Top 6 Apps Similar to Charter of the United Nations

UNdata 6.0
50+ statistical indicators for 30 world regions &200+countries/territories.
UN Emergency Notifications 1.5.1
This app provides updates andresourcesonemergency planning and management from theEmergencyPreparednessand Support Team (EPST) at the UnitedNationsHeadquarters. The appalso features a subscription servicetoreceive emergency updatenotifications.
Charter of the United NationsPreambleWE THE PEOPLES OF THE UNITED NATIONS DETERMINEDto save succeeding generations from the scourge ofwar,whichtwice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow tomankind,andto reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in thedignityandworth of the human person, in the equal rights of men andwomenandof nations large and small, andto establish conditions under which justice and respectfortheobligations arising from treaties and othersourcesofinternational law can be maintained, andto promote social progress and better standards of lifeinlargerfreedom,AND FOR THESE ENDSto practice tolerance and live together in peace withoneanotheras good neighbors, andto unite our strength to maintain internationalpeaceandsecurity, andto ensure by the acceptance of principles and theinstitutionofmethods, that armed force shall not be used, save inthecommoninterest, andto employ international machinery for the promotionoftheeconomic and social advancement of all peoples,HAVE RESOLVED TO COMBINE OUR EFFORTS TO ACCOMPLISH THESEAIMSAccordingly, our respective Governments,throughrepresentativesassembled in the city of San Francisco, whohaveexhibited theirfull powers found to be in good and due form,haveagreed to thepresent Charter of the United Nations and doherebyestablish aninternational organization to be known as theUnitedNations.Charter oftheUnitedNationsPreambleWE THE PEOPLES OF THE UNITED NATIONS determined    to save succeeding generationsfromtheScourge of war, the which twice in our lifetime hasbroughtuntoldsorrow to mankind, and    to reaffirm faith infundamentalhumanrights, in the dignity and worth of the humanperson, in theequalrights of men and women and of nations large andsmall,and    to establish conditions underthewhichjustice and respect for the obligations Arising fromtreatiesandother sources of international law can be maintained,and    to promote social progressandbetterstandards of life in larger freedom,AND FOR THESE ENDS    to practice tolerance and livetogetherinpeace with one another as good neighbors, and    to unite our strengthtomaintaininternational peace and security, and    to Ensure by the acceptanceofprinciplesand the institution of methods, that armed forceshallnot be used,save in the common interest, and    to employ international machineryforthepromotion of the economic and social advancement ofallpeoples,HAVE RESOLVED TO COMBINE OUR Efforts Accomplish TO THESEAIMS    Accordingly, ourrespectiveGovernments,through representatives assembled in the cityof SanFrancisco, whohave exhibited Reviews their full powers foundto bein good anddue form, have the agreed to the present Charter oftheUnitedNations and do hereby establish an internationalorganizationto beknown as the United Nations.
UN News 263(7.0.0)
Your gateway to daily news and verified information from the UN in9languages
UN Handbook
The United Nations Handbook App brought to you by the NewZealandGovernment.
UN Calendar of Observances 2.1.1
Free app featuring United Nations observances calendar andUNachievements.