Top 11 Apps Similar to Smart Code

airtel connect 2016 1.0.4
Know more about airtel connect 2016 -Downloadto access details about the Venue, Agenda and much more!
Airtel WCL 4.0
Voyage Lab
Airtel WCL - Winning Customers for Lifehelpsyou to calculate best suited My plan for your family basisyourusage. And get an overall cost benefit by subscribing to MyPlanFamily & Add-on connection with it. Also if a you hashighusage, this Application also suggest to explore Airtel’sInfinityPlans
Airtel Assist 5.0
Voyage Lab
myPlan Application : This application willhelpus suggest our customers the best Airtel Plan - that suitsthemaccording to their needs. Daily, we have some thousands ofcustomerswho come up for a new connection and we have to addressthem with asuitable plan based on their Internet, Voice and SMSusage.Basically this Application has all the Airtel myPlans of APcirclepreloaded and this can guide in choosing the best planavailable fora customer.The Application provides every details ofi. Airtel Infinity Plansii. Airtel 4G Plansiii. Airtel Child PlansApplication will also suggest the Top Up Boosters available tomakethe Customer’s plan more flexible.
airtel Conferencing 3.1
Stay connected to airtel audio conferencing anywhere: *Schedule,start, and cancel a meeting * Manage Live Conferences *Schedule adhoc Conference * Schedule Auto Dial-out Conference *Invite othersto a meeting * View your meeting room details. * Sendconferenceinvitation via email or SMS * Create contact groups viaphonedirectory * Group dial out to participants via phone directoryorcontact groups * Dial-in to any conference
Product Engg
Konnect App
airtel Unified Conferencing 1.0.8
Stay connected to airtelUnifiedConferencinganywhere:* Invite participants.* Manage your number list.* Join audio meetings.* Group dial out to participants.* View your meeting room details.
Airtel QuizMe 3.0
Voyage Lab
A small Q&A Application forAirtelEmployees about Airtel Offers & Schemes.This Application will surely brush up all their knowledge andthushelp them help our customers better.
Promoter App 8.3
Product Engg
Promoter App was launched with the vision ofmonitoringthefunctioning of the person who is lowest in thehierarchy.Withthisvision we built an exhaustive app that has helpedus streamlinetheway of working of the Promoters/FSEs, keeping a tabon thepromoterhygiene through daily attendance and trackingthelocation,improving quality of promoters through learningmodules,capturingleads & taking actions to convert theleads.the appalso hasthe capability to close the lead at the samemoment orsavecustomer details for future reference for a follow up.hencetheapp also allows capturing data which was initiallydoneonpaper.The details can be viewed with a click in the appitselfforeasy reference and then updating the status.The app willenablethepromoters to give a demo to the customer on 4G, calculatetheusageof the customer and pitch the relevant pack or FR tothecustomerand also report any network issues which thecustomercomplainsabout in his/her area.
FINS Airtel 2.0
Sales force automation app,to tracksecondarysales .
storeNavigator 8.0
Voyage Lab
In our daily routine, We, the Airtelusersoftenhave to visit an Airtel Store for various reasons like -PayBills,DoRecharge,Report a problem and so on..storeNavigator is an excellent Application - AninitiativeofAirtel - To guide Airtel Users to the nearest AirtelStore. Iftheuser wants he can also select a particular storeasanoption.The locations of all the stores are 100% accurateandcompanyverified.Thus - The users of this Application need not search theInternetanduse Google Map assistance for going to an AirtelStore.
Pay1 Distributor 4.7.9
An app designed for distributors to help them with alltheirbusiness needs.