO содержит более 5000 слов. Всеслова имеюттранскрипцию и озвучены носителем английского языка.Дополнительноприложение дает Вам возможность самостоятельносоздавать своитематические словари, добавляя туда собственные словаили выбираяих из общего словаря.Удобная система обучения (основанная на системеинтервальныхповторений Лейтнера с карточками) позволит Ваммаксимальнопродуктивно запоминать английские слова. В программедоступно 4варианта упражнений на выбор: "Перевод на русский язык","Переводна английский язык", "Диктант" и "Угадай слово".• Более 700 самых часто употребляемых английских словсовершеннобесплатно. Версия PRO содержит более 5000 слов.• Программа создана специально длярусскоязычныхпользователей.• Все слова озвучены носителем английского языка.Транскрипциядля каждого английского слова.• Возможность создания и редактирования собственныхсловарей.• 4 варианта упражнений на выбор: "Перевод на русскийязык","Перевод на английский язык", "Диктант" и "Угадай слово".• Возможность сохранения и синхронизациипользовательскихсловарей и результатов обучения между устройствами.Синхронизациябудет работать и с PRO-версией.• Упражнение для аудиовизуального запоминания слов:одновременносо слуховым восприятием, Вы видите написание на русскомианглийском языке. Сначала слово произносится на русскомязыке,затем проигрывается его перевод на английский и послекороткойпаузы английское произносится ещё раз для повторения.Одновременноевосприятие аудиоматериала и визуальное восприятиетекста являетсянаиболее эффективным методом заучивания слов.We are pleasedtointroduce a unique product, "I teach the English words"speciallydesigned for efficient memorization of words according tothemethod of interval repetitions with cards. We took into accountthewishes of many users of our previous applications and madetheprogram even more versatile and very comfortable.All words sounded a professional speaker - native Englishspeakerand have transcription.More than 700 of the most common English words presented intheappendix. PRO version includes more than 5000 words. All wordshavesounded transcription and native English speaker. Additionally,theapp gives you the opportunity to create their ownspecializeddictionaries, adding there own words or by selectingthem from thecommon vocabulary.Easy system of training (based on the system ofintervalrepetitions Leitner with cards) allow you to maximizetheproductive memorize English words. The program is available4different exercises to choose from: "Russiantranslation","Translation into English", "Dictation" and "Guess theword."• More than 700 of the most common English words for free.PROversion includes more than 5000 words.• The program is designed specifically forEnglish-speakingusers.• All of the words sounded a native Englishspeaker.Transcription for each English word.• Ability to create and edit your own dictionaries.• 4 exercises to choose from: "Russian translation","Translationinto English", "Dictation" and "Guess the word."• Ability to save and synchronize user dictionaries andlearningoutcomes between devices. Sync will work with thePRO-version.• Exercise for audiovisual memorizing words: simultaneouslywiththe auditory perception, you see the writing in RussianandEnglish. First, the word is pronounced in Russian, then playedittranslated into English and after a short pause topronounceEnglish again to repeat. Simultaneous perception of audiocontentand the visual perception of the text is the most effectivemethodof learning words.
Math Study Step1 Lite 1.6.1
If the app stops after updating, please delete and reinstall it
EBS 초등 1.7.1
Elementary EBS (Korea Educational Broadcasting Corporation)