Top 26 Apps Similar to 腦友導航

狐妖之鳳唳九霄---橙光 1.0.4
The new fantasy text adventure games like palace, with love,heartand other child experience, come along to experience theorangegame now!
全年金句日曆 4.29.0
Daily walk with the Lord, listening to the Word of God!
StreetVoice 街聲 - 暢聽獨立音樂、演出活動通知 4.3.5
Unlimited listening to the latest and hottest indie music!
一個官人一個妻 - 真人Coser登場
Coser "Hungry Xiaoxuan" is implanted in a real beauty game, cometothe game to meet the goddess!
PiTT - PTT 行動裝置瀏覽器 11.6.3
On your mobile device understands you PTT browser, the mostidealmobile PTT in respect of something like this! I SEE YOU
常用網站-台灣 1.5
收錄了眾多生活上200多個常用到的網站,大幅減少搜尋的時間!大部分收錄了手機版網站,讓你瀏覽好方便,陸續新增中...收錄網站:>【程式功能】:✓部分電腦版網頁可隨手指放大縮小✓左上角種類選擇 - 歸納了12種類型的網站✓搜尋功能 - 找網站很簡單✓加入我的最愛收藏 - 常用的網站加入我的最愛✓網站一鍵截圖 - 免再按手機按鍵截圖,截圖好方便✓與好友分享網址 - 看到喜歡的網站快速與好友分享acollection of more than 200 commonly used site for manylife,significantly reducing search time! Most included a mobilesite,letting you browse a good convenience, another new medium...Indexed Website:>[Program function]:✓ part of the computer version of the page may varyfingerzoom✓ left corner type selection - summed up the 12 typesofwebsite✓ Search function - to find the site very simple✓ Add to Favorites Collection - common site to my favorites✓ site a key theme - Free Press phone keys theme screenshotgoodconvenience✓ Tell a friend Website - see favorite sites quickly sharewithfriends
密室逃脫 - 文字獄 6.2.18
Jia-Ho Jian
The protagonist is trapped in a prison, and the words arehiscandlelight. In the cold prison, lead the way by combiningwordsand sentences. Can you help the main character escape fromprison?What secrets are there in this prison?
Lotto 539 3.4.7
Lucky LL
Taiwan Lotto 539
WordBit 英語 (自動學習) -繁體
Unconsciously you can increase the number of words Little habits="huge development As a habit, automatic learning English!
「法性講堂,修行工房,法界眾生,同登覺岸」本講堂取名為「法性」,是希望在這喧囂紛擾的都市中,為大眾提供一處清靜修學佛法的道場。同時在弘法路上廣傳「眾生皆有平等覺性」的教理,以佛法滋養一切有情眾生,令我等同證真如佛果。我們亦希望可在「法性平等」的旗幟下,發揚「同體大悲」之精神,來利益法界眾生。圭峰宗密禪師云﹕「覺四大如壞幻。達六塵如空華。悟自心為佛心。見本性為法性。是發心也。知心無住即是修行。無住而知即為法味。」App內容:- 講堂最新消息- 法忍法師開示: 佛法十分鐘、B頻道:悟樂凡塵、新城數碼生活台:心靈綠洲 - 喜樂人生、明覺:法忍法施- 法會時間表- 佛學班時間表地址:香港北角英皇道441-447號 漢宮大廈 3樓-4樓電話:39973400 傳真:39973470開放時間:星期一至星期日,上午9:30 - 晚上8:00網址:www.dharma-nature.org電郵:[email protected] © Dharma Nature Limited All rights reserved"Law of theauditorium,studio practice, Dharma beings, with the board feelshore."The lecture named "legality" is hope in this noisy tumult ofthecity, providing the public with a quiet Dharma temple.Whilepreaching widely spread on the road, "beings have an equalsenseof" doctrine to Dharma nourish all sentient beings, so IreallyBuddhahood equivalent certificate. We also hope to be in the"lawof equality," the banner, carry forward the spirit of"greatgrief", the Dharma to benefit sentient beings.Guifeng zongmi Jackson cloud: "feel the magic of the four asbadas empty Liu Chen Hua Wu from the heart of the Buddha's hearttosee the nature of law is the heart and also intimate livenopractice that is no live is conceivable... French taste. "App Content:- Lecture News- Faren Master Disclosure: Dharma ten minutes, B Channel: WuYuemundane Metro station digital life: spiritual oasis - the joyoflife, clear vision: Faren Fasch- Puja schedule- Dharma class scheduleAddress: King's Road, North Point, Hong Kong Palace Building,3rdFloor, 441-447 -4 FPhone: 39973400 Fax: 39973470Opening hours: Monday to Sunday, 9:30 am - 8:00 pmWebsite: www.dharma-nature.orgE-mail: [email protected] © Dharma Nature Limited All rights reserved
七個小矮人2---橙光 1.0.2
A story for adults with seven different personalities of thelittleboy in a child's world
聖經 - 快速聖經 3.0.0
Wong Yu-Sheng
If you simply need an electronic Bible "run with Reading","fastBible" will be your best choice!
念佛機、禮佛記數器 1.41
Playable Buddha recitation machine, Buddha ritual counter,timingfunction, automatic Buddha recitation counting
Lunar Calendar with daily suggestion
Tung Wah 3.2.0
Tung Wah Group of Hospitals
中國報 App 2.13.1
One of the best-selling Chinese Dailies in Malaysia
電子農民曆 CFarmCale2100 6.3
anita pan
The query range of this electronic peasant calendar is from 2070BC(the first year of Yu the Great in {Xia}) to 2100, a total of4170years of calendar data are available for query.
傳說小工具 5.0.24
Brad Chou
Legendary matchup gadgets and magic chess gadgets
六合彩攪珠 6.4
Mark Six Ballot - Hualijiuli luck!
有聲聖經 台語
So that you can use to listen to the way the Biblereading,permanently free. Slightly above the ad can not berecipients donot download
ForceSOS Global Assistance 3.8
Global Multi-assistance Network
Checkmob – Mobile Workforce 4.1.5
Transform your field operation with Checkmob!
Mutifier 1.7.0
Mutifier mutes notifications that occur in a short time interval.
Who am I? (Biblical) 1.3.0
Apps Bergman
Test your Biblical knowledge having fun in this incredible gameofquestions
Seguridad en Linea 4.9.9
Have you ever wondered how to contribute to security? Ourreportingapp seeks to involve citizens in the creation ofsecureenvironments. Using people avoid longlines toreport public grievances and provides that informationtoauthorities in order to determine areas where crime is atitshighest. - Report anonymously, so no one knows your identity.-Receive a response from Medellin’s authorities. - Exploreyourcity’s safety on a specific area. - It has a safety networkfeaturefor emergencies. By activating the panic button, its sendsaconstant alert message to your friends and family. - Callstheclosest police quadrant according to the GPS. - Gathers in asingleapplication the required numbers in case of an emergency.It’s areliable and safe app, developed by citizens and forcitizens. Withyour help we fight crime! For comments or questionssend an emailto: [email protected] Warning: The applicationcan use datato show the map and your address.